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Everything posted by Vibes

  1. I saw that the physical world outside my awareness are thoughts, I saw that the 'hard stuff' right now is inside/is my Head/Mind but I don't understand how the hard stuff are thoughts also. Leo said once that the present moment with all the hard stuff is imaginary, but a different kind of imaginary. What do you mean by 'everything is a thought'?
  2. I rate all of us half awake. The moment we become fully awake, there'll be no we.
  3. @Someone here I thought you had admitted you're not awake either
  4. @Princess Arabia You can download a pdf of the book and open it in this app for android, it will read it out loud for you.
  5. @Someone here Haven't you notice that most of us here are idiots giving advice to each other in order to fulfill our own needs? You're on your own, none here can help you. Not even Leo and he doesn't care about your feelings, he said it many times.
  6. Yes, but insight is different from an Awakening, but we could say that insight is a mini awakening. But what do you mean by insight and awakening? What I mean is a sudden understanding of something, could be a small little thing like how something works. Now Awakening is a massive thing, like I've seen that I'm not inside my body and that everything is inside my Mind, literally. And how I get trapped in a body with a combination of thoughts and feelings.
  7. Insight can be about anything, little flash understandings. By Awakening they are referring to a massive shift in consciousness. Only having one can help you understand.
  8. Exactly... The raw actions are: destroying homes, starving, injuring and killing thousands of innocent people. How is that different from the Hamas terrorist attack? Seems even worse to me... Intention? Hell is full of good intentions. Israel's good intentions are so biased / uncaring which is equal to what we call evil. The more biased you are the more evil you'll create. And the Israelis in this thread are creating all sorts of excuses and justifications for this shit. Also, I even understand Israeli bias, but they should have grown out of it a little by now. So Leo is right to ban some of them, for keep on denying and justifying, out of close mindedness.
  9. @Leo Gura I still have not gotten over you calling yourself the great satan...
  10. Explain yourself, would you?
  11. @Yimpa Haha yeah, I've got some of those too. But I meant that what you said is disconnected. 'Bringing the absolute to the relative'.
  12. Yeah, but there aren't people with consciousness being held by genetics. This subject seems so stupid. The only Consciousness can't be bound by genetics. I can't believe that my awakening is not guaranteed. Am I wrong?
  13. @Leo Gura Can you give us an update on those courses?
  14. Why not? I saw it during a shroom trip but got so scared that I jumped out of bed.
  15. I love them. And I also hate them.
  16. You are on fire man! Thank you for these posts.
  17. I got that a few days ago on shrooms. God just wants to live my little life...
  18. I've had a similar experience a few days ago on shrooms. I was freaking out and desperate, but also saw beauty in it. God just wants to live your little life. Enjoy little moments like washing the dishes, it's awesome.
  19. When you walk on grass you are killing lots of creatures. When you drive your car, you are directly killing lots and lots of bugs and mosquitos. And are indirectly killing many. Just for you to have gas in your car, many had to die. And if you think even further, just so you can sit on your comfy sofa in your comfy house having a comfy lifestyle, uncountable amounts of animals and humans suffered and died in the course of Earth's history to give you what you have today.