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Everything posted by LoseYourvelf

  1. Dating apps mostly go terrible but they can go so incredibly fucking well you WOULDN'T BELEIVE IT
  2. I was living such a dangerous lie
  3. The texts ones might get a bit Tweet-y but again when its all 8 hour vids its going the other way a bit lol leo ur OG 5meo vid is next level, respect, also the AL-LAD was the best ever take I've heard of my LSD experiences, and the martin ball 5meo one, he's cool af
  4. Just smoked sub break thru n,n. Not sure what to do with the intensity right now Felt like being invaded by a polymorphic alien colour demon
  5. Damn no need to crucify me like that the women been knowing to avoid me tho
  6. Is your mom available?
  7. Many many things like basically wanting to be appreciated and around women but then fearing kind of the risks and intimacy of sex and the approach... Also fear of commitment
  8. Ever considered we want completely different things from women too? holding down a wholesome relationship is one thing but as a young man i wanna be able to be friends with women without wanting to sleep with them and shit ill report back if i manage this but its gonna be revolutionairy if i do
  9. ^Like water over a ducks back case/point, thanks jav
  10. I appreciate this black pill
  11. No good no good Also seem to pay for it more than I benefit from the roll but rolling does have a psychedelia/altered perspective to it that's beautiful
  12. When you see an animal immersed in only its instinct, that's how a man should be. When a man is sitting around humming and haring about what others think, that is not masculine
  13. Stop this bs, you can't experience someone else's perspective. You literally posted this is a spirituality forum lmfao Consider this, you can't make the impossible happen Consider this, you have two legs and a brain Consider this too, you have never experienced another perspective and you will die not having experienced a perspective but your own I might not have enough to talk about to make a decent topical post but at least I'm not spending decent chunks of my day in pure logical fallacy, justifying making a thread out of this nonsense "1=1, A=A is awakening" is pure meaningless waffle, it's as good as what a street guru in asian would give you to earn their passing. To think this could be a valuable forum. You're more interested in referring to the impossible than resting/leaning on the hard comeuppance of your experience No cheat codes, one life to test you
  14. Incredible
  15. Emasculation attempt in plain sight
  16. Hi Jessica just replying to your thread here You have a storage of black beans trapped in your skull/head. You just need to release them back into the wild
  17. but isnt colour already just a pretense of thought
  18. Let's see a break down of that
  19. Wow you Actually unlocked a perfect night-city event here Grats, it's extremely rare and most players won't unlock the possibility to even see this event until level 25, then it's still a very low spawn rate. It looks like you got the Wet-zone modifier too, which is one of the favoured prefixes for this kind of event