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Everything posted by pablo_aka_god

  1. Thank you all for your comments. I have an amazing life that I have built with hard work but this area has been driving me insane for the last couple of years because seems so counterintuitive to how all the other areas of life work that I still struggle to wrap my head around it. Still I will make a conscious effort to focus on all the good stuff in my life.
  2. @Danioover9000 it's impossible to pause AI development at this point because how to train them is well known by all AI people, even I could train LLMs if I had thousands of dollars at my disposal. It would be like stopping drugs or prostitution, we have opened a door that can't be closed. If a government like US tries to impose a pause, it would slow down progress for more responsible companies like microsoft and openai and the bad guys would have more time to also gain traction
  3. as amazing as it is GPT-4 is not AGI, and no one knows whether improving on the current paradigms(ie: gpt-5, gpt-6) will get us to AGI. As an AI engineer my intuition is that such an approach won't become AGI. Still it's an amazing tool that can greatly benefit society and I feel optimistic about it. Also I think it's good that a lot of people are worried and are asking for more government control. This is a very powerful technology so it's good to have as many eyes on it as possible so together as a society we can build the framework to work with this technologies in a healthy way. It's the first time in history that such a powerful tool is available to anyone a not only to certain elites. a very interesting time to be alive! TLDR: it's good to be concerned but I feel very optimistic
  4. If you keep trying eventually some girls will start replying to your messages, after that most will die in texting but you will eventually will start getting dates, most dates will be bad specially when you have little experience but if you keep pushing eventually will start getting some good dates. In order to be able to push through such a long process you need to enjoy it. Try as much as you can to enjoy it and eventually it will start working. and you will remember such process as one of the coolest/best things you have done in your life
  5. I'm 27 years old, I used to cry a lot as a child until someday at age of 8 my father told me that man don't cry and I started repressing it. Now I feel I have developed a shell that doesn't allow me to cry even if I want to. I would like to brake free of it since I feel it blocks me from being truly free emotionally. Also I have serious problem connecting with Women and I have a feeling it may be related to this. Do you recommend taking Magic mushrooms with this goal? if so which approach would you recommend I follow? I have already taken mushrooms 2 times in the last 3 months and last time I got close to crying without it being my goal but because I was doing the trip with a friend at a public park I got inhibited and repressed it. Next time I would do it alone in my home.
  6. Do you know any good and practical courses or sources of information that teach the basics of a good diet/nutrition ? I'm looking for a course that is targeted for people who have a busy day and can't spend 2 hours a day cooking or sourcing for ingredients, I feel like a lot of the recipes I find online are too hard/take to much time to cook. I'm trying to create a diet that is easy not only to follow but also to prepare. Any advice is highly appreciated!
  7. Yesterday I had my first psychedelic experience, I took 1.5g of dry mushrooms in a forest with a friend and it was a wonderful and deeply profound experience where I felt in a space where I was deeply loved and accepted by nature I also felt grateful for all the things I have in my life: I have good friends, family, a career I like a lot(don't love it but like it a lot), I'm good financially wise and young(27 years old). However today I feel sad because I deeply miss that space of acceptance and love. even though my life is good it also requires a lot of work and it's hard/boring a lot of the time, compared with the space where I was yesterday my life feels like shit I feel like wanting to live in a park taking mushrooms every day and not working anymore or doing the bare minimum just to get a stable income to pay for food and housing Have you guys experienced this? how did you approach it?
  8. I have no experience with psychedelic drugs, I only smoke mariguana twice a year when I'm in the mood. I have a very active mind and unless the setting is very chill I have bad trips on mariguana, I usually have good trips when alone or with one friend but have bad trips when doing it with bigger groups of people. I have done meditation, therapy and read personal development books for many years but deep in my heart I still feel uneasy, a little sad and struggle with social anxiety. I want to dig deeper into my mind since I've found a limitation on how deep I can go with regular practices. I'm planning to do my first psychedelic trip to explore these issues deeper. I would do the trip in my flat with a friend to baby sit me but still have questions like what's the safest drug to get started with to reduce chance of bad trips and how to frame the whole experience, ie: how to prepare, what to do during the trip, etc. Do you have any recommendations? maybe there is a guide somewhere for newcomers to the psychedelic world?
  9. @Breakingthewall thank you so much for your advice. yesterday I had my first trip on 1.5g of dry mushrooms and it was a wonderful experience just like you described it was a psychedelic experience which I could still control so that gave me a sense of safeness