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Everything posted by itsadistraction

  1. Insightful post. @Hojo this is kind of a different approach. How do you come up with this stuff?
  2. Life's a trip. I often wonder how many of our perceived limitations are self imposed. I wonder what the human mind is capable of and will be capable of in the future. I remember when I was a kid I could do extraordinary things with my mind, induce unique states amount other things. When I told adults about it they just basically dismissed it in a pessimistic way. Imagine if we taught/encouraged our kids to explore the power of their minds?
  3. It is. Lucky to have these resources available to us. There's enouph content in Leo's work to last a lifetime.
  4. LOVE that there's something instead of nothing. And that there's the ability to experience bliss through various methods. I HATE that our past effects our present and there are no way to erase or redo past events. I injured myself in a completely avoidable and stupid way and now I have to live with that until I die. Causes me so much stress.
  5. Money is a highly efficient and our best means of trade. Without money society wouldn't be possible and thus it is highly regulated and enforced. Money is neither good or bad it's just a tool. Just like any tool, selfish people can abuse it. And time is memory and change, and tracking time is also an agreement between people. Time is highly abstract and could probably be contemplated over for a lifetime?
  6. Makes sense since stress makes your body gain weight and makes you engage in emotional eating. Another good example is how stress can give you acne. So one cure for acne is not worrying about getting acne. This is how I cured my acne in highschool.
  7. You could be right but you also risk arrogantly and foolishly underestimating the rest of the world. Ressurect Tutankhamun ?
  8. What did we expect in West? just look at any product in your house it's overwhelming made in China. We sold our souls (and our top spot) for cheap and replaceable goods and fast fashion. We need to stop buying cheap junk from china when possible! While US businesses were playing the short game, China was playing the long game. Also how sustainably can such a small population in the west "rule the world" compared with Asia's populations.
  9. You can lead a human to knowledge but you can't make him think.
  10. Yes you are trying to control the mind. Your mind is doing something and you want it to do something else. Aka control it to do what you want.
  11. He's recommended many in his videos, and in his book list. Depends what level you are at and what you need. Leo's previous work is more than enough for a lifetime of personal development as well.
  12. This question is as old as the hills, "how can I stop/control the mind?" It's the first question people ask when getting into spirituality. There are many resources to help with this: Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, Echart Tolle, are a few. Be warned the answer is paradoxical and nuanced.
  13. Humans prefer male leaders maybe?
  14. This question has come up so many times. And I feel like I can help answer it now. You can't put Leo into a preconceived box. In his videos Leo said he could shoot a child and it wouldn't matter one bit. So saying a few contradictory words on a forum also doesn't matter. But if you still think Leo should act a certain way or set a certain tone then consider the following two options as an explanation for Leo's behavior: 1 Leo is a full of shit, and he merely regurgitated spiritual stuff to get rich off YouTube videos 2 You are full of shit and you are distracting yourself from your own development trying to make sure Leo is acting a certain way. And you are full of shit by thinking words on a forum have any effect on your development or Leo's. 3 I am full of shit and you should stop reading my posts
  15. Who gives a rat's ass who's better at chess? Do you care which one of your friends or sexual partners is better at chess? The value of a person has nothing to with their chess abilities! Even if men were better at chess who cares? there's things women are better at. These childish battles of the sexes is very immature and holding you back.
  16. Like what kind of other forces?
  17. Yes completely agree, YouTube comments are a good show case of how stupid the court of public opinion can be. But let me attempt a compelling "meta perspective" for this case below: For centuries women, blacks, and gays, have been treated like chattel. How many women were killed for no reason throughout history? Being falsely accused of being witches? How many innocent blacks were lynched? How many alter boys were molested? Now society wants to change and there will be collateral damage, like Pedophile-Derangement-Syndrome, as society goes through this change. But these movements are overall good for society even if there are some unfair public opinions in the YouTube comments. Public opinion is like a pendulum, it oscillates between extremes but on average is pretty balanced.
  18. Yes we all love this content, that's why we are here. Glad it's helped you too.
  19. We put up with your garbage posts don't we? Someone as underdeveloped as you has no business waging your finger at people who drink! I say this because I want the best for you. Furthermore I have lots of development to do also so I am not judging you either.
  20. This is good! Putin just made alot of powerful enemies. Apparently the remaining Wagner group wants revenge against Putin.
  21. Crazy idea on Joe Rogan was that aliens manipulated monkey DNA to become smarter. Could also kind of explain why we look similar? Society would flip if this somehow became proven to be true. Just like society flipped when evolution was discovered.