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Everything posted by itsadistraction

  1. Sure I'll be your friend. I'm 35 too
  2. Great post and definitely can relate. You are on the right path and just by being here and posting I can tell your success is inevitable. It's coming for you. There's nothing you can do to stop it.... It sounds like you are reaching the limits of stage orange and you are experiencing it's limitations first hand. You have a perfect material life but you aren't happy. A common mistake here is thinking you need a better girlfriend or job etc. I say if you have a girl who loves you hold on to that like gold. That's worth alot right there. I'm not saying for ever, but for now, see if you can appreciate this person fully. Best thing to do is work on yourself, move up the spiral, and work on APPRECIATING what you have. So many people would kill to have what you have.
  3. Think of yourself as a machine that reacts to it's environment. Change your environment to change yourself. Change your style, city, friends, job, lifestyle, living conditions etc.
  4. And another reason you don't remember anything from the womb is because your brain cells were not yet mature enough to "record" events? At 1 years of age you have senses but you still don't remember anything
  5. A real man doesn't exist.
  6. Pierre is Canada's mini Trump. He’s a homophobic, transphobic racist. He wants to reverse Canada’s gun regulations, privatize healthcare and gut our social programs. He wants to ban abortion and wants to restrict LGBTQ rights. And he might well be Canada’s next Prime Minister. Fuck Pierre.
  7. Take at look at your own voting habits, that might give you a clue how people actually vote. You might be a rare voter who votes completely consciously but most likely you make some decisions based on gut feel.
  8. Yes it's as toxic as the church has been for thousands of years. But at least Hollywood is stage orange and not stage blue (like most people who are "anti Hollywood" are.) Looks like we have more development to do as a society before toxic cultures are history.
  9. I find these "f*** Trudeau" people on the same wavelength as the MAGA crowd. Trudeau had the balls to legalize weed. An herb that should never have been illegal. One of humanities greatest blunders was making psychedelics illegal. He actually took steps to reverse that. I get populist nationalistic vibes from Poilievre. But If you like a "strong leader" a protective father figure than vote for him. That's the image he's projecting imo. The beauty of a democracy is that the leaders aren't there for life. If Poilievre gets elected we will see how well he does. Hopefully he does solve the problems you mentioned and doesn't just make a bunch of empty promises like most politicians.
  10. Nice man! Yes it totally works
  11. Men and women have the same problem: they want to hook up (date, get married, have kids etc) but initiating conversation without cringe, intimidation or awkwardness is seemingly difficult. Your #1 problem is you suck at talking to strangers. Your future wife (or fuck buddy or whatever you are looking for) is right now a stranger to you. The solution: PRACTICE TALKING TO STRANGERS YOU ARENT ATTRACTED TO THROUGHOUT YOUR DAY! Practice making people smile, and initiating conversations with random people in random palces. Examples: Make the cashier smile (by telling them how much better than self check out they are), tell the old lady on the bus you love her hat. Ask people eating on a patio if the food is good and if they recommend the place. Just talk, talk, and talk, smile and laugh (if you or they say something funny). Compliment people, love people, make people feel great. Sincerely tell people thank you.
  12. Yes you want to be a multifaceted man.
  13. @Danioover9000 that's so cool, relish your gift. Can you ask her it for a good stock to buy? also ask her what's more niave: idealism or materialism? . Ask her if other dimensions exist and how to access them. Can you ask her who built the pyramids in Egypt? Ask her what God is?
  14. When you concentrate on something they end. So live your life with constant concentration. Don't worry about going crazy trying to do that, that's just ego backlash.
  15. Imagine bugging Da vinci when his next sculptor was gonna be ready.
  16. College/uni is a time to make mistakes and try stuff for both girls and guys. Casually dating multiple people is somewhat normal at this time but having another guy in the picture can make things more difficult. Either move on or prove to this girl you are better. Choices, choices, choices.
  17. Wasn't me looks good though will watch later
  18. During anytime on your next meeting, doesnt matter when, Grab her hand or her waist, gently pull her towards you and kiss her!!! Trust me women love this. There is no other way. If you twiddle your thumbs and wait for the perfect moment it will never come. If you cant kiss a girl at a random time on the spot you aren't ready for a relationship. Women love men who take risks, take action and take control (while at the same time reading the room so to speak). Her reaction will tell you everything. It's best to kiss her again and take thing as far as she is comfortable that day so theres no question of what that kiss ment.
  19. That's great, some people don't even have that. But you have to ask yourself why you only have a relationship with your parents. You obviously want more than that so what's stopping you? Your parents were once strangers to each other and they built your family unit that you feel comfortable in. Why do you feel inadequate to do the same? If you can't find the enthusiasm to build relationships outside of your small family unit then you have serious emotional blockages to starting your own life. The good news is these emotional blockages are very common and not that hard to overcome. Human biology wants people to hook up and reproduce (aka sex). Its what drives our societies and we have been doing it for millennia.
  20. Lol thats a great line and a good strategy to keep things fun.
  21. If you don't enjoy talking/interacting with people you will not get laid. It's as simple as that. (news flash women are people). Unless you hire a prostitute.....
  22. Talking is how people build relationships, if you haven't figured talking to other people out, you aren't ready for sex or relationships. You are talking right now aren't you? You are enjoying it aren't you? It's the same in real life!