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About Laxx

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  1. Lol what the fuck, this forum sucks balls. All I got was a bunch of very woo woo tier non-answers. Just stuff that I guess sounds deep but doesn't really concretely mean anything. Thanks I guess, I'm out of here Hopefully I can find a place to talk about this stuff without people dont say meaningless stuff like: Literally means nothing, I gain nothing from this response. Goodbye
  2. Bliss is my motivation in spirituality. I don't believe that's wrong, although I'm sure some would disagree with me. Yogis and such talk about bliss a lot, so I don't think its wrong to want bliss from spirituality I've meditated a decent amount, simply sat and watched the mind, and my mind has slowed down. It has quieted down a bit. I now go a minute or so without a thought coming. I'm in constant no-mind. But I feel no bliss. It's whats talked about all the time. When you are thoughtless, bliss bubbles up from inside of you. But I feel absolutely no bliss. I don't know why. If you're going to tell me that I have to not want it to get it, I think you're wrong because a lot of articles simply talk about attaining a state of no-thought and therefore experiencing inner joy/bliss Nothing really about wanting it or not wanting it. If it's all a sham and bliss doesn't actually exist within spirituality, just tell me now, so I can stop wasting my time