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Everything posted by Jowblob

  1. @Sugarcoat This state in the picture is actually stable, you have a body there. I was seeing myself there and i would imagine standing in an akashic dome, it's like you're actually physically standing there. Then i'm getting all the knowingness answers from there, so for example if you would ask me a question the thought would arrive from there and give you answer. It's a form of god realization state. Most states that people are experiencing like seeing white light are imaginary/mystical experiences from within infinity and don't hold any god realization value (doesn't have the stability/freedom)
  2. @Sugarcoat Matterer of fact when you witness this inner state, you will see that it's mostly made out of "spiritual white" It's like a spirit see through white and most things are made out of it Something like this, i put a red cube around it
  3. Ofcourse, white is the color of cleanliness= God is cleanliness= purity. The inner/knowingness state within you is very pure and peacefull a quality of god.
  4. Yup i'm like so excited and wonder how the full outfit will look like once i put enough time and work into it to make it perfect. I think people are gonna look haha
  5. Not how it works, we're still bound by earthly nm spectrum and rules. @Keryo Koffa @Sugarcoat Yes if on earth, essentially it will spread back all the sunlight that hits it. So if you would put a sun lens/mirror on it that would melt things it wouldn't get hot but just reflect the same brightness back. When i put the shirt outside i was a bit shocked by how bright it got, i thought i was in another state of consciousness or something. And the first thought that came in was: I wonder if others would be able to see what i see? Felt a bit like a dream or something.
  6. I want to burn them 😈 @Sugarcoat haha true, i'm gonna make the brightest shoes/pants/shirt in the world and walk outside, if my calculations are correct it can reflect 99-100% sunlight
  7. Consciousness or god is experience itself, memory comes from the experience. By experiencing itself in new ways, new ideas are created. Where most people go wrong is thinking that god is nothingness, god is in fact not nothingness. You're an awareness stuck/conscious in nothingness/void . And you question why this is, to escape your situation you give up your true reality and dream. This is why nobody will be ever in control, because the only control you have is witnessing yourself in the void
  8. @Leo Gura @Yali You can say that each person has its own level of sentience/consciousness/genetics , but where you go wrong is thinking it's only about these aspects. There are initiations/masters that can raise your consciousness easily, when i met a kriya yoga teacher. I got into an LSD state (energetically simillarily like feeling unity more) then my chakra's started opening up etc. But it wasn't right time for me, so they're closed now.
  9. 1. You feel love during the act for eachother. Just like lovers do. 2. Love starts to feel more intense, you start feeling like you're fucking your sister/mother, but you can't really stop because it feels good and you're close to orgasm. 3. You realize it's like you're fucking yourself and have an orgasm killing the 'illusionary ego of the 'other'. Because of your intense love/energy release. (You don't see the dead body) just a symbol for your own god realization How do i know? I had an experience with clinical psychologist during an interview, and my vibration/love was rising drastically because i needed to pass this to understand the meaning of life. She started walking towards me with love and i blacked out for 1 sec, as the love i was projecting got back to me. Then the love turned into intense pain because it was human bodies limit. Then she got shocked/scared from this pain and walked away. Also when i stopped my heart, the love/vibration i felt while looking into the void kills universes that's how powerfull it is. So love is pretty much the frequency that allows you to operate in a certain way. By rising your love you raise in frequency/consciousness. There was also a scene in some jesus movie that i've seen a long time ago, jesus had sex with a lady and he killed her/she dissapeared. I also noticed in another state of consciousness when i was with my friend , is that when i went inside of myself where i could find light/intelligence/purity/serenity and while being inside my mind it was like my friend paused, meaning no sound ever came from him, only when i came back out of my mind. So it's like when you're in samadhi no1 or nothing can touch you and you also can't hear anything from where your ego is.
  10. Haha great, and great editing skills. Much love
  11. Do you guys remember when i made a trip report 1 year ago, where i fell asleep on LSD and woke up in a new reality/dimension. In my thread/posts from the past you can see i've mentioned that in this new reality my neighbours house had windows (when they actually don't) and there was a white teddybear hanging out of it. When my neighbours houses never have had windows ( i live here 4 years) . In this new reality it was obvious that everything was god/mind. Well guess what? In my current present reality, suddenly my neighbours house has windows. Pictures of my posts and neighbours house below. This explain mandela effect, it's just your own mind (gods mind) creating reality and your ego lives in this limited memory creation we call life. You can look at it as a tiny memory pixel your ego lives in and holds onto.
  12. So recently i deconstructed how LSD works. 1. I went to bed and fell asleep 2. The start of me viewing my sleeping dream started at exactly the same time i took LSD as my ego/parallel self in another dimension/dream. This ego/another version of myself was still living in my previous country in my grandma's house with my mom, in different life circumstances. 3. Notice, that me viewing the dream of my parallel ego/self started at exactly the time when my parallel ego took "LSD" . Meaning higher consciousness/Higher self/ Awareness as myself entered the dream of this parallel ego self, meaning it's like God/another awareness entering a human dream. 4. 10 seconds after i entered the dream of my parallel self as "viewing awareness" , the window shutters materialized in the house on the windows and instantly slammed shut. This was a sign that i made my presence known but also because of bad enviroment i was in as awareness, this was a sign that the ego in the parallel world knew that his reality entered LSD state/higher consciousness state. 5. Window shutters slammed shut and it scared the ego so hard, the ego ran in fear to another version of my mom laying in bed with her, it lied in bed with his mom and wanted the lsd to stop and go back to normal. I was viewing/looking at this ego from above, realizing that the reason this all is happening is because the ego is creating its own reality by itself because "ME AS AWARENESS/EGO ARE BECOMING ONE" THIS IS WHY INTENTION/GOOD PLACE/CIRCUMSTANCES ARE SO IMPORTANT!!! BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY YOU CALLING UPON GOD/your higher self. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD PLACE UTMOST IMPORTANCE ON THESE THINGS WHEN YOU TAKE LSD: PERFECT/CLEAN ENVIROMENT , ENERGETICALLY CLEAN ENVIROMENT, DON'T CALL UPON GOD WHEN YOU'RE NOT FEELING WELL. AFTER INGESTING LSD SIT IN PRAYER POSITION DURING TRANSITION AND 30MIN AFTER TRANSITION.. tHIS IS ALL YOU MAKING YOURSELF READY FOR GOD TO RESIDE IN CLEANLINESS/PURITY AND GOOD ENVIROMENT, MEANING YOUR EXPERIENCE WILL BE MUCH BETTER.
  13. @LifeEnjoyer Yes, it's a good way to awaken or break the reality you're in. It's like a form of god realization, after this experience it was very hard to come back and i threw everything away. I have experienced many things since then without the usage of any drug, basically breaking the limits of my own mind naturally and experiencing miracles or higher energies/chakras etc. If i would do it again, i would make sure i don't have a job and i would live in some cost free place that is paid and alone by myself like owning a house/tinyhouse/camper. And make sure my costs of living are nominal/non existent. All these things would place less stress and more surrendering on me, making me explore that state even more. So if i would win a lottery, i would definitally in the future do this again. The only problem about that state, is that it felt very eternal and like the game has stopped and that it was over. Just imagine , i'm standing outside in my yard and i can literally control how things can look like. I'm standing and i hear the same dove making the same sound, i'm like wtf why is it exactly the same every time? Then i look up, and i hear this dove flapping its wings and making dove sound flying above my head. In like replay motion. Meaning it played for like 5-10 sec. Then after 1 minute it replied again like a loop. And it kept happening. I was literally like some god, breaking time/reality/constructs.
  14. Be careful from the stories that i've heard. like the man living for 30 years another life and being conscious there. This story makes it seem like salvia has samadhi qualities, which basically can make you experience another dream for 30 years or thousands of years etc. Remember consciousness doesn't know what time is. Imagine if you become trapped in some human hell reality
  15. @Keryo Koffa Yeah i know, and the windows got placed at the exact same place as i saw them in another dimension before they appeared. I know i'm creating all this, since my own ego mind is GOD playing in a seperate reality that is my own. I'm at a current stage of consciousness/realization that i sometimes create my own miracles with intention using my imagination/mind. You can send me a pm for stories and if you want to know how
  16. My neighbours house had windows and there was a teddybear hanging out of the window when i woke up in a new reality/dimension when i fell asleep on LSD. I deconstructed reality in nothingness and woke up in a new dimension reality where my neighbourse house had windows when they actually didn't have windows before. And now in my present/stable reality they suddenly have windows that can be opened, when they never did. Basically it was always like this
  17. Write what you see and experience here
  18. So quick story short, Summary - Had so much stomach pain,decided to take 100mcg lsd p1 to stop the pain, because i knew in higher states of mind there is no pain. - Fell asleep - Deconstructed reality in my mind in nothingness, with this realization/knowing i woke up - Reality was different, my mind was controlling a lot of things. -feet, hands are perfect/devine , on every thing that i stepped changed with some energy patterns - Reality was changed and stable, for example my neighbours house had a white big teddybear hanging out of the window, when they (can't ) even open this window. It was built perfectly, no difference between real/unreal. - Decided to take my phone to make a picture, for some reason it was saying battery is low. - DECIDED TO PLUG IT IN TO RECHARGE, SAYS "YOUR PHONE IS TOO WET" CAN'T RECHARGE. And i never have had this error message before. So my request on behalf of all members is for @Leo Gura , to pin this thread. So we can research this topic further, and for members to try to make a "picture" in higher states of mind/consciousness. You can make a picture from your new realiy for example when you have noticed, that it is not actually in your reality like with the window thing.
  19. Stop fear mongering about trump in your blogs or posts, life is dream. You have a dement person as a U.S president, that says enough about people that are living in your country. It's either him or trump, deal with it. And as far trump, i can see that he is reasonably conscious/aware person.
  20. It is simple, the state he was in wasn't extraordinary and his purpose/will was to record himself watching his hands in non duality (if he was even in non duality ) so that's totally different then my purpose was. If he would be in a new reality like i was, where you don't see the difference between real/hallucination and new objects being stable just as in this reality he wouldn't be able to record. I think the reason for this like others have mentioned has to do with protecting his ego, or getting back to his normal reality with his ego just how it previously was. Having a picture from other reality might be dangerous/self harming
  21. @Carl-RichardPerhaps this picture can give you a better understanding, the only freewill we have is the freewill god is giving us or ascension to higher levels of mind. The ego is nothing more then a gods tool to experience life at certain understandings, the idea's that ego might produce is only used by god to create. Ego creates nothing. Just to give you an example, if i would describe myself i'm at stage 3E. I have life force/ecstasy running through my body at certain times, i can balance heal/chakra's. And i don't claim this as "mine" it is god doing it through me. I have these abillities right now, and when you have it and feel the life force/ecstasy running through your workday you will have more empathy for others, because you understand and they don't. It's all a blessing by god, don't think your ego or your ego mind is giving you all this.
  22. @Carl-Richard Be careful with your words. Don't try to ascribe your pathetic psychological views on consciousness. Ultimately it is all happening in your imagination. It is all consciousness manifesting itself as everything all at once. And everybody has their own story. Does it matter for your story? Maybe yes. We should just not be ignorant to the story of others. Because it‘s also true and part of your story
  23. I want to learn meditation, specially kriya yoga. Anyone knows good books?
  24. So i remember in the past before i even knew about spirituality/psychedelics/psychology/getting into godly states/non duality etc. , i was left brain dominant. I did these tests many times, and i was always left brain dominant. Now i did the same test again, because i saw it again on facebook and i was right brain dominant. Then i look the difference between being left and right brain dominant, left brain dominant= materialistic brain , right brain dominant = more consciousness/god based brain. Do these short tests for yourself and find out. 1# 2#