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Everything posted by 8gates

  1. Dont look at the past. Since f.dom ☆g is over (21+ dom ia strange) all childhood desired sights are over. Dont look to the past+others connections/☆gs Now live with love, honour,valour , courage -but what if i miss sights in life? 1) no sight will bring permanent mal.d 2) travel- youtube/ books 3) ☆gs-40+ prosts Selfish path= younger anyways @21+ connecting with 25 is meaningless. Not worth ums/feline suffering Only meaningful if 18(schol) -BEWARE COPYING OTHER MS DESIRES -MAJORITY=MYLING, ELSA JEAN(80MILL) Some peoples dream-3/4 -24 elsas at 28+. Dont copy. Mal.d available at anytime 4)☆G gen convo-initiate with everyone on track -sacrifice has to be made anyway ×dawkins(orange)-purpose is reproduction. Not max tickles.(ie-prosts) To pursue that path mandates selfishness Ie- max kittens thatll cause suffering to to other kittens who cannot be taken care of properly -the more kittens less resources to go around. Have to not care about kittens injuries etc to continue purpose. -suffering to ☆gs. Searching for multiples = ☆g shame/dishonour ☆g Just tickling without repro isnt enough to say to universe/god i looked at felines and copied their purpose.repro is a must to say orange is the purpose.if everyfeline only tickled -no evolution. Sacrifice mandatory -cant have multiple kittens, muktiple ☆g suffering Tell uni-i went with my childhood intuition (mew, f.dom( dementors kiss ,frieza choke) 50/50 choice anyway. Chose ltt-jp,leo,even tat
  2. @Kksd74628 i agree with most of what you said. If you watch his irl podcasts and interviews ( and not his solo vids where hes playing a character) you can see hes quite polite/ kind loving. (Tips the waiters well, always says please/ thank you are a few things ive noticed) Im 100% sure he and tristan will never hurt anyone just for the sake of hurting someone. They might put there interests ahead of others though. I have a question - why do you think andrew tate seems to be respected on the internet, while dan bilzerian is seen as clown? Both of them live a similar lifestyle and have similar values no? Both workout/ are jacked, like shooting guns and women etc So why is it on every podcast dan is on the majority of comments are negative But in andrews videos most of the comments are positive? Any idea why the public percieves them so differently?
  3. Tat- i risked my life for my fathers name/ bloodline/ duty during kickboxing Has a 450 gs But couldve died at 17 with no ☆G during kickboxing with no ☆g. Proof ☆love,duty,truth(honouring last name) come first tat best f- TRIST BUT 8GATES Z/D BREAK ETIQUETTE UNLIKE TRIST!! -it still fits perfectly into LTT TRACK as m.i- lied about D to U (spy) - cd/caught pod etc -bouncinh/ caught nfing to strange thinks (14yrs) And If that was the personality im had imagine all the other etiquette breaks. REMEMBER Z - ×made milk/carried to bed when asleep when young ×defence after peeing ×took to pool with pals (thif,smadhi, amri) ×waited to show how to play infinityblade ☆etiquette break fits perfectly as it was 8 gates who started it. Doesnt disprove loves existence. Just proves MII has broken connection beyond repair.AFTER ONE LIE CONNECTION IS NEARLY IRREPARABLE. final descion- famdom stability, and if fmdom explicity tells to s10mins do so. -famdomstability proof
  4. 8 gates isn’t sacrificing anything (literally impossible from an orange (c.skeptic) and turquoise( Rupert/teal) perspective desired uni dream is literally not possible(21+ Etc) *g dream over - 80% school anyway ,20% uni now what? Get comfortable, follow etiquette, tell truth and go on the greatest adventure jp. There ll be some mal.d moments there as well
  5. 8 gates doesn’t really want uni life, but school life and even if it was uni life it’s from (18-20 ish) not 22+ kennedy walsh(21),faith ordway(20), Erin Maloney(21), charli d amelio(18) etc all have own place (ie- adults) walking around mall, movies, giddy late night talks etc is gone ( school) always remember it’s 21+ UK/US not JUST UK UK. UK/US implies 18 and not +4 added
  6. Tat-i have honour , valour (bravery, courage) Some show valour by initiating gs I show jt by initiating protection for anyone. Because i never cared about 20+ gs sights. Hopefully god appreciates it , i have to choose betweej the 50/50 and ive made my choice Theres equal chance of it going qrokg on the other. Final descion made. Lt track. Lets go. Get comfortable❤
  7. And btw im not "giving" the narckohumes the gs by any means Eg- if vinnie ask if ive ever had a g ill say no - (might convince him to be loving in the same way daws/manuks convinced me) But if ☆g comes and asks me for protection ill fight vinnie , ola and 50+ narckohumes without any hesitation. ❤ love
  8. Btw dont expect ☆Gs not to throw hissyfits/dislike at you. Im being loving for myself- because it has the BEST chance of allowing me to see what i want to see. But this DOESNT MEAN ITLL DEFINITELY HAPPEN. DONT EXPECT GS TO FEEL SORRY.THATS SELFISH MANIPULATION AND IF YOU DO THAT YOU DONT DESERVE THE G. And just because ☆g throws a hissy fit at you doesnt mean g isnt loving/affectionate. Its just that you are too much of a failo to activate human affection marimar.q( best option-s10mins) Eg- um/ams frequently throws hissy fits at taib but shell do anything for z. Cersei hates tyrion.but will do anything for myrcella,tommen etc Ums frequently scolds help but will do anything for sj,aj etc -if gs throw hissyfits at you , you are the problem not them. (It its the case-remember comfort is whithin.be comfortable until 40+ (ps 10mins) and then s10mins)
  9. God wants a warrior and the way he checks is if one can initiate with gs -i wont initiate gs , but i promise to initiate protection to any random person who asks regardless of the danger. - promise to stand up to napolean to speak my truth driven by love to reduce suffering regardless of the number of dogs/ torture etc - the reason being that i never wanted to see 20+ ☆g. Always wanted to see ☆g in schol. Elsa jean is literally disgusting to me.(not because im virtuose, just the way im wired). Id rather ☆g have kittens and not have to postpone. I ask you to please switch the bravery of initiating gs to initiating protection And also ill be initiating with all gs on the ltt loving path. Just not tryinh to tickle. Final desicion-ltt track❤ ive chosen my tradeoffs. No matter whay happens i love you Take care❤❤???? Ie- i have ( tats honour,valour(ie-bravery), courage) just not for gs
  10. Does ☆g give another pleasure that cannot be xpd otherwise? (-20 dom or other) Doubt it because 1) even if there is a pleasure that will be decreased by -if you have a doting then invariably you will connect and will worry about protection( tat said hell fight 10+ ms alone and has cried for his gs) - sleep- probably cant beat comfort of mew+blankie. But even if the warmth could-outweighed by protection fear,diafar, sneezes, inability to move around etc
  11. Elsa jean- 89 million views+ 100 percent like rate. Southpark diafar rating- 4.7 stars/5 9/10 imdb - just because majority likes doesnt mean it was something you would have liked when you were younger, but now you dont because of brainwashing. -first nf - z went to colombo at 20, but pc was at home 20-7=13 (psp- ts topping ( remember z caught and asked about it while watching tv in ums room?) , majority f.dom/shotes -13 first nf- freeza choke/ h.potter dementors kiss/ dolare dom/ meg brian chair/ transformers fallen revenge tail From the above we can see 8 gates inbuilt connection desires was never supposed to go + 20 +20 being f.domed is strange/ out of character. But most people like elsa jean (89 mill views). 8 gates cant nf to it. DO NOT COPY AVABAJS IMPULSES AS THEY ARE DIFFERENT. THEY MIGHT BE ONE OF THE 90 MILLION PEOPLE WHO LIKE ELSA JEAN/ SOUTHPARK. FOLLOW YOUR 8 GATES DIRECT EXPERIENCE. THE COMFORT THEY GET FROM IT IS THE SAME AS MAL.D 8 GATES GOT. THEY ARE NOT MORE COMFORTABLE THAN 8 GATES. What happens now? Be comfortable. Put all attention towards expression etiquette,s100. ( it gives best chance of seeing desired connection( heavy investment) while being comfortable. As time goes there will be some mal.d moments. A.tate- only xp mal.d 4 times in adult life(21+)- 4 k.boxing championships. Do not s10mins till explicitely told as its unloving/ suffering causing. Love you very much 8 gates❤? E.jean (86 mill views) is currently very disgusting. In the future if it seems appealing realize its not the vid but the NF withdrawal.especially if its -1825 A starving man will eat diafar Once 1825 finishes , will be back to desiring f.dom -1825 taste/tickle impulses. After 1825 tickle impulse vanishes. -And taste becomed reprogrammed to crave 12% foods instead of current foods in the exact same way. If you give in you can have the temporary taste without the 12% benefits. If you push through till 1825 you can have 1)exact same taste pleasure from 12% foods 2)12% benefits. 3) be loving Why choose one when you can have 3? Simple maths.
  12. Party etiquette- if 75+/ 100 going to invites mandatory. 1) go relatively early 2) initiate with everyone 3) if noone seems to be investing after 15mins With 100 percent peaceful joy, extremely warm friendly, energetic,joyful say a class is there and say goodbye to everyone. -if people are like mike, toby (ie-hissyfit with only you) Start looking for job somewhere else immediately.
  13. Remember comfort felt now will be the same with connections( diafar,sneeze etc) If uncomfortable-15 mins s100 Dont worry about missing out on connections by focusing on famdom. Expression is the best way to get desired sight connections and not connections just for the sake of it Ie-connections with alot of investment. Focus on s100 / expression and forget about connection
  14. Dont worry about connecting just for the sake of connecting . If a connection never happens thats fine- s10mins out of fear of drifting harm @ 40+, after p.10mins Infact individual connections decrease love for the whole.( love your g cannot love diseases+ people who threaten). Since no uni has been decided/ predecided by being 22, no 1825 etc. The connection sights are not possible. What jf no connections at job? Exact same thing possible at uni. No escape+ add the fact that older than the avg uni etc and its becomes more possible. Missing out on Interacting with human ideas-ayn rand, jane eyere, brontes etc Missing out on human ? Maximum 3 days of talking about L,meaning, ideologies with people. Most people want to have fun.not talk about ideology for many . Eg-jokes etc. Summary- focus on expression, s100. And dont worry about individual connection. The desired sights(uni,school) are already gone. If it happens it happens. Dont feel uncomfortable. Remember the less individual connections , the more connections to the whole. Theres time till 40+. If it happens it happens. Be comfortable now
  15. Afterlife G wants a warrior, who will pursue desires unhibited 1) I would argue someone who only has 2 gates is more of a warrior.and will be more useful to g. For example if g wants someone to kill him all he has to do is tell 8 GATES - also 8 gates will stand up for truth/love for others ( not selfishly as cant distinguish whether genuine justice or devilry(ie- av =failo gr8) proving fearlessness. And that not initiating ☆g is not due to cowardliness but genuinely believing that it was the right path.
  16. No solutions only tradeoffs. On this day- 21+,0/1825 , no capbars/o/100 Unilife max-25. 25+ kitten time Trade being loving for that? Dont think so. No matter which path. Regrets guranteed so dont look back. Final answer-loving truthful track All the best ! Love you❤❤
  17. 22+ , no 1825 8 gates has missed the dreamt up sights. Tat-unless being phys.tortured. move on. Nothing can be done now. Dont miss out on mike possibility.even though it wasnt a desired sight/ will do nothing to improve comfort its still something. Love you and all the best. Until god comes down and says you are on the wrong path this is our path. There is a 50/ 50 choice to be made. Uncertainty will be present no matter which choice is made (grass is always greener). 8 gates has made desicion regarding which 50% portion is taken and its the LTT track Brute force now. I love you very very very much. Its nice to finally meet you❤
  18. Since desired mal.d school/uni sights are not possible no problem with s10mins. Its love selfish( to prevent discomfort of seeing narcohumes)/ selfless (felines/ tumor/ capitalism) Not saying that postponement will be uncomfortable. But that S10mins and postponement are equally comfortable. -whilst jan/ isabel sights etc are still possible,they arent worth going off the loving track for. If fam says s10mins 4 times explicitely then s10mins Only factor to be aware of is the impusive s10mins / limping dog/ shoeless limper hesitation-brute force
  19. Discomfort is caused by uncertainty. Not the lack of sight. If god was to explicitely say the mal.dreamt up sights are not possible there will be no discomfort. -until god comes down and tells 8 gates to follow the other path/ promises its possible. Assume gods saying its impossible and 8 gates is on the right track in LTT TRACK
  20. Uncertainty - is it possible that once 8 gates decides to cry/ threaten s10mins on the UM WHO WALKED TO GET FISH/CHIPS,stayed at hospital during g7 to go to us. / Going against what JP,LEO, CHILDHOOD INTUITIONS(mew affection) , TAT says I think uncertainty is inevitable . Brute force is necessary
  21. Dont pretend we are loosing the ideal sight On the day the desicion was made -21+, 0/1825, no capbars, s0/100 Diafar, sters admitting etc So final decision- lt track - dont mal.d / label self It ruins the chance of jan/ isabel dwight(30+) Even the slightest etiquette break can cost - r.spira ( hypherluton) Good luck! Luv u?
  22. Im going to assume desired uni sights are not going god tells me otherwise. Not that i dont deserve it etc. In the same way i cant get s100 at school/ cant fly.and in the long term it wont be the most comfortabke path for myself+ according to jp missing out on the deepest pleasure. Final choice -lt track
  23. Oldest/ least social conditioning tickles- h.p hermiones dementors kiss from b , frieza goku choke, meg ties bri ,psp( all pics f.dom), gr8 ts love told to av, So if following oldest impulses is key then lt track is the one right (mew etc). There can only be one.fully commit to un.l or lt track. Once famdom is destroyed the foundation of postponing becomes selfish and corrupt. Why? The only somewhat justification for postponement is famdom instability.and even that isnt a very good one. Even if you find a g it will still be more selfish than famdom If you say im postponing the wellbeing ill produce is greater than the suffering ill cause-arrogant/selfish. Therefore only one path can be chosen.regret is guranteed either way. Final choice- L.T TRACK
  24. How can you be certain you are more developed than others? And there is development in many areas right? Maybe you have a higher iq/ better education than the average person but maybe you are less empathetic and loving , which is what i think matters most when discussing moral issues no? Afterall the perpetrators of UNIT 731 where children and pregnant mothers were brutally experimented on were all doctors and smart scientists right.
  25. @Nilsi the thing is if we make exceptions for one person wouldnt everyone want one? im not implying that you are affected by the dunning krueger effect ,but others could be right? I think everyone(including myself) likes to think we are more consiouse/ moral/loving etc than others to a certain extent. Itll be hard to discern whos genuinely loving and consiouse and who isnt no? I think its safer to stay a vegan/ not cause animal suffering and do the best you can as a vegan. I think making exceptions for ourselves ,especially moral exceptions, can lead to ugly/unloving outcomes .