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  1. This seems to be the study of Gurdjieff Idiotism that eclipses Bruno Martins account. The kindle book is in Italian, but page by page translation is easy. https://www.amazon.com/scala-degli-idioti-Gurdjieff-Italian-ebook/dp/B0845PRF2L/ref=sr_1_2?crid=DLKZXS2D7MXC&keywords=Negrier+Patrick&qid=1651484576&sprefix=negrier+patrick%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-2 “In the book, the author examines one of the least explored spiritual legacies of Gurdjieff’s intellectual production: the science of Idiotism. During dinners with his students, the Master proposed toasts to several idiots. The term idiot was understood in its original Greek meaning: the self-centred being who pays his attention to what is proper to him, and consequently is disinterested in what is common to everyone. In idiotism, the master distinguishes 21 types that make up the 21 steps of a spiritual ladder that goes from the ordinary idiot to the idiot who occupies the highest step: God. This precious essay interprets the essence and implications of the spiritual symbolism of the 21 steps of the gurdjieffian scale of idiots. These are not simply different psychological types, Idiots should be understood as different examples of transcendence: they are represented as steps of a ladder, each step leads to the following and their sequence realises the successive stages of spiritual evolution. In fact, the steps are related to as many obstacles to overcome on the path of liberation from the different forms of selfishness and hedonism. This work illuminates a hitherto poorly unknown aspect of the teacher's teaching, but it also offers a decisive contribution to Western Judeo-Christian spirituality in relation to its traditional origins, its precision and its inclusive character. First finger Preliminary remarks Introduction to Gurdjieff Project and meaning of Life is real only when "I am" The scale of the idiots From the scale of the centres to the scale of the idiots Afterword Appendix - The symbolise of the group of the "Cordata" Works on Gurdjieff published by Edizioni Mediterranee”