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Everything posted by Vibes

  1. Isn't the future imaginary? Thoughts exist as things, but the content of thoughts is not real. How could you say the future will happen in a certain way? This is adding more and more layers of imagination, isn't it? I don't understand why it has to go further than this, this moment is all there is, and everything else are thoughts.
  2. I recently realized that anything is better than the feeling of fear. Even the things you're afraid of
  3. @Leo Gura @Inliytened1 Some people in this forum say that I will live every possible life, including Leo's & Inliytened1's lives. Because of Infinity. I understand that this is something I'm imagining right now (that one day I will live every possible life), because the future is something I imagine now... But I need some clarification about this. Why do some say that? In Infinity, isn't it just a potentiality that I CAN live every possible life, but that doesn't mean I will? Do you know what I mean?
  4. When I started taking shrooms, I had this stupid belief that I should move up and up with my dose. So I started with 2g, then 3g, then 4g, then I got traumatized. Nowadays 2g is my sweet spot. Last trip I saw through the illusion of being inside a body and realized that actually, the body is inside my mind. So I think 2g is potent enough. Edit: Dried Cubensis
  5. I've heard Sadhguru talking about this somewhere but I don't remember exactly what he said. Almost every night I try to enter sleep while being awake but always fail. If I let go too much, the mind wanders and I get lost in thought then I'm gone. If I stay watchful I can't sleep... Maybe there's a sweet spot between too awake and too dull !? Do you have some experience to share on how to fall asleep while conscious/awake?
  6. @GreenWoods How is your practice going?
  7. For fucks sake man. You keep complaining about evil and torture, but you also keep watching these videos and fueling your fear and discomfort. It's like you really hate ice cream and you feel terrible when you eat it, but you keep going out and looking for an ice cream machine, then you find what you were looking for, then you buy it, then you eat it, then you feel terrible, then you complain, then the next day you repeat the same thing again. You don't need to keep exposing yourself to what makes you feel terrible in the hopes that you'll one day conquer it. You're only perpetuating your fear and suffering when you choose to focus on them because whatever you give your attention to, becomes your reality. By giving attention to what makes you feel good, you will be creating reality A. By giving your attention to what makes you feel bad, you'll be creating reality B. The point is, what you focus on, is what you will see more and more. So why keep focusing on what makes you feel bad? This is madness. Be careful with what you put in your consciousness... Stop watching these videos.
  8. It's all Mind. The body is just another thing inside Mind. If the body started to rot, it would be just a change in the content inside Mind. That's hard to understand until you shift.
  9. @Someone here When mind = world, it does not matter if the body breathes or not. The body is inside my mind, just like anything else. So even if the body started to rotten, I'd still be awake. I just don't know how the world would change after that (reincarnation or whatever). To answer that I have to trip more times.
  10. Exactly. @Someone here How is ego death different from "physical death"? When I died, the body was dead but I was awake. The whole physical world is inside my mind. Mind = Physical world Ps: When I say world, I'm not saying things outside experience. Those are thoughts.