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About LoseYourvelf

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  • Birthday 02/12/1997

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  1. This is my last post here. Leo you do not care if other people hurt themselves, in fact if it comes in the way of your philosophical ideas you're more than willing to imply they should kill themselves or hurt themselves severely. You have a video on youtube where you literally say "have you ever put a gun to your head?". You are not enlightened or awake and no one else is here Please delete my account/postings here as courtesy You're all self claimed self help guru pieces of shit and you haven't lifted a finger towards the greater good yet in your lives. This is a place of hypocrisy and lies. Show u have the respect to delete my account/postings
  2. I loved this guy's telling of it, made them out like real badasses, cowboy philosophers, I watched on 1.75 (seemed perfect). I have never touched the one I'm certain but I'm pretty sure I've had a direct Nous experience from a Leo vid. It also made me recognise the kind of psychedelic process is pretty much separate from philosophy and that also could lead me to understand why Leo is so picky with which psychs he likes, it's cos it's for his philosophical work. Psychedelic healing is like bottom of the barrel here, I get it. If you're trying to go deep however, they're good Come on guys throw me a bone, what's your thoughts? Care to shoot a shot at trying to define the one? Is solipsism Leo's interpretation of the one or more so the Nous? Plotinus's cancelling out contradiction method is a good one he was real good at that
  3. Ill debate bro, ill just strawman the whole thing edit, ill bring a blank clipboard and stare into it profusely while thinking of the next strawman (yes im a robot beep boop)
  4. Me too, me too Also pretty into pirates
  5. Me too so I wonder what he meant because I've always been on the dirty end of the pole, if it's relative to infinite potential vs what has been we're talking like HELL. He means we're in hell
  6. "My father he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark" "The sort of general malaise that only the genius posses and the insane lament" "At the age of 12, I received my first scribe. At the age of 14, a Zoroastrian named Vilmer ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum — it's breathtaking... I suggest you try it." this shit gonna make me shave my balls i swear fam crying laughing emoji Actualized.org shave their balls day 27th December. Get it done. I watched austin powers refusely as a bean
  7. I like him a lot
  8. My favourite musical act is King Gizzard
  9. Power of Now is a no brainer, love to see it
  10. This is a little more insight than I'm typically willing to give but I've had a drink tonight so... The most profound philosophical quote I know is by Alan Watts, it will explain 95% of your troubles. "The west has materially captured the east and the east has spiritually captured the west" There u go, that's it
  11. I like Jools Holland old interviews of rockstars/hit wonders a lot he'd sit down and get em going personally, really well. I also like all of Frank Zappa's tv interviews edit, also catch some Lou Reed interviews