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Everything posted by Jowblob

  1. @OBEler Yes try it, if you witness an material object having another form / the object is replaced by another form and is stable , indistinguishable from illussion/reality. Try to make a picture of it. For example: The chair in your room, suddenly has another stable form of an chair and it looks just as real as the chair from your present reality. Try to make a picture of it
  2. I could do the same when i was left brain dominant and could make them go both directions. But now it seems impossible for some reason @integral i know what you mean, it goes to right/left for a short time and all the time. Had this experience before. I think in non duality when your mind has more control it doesn't matter, because your mind will control how she moves.
  3. @OBEler If you've done LSD or meditated for a long time, people will always describe this 1st level of reality change that appears wavy/dreamy/non dual state. The non dual state represents consciousness/God to some level, which means God is experiences/appearances/hallucinations itself. When i was in state of consciousness/mind that i could drink milk forever without the glass getting empty, do you think technical devices should also "work properly". Ofcourse not!! Because your mind starts recognizing itself as consciousness = "no stability" , so if you would look in the mirror and your face is changing that is just your current mind commanding for new apperances to happen in consciousness. Watch this short clip, the girl talking on the laptop. First you watch her as being in the "movie", but ones your mind loses "stability and becomes fluid" you will witness that you're the one creating the reality all around you and suddenly she/you speaks to yourself.
  4. @An young being Again a bunch of nonsense, do you realize your current reality is also a "delusion/hallucination"? Or are you denying that? I don't know what you consider the "hard" rules of reality, but there's a lot of things that you can change and experience yourself at a cost of not having "others". Let me tell you that the "ego" or "i" or the witness will mostly always be there, what will change is your understanding and the level of your mind , the "you" doesn't change. So don't be shook, ones you realize what you were doing to yourself and that you were always there.
  5. I know and i have experienced this, the memory is experience itself and is always there. The more you raise yourself, the more memory/intelligence/understanding unlocks. Usually in these states you can't really change anything, because you realize everything is already perfect. Dumb/smart/enlightened versions of yourself are being taken care of by yourself, meaning you can't really change much because it will affect all other future/past versions of yourself. So in a sense , reality is just "IS"
  6. You're not pointing me anywhere, because you don't know from which level of mind i'm speaking to you. Like i've said you're still thinking with your linear materialistic mind, and that is because you didn't have enough awakenings/realizations yet. You're one of the guys that thinks "the car just breaks" , that "god just breaks" . Let me tell ya, ones you becomes realized enough your car will never break.
  7. Yeah for sure, suddenly a software/hardware bug occured after years and exactly during my trip/in the trip. I think you should go trip more because you have no clue or idea what God is, and because of this i am in belief now that your trip "embodying christ consciousness" was a bunch of imaginary nonsense that you have written up, because it didn't help you in anyway to unlock or improve your mind.
  8. @shreeDid you even read what i've said, i have this phone for years and it never happend. Only during the trip/reality deconstruction!!! Your message is an indication how clueless you are about reality to be honest. You're still thinking with your linear materialistic mind. So your "embodying christ consciousness trip" was of no help to you i guess
  9. From my previous experience 11:11 usually means, you're on the right path/confirmation/change is coming
  10. I think you were "allowed" is because there is was no difference from your real reality, and the reality in higher state. If you're so conscious that you notice for example that in your new "reality" a building has different window color or something is hanging from it or the building suddenly has an antenna that just looks as normal as in your "real reality" then i think you won't be allowed to record. Most things that people see are imaginary that takeform or shape or materialization that you can clearly see is imaginary. But when you clearly notice that a building has a different window or an object isn't supossed to be there , then this is clearly a different story. And don't say "i wouldn't give it much thought anyway" , beause this response is what "god" would say to keep himself deluded in the dream And that's what you're actually doing right now.
  11. First time i tried LSD 100mcg LSD-p1 , i got so many visuals. Everything was flowing, sight got better, more colors, objects materialized to a more beautiful state. Everything looked like a dream/flowing state. I had no expectations and didn't know what consciousness was at that time, so i was seeing this from a pure mind. 2nd 3d trip also got visuals but in a different way, noticed that to get visuals you have to raise the consciousness of the room/universe, meaning you have to let go and try to raise vibrations. 4th-5th solo trip, almost no visuals. It was pretty much insanity at this point, could do many things on command like going to a mirror and commanding a face change, or making an object appear good/bad etc. I think the more you ground yourself in LSD state the less visuals you will have. Also you have to remember is that we basically have no will, it's up to your higher "self" to show you a certain aspect of reality
  12. I think we have all read so many stories or trip reports, or stories from @Leo Gura . That they entered the highest state of consciousness or Christ consciousness or however you want to name it. Yet they're always describing that it's lonely there, and i've experienced this loneliness myself. Notice that they're always here, and are not going anywhere. #explanation again People that used substances like 5 meo dmt or lsd or their own mind and write reports about it, reach this unified field/knowingness become enlightened but always fragment themselves back to lower states of mind because of "loneliness" . Notice that these people are always in your dream, but you yourself have no or have never seen information how to operate in this "field of consciousness" or the knowingness of it. It's is either 1. They don't know how to operate in that state, feel loneliness and always come back. Which is highly unlikely or 2. They're fragments from past/future experiences that are happening now in your dream. I have witnessed the same pre recorded live video "loop pattern story" on LSD 3 months apart. Which means past/future fragments/happenings that happend can be viewed "now". They don't go anywhere. This is evidence/proof, that we're all stuck in this time loop and in this dream. #more explanation I have witnessed the same live video on youtube on lsd 3 months apart, the live video had same view count and same youtube comments, and i knew exactly on which comment the youtube video will end. Meaning that there are no past/future experiences, it's actually happening "now" . Your mind takes or rolls the consciousness fragments/experiences from within the infinite now and just loops them back to you. Meaning you're talking with your previous versions or versions within this consciousness/unified field, sometimes it can be a loop meaning it already happend or sometimes it might be an actual conversation. So essentially others do/did exist, but they were/are all you. And you're playing this game, is because you are always giving up your highest state - MEANING NOBODY KNOWS HOW TO OPERATE IN IT, THAT'S WHY YOU ONLY SEE THE SAME KIND OF TRIP REPORTS MIND BLOWN There needs to be someone , that explains how to operate in this unified field , to go to others realms, witness other worlds etc. But there is never "someone" , Notice that the different "world" experiences always happen under "DMT" or in your own "mind". #explanation again. (There is never someone here in your waking dream/life that knows how to operate in the unified field or the knowingness of yourself as god so you can go to astral plane or another plane of existence/dimension from this knowingness/unified field. Different realms/planes/beings/existence always happen in your own mind or under influence of nn-DMT for example , think of machine elves etc.) It's all in your own mind/comes from within your mind. And when i stopped my heart, i saw that "GOD" is trapped in its own "mind" in nothingness forever.
  13. Big respect for your courageousness, i think all members should learn from this braveness. Walking in the streets while being in such a state is mind blowing.
  14. This is not how it works, the self decides. My grandma is on the brink of death, but the self made it so that i don't have any access to her for 2 years. So i can't give her LSD or 5 meo dmt. Can you believe it? This is the power of self It is the self creating and experiencing everything. It is the self „thinking“ when it has taken lsd for example that it is a higher state. It is the self in the natural state have all the experiences that there are in the natural state
  15. @LordFall I tried to explain you can read it again
  16. I will ask the question that gets never asked on behalf of all members and god, if you become christ like and like god then why you can't choose another dream or better reality but you always come back to your human self. I think LSD and 5 meo - dmt are controlled substances and still part of duality to be honest. Just as you're witnessing a movie from your eyes, these substances send another movie to your eyes. The reason i say these things is because i have experienced far more powerfull and greater energies from my heart chakra then i ever had on LSD or mdma. So it seems to me that these substances are like a training tools part of duality.
  17. Indeed, you all should watch your words. Everything is god, guru is god. When the time comes to be saved , you're gonna be begging
  18. So there is this master called "Dan" at Kriya Yoga school, and he said that his guru met my teachers guru in meditation to learn yoga in himalayas. He posted some videos/ miracles of him "healing" people through consciousness . Check out the interview, as this guy is pretty much a miracle that abides in higher states of consciousness. And check out the 2 videos, where he's healing 2 people . He has been doing meditation for like 20 years+ Jowblob: Dan when you go to bed and sleep, do you still see the blackness when you close your eyes and try to sleep? Because i have experienced a state of consciousness where it isnt possible to sleep as it just becomes a construct, when i closed my eyes there were only visions/dreams etc. and it wasnt possible to become unconscious Dan: when I go to sleep and close my eyes often times there is light. More than with my eyes open in the dark. Dan: I just got used to the light Jowblob:So when you go to bed and close your eyes, you just abide in that light and actually don't sleep or become unconscious and after some time for example 7 hours you wake up but didn't actually sleep? Dan:thank you Vladimir. I don’t considered my self different than anybody else. I see the same potential and more in all beings. Dan: Sometimes I sleep. And sometimes just the body sleeps. And That „consciousness“ that I am is just awake. Just there. When I am awake sleeping I know what is going on around me. For example what my wife was saying to my son or what was running on tv etc.. Jowblob: Is it true that other planes of existence exist like astral realm/causal plane where you can abide/live like on earth for example, or it's just part of imagination and there is only "now" and "you". Dan: Yeah that takes people sometimes a lot to understand. When we go for non dual teachings they strip everything away from you. So only you are left and that is true. But it is done for a reason. It does not mean that phenomena and other planets planes of exist. Everything you can imagine exists and more. But when you realize the Selft you can approach all with thatvunderstanding of oneness. Dan: See astral travel and such are skills. Like riding a bike. Do you need it? No. Is it nice. Yes. But the skills won’t give you self realization. Jowblob:How does manifestation of physical body (and earthly kingdom) happen, when all there is only "consciousness/awareness" Dan: The truth is that is is a mystery. That what we are is intelligent. It does that. All that. But you can check out this video. It kind of deceives the process for a human soul. What we are is consciousness. It breaks itself down that’s all. Just to come back again. All this coming and going is illusion. But just to paint a picture here. Dan: For my understanding it is a mystery. And that is the beauty. The video describes the process for a human soul. I think it is similar with everything else. Jowblob: Is it possible for "God or an ascended master" to just come for example "to your or my present reality" to interact with the "lower selves" and show powers like happend with haidakhan babaji. Or God/ascended masters can't do that because each being in their own reality has its own "freedom and will"? Jowblob: don't answer this question please Jowblob: I almost lost my breath Dan: Ok Jowblob I'm not ready Jowblob: Thank you Jowblob: I'm almost crying Dan: Take some rest when you need it 🙏🏼 @Leo Gura @Razard86 @OBEler @Arthogaan @Vibes @Breakingthewall
  19. I felt like i was becoming more and more conscious then started losing air, i paniced and then i wrote him to not answer. After this incident he went off, and i noticed a pixel in my monitor like it had a broke pixel and it started moving around a bit. Then i waved at it and it dissapeared @OBEler
  20. Wanted to do kriya yoga in a while , and behold i'm initiated. Still can't comprehend what's the point of all that work to initialize an experience when you can just take LSD and surrender to an experience. Isn't Kriya Yoga just a science based on belief? Or is our avatar build on these chakras. Anyone has any experience with Kriya Yoga? After knowing what lsd can do, i feel like Kriya Yoga is just a waste of time...
  21. You don't understand, Christianity has nothing to do with God. It's just a path, and all religions are paths. It's all the same, read my message above. You don't blasphamy the spirit or God because when you start awakening and are shown the truths don't fight it because you will fight yourself. It's all about your own purity, and purifying yourself
  22. This, basically if you keep denying spirit or fighting against it as ego you're denying your own salvation. I actually had an awakening last night about it in my dream. I saw myself in a dream house/school with a bully that used to bully me, in the dream he apologised and i accepted and we hugged. It was god himself/myself asking myself for understanding and forgiveness since there is only you. And at the end of the dream i saw this God state, i was in this god state before on LSD,
  23. And you have to remember, if you're eternal/infinity and they always say "happiness is within you or Happiness can only be found in the eternal/god". Yet at the highest levels i deconstructed why it is being "said" , and the reason was: It is your own mind/will to escape your eternal always awakened mind. That's why you're putting all these constructs on yourself like dumbing yourself down, sleep / time etc. Yet it isn';t enough to "not exist" since you're eternal mind Even an ascended master said , Buddha: the middle path is the best. Meaning you will never escape your own suffering. I know it was for earth. But trust me at these level of consciousness, you can access god/spiritual planes etc. So he knows what's up.