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Everything posted by pablo_aka_god
I have ordered a kit for cultivating magic mushrooms. I'm so excited! since I started on psychedelics last year but my source started scamming me so I had to stop. Psychedelics part 2 is coming baby! I only hope these new guys don't end up scamming me. only way to know is by trying
it sounds weird to me that your fear increases on microdosis. Think whether it increases in a good and healing way or in an on unproductive way
you would be a pioneer in this OP, I've never heard of someone working on game while microdosing. maybe good or not, only way to know is by gathering data of people who tried it. If you keep doing it I would love to hear about your journey
Last weekend I did a short trip to a nearby town with a girl I met on Tinder, we hanged out and had sex couple of times. this girl is working/medium class financially and she would come over to my house and I would invite her small things like fast food or share a bottle of wine. Last week I told her I would go on a trip and that she was welcomed to join me. I never mentioned paying for everything. The minute the trip started every time the bill came she would not offer any money so I started paying for everything and told her I would take note of things I pay so she later gives me her part. She agreed so I payed for the hotel room, a day long tour, taxis and all food. She came to the trip with no money so I had no option except for leaving her there but decided to stay with her and pay. At the end of the trip she told me she would later send me her part but 5 days have passed and we haven't talk since then and have a feeling she will never do. I had a very good time but I feel really bad with what happened, I feel used. what are your perspectives?
Also this facade of being rich has ruined my finances. I live alone and have a good salary but spend it all in stupid things like expensive clothes. I have 0 savings. This is a reminder of how bad I handle my finances.
@Chives99 Thanks. couple days ago I messaged her and asked her when she was going to pay me. she told me to wait until yesterday when she gets paid and would send me the money. I'm not going to message her anymore. she already knows what I'm expecting so it's up to her. I don't think she will pay but I feel better after sending her the message.
thank you guys! next time I go out with someone I don't know much I will be more clear. I wasn't 100% clear because 1) I assumed she would be not abuse the situation(wrong, can't go through life acting list this). 2)I discovered that because of insecurity I put a facade of being rich with women which is not actually true and assumed that if I don't invite the girls to nice places they would dump me because that's the only value I can provide them. this ends up attracting girls that are not worth it and I end up feeling used so I will sell my personality to girls rather than my wallet. 3)Even if I make much more money than the girl, I think it's safer to be modest and not talk about how much money I spend. The focus should be in getting to know each other even if dates are on very simple places. I was putting too much focus on the place where we hanged out rather than on the interaction.
of course nowadays society punishes dating underaged people. as long as they are 18 it's fine
As long as they are sexually developed and are attracted to you there is no shame. I would date a 16 year old If I could(i'm 28 years old)
Also from the trip experience I take some of the blame(not all), next time I will be a little bit more explicit about the splitting expenses when I go on a trip with a person I'm not close to. I didn't do it last time because was worried girl would think I'm stingy. This is an assumption which could be wrong in reality I don't know because have never experienced this. I will next time
I have to stop being the money provider and rather see myself as an equal to the girls I date. they will like me because they see me as a friend not as a wallet
Also I do it because of insecurity why would a girl want to spend time with me if I'm not a money provider? The only value I have to provide to a girl is having great experiences (which most of the time are payed)
I feel so stupid about this: I contemplated this issue deeper because this is often happens me with girls. I try to put a facade of being rich to attract them and end up lamenting it. also this strategy doesn't work well I only attract girls I don't like mostly
It's been a month and a half since I started my trip to Colombia and I broke up with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago. I'm still sad but also happy because I think it was a good decision. I just read my first comment in this thread before the trip and there I wrote that that relationship my not last after this trip.I'm so happy I wrote that since it's a proof of how unhappy I was in that relationship.
Next time she brings this issue up I will definitely bring that up. I feel like she is being disgraceful. At her mom's house she's constantly doing chores. at my house there chores are virtually none thanks to the money I pay for making that possible yet she complains over having to wash dishes once a day!
If I didnt pay for all these things we would have to go to the supermarket everyday, cook lunch and dinner and also have to wash those dishes. She is obssesed with splitting house work 50/50 but expenses are spent 100/0. its so injust
I'm so upset, colombian girldfriend has been complaining because sometimes I dont do the dishes when I should and she sometimes ends doing the washing more often than me. when truth is because I pay for absolutely everything house chores are very little cause I always get takeout or pay for meals at restaurants. cant believe she complains she has to wash dishes from brakefast when its the only meal we have dishes for. I pay for all the food, eating out/take out so we never have to cook, I pay for rent, amazing trips we do and everything else and she complains because out of the only house chores we have: making the bed, breakfast and washing breakfast dishes she sometimes work on that more than I do, it's ridiculous!
Update from colombia: Colombian girlfriend has lupus, I knew this when I met her but her illness was stable, in the last couple months her lupus caused some imbalance in her body. I met with her yesterday after 4 months without seeing each other face to face. she is staying with me at my Airbnb in Bogota. She is now taking around 9 different medications to keep her lupus stable, has a very strict diet, has gained weight and told me she is supposed to gain much more over the upcoming months. A long distance relationship is already hard but a long distance relationship with a chronically ill person which every day I find less attractive(due to the damages that medications and lupus are doing to her body) that seems like a recipe for disaster. I don't want to hurt her but I really think I should end this relationship at the end of this trip for the good of both of us. She has become very attached to me so I'm scared of hurting her. Also she is so nice that makes it really hard even to think about it
In the social realm I think rules are too limited. Better than limited rules I recommend writing a list of values you expect from people in your life. You can write a long list with the ideal values and then select the top 3 or 5 that are an absolute must. For example for me the top 2 values I look in a friend are authenticity and honesty, if a person doesn't have them they are automatically out of my life. If they have those then I pay attention to how I feel around them, if they are honest and I feel good around them then thats enough for me. I perceive some fear of trusting people from your post, if you trust yourself then you don't fear trusting the wrong people Because you don't depend on them and also you trust your judgment on people and you trust in your ability to set boundaries.
you are describing all negative things when you talk about fap and you are saying no fap adds lots of good effects to your life, I think you have your answer. Only you can know what's best for you at the moment.
I like to separate friends by layers: Layer 1: Are my real friends, they are the people I can count on and which I share a history, I Feel lucky to have 2 friends in this category and every minute I spend with them is time very well invested. Layer 2: Other people I may call friends in social settings, but I Don't consider them real friends. We enjoy our time together and they provide me some value but I know these relationships are not meant to last therebefore I don't invest much time here, however I still invest some time to keep them going because they add some value. Also note that I have a minimal set of values that I expect from a person to be in one of those groups, for example a dishonest person doesn't make it even to layer 2.
Just curious are there any known health problems that magic mushrooms or LSD could cause to the brain chemistry if taken too often? For example causing imbalances in the serotonin system, etc. Assuming the brain is already healthy when taking them and doesn't have preexistent health issues. it's already known that for people with certain conditions it can be dangerous.
I have taken several courses on pickup and performed around 500 approaches over the course of 2 years. on that time I went from being almost a virgin to around 14 lays mostly from tinder, but a few from daygame. all this looks good so far. but over the last year and half my results became zero, I had a few months were I did daygame and nightgame couple of times a week and had a few dates but most of them with low caliber girls to my standard(mentally and physically). What changed between the time where I had some success and after is that in the beginning I would devote most of my energy only to pickup and would rely mostly on routines to get girls to my bed where Now I'm focussed mostly on my LP and don't have neither the mental bandwidth nor the desire to think about pickup techniques, so I just show up as my authentic self. I have reached a point where I fear approaching mostly because of the vast number of rejections I received since I started playing as my real self. it's almost unbearable to talk to new girls. when I go out with friends and they talk to girls I almost don't interact with the girls they open because I already assume they won't like me. I know what I should do is just keep going out and opening but can't bare rejection anymore. My current plan is focus on doing psychedelic exploration of myself and try to understand what's going on in that way. I struggled to relate with girls for most of my life except for the short period of my life where I would use routines and manipulation to get laid Just wanted to share it with you and listen to your perspectives.
@integral thanks for your reply, the crazy thing is that I'm in an distance open relationship with a girl I met in Colombia 6 months ago and I'm going to visit her next month, it's my first serious relationship with a girl so this is actually great progress. But because I live in Argentina I became very negative about the fact that it's been 3 months since I came back from Colombia and haven't gotten laid since. Also before leaving to Colombia I spent several months without sex, that's why I left in the first place. My main issue is negativity as I said to Roy above I got some results quickly and maybe I became a little entitled, also I have very promiscuous friends so I wrongly compare with them and feel bad. I will focus on the lots of good things I have and will try to not compare with them, it's hard since they love to talk about their promiscuous lives but will try
@Roy Thanks for your comment. I got used to very good results too fast and after my focus changed my results were greatly reduced and I became frustrated, Also started to compare myself with very promiscuous friends I have and felt bad for spending several months without getting laid. I'm going to work on focussing on all the great things I have