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Everything posted by Vibes

  1. I feel exactly like that. Since 16 yo I can't understand how is it possible to go on living without knowing what the hell is going on here, and everyone around was like robots living without questioning anything and not acknowledging that this is the most important thing ever, how can understanding what you are and what is happening not a top priority? Is like a mission that I don't remember ever agreeing with, and it won't stop haunting me until I understand it.
  2. @Leo Gura My body disappearing and I know I am the visual field. Becoming conscious that the world is my Mind. Is that shallow awakening?
  3. @Leo Gura If you know the right kind of focus, because you did it before and had an awakening, would you say it will still take a retreat like setting to reach that focus again without psychs? Once you understand it, it gets easier to find it again, right?
  4. @Inliytened1 Yeah, I am noticing that. This last wave of suffering changed something in me.
  5. @Inliytened1 Have you meditated for how long before enlightenment? I heard you say somewhere that you practiced Self-Inquiry. I've been seriously practicing it for a few weeks now, and I know for a fact that I'm not practicing it wrong. Somehow I just know. But do you have some tips and clarifications that would help the process?
  6. @Carl-Richard Do you mean Ramana Maharshi's self-inquiry? That to me is surrender. No objects, letting go of everything, being, conscious of nothing, conscious of "I am". I guess this has to be a practice, and maybe one day you can surrender totally.
  7. "What's not being understood by humans is that human whining is so petty in the grand scheme of things that it cannot influence God's designs. You want God to care about whatever you're whining about. But God has bigger fish to fry and you are too narrow-minded to appreciate that. Hence you call God evil or say it cannot exist." "Even deeper, you assume that God can change itself. God does not have any power to change itself because it is Absolute Truth. God cannot change its own design. Because the design is Absolute Perfection. If God could change it's design, God would be evil. It is only a human ego that could be so selfish and stupid as to want to change the entire design of reality for its own sake." I get it, Infinity IS. It must be all and every way. So God is myself, but also so detached that it doesn't matter what happens to me. My pain for this world is just bias, my feeling of being betrayed by God not having my back and none else's is bias. What now? Just accept that? Accept that the innocent are being physically destroyed and suffering immensely? And that God is so selfless and detached that it can't do shit, it just is? I see the Truth in this, but it's so fucking hard to love life.
  8. So is it guaranteed that I will become God realized in this incarnation?
  9. Do you think the silence in the pauses after breaths is the same as the Kriya Yoga "Poise"? I mean, you get the same result (silence) by doing different methods of breathing.
  10. I've been practicing this for a few months now. It feels pretty good and deep during the practice but afterward, I didn't notice any lingering effects... Have you tried Shamanic Breathing? Is the closest to a psychedelic state you can get without the psychs.
  11. Even when you "Hide" a message you sent, you're asked to specify the reason in an attempt to help you see your shit!
  12. @Leo Gura Off the topic question. You said that you wouldn't release the course about reprogramming the mind because of recent awakenings and you couldn't go back to doing normal stuff (or something like that). Have you changed your mind? I'm asking because you can't go more into the relative than to make a video about Andrew Tate.
  13. Can you give me a practice to do every night and go consciously into sleep? I've been trying to stay conscious while falling asleep but it's very hard to find the balance, it's either relax too much and fall asleep or too much alertness and stay awake.
  14. Is so sad, is like you seen how the magic trick is done, but the magician is so good that he makes you forget, but not entirely, so you get in this kinda of limbo. Remembering and forgetting.
  15. Yeah good point, that's why I said even my body is inside Mind. but I don't live like that. I can tap into it but quickly forget. Is it even possible to be Mind and still live as a human? This question is so weird.
  16. This thread is so fucking pointless
  17. @Eternal Unity Okay, but when you say solipsism you are saying there is only one conscious being, other people have no consciousness of their own, places and things outside your awareness don't exist. It was clear to me that nothing exists outside my Mind, an outside is actually inside. My room was my Mind, and the outer world, people outside was a thought, inside Mind.
  18. Yeah, that IS solipsism. You said that solipsism is false. I'm saying everything is inside my Mind, even my body.
  19. What if you've realized that everything is inside your Mind? Or the world is your Mind.
  20. It's not validation in the way you mean. It's love, it's understanding, it's appreciation. @Holykael I feel your pain too. Love you.
  21. Yeah, but this is naive copium because when something happens to you or to someone you know, you won't like it. I say this with pain, but there is no escaping Infinity.