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Everything posted by LoseYourvelf

  1. good one to sing a long to
  2. Nah it's a huge waste of time/value. It's just a trick/game You don't get to justify this guy by poking at capitalism
  3. My coherence isn't covered in spider webs, dust and moth balls
  4. Who's it feeding and insuring? Where does the economic value end up, in who's pocket mostly McDonald's have a gun to their head just so they can earn pennies compared to this guy's plan
  5. There's great money available to keep people miserable and stupid, trust me
  6. Doing 5meo isnt playing russian roulette with your brain lol come on
  7. Do you lack confidence in your own appearance chap? Just I think a lot of men even the less attractive ones manage to feel a different way to this, like should they, it could happen. Idk
  8. I will eat grains from any willing woman's palms like a good bunny
  9. I will make all the bad bitches fumble (when i feel like it)
  10. Absolutely fabulous take king! // ok sarcasm aside im disagreeing sir, notice plenty women with very low confidence/security/self esteem
  11. Hi Leo AI how much does the moon weigh
  12. The first is extraordinary 2nd is angelic and incredible af lmao also the sets/stages of these are real nice
  13. Frfr *oh wait i thought u said that's not a bad deal, that's gonna appreciate like crazy in value...
  14. All i know is sigils
  15. Honestly I don't know if this is schizo but I find other people very suspicious, like they're all in on something that I don't know about. Almost like they just couldn't/wouldn't be acting so chill/calm about things and not be reacting to things in the unique way I am! it's sussy baka ngl
  16. part of his 2024 campaign is appealing to the centre right crypto bros
  17. What if this is a compounding curve of 1:1 experience where you're only ever experiencing experiencing experiencing
  18. I'm redesigning my relationship with cannabis and you wouldn't believe why! Basically, I'm a video gamer and I feel like such a druggy/pathetic piece of shit when between rounds I need to ask my team to hold up while I go get my fix. I don't like this constantly staying high approach, I'd like to keep my tolerance more to where a hit of the weed will daze me out and relax me pretty well. I don't wanna be a weed tweaker anymore just a weed user, not a stoner. Something I can approach on certain evenings with a desire for escape, it was always escape for me after all, not just maintenance/function. Now detoxing from the weed is more so escapist! I'm not going to follow escapes believe it or not I have a goal and a plan for this life but learning how I use weed to escape and looking for a greater resolution for sober time/down time which is very important for all sorts, can't just be a spider-web cabinhead in the electric forest!
  19. is the forum breaking? this explains those constant outages