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Everything posted by thepixelmonk

  1. Hit the nail on the head right here. Really is just a simple but firm conscious decision at the end of the day.
  2. "never got to express my argument" ... "maybe I'll dig up the big one" LOL what an absolute complete joke. nobody here believed for a second we were gonna move you a millimeter. Your position is not based in science or reason it is based in racism, and you are not just going to suddenly change who you are. at least we're finally done with this round of your nonsense. wonder what you'll shit out next time.
  3. I'm not sure there's any real simple solution or advice here. Supporting yourself with a full-time job through school while simultaneously working on your self-development is a massive undertaking. The only real thing that pops into my head is to give yourself serious props for even being able to upkeep all of this and to accept some level of burnout and discipline as a necessary part of the process. Leo's how to be decisive video comes to mind and really resonated with me. My advice would be to maximize your level of internal clarity as much as genuinely possible. The more time you can spend within a mindset of clear execution the easier the process will be.
  4. He had a psychedelic break and is in the process of descending into depression thinking the world is absolute evil and garbage etc. He's been making these posts for months. Wow actually super eloquent. Nice one halfknots.
  5. Is this actually what's happening though? Or is your ego just controlling your skepticism to avoid doing the work. Psychedelic trips and experiences don't come with a high cost in terms of raw time and energy. The trip itself is only a few hours and due to tolerance in order to get the most out of your trips you can only do so a handful of times per year. Don't let your skepticism go too far when the cost of exploration is so little.
  6. that's true. hence my original comment. but just saying that isn't going to help you any.
  7. This is of course an infinitely more interesting discussion but that doesn't help our little racist here further his agenda so.
  8. Do we need to start typing in bolded all caps or something? Or do you just not understand english? Everybody here has AGREED that there ARE genetic components to intelligence MULTIPLE TIMES. That alone does not link it to race. Direct quote from Leo earlier: It seems like you're, ironically, genuinely too low IQ to even comprehend this point, as it has been said multiple times by multiple people and you're still sitting here saying stupid shit like we think genetic differences stop at the brain.
  9. It was initially locked but Leo re-opened it. There's some merit to open discussion but our little racist here has of course failed to produce anything of remote substance.
  10. Jesus christ like are you purposefully being ridiculously obtuse? Every single person here is aware of and has acknowledged these metrics you are referring to. They mean nothing on their own, we have plenty of data to support that, and you yourself have yet to post a single source that doesn't contradict your own points. Please, make some personal effort next post. This is embarrassing for you and everyone trying to understand your point of view.
  11. You have shown no hard science for this remotely whatsoever other that vague allusions and this is the complete opposite of politically relevant until you have that. We do have hard science. We have the peer-reviewed studies to back this up. You have nothing. The very sources you try and post contradict yourself.
  12. Jesus christ talk about a strawman. Leo is obviously not referring to individuals, he is referring to your overall claim of statistical racial genetics. There's intellectually dishonesty all over the place. This whole thread is one of the most intellectually asinine on the whole forum. You are not vaccinating anything. You are just proving what a racist clown you are. People here are trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. When Leo reopened the thread, people are trying to continue the discussion in some form. We are asking you to expand further on the various bits of vague nonsense you have alluded to and you seem completely unable to do so.
  13. You have not answered anything clearly whatsoever, just vaguely alluded to various bits of nonsense. Leo re-opening the thread to allow open discussion had some merit but at this point should just be locked again because you are obviously not capable of actual discussion.
  14. Says the guy in the very middle of directly contributing to said oppression issues lmao jesus christ the irony and lack of self-awareness in this thread is such a joke I don't even have the words.
  15. Pretty much this. Without money people themselves become the commodity, and you don't want that.
  16. The problem is that it categorically does not answer these things and is not interested in answering these things and refuses to investigate the mystical nature of reality. Science has been incredibly useful in producing useful models that help us manipulate reality, no one denies that, but it still has deep biases attached to it that need to be transcended, similar to all the completely bogus science believed back in the day. I mean they certainly help but you don't need psychedelics to reach the realization that physicality is second order not first order.
  17. referring to the podcast? apple / spotify don't host their own audio files?
  18. No you hate that science doesn't agree with your racist ideologies and you have resort to ridiculous conspiracies and what people "really think in private" lmao. Says the guy who has literally nothing to say with zero sources for anything.
  19. LOL it will be fking easy to deny. Literally the entire scientific community already has. You're just another racist clown who can't see ten feet in front of your own biases to the point where you can't even post a single source that doesn't contradict your own points.
  20. How much of a clown are you. Literally on that very same page you linked: "Although IQ differences between individuals have been shown to have a large hereditary component, it does not follow that disparities in IQ between groups have a genetic basis. The scientific consensus is that genetics does not explain average differences in IQ test performance between racial groups." Can't even post a single source without directly contradicting yourself lmao. This thread is a complete joke.
  21. Sourcing policy is obviously so that the forum itself doesn't run into any issues and keep things generally discussion focused. Sourcing is basically either placing darkweb orders, a select few reputable clearnet vendors, or just socializing in order to find connects within your own network. I'm sure Leo has his network of people and even if sourcing was allowed Leo would never just post his personal sources on some public forum lmao.