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Everything posted by thepixelmonk

  1. Largely agree with you Phil. Just don't follow Leo for his political takes and you'll be alright lol.
  2. Some people like to cry on internet message boards about robots. Real artists are out in the world busy perfecting their craft:
  3. Can't wait for the day I can actually support a kitten. Looking forward to photos
  4. I literally turn off my desktop icons lol it's completely clean.
  5. Most studies say otherwise.
  6. what? having rapid turnover in your company and having to constantly replace skilled employees has an incredibly high associated cost to it.
  7. I quit using this guide if it helps any. Made the whole process super easy.
  8. If the convenience helps at all, I like to supplement my diet with things like soylent. I just fill up and drink a single bottle a day which helps easily add 1k calories and a full nutritional loadout alongside whatever else I'm eating that day. Similar products would be things like huel and mana. EatThisMuch is a neat little website which helps generate daily meal plans that cover all your nutritional needs.
  9. Honestly I think finding things that you truly enjoy is not as simple or easy a task as its kind of initially seems like it should be, and that the process of finding these things requires development and should be viewed as just as important as all the other aspects of your work. After all how you enjoy life is quite an important aspect of who you are. Work on having as much clarity as possible around what you value, spend time on reflecting on what's important to you, go through leo's life purpose course, etc. Schedule in regular time to experiment with different activities. Focus on things that are healthy and creative and that help you enjoy the processes and systems you are setting up for yourself.
  10. Shouldn't the basic concept of finding the right balance between downtime and work be integrated into your personal development routine? Not sure these two things are that separate. Downtime shouldn't be viewed as "cheat days" or similar, it should be viewed as regularly scheduled daily / weekly activities that you enjoy and allow you to maintain your desired level of productivity.
  11. Gabor Mate is great! His son, Aaron Mate, is also one of my favorite journalists.
  12. It'd probably be relatively straightforward to build all that within wordpress. It has forum plugins and you can lock certain content behind paywalls and such. Ghost is also pretty decent blog / membership platform.
  13. Although I stand by refuting everything in the OP, all good points made by Tyler. Just even more reasons why all this is nonsense.
  14. Are our posts just going in one of your ears and out the other? Every other person here has acknowledged these metrics you're referring to. The claims you are making based upon them are considered pseudoscientific and there are mountains of evidence and historical precedence to support that. If you literally have nothing else to say other than "bUt ThEy ScOrE lOwEr On ThEsE tEsTs" and are just going to ignore everything everyone else is saying then I'm not sure why you tried to start a discussion in the first place.
  15. "Pseudoscientific claims of inherent differences in intelligence between races have played a central role in the history of scientific racism. The first tests showing differences in IQ scores between different population groups in the United States were the tests of United States Army recruits in World War I. In the 1920s, groups of eugenics lobbyists argued that these results demonstrated that African Americans and certain immigrant groups were of inferior intellect to Anglo-Saxon white people, and that this was due to innate biological differences. In turn, they used such beliefs to justify policies of racial segregation. However, other studies soon appeared, contesting these conclusions and arguing instead that the Army tests had not adequately controlled for environmental factors, such as socioeconomic and educational inequality between black people and white people. Later observations of phenomena such as the Flynn effect and disparities in access to prenatal care also highlighted ways in which environmental factors affect group IQ differences. In recent decades, as understanding of human genetics has advanced, claims of inherent differences in intelligence between races have been broadly rejected by scientists on both theoretical and empirical grounds." As others have said above, these simple "IQ by race" statistics, by themselves, don't prove anything, and if you're gonna come in here and start this discussion, the burden of proof in replying to these points is on you. oh great another bigot joins.
  16. This blatant idiocy is just painful. Just your average brainwashed white racist pig folks. I'm done here.
  17. Yeah because you're racist. Are you even remotely aware of the full range of statistics and studies out there, like Nigerians are the most successful ethnic group in America? There are probably hundreds of studies I could link that rebutes and explains your black-on-black crime BS. You're just cherry-picking nonsense to support your intellectually asinine bigotry. Nobody on this forum has time for this. Hopefully openly and blatant racists threads like these will get locked.
  18. Jesus fking christ please do not get started on this crime statistics in black communities nonsense. You're simply a racist pos. End of story. Mods please lock thread before this gets out of hand. And Heart do the rest of us a favor and get outta here. Post this shit on other forums that will be more receptive to your bigotry.
  19. Oh jesus christ. lmao the irony of posting one of the most intellectually asinine posts on the forum while thinking you're superior. Somehow you've returned to the forum even more of a clown.
  20. Yes. Out in nature is my favorite environment.
  21. Dude, that has blatantly nothing to do with personal behavior, like what are you even talking about.
  22. He was attributing his behavior changes changes to learning from his psychedelic experiences. You replied it's nothing but brain chemistry. Seems like you're just playing with semantics now. Physically embodying behavior in your actual life, and not just intellectually ruminating about things, is one of the highest forms of learning. Saying it's nothing other than receptors refreshing still feels a bit off imo.