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Everything posted by 8gates

  1. Becoming a dr -comfort is possible without as proven by 21 + mal.d impulse. Eagerly awaited sleep - 23-29 ( 10 years before s10mins ) - cant club and become dr. Cons.effort is required. - low chance of hang outs etc at 26+ (kitten time for most) -8 gates interest wasnt in being dr but in the possible connections . But being 29+ ,no s100(9a,4a etc), no capbars etc drastically decreases chances)
  2. nonfeline , tumor harm possibility etc.. mike/blonde are utalis. (Cabin in the woods postponement justification) -toby/aishas postponement is purely selfish( if not for FAMDOM STABILITY)
  3. There are already millions of equal/better narcos (20 percent of 8 billion = 2 BILLION RANDON UTALITARIAN NARCKOHUMES) -then consider the ones who are slighlty not as good ( ie- 21%) and selfishness/unlovingness for long term pleasure becomes 99% impossible 21% ie- dk met ( facefailo, but 6+, capbars etc) nyle- better 12% however paley has 6+.if nyle is unloving , g can easliy connect with paley
  4. 7+ years ( can come close without sters) Reaction when ant tells 8 gates about tickles? Best option is exactly the same as avabaj reaction (loving etiquette)
  5. Imagine-no 1825, 22+ is it worth destroying famdom stability/20+ mill, unloving,tumorharm,unethical capitalism,nonveg ,unlovingness to get ☆m? Imagine preci got 8 gates. Imagine during the daytime hours(10+), imagine sitting across during meals atms passing by (anish,taty,maria),wondering etc . Imagine 3 years max+ (25+).isnt their a good chance the discomfort will outweigh the pleasure? If their is a chance why not be loving? S10mins is most selfishly loving/selfless for preci
  6. taking loving famdom stability path is not unloving -when looking at the top 1 % of sls When considering at 20+ if they should destroy famdom stability to go to uk to find gs for their own pleasure its not recommended -ie-what will mindi,canute,thisur,nethmin do during the daytime hours. Thoughts going through their head etc. Dont you think theyll wonder if their unlovingness will cost them the afterlife etc? -what will they do daily @ 25+?imagine their thought pattern. Preventing ☆g from having kittens etc. -imagine thisur,kooj at the club with narcohumes.is it that different from prosts? -if narcohumes aim to get someone healthy,others too will probably be interested. Therefore its not the best option. -to tell sathnim/sahith (21+) not to reduce famdom stability is not being unloving.even if 8gates is in the top 1% of sls its not recommended.
  7. So Im is comfortable with 22 iman but not with Avabaj? No rational justification.name the trait. is is because avabaj were connections? First of all avabaj weren’t connections since they never knew real 8gates as 8gates was always lying 2) can’t get an ought from and is -is the case avabaj were known to 8 gates -how does this equal 8 gates must be uncomfortable with them having gs but comfortable with iman? even from a selfish POV gentle is best. Being known as someone who changes images in the long term isn’t best. and if 8 gates just wants a huge hit of short term excitement and doesn’t care from what xp it comes from ( ie- running after gs after causing fandom instability) the best excitement will come from amphetas. final descision- treat avabaj the way Anthony m,lexx,Oliver ,Oman etc will be treated. its possible being unloving/selfish might unlock some xp. But we can’t be sure and we can only choose one chance. as the loving path in the long term seems to have as much pleasure(possibly even more) /peace of mind as the unloving . Why not be loving? It’s best for 8 gates as well as for others — also boxer was the admiration of everyone. main thing 8 gates wants us to be admired. Imagine being tickled without any admiration in the long term. And if thats fine, why not be a bit patient and tickle prosts after famdom? Prosts-tickle without admiration. The chance ts prosts will be around is as good as tickling as 23y.o, no 1825 in uk. -why not make famdom instable and have both -imagine the mental state during the non nightime hours (10+ a day) from feline harm, umam instability etc. It will make the pleasure not worth it. Example of how - laid back image backfires. As soon as their is a narckohume(millions and millions (2 billionish) in the world laidback turns to jumpy. Not good in longterm.
  8. S100 and 12% can lead to becoming ARCHIE,+connections.
  9. A limping kitten etc has the impulse to postpone . It doesn’t consider the the long term displeasure it’ll xp,10 mins inevitability, the harm it will cause. brute force either way 8 gates doesn’t want to become umam diafar
  10. Proof- June 5th 11.30-12:30 (av still has ☆g .might even be getting b.tickled at the time) - however 8 gates is completely comfortable with no ☆g/no connections by mal.d and selftickling. Proof having more ☆gs than av is unnesacrh to be confortable.
  11. According to 8gates -even though 8 gates can be comfortable at any moment (as proven by mal.ds without any ☆gs/connections or tickles) 8 gates is going to force itself to be uncomfortable until 8 gates tickles more than AVABAJ? (Ie- if av got a B.tickle, but 8 gates gets b+gash tickle then i gates will allow itself to be comfortable) FORCE ITSELF WHILE CAUSING SUFFERING TO KITTS/TUMORS? Even though avatars like Z,TAIB,MARIMAR have had no ☆gs likes 8 gates and are similar And avatars like V.HACKER,J.WRIGHT,J.BEARESWELL, BRYCEH,JOSHRICH,HOSSL,ANWAR ROMEO LEXLITTLE,FORZLIN,JESSE,JERM,GRIFFIN.J,HAVE HAD MORE ☆GS? For what reason is 8gates forcing itself to be uncomfortbald? What does it mean to be tickled more than avabaj? -summary- let it go. Its not needed to be comfortable and is meaningless.and causes kitts/tumor harm/famdom instability
  12. Reasons for 1) spending 40 millionish (even more possibly) @ 21+, no 1825, causing famdom suffering to go to uk to try to find a club *g? would you give this advice to adnaan,olas or rune Th? No.because the probabilty of it maximizing pleasure even for 8 gates is low. do you really think you won’t xp guilt for fandom suffering? And will be 25+ soon( *g kitten time). also this was never something 8 gates wanted to see.8 gates wanted to see high school. Not kittens etc. in the long run it will cause more displeasure -imagine 30- 40 at max pleasure will be 2 years (23-25) and even then probably not -imagine kasun.p,janidu at a uk club surrounded by narckohumes,thrustons,hamzas etc ** the only reason 8 gates wants to do it is to escape mental discomfort. However we know for a fact through DIRECT EXPERIENCE that doing all this is unnecasary to escape discomfort proof- mal.d impulses. endorphins during w.0 -what about missing out on clubbing (even as hamzas black friend?) what about missing out on genuine connections because chose the selfish path which cannot connect to do clubs?can you really love ,when you bury /ignore famdom pain and kittens suffering? can you really club 25+? 2 years more max. By 21 majority in the club is probably younger than you and clubbing is only during the night time on saturdays/fridays/sundays what are you going to do during the 10+ waking hours? During disfars etc? tates videos ( are 300,20 min videos( total won’t even be 2 years of his life and he probably only shows the best bits) and even they aren’t all with multiple *g.majority is traveling alone with trist ,gs who are the sl premas daughter can’t speak English) -imagine doing the criminal actigity during the daytime (8 hours)to sustain the 3 night club life.does that sound pleasurable? Constantly looking over shoulder at the possibility of going to jail/raped? dont you think all of that will pain will outweigh the pleasure of the 2 years at club(of their even is any pleasure there) If khalid,jinyoo,ovin,MARLON,SHAQIR,LENNOXwent to a club with narcohumes I don’t see them having that much pleasure in the 2 year time. -but gentle path has s10mins right? Isn’t the possibility of club pleasure better than nothingness of s10Mins? not in the long term. It’s like putting down SHOELESS LIMPER/aLimping dog. Angelo Barnes/khalid dealing with narcohumes etc in the long term s10mins(nuetralitu will be better logically) - also gentle path will give 8 gates times to see if 8 gates is OLYPHANT or TOBY by initiating greeting -if 8 gates is olyphant , then 8 gates will naturally attract cabins in the wood and post poning after fandom stability will be loving/justifiable. if toby then s10mins will be loving to oneself and others as a genuinen connection is impossible and tickling with prosts/ dionas /will eventually lead to hating oneself L.T displeasure Verdict- s10 kind gentle path has a high chance of maximizing pleasure, is loving/moral s100 is tight path
  13. Gentle expression/selfless is the best because it has 1) rationality/logic- jp/s.harris(lies),dr.k,leo- selfishness,lies in the long run reduces pleasure as no gen.connections can be formed. If caught almost impossible to restore image + even if restorable path will be radically different (eg-good man theon) ×best chance of connectings with T.S JANIE 2) real life examples- i)narckohumes precencs isnt just a guese, their are examples Eg- joshhosslenessa- literally one of the top 5% but couldnt escape Avs ☆g said first connected with another Cr7 irina the rock If they were selfish they would have had to s10mins early (in which case they could have s10mins on june 5 th) 2.1)if 8 gates was giving anyone else advice who was in the same position to maximize l.t pleasure (21+,no capbars,s100,diafars,narckohumes) -jerm,sahith,p.hassen,vihanga p,madedinil,ovin,shaqir,chamath,bineth,kooje,malithsha,ruchika,mindiya,dianaka,dhiren,janidu,inishka,kasun,warren,lennox,geeshapa,james beardwell,(equal or better) Then think of those who are just slightly lower-marlon,jin yoo,geeshapa,jake,mushtaq,thaaqib,sathnim etc Especially those without 1850 (samwell tarly,skeptic,didi,rumeth,dinendra,manu.dharms -sahith,acharae,madedinil,ovin,Angelo Barnes etc- too Are concerned about avabaj judging them on not having connection 1) we don’t know for sure if they even have feelings/thought or if they are dream characters/ we can never know what they think of us. And is their opinion greater priority than famdom/ kitten suffering? 2)when looking at adnaan,mills,ovin ,angelobarnes does seeing them with Maria kasas really change opinion on their coolness? there maybe an impulse that their xp is more pleasurable but really? are they cooler than jerm who has no pics with connections ? Not really . ie- angelbarnes/kasas is 25+,no capbars/s100/100 verdict- d.c about avabaj dreamcharacters supposed thoughts The advice would be to s10mins.focus s100/100 This makes the probability of any fear of making the incorrect descision 8 gates have be an impulse/ habit of indesicivesness(eg-in g7 im should have s100 focused instead of forcing connections.but 8 gates didnt due to impulsiveness/indesiciveness)
  14. 21% narckohumes 1600000000
  15. even with top 1% (sade- mrs world) keep up.and even if slighty unhealther no bloody gash Etquette with everyone(☆m) allows ☆t.g
  16. Nonetiquette(no smile) etc is not only unloving, against etiquette etc BUT But is also bad SELFISHLY long term By 25+ years old will have to do s10mins. -also if elijah/jeremy(vpd) has no smile/etiquette with ☆g ☆g can simply go with harvey,guzman or 50+ narcohumes -if only want short term ☆g-(40+)prost
  17. With the prescense of narckohumes etc? And with tickling being able to take care of own? Kitten murderers.turkeys are kittens with a different appearance. If allowed to kill turkeys because one doesnt care for their appearance, then kittens too are allowed. Mutton=lamb
  18. why isnt muslim i bothered by lex,oliver,nathaniel,mills,kia,rumeth,olas,thisal,evon,vihanga etc being tickled/ but only avabaj? Irrational habit One etiquette break is enough.eg-soc.m-zero 12% pics/flexing -less than two pics always -no poses -two looking straighgt,gentle smile (zero smiless pics) Etiquette is good/ probably the best option
  19. Utalitatian narcohumes Avabaj have Tickles etc- irrational to think of avabaj Eg- have tickle as well