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Everything posted by 8gates

  1. If others dont xp pain pleasure. Why not save all the s100 earning and buy lambos and sugar babies etc? 1) we have no direct xp,proof that others dont xp pain/pleasure lr that reincarnstion is real and well have to xp their lives at some point 2)ims mal.d was all -19 at school. Ie-cap bars ,s100, pale,57+ etc. Never mal.d about sugarbabies and lambos. 3) on the 50/50 chance orange is real ,why not get all the excitement (that is usually distributed in small portions in most peoples lives) at once after 40+ p10mins through amphetas ,30 day violent nonstop binge? -no chance of hurting p etc and 10mins -excitement(stupa) makes one innfective as well.mighy as well get the excitement fix at once as it will never be enough and is constant want in life that cannot be quneched
  2. Why not pursue turq from 21+? Because of the offchance orange or reincarnation is true. Either way what difference will it make? Why not pursue turq after 40+ when p(ud) have 10minutes ,12% is no longer possible etc Either way if turq (all 0thers are dream cs is true) what is there to do? Force tickle? Jt will keep on coming back again The only way to stop tickle want is to s10mins to godhead. Therefore follow 8gates expressing self etiquette 12 % ,s100 path till 40+ and p10mins. If forceful tickle desire appears remind self -tickle desire can never be quenched -once 40+ god realization is done. We will s10mins and Create a new world called heaven And if the forceful tickle desire is still there then we will forcefully tickle for 10 years straight -if orange turns out to be true then just s10mins. Might as well save innocent people the trouble without ruining their lives.similar to telling im he has forcefully tickled for 1000 years but forgot about it.
  3. If turq is true.ie-all others are just like dream characters without the abiltity to suffer or feel pleasure or have thoughts Why not force tickle etc? -the question is why force tickle? The dream itself has proved that tickling want is a constant just like food addiction and can never be quenched.might as well nf if the desire is so strong. Also im has no proof (ie-direct xp turq is true). Just what leo has told him.he might as well believe allah is real.
  4. "Nice guys" who give lots of money to ☆gs etc are selfish. There are many helpless orph gs in the world who cant work yet they give their earning to Ws who can work in hopes of selfish-1) tickle want 2)attentive want They arent nobel.just selfish. "Nice guys" would never give those earnings to a unhealthy g (boilsburntmarimarq) and probaby cant even be bothered to go vegan
  5. Im working for a 5years + not donating to animorphs gs can definitely get gs. Even 10/10s tickles. But it requires being selfish(tats,kevs). Whats the point when its not what im wants to see? (Ie-narckohumes presence etc) + 10/10s should have small ones. Sure most ms are not upto the standard required to have a small one but still NEIGHTER IS IM. there are more people willing to have smallones than not.let them.its more loving No matter what. The continuation of generations up the spiral is inevitable.let someone (atm,narckohumes who can give small ones a better oppurtuinity to integrate orange through selfish rom have small ones( who will cause anim harm/tumor)
  6. Due to uobringing,exposure to ideas etc narcohumesvabaj might not have atoms in their brain colliding in such a way as to make them want to s10mins for the sake of the anims,nonveg,+tumorharm to others. Let them produce the next higher consiouse generation that will go on to oneday solve the problem of wild anim suffering. Most others want smallones so let them have ☆gs Also narcohumes have better gens(57+,paler etc) -im has never come across anyone wanting to s10mins out of love for anims/others. All s10mins im has seen were done out of selfishness. -there isnt much of a worry about not producing a higher consiouse generation. Apparently very few are antinatalists. Im has never come across someone talking about s10mins for the benefit of anims,prevention of tumor harm. Famdom will be better of without is invalid though.anyone with a fam who s10mins can be considered selfish due to-soci backlash etc Only excuse if fam tickleabused.literally only nonselfish reason to s10mins if one has a fam. Demanding effort,tatbeatdowns,scoldings etc are definitely not a reason Emo abusive is very subjective and relative.
  7. In the real world. Not ims mal.d In order to give ☆g + smallones a proud,happy life filled with laughs the ☆m must be relatively unloving to anims etc Eg-tat-all his ☆gs laugh,drive supercars,EAT STEAK IN DELICIOUS RESTAURANTS. If tat is unloving then the tickle is not nakedm tickle(no cudds snuggs etc)But very similar to non enthusiastic prost tickle EG-IN THE OLDEN ERA IN ORDER FOR ☆G +small ones to be happy the ☆m had to hunt deer who couldnt defend themselves (being unloving to the deer) Dont be unloving to get a ☆g. Especially since im does not have the ideal features (nonpale,57 ,no capbars). Be loving and let james potter,mufasa,thor,NARC KO HUMES (AVABAJ) MAKE ☆G AS HAPPY AS POSSIBLE. gS will be happier sharing jamespotter,mufasa,narcohumes than with snape,im
  8. If im has ever broken etiquette with anyone then all non golden ruley actions by them are a must.they must treat im without following the golden rule. Eg-um,z,avabmills etc ,ud ,um
  9. connecting definitely 100/100 possible. But why? Postpone s10mins/ non veg harm/tumor insane possibility/no ethical consumption under capitalism etc. Not out of L but rom(ie-selfish desire to satisfy phys/attention direction wants)
  10. Hello guys.im new here and this is my first post.im a big fan of actualized. I was wondering if the lower consiouse someone is the easier it is for them to be materialistically succesful (eg-women,money,power etc) Eg-take trump for example.leo has said in videos that trump is stage reddish. Yet he has millions of dollars,has dated multiple model calibre women and has alot of power(literally was probably the most powerful man in the world as potus). Another example is this guy Whenever someone critisizes this guy on twitter he wastes no time before bringing the critisizers entire family into the situation.i remember in one video of his(which is deleted on yt now)he said hes proud of that one of the girls he dumped got plastic surgery because he refused to have sex with her. I assume hes stage red or orange Is there something to the idea that the lower consious you are the easier it is for you to accumilate materialistic things? Edit-guys is there a relationship between intelligence and consiousness?the 2nd guy was a chess champion at one point and seems to be quite smart. Is it possible to be highly intelligent but still unloving,unconsious and hurt others?
  11. Hello guys! I was wondering if there is any significant relationship between someones iq and there lovingness,consious. It seemsme that there is not much relationship between how loving someone is and there iq For example Serial killer Ted bundy had a relatively high iq of 136. On average doctors are supposed to have a relatively high iq of 125. this doctor is considered to be one of the worst serial killers in modern history. the nazi josef mengel (whom even the nazis considered to be too cruel and extreme) was a reknowned and well respected physician. Highly qualified scientists/doctors apparantly had no problem hurting innocent people in unit 731. Would you agree with me that it is possible to have a very high iq but still be unloving,cruel and low consiouse?
  12. Marraige /romance and slavery seem similar. Love -the desire to maximize all sentient beings happiness marraige-social convention formed by men to ensure that their wife selfishly stays with them and lessens the probability of them raising another mans child. By women to ensure that the mans resources go to her/children to ensure their selfish survival. PURE SURVIVAL/SELFISHNESS eg-trinity,icetruck,D its possible to be loving and not married eg-ramana
  13. 1.55-3.10 4.02-500 7.53-8.45 45.55-46 ☆gs are happy sharing one NARCOKOHOMES ,Than having one ephialtes kodaline to themselves. Love-desire to maximize others pleasure -Love is not the need to keep ☆g with oneself at all costs to fulfill physical and attentive(instead of s100) wants. Inevitable s10mins is the best thing approx 80% of these unhealthy ms can do. Let ☆gs be maximally as happy as possible with james potter,NARCOHOMES.
  14. Pain s pain is inevitable pain of 10mins-30min max or pain of 20+ years while also causing non veg harm and potential insane and tumor harm to others? infact s10mins is probably the less painful of the two when long term psychological pain is taken into account eg-umams,bash,d(imt)
  15. S100/100 contacts? -Dont worry about.maintain etiquette.max s100/100 -selfishly? Doesnt affect desired xp.still diafar,brown,57 +nocapsbars,s100(9a,4a)=no small ones+no s10mins immoral for ☆g to connect with im due to ims 10mins. ???-only selfish desire 1)12%ABB cheapest P 2)40+ shotg/amphetas (no need to care about contacts for that)+ Rope is preferable due to djmom,veg,mos+secret7 retribution MuslimI s redeption
  16. DONT BE UMAMS.RESPECT OTHERS TIME. ☀️☀️you cannot ask (even gently) for someone to be with you. Amphetas(40+ excitement, s100/100 is the solution) NARCOKOHOMESAVAB spend time elsewhere/wothers/forget bday -Dont throw selfish hissy fit -wishing on bdays mandatory -do not nag them.only contact on bdays -do not think of people as individuals(not even gs/ms) .just pot cuddle buds.whenever thinking of someone only think if they have asked you for help Avabboysmillsshansamaan-same as all other cuddle buds -dont worry about not contacting anyone.1460 days+reputation of contacting only on bdays.NOTHING PERSONNEL ?‍?‍?‍??‍♀️?‍?‍???‍?‍?‍??‍?‍??‍♀️??‍?‍?‍??‍?‍???‍?‍?‍??‍?‍?ESPECIALLY ☆JAMES POTTER,JACK,NARCOMOHOMES ARE BUSY MAXIMIZING ☆GS HAPPINESS(LOVE)?‍?‍?‍??‍♀️?‍?‍???❤?????‍?‍??‍?‍?‍??‍♀️??‍?‍??‍♀️?‍?‍?‍? LEAVE THEM ALONE.LET THEM BE HAPPY TICKLE-NF,2gates@40+=prosts PEACE-S100 EXCITEMENT-40+ AMPHETAS,30DAY BINGE
  17. Most ☆gs want smalls. And ALL healthy ☆gs should have smalls. Every healthy small new generation increases in consiousness. Going onto care more about veg.until finally deciding to stop anim veg pain. +×+the best predictor of having healthy small is a having a healthy ☆G/M Eg-aj=tab gy=gish ☀️?☀️this means im SHOULD/IS never going to have a healthy ☆g.
  18. When analyzing others 1)use letterman Otherwise analyzing is meaningless.anyone with a halo can get away with anything.this DOESNT TEACH US HOW TO MAXIMIZE HALO THOUGH. If the answer is anything works.then etiquette must work equally well 2)ask self if what other has seen is worth unlovingness,harm Mal.d impulse is proof ☆gs/hangouts are not needed for excitement Peace -s100/100
  19. So then will avab tat get all ☆g? Nope.every m faces random narckhomes problems as well Nazhad,asiri,ruchika,canute,koojana,harsha,oliver,madebydini,eboys,shenal
  20. 1

    Lack of amphetamines/drugs/excitement on path 1) redemption for djs mom,nonveg,sasi,mos,z pr.c,nonveg.all 21-etiquette breaks 2)increases chance of getting ☆g(0.5 to 1 percent) 3)makes 40+ prost moral/somewha loving
  21. 1

    Mald is unloving selfish.reason mald d is EXACTLY THE SAME as amphetamines/videogs.its an unguided process There is no gurantee that mal.d will provide more safety from insane tumor harm than s100.atleast s100 increases animorph donation amouny
  22. G with imcalsnapephialtes Sad,s10mins verge,lowselfesteem,fearful,hopeless If you love ☆g .let starg be halpy with narckhomesavabaj.instead of selfishness
  23. G with narckohomesavabaj ,james,jack -vibrant,happy,confident,loved/loving,proud,fearless,healthy selfesteem,hopeful,enthusiastic
  24. Stop being so selfish snape.what you wanted to sees time has passed( respectful femdom by multiple gs includings lils during school).throwing a selfish hissyfit will not change lils feelings for james.if you truly love her(and do not just want her to satisfy your selfish physical /attention wants)let her be happy with james Maybe jamesavabaj was like this To you.but he ended up becoming this Which is something im,snape,cal can never give ❤g .let the selfish bias go snape.HATE IS JUST THE EXCESSIVE LOVE OF THE SELFISH SELF Let ☆g be happy if you love her Postpone due to famdom stability. Peace-S100 Excitement-after p10mins-40+amphetamines 30 day binge
  25. 20+ is small ones time for healthy gs. Every generation of small ones will be higher in consiousness/spiral stages until finally A generations(stage green+)has emerged whos priority is stopping anim harm eg-wild included ❤all ☆gs should have wday filled with connections and laughter. Not alone if lil had married snape, she would have no friends and due to snape not being healthy like these 3 There small one has a higher probability of getting stuck in orange and being a nuisance to others(drifting tumorinsane etc ornonveg)