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Everything posted by thepixelmonk

  1. I don't even know if spewing such nonsense should be tolerated on this forum at all. Also you seriously need help dude. Get off the forum and go get some therapy.
  2. This right here. Rewatch Leo's decisive video and try to fully internalize the amount of anxiety inaction is causing you.
  3. Slaves did of course exist, but accounted for less than 10% of their population and weren't responsible for every single bit of manual labour as commonly portrayed.
  4. I'm also in the camp of mushrooms having the warmest feeling for me. Of course, it's still possible to have dark or bad trips on any psychedelic.
  5. I'm usually behind Leo on most things, but have to agree.
  6. This is nothing but a projection of your own fear and insecurities onto someone else. Love is certainly not a "pink unicorn or butterfly", you've just become too jaded in your own life to see it any other way. With you as the parent, yeah maybe you shouldn't have kids.
  7. Gabor Mate usually has great stuff to say and really on point. His son, Aaron Mate, is also one of my favorite journalists.
  8. I agree with 30 minutes being perfectly fine. It's not like you're forced to sit full lotus or anything.
  9. Was also one of my favorite series growing up! As you can see lol
  10. I got out of high school two years early by getting my GED. Otherwise not much to say, you're just gonna have to get through it.
  11. Alpha Male: the early version of a male, before testing and bug fixes. Unstable and not suitable for the public.
  12. Thanks for the heads up! Wasn't aware of the November course he's running.
  13. 100% agree. There are plenty of real-world, professional artists that are super excited about this technology. This whole "robots are destroying my life purpose" thing is a very naive, knee-jerk reaction.
  14. Don't we already have this info? Prison guards aren't the ones who have 31% PTSD rates, it's the executioners.
  15. > makes deranged radicalized posts on public forum > surprised when people respond in his thread lmao yeah wonder who the snowflake is here.
  16. Looks like Carl is finally figuring it out. We might not have to deal with this deranged brain-rot much longer.
  17. THANK YOU and about time. This guy is trash and goes against everything this forum stands for.
  18. Of course it isn't a sign of growth. The guy is a toxic waste heap of radicalized racist nonsense, which has thankfully become abundantly clear to everybody with this thread.
  19. Have you actually looked into the statistics? I think false convictions are far more prevalent than you seem to think.,in US prisons are innocent.&text=According to the 2019 annual,between 2% and 10%.
  20. This is your answer right here. You simply need to make a strong enough decision to quit. That's it. But in order to make that decision you need to truly, emotionally connect with an intrinsic desire on why you are quitting and have a vision for your life afterwards. You need to have something to connect with when the cravings come up, it can't just be some flimsy reason. If it helps any, I quit by using kratom during the withdrawal:
  21. There is no reason to debate or even acknowledge Fuentes, the guy is a complete joke. Your obsession with him is perfectly understandable, though. Just the next toxic cesspool you've found to roll around in.
  22. Because delta-9 is technically what makes weed illegal, and delta-8 is molecularly different enough to not be caught under the same law. States are starting to catch on and some are banning it at a state level, but there are still many places it's perfectly legal. I might agree that it doesn't make you as paranoid, but of course it affects people differently so.