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Everything posted by thepixelmonk

  1. lol you are so far off the mark you have no idea. damn man don't quit now just when things are getting hard!
  2. Hasn't this been around since forever via escorts?
  3. With that level of mental gymnastics, you're certainly a pro.
  4. Literally all the happened was a stranger drove by and very briefly expressed concern for an obviously drunk girl. Your takes are just getting worse and worse aren't they.
  5. Basically the farther into the future we go the more creative human jobs will become, and the more labour-type work will be automated away.
  6. Seems like it could be an interesting find. Thanks for the suggestion.
  7. It's unlocked! Now let's hear about all of those riches you guys have been making ? ? c'mon now, don't be shy, share the goodies with all of us.
  8. lmao like what are you even talking about. as per the original comment, you are projecting way too much into a completely meaningless interaction. clearly you do not lol. the only real topic here is the obvious pent up masculinity issues you have.
  9. welp, clearly another man-child we have here on the forums. super.
  10. you're trying not to get yelled at... by posting on the forum? na this is nothing more than another borderline misogynistic rant on the forum by the multitude of men on here who have masculinity issues. she was running around obviously drunk and some stranger simply said something while passing by about staying safe, and this post is what you got out of it? grow up dude.
  11. Sounds like you're the one that's ill with past trauma that you can't handle. Leo has orders of magnitude more mental health than you.
  12. I use capacities myself. Here's a pretty complete list of other tools:
  13. Thanks for the suggestion! Good addition to my list, been trying to read more lately.
  14. Thanks for writing this up! I've been thinking I may want to participate in something similar at some point in my life but really have no idea how to distinguish what the best organizations are for this type of thing. MAPLE seems like it has an interesting focus to it.
  15. You could make a vision board type thing with capacities, which also doubles as a really nice PKM: If you need something more freeform, maybe something like canva
  16. You use alcohol because you have a completely standard substance abuse problem just like hundreds of millions of normal people. Don't use your gifts as an excuse. Put in the work to quit.
  17. is this a joke? solitary is one of the worst forms of psychological torture out there.
  18. I did one of the 23andme tests awhile back. I'm adopted so didn't really have a good idea of my ancestry.
  19. Of course all limitations are self-imposed. Of course we created them to work through.
  20. I don't really see this as true at all. But sure, dropping your sort of preconditioned materialistic lifestyle would be a common theme.
  21. It sure is. But the general concept of it fits your question pretty well. We all have specific energies to work through in each of our unique existences.