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Everything posted by Alta

  1. @Emrie Gender is just a concept made up by humans and doesn't really exist in reality. Changing your body to match a certain gender is just trying to fit into what society thinks is normal. transgender people are just identifying with something that was made up by humans, but they're not really seeing their true selves beyond that. By accepting this idea of gender, society is just making things worse and separating people even more. Instead of trying to change their body, transgender people should focus on understanding who they really are beyond all the labels and expectations. That's the only way they'll truly be happy and accepted for who they are, without getting caught up in the illusions that society has created. Have you realized your true nature? If not, how can you be sure about "your" feelings, and decisions?
  2. Person A: I thought a woman is a female human just like a Lioness is a female lion, a mare is a female horse... etc...When did that change? Person B : As people have come to recognize that gender is a more expansive and complex concept than previously understood, they have also come to realize that many of the preconceived notions about gender are not rooted in reality. This has led to a greater understanding that these concepts are highly fragile and can be easily deconstructed. This newfound understanding has led to a greater appreciation for the complexity and diversity of gender, and a recognition that it is possible to move beyond the limited and narrow definitions that have traditionally governed our understanding of gender. Person A : you can keep your word salad to yourself. thanks Person B : If you do not understand the topic, it is best to refrain from asking questions whose answers you may not be able to comprehend, so as to avoid confusion. Person A : A wise man once told me that if you can't teach as subject then you don't truly understand it. Person B : No matter how wise the teacher may be, if the student is not open and willing to be taught, there is no master who can teach him. So as you can see the willingness and openness of the student plays a crucial role in the success of the teaching process. Person A : Oh I'm open to being taught. You just don't make any sense. You write essays to basically say you don't know anything. Which is fine. Just keep scrolling. Person B : If you have any questions or would like more information about the topics, please let me know. I am happy to provide a more indepth explanation or delve further into any aspect of my previous response. Just let me know which specific parts of my answer you would like more information on, and I will do my best to provide clarity. Person A : At what point did the woman lose it's definition based reproductive biology to become a costume that can be donned by anyone? If it is a costume then what stops anyone from taking it on or off whenever it benefits them? Person B : People are starting to realize that gender is a social construct which is not tied to any inherent basis and that biological sex is separate from gender. This understanding has led to the current prevalence of gender issues. Some individuals may feel that they do not conform to the expectations of their assigned gender and may need to explore their true selves deeply in order to understand their own feelings and experiences. It can be difficult for others to understand and accept that someone who is biologically male, for example, may feel significantly different from the expected "standard" masculine identity. This is because our beliefs about gender and sex can create dogma and almost insurmountable barriers that prevent people from seeing that someone can feel like a woman while being in a male body. Again, remember that gender and sex are two different things, female and woman are two different things. In many societies, gender and sex are conflated and assumed to be the same thing. However, as mentioned earlier, gender and sex are actually distinct constructs. Gender is a social construct that refers to the roles, behaviors, and attributes that a society considers appropriate for men and women, while sex refers to the biological characteristics that define males, females. I've heard someone ekhem say "a woman is a female human being" but it doesn't make any sense. Its a circular logic because it relies on the assumption that the two terms are synonymous and that one cannot exist without the other. Person A : You're forced to dance around a question because you have no answer. You could just accept that but your pride won't allow that i suppose. Person B : It is not a matter of pride. It is true that there is no single, universal definition of womanhood or manhood, and I am not attempting to dance around this fact. Instead, my comment was intended to explain the complexity of the concept and provide a detailed answer that complies with its varied interpretations. You may not fully understand me or agree with me, but that doesn't mean that I don't have an answer or that I'm trying to avoid the question. It takes immense responsibility to dig deep into the complexities of life and to attempt to answer deep questions. Understanding requires time and effort, and it is wise to accept that we do not have simple answers for everything. I understand that this is not a simple or straightforward topic, but I appreciate your willingness to engage in this conversation. Person A : oh there's a definition and there's multiple ways to clearly differentiate between men and women. You just don't accept it. You think sexes are costumes. Person B : I understand why you think that gender and sex are synonymous and I respect your opinion. However, I would like to challenge this assumption by providing evidence and facts that suggest otherwise. Gender as a Social Construct: Examining Gender Identity in Different Societies by Ruth N. López Turley Gender Identity: The Role of Socialization by Jennifer L. Martin and Emily K. Miller I put a fair bit of effort to ensure that our talk went with mutual respect, and I provided you with research based on reliable sources. I urge you to take the time to review the info, and I am happy to provide more if you want.
  3. I've been pondering this. Of course there are some stereotypes that masculine woman tend to be with feminine or submissive guys, but on the other hand I decided to entertain the idea that females ultimately might have like an innate desire to be with masculine force. If there was no social conditioning at all on the behalf of masculine woman, would she still want a masculine man?
  4. @Thought Art Nowadays because people are not creating balance within themselves they seek their other part the counter energy in other people. The spiritual principles underlying the concept of masculine and feminine energy is that our divine nature as humans is to seek balance between both energies so we can create a state of harmonious balance within ourselves. When people do not create a balance within themselves, they may turn to their partner to try and find an external source to balance out their energy. This can lead to an unhealthy dynamic in the relationship, where one partner is seen as the holder of the "masculine" energy, or the other as the holder of the "feminine" energy. This can lead to a situation where partners take on certain roles and responsibilities depending on the energy they provide, and are not always seen or treated as equals, and from here the gender stereotypes stem from. An overly masculine man may feel the need to always prove himself, be in control, and act in a dominating or aggressive way. An overly feminine woman may feel the need to place her needs or desires for the sake of others, be taken advantage of, or suppress her true feelings. So what I'm trying to say is that the balance of these energies within any individual is essential, and understanding which aspects of ourselves need nourishing is the key to personal growth and happiness. There are images of saints who have transcended the binary genders. Also there is animation on youtube called ENA which is a masterpiece, the character ENA is neither a boy or a girl, she includes both of them.
  5. @Thought Art Also about this void thing, I saw someone describe the exact situation that happened to me. Its like I could see the void around my vision, and when I would try to focus on "somethingness" I could see that its made out of nothigness. But the question is that the person on this forum also described that the void around his vision was black, but isnt black is something? Its so weird. I'll be glad if you could share something on this.
  6. @Thought Art When people come to comprehend their true self, irrespective of labels such as 'human', 'male' or 'man', no potential info hazard can influence you. Like a construct aware state of our mind
  7. I am unclear as to how and when the term "woke" began to be employed in these contexts. I can see how mass media can shape cultural beliefs about woke people, but I am not fully familiar with the roots and utilization of this particular word. Its cringe when such matters are introduced through the most brain damaging means possible
  8. @AdrianBartan I just provided one way of changing things, and to change such a complex system even as i suggested takes lots of time and effort to do so. Changing any system is difficult and you can never know the results it might lead to, but the place I was speaking from, is from inner understanding that anyone can achieve if they will ponder these matters deeply enough. Cultural development plays a big role as well, but we are evolving even though maybe at a slow rate, but there are different fields in which we gain more understanding, right now its science, because of how practical it is, but ultimately we have inner desire to be happy, and its hard to be at peace when there is judgement from others, or inside you, thats why society evolves and strives to a more all encompasing perspectives
  9. I understand that its threatening to their identity to suddenly shift their perspective so much, so I guess the best way not to get caught up in the negatives of it, is to become aware of the things our mind is playing with us, the moment its seen, no concept no idea and no change in perspective can reach to your inner understanding of yourself
  10. @Thought Art Oh yeah go on! It was tricky for me to understand the deeper stuff, but eventually it clicks when people continue on challenging my words, some insights become obvious, helps me to fill in the gaps
  11. @AdrianBartan Absolutely. I agree that it is impossible to make definitive arguments without testing and examining a situation. What I am proposing is that, by fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding of gender fluidity, we could potentially create a more respectful and appreciative society. We can provide a platform of support, respect and openness, where people can be accepted as their full and unique selves without labels, and without the pressure to conform to a certain gender. This environment of understanding and respect can be the foundation of a more connected, accepting and compassionate society, where everyone is valued for who they are without superficial gender distinctions. We can choose to use our free speech to express love and understanding, rather than hatred and discrimination. The key is to create a social environment of inclusion and understanding, where people are encouraged and accepted to be their true selves. No one is inherently evil or malicious, though it may seem like it. Everyone has the capacity for good, and sometimes people make choices that may lead to negative consequences for themselves and others. Everyone is responsible for their own actions and must be held accountable for their choices. Ultimately, we must strive to be tolerant and act with understanding in order to create a more peaceful world. We must remember that everyone is a human being, and they deserve to be treated with respect, regardless of any negative actions they have engaged in
  12. @Thought Art Our minds are deeply influenced by the collective elements of society which, if left unchecked, can lead to a collective self-deception and an inability to distinguish between reality and fiction. The components of society are interconnected and mutually reinforce each other in a circular fashion, making it difficult to assess their objectivity. This is why people often confuse gender and sex, and this confusion is the root of the problem. However, its possible to go even deeper and consider that even physical attributes such as genitalia do not ultimately exist.
  13. @AdrianBartan I think it's important to be able to express our gender however we want to, without being limited by social norms. Gender is fluid, it's up to us to make sure we are open and clear about who we are, and if we don't fit into anyone else's pre-conceived notions of gender then that's not our responsibility. Everyone's individual experience is different, and that should be celebrated, not suppressed. As the time passes the ideal would be to create a world where gender roles and categories are not put upon individuals at all, thereby allowing people to be respectful to one another and interact without relying on a gender binary. This could potentially lead to a more accepting and respectful society. To achieve this, those who identify with a certain gender must accept their true selves, without being confined by the use of outward labels. They must delve deeper into their identity and come to terms with the fact that no label can define who they are. After more acceptance and understanding of gender fluidity occurs, the idea of gender should be completely eradicated. Using gender labels feeds the ego the false notion that we are separate selves instead of part of a larger whole. It's only through raising consciousness and understanding of our interconnectedness that we can begin to let go of our attachment to labels and preconceived ideas about gender. By getting rid of the notion of gender entirely, we can come to appreciate everyone for the unique and special individuals that they are, without having any labels attached.
  14. @AtheisticNonduality Is it that after awakening to nothigness, ( I am not a thing ) follows Everythingness awakening ( I am everything)?
  15. The only way I can describe this state is with Leo's dials analogy, its as if every sensory perception is being ramped up to extreme levels. Sounds become louder, vision becomes somewhat non-dual, cuz I am not able to understand wether something is big or small, cuz its both at the same time, thoughts become extremly loud, as if my thinking voice was shouting instead of normal speaking, and body sensation gain deeper feeling to them. My whole being just goes crazy, and there is some kind of intuitive knowing in my minds eye, that part is just impossible to describe, even during the experience, its so vague yet so clear that something "occupies" me, as if some kind of indescribable force or energy is doing something to me. During the whole experince there is a distinct feeling that I haven't noticed before, but its similar to fear I guess, at least it felt like that this time. I just thought maybe its some kind of spontaneous ego death, so I went with it like "well if there is someone to die today, so be it", but before that experience just recently I had almost constant no-self experience, it was just clear to me that there is no one that is aware, yet there is (which is confusing). This state ended after I noticed that every sensation is realized 24/7, cuz it was very hard to ignore anything when every experience was screaming so much, so I was practically aware of everything. This things has been happening to me from my childhood, always, at some point I would have this state for about 2-5 minutes and thats it, but this time it was so much longer and deeper, and now I felt some spiritual meaning in it. I'm really interested in what the heck this is.
  16. I've been doing kundalini yoga for almost a month, and some days ago also started doing kriya supreme fire. A lot of pleasent energy in chest area, pulsating, swirling, tingling. I can force the energy to go down to my legs, but not to throat and upper chakras Just now, and a couple times before I had a weird experience. I was laying on my bed with eyes closed, until I started dreaming something unrelated (sitting on my computer), completly immersing myself within that dream, until a sudden awareness of my whole body got my attention, because it wasn't the same sensation of my body I have now, but it felt whole, and even my surroinding was felt within my body, just total beingess, or total feelingness of my body. The moment I noticed this experience happening, my mind immediately asked "Where am I?" cuz I completly forgot where I was, I didn't know whether I was sitting on my computer, or if I was laying down. Sudden laughter came out of my mouth, I opened my eyes and then I remembered where I was. What is this? I dont think that I just fall asleep, cuz there really is no loss of awareness, but I just get identified with what I see with my eyes closed, I even could go meta, that I was identifying with my dream character, and then even further to my actual identity, so it is not dozing off. Please enlighten me about this
  17. while creating music on my computer my feeling of ego would dissolve and instead of me that is creating music it changes to that I identify with creation, and its just such a calm state. But I can't enter it on a whim sometimes, so is there a way to develop the ability to enter this flow state?
  18. First I really want to thank Leo for everything he does, hands down the most important and life changing person for me. And also everyone on this forum cuz reading your advises helped me a lot. Thank you all. Rewatching Leo's older videos after the trip where he smiles (at least sometimes) brings me happiness. Smile people. Everything with "-" in the beginning are my notes from the recording during the trip I took only 1g of shrooms at 1:30 am and then decided to make myself even more comfy by bringing my mattress on the floor. I was expecting for the effects to show themselves in more than one hour but I already started tripping before I managed to lay the mattress on the floor. 2:20 am - Why do people always DO something, and it seems as if they never BE, cuz being is SO much easier... doing feels so damn haaard I was standing trying to figure out what I have to do with that mattress that stood tall beside me, but as I said, doing something felt much more difficult compared to being, so I just sat down. - I feel so good, It feels like I got even higher than on 1.5 shrooms (and here reality decided to play a funny joke on me) ^^ I said this sentence in russian so instead of "I got even higher" I said "меня еще мощнее накрыло" and "накрыло" literally translates as "covered" so the moment I said that, the mattress almost fell on me but stopped just above my head because of the wall, and there I was, covered by the mattress laughing that I got covered in both ways. Considering that I wasnt able to lay down the mattress in the beginning, there was no chance I could do that now. So I sat below the mattress as if it was my roof, noticing that I had a desire to rub my head against its soft material. I felt love towards it. - For some reason I love this mattress... and for some reason it loves me back. - I dont understand I questioned the reasons why I felt love towards it for five minutes and in fact the journey with this mattress continued for good 20 minutes where I tapped into feminine and masculine energies. In short, feminine energy loved and allowed the mattress to cover me, and masculine energy decided to place the mattress properly. 3:00 am I covered my eyes with blindfold - Who am I? I sat there only for a minute until I got scared a little because my senses started to lose touch with reality (thats probably how sensory deprivation tank feels) I made a weird sound in awe of the sheer power of psychedelics - this shit is powerful (then I understood that I had to continue) - I'm sorry I continued to explore the darkness for the truth 10 minutes pass. I started mildly hallucinating. Before the last click as I heard gibberish talk in which I recognized Rupert Spira and someone else. They told me the truth and then bam there is no self. - There is no self... - Wait there literally is no self... its such an illusion - It... It makes sense of reality - And by reality... its consciousness... it just is. And that IS, is so magnificent... its so damn big - Wait... is it actually the case... God... dumbed himself down (at this point im mind blown, and breathing hard) - To not see that he is God Now something started to confuse me (because ego started to come back) - oooh you little b... hahaha - Wait, how, I just saw through the illusion - Now thats funny isn't it? - but wait, there is I that is present anyways I started laughing outloud at the funny experience of seeing through ego and seeing it come back, its just so funny I dont know how to describe it in other way. The fact that I saw that there is no self and got an answer, but then ego comes back and asks "Am I going to be left with no asnwers?" is so hilarious - its soo stupid... I just saw the answer but then... I (started dying of laughter) - now the self will try to question the experience of no-self and... what the fuck its just funny hahaah - it just doesnt make any sense - There is no self, but there is I - My job is just to be aware, and ego's job is to make sense of everything, to not go insane - human life is just a trip for God, for him to explore itself - thats also why we fall in love with someone - I understand that there is no-self now BUT THEN... there is something MORE For some reason my name came into my mind out of nowhere... I decided to go with it and started saying it outloud the only question that I asked was where do I begin and where do I end? - So wait... less self is... what? Less self is better... wait... less self is better to whom? Whaaat - From which place was I speaking? - E V E R Y T H I N G I S A S E L F - Who said that? I've been silent for 20 minutes - I see a path to infinity... wait - the moment you try to grasp it you lose it - Infinity. Infinity. Бесконечность. Infinity. its infinite. Uncaged. Im soaked in it I decided to list infinities. I started with infinite delusion and then out of nowhere I said infinite... love? I sat in silence contemplating what it means. (in my head) - Love=understanding. Understanding=knowing - BUT THAT MEANS ITS ME - I am... Love I started crying laughing uncontrollably - - Its just too much - thats what God is (screaming) what the fucckk (almost choked laughing) - Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness (the moment I realized what I was saying it clicked that God is also Absolute Goodness Then I spent 5 minutes staring at my hands in awe I'm glad reality got my back and I decided to go with 1gram of this stuff. Powerful as hell Integration time. Love you all. Peace.
  19. Is there people who have experienced kundalini awakening after enlightenment? Does kundalini awakening become easier due to increased consciousness level from enlightenment? Or is it still totally independent kind of awakening Enlightenment allows you to see behind the dream, but there is still in the dream sort of improvements you could do, so kundalini is what interesests me. I'll be glad for responses. Love
  20. Thank you all for the help. I've watched Rupert Spira podcast where Rupert and Jonny Wilkinson talked about flow state. Supporting Galyna's words that there is no apparent individual that is creating music, but as if I become the creation of music and only use my body as a tool, just no ego-self. Rupert said the same thing that when sportsman enters flow state he loses himself and becomes just "I am". Also another cartoon that is full of wisdom is Avatar the last airbender, never stops to amaze me. Actually I saw a very nice topic here where someone analyzed every character and has put them in spiral dynamics model, which again just shocked me how this cartoon was ahead of its time
  21. @Razard86 Thank you! I'll also try practicing more kundalini breath ego dissolving
  22. @Someone here Can't help you with that. Many stuff is paid but people are getting it for free you know
  23. @Dumuzzi I don't know about these things, but I'll look into them. Enlightenment lost its previous meanings to me, as now I understand what it is, for me at least it is a liberation from feeling of separation and awakening from the dream (while still being in it, aka lucid dreaming). I really like what kundalini is about, I've been neglecting this human body that I have, and while doing the Osho dynamic meditation upon opening my eyes it felt very mystical and dreamy, as if I was just born to this world, and felt love and joy that it brings. I dont understand if there is different enlightenment experiences, as enlightenment should be one and only one thing, but I do realize that there are many kinds of awakenings such as Love, Kundalini and others. I just wanted to know the most direct path to kundalini, and clear up the common traps and misunderstanding that I might have. Thanks for the share. Do you have any advise on the practice? Much love