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Everything posted by pablo_aka_god

  1. Also it's not mandatory to connect with every waitress and barista one bumps into. Some are opened and others aren't looking for it.
  2. helping a girl just because you want to fuck her is creepy and manipulative as hell
  3. daygame session. 3 openings. 1 ask for coffee. energu was right. 1 direct opening. girl just said thanks and didnt stop 1 direct opening. girl left but I was loose enough to make a joke and laughed
  4. daygame session. almost dont do it but bumped into a big ass gial w red pants, was so sexy that I opened her directly. in total did 3 openings: 1 direct + 2 ask for coffee
  5. daygame session. 3 indirect openings. 1 direct opening. girl was looking down and away so I didn't push it. opening was well done though and energy during interaction felt right.
  6. quick update since last post: last weekend friday-saturday I travelled 7 hours to the biggest custom party in Argentina(FDD Parana) w people I know from the pickup course. Friday: only opened 1 set at night while buying stuff at a store, opening was natural didn't even try. Saturday: did daygame at afternoon(only a few short interactions, none lasted much but at least opened). at night I went to the party and did a few openings and even direct openings inside the party. Sunday(payday): did not game today but had a date at night with a girl I met a week ago on daygame(we kissed in the insta date). I pulled her to my house and she gave me a beautiful handjob, blowjob and boob job. For some reason she felt insecure about taking her skirt off so I enjoyed the other pleasures she gave me and came inside her mouth Monday: 4 openings, only a very short interaction(1 min) until girl left.
  7. Still I haven't seen any big patterns about this, I think the people on your personal circle lack empathy
  8. it's easier to show empathy to individuals we perceive as weaker(like women or kids, not sure about elderly maybe weaker + potential value increases empathy?) or we want to fuck.
  9. even if my rational mind doesn't want to believe this I already have enough proof of life experience to know that the time one takes to reply a message is one of the most important times of cybergame and what never fails is taking a little longer than expected. so from now on I will appreciate this as a tool of game. cant track exactly how much to wait but at least I know when it's too early to reply and not do it, better to take 1 day than 1 min
  10. I get horny and try to hurry meeting with a girl, this ends up destroying a possible lay and even LTR just because I assume that if girl showed she wants to fuck me she is not gonna care that I become too available for her. Time and again I see that every fucking girl will lose interest if I overinvest even if she wanted to fuck the shit out of me minutes ago or even if she already fucked me, unless she fucked me a few times(more than 3) I gotta be careful with investment
  11. time and again I'm learning that I have to wait a few hours minimum to open a girl on whatsapp after a close. damn I am tired to ruining good games because I can't wait a few hours to send a message. I've seen the pattern of girls leaving after I over invest a lot. the only girls I got to fuck and become LTRs are girls which I never overinvested on. and even took a little too long to send messages
  12. daygame session: 4 openings, all direct! 3rd girl showed sexual interest from the second I opened my mouth and told me to save her number. I took her number and gave her a kiss in the chick. 1st girl also showed some interest but her bus just came and she left, I could have asked her to stay but I wasn't that interested tbh and didn't find the congruence/desire to push it.
  13. if doesn't come up natural better to come up as try hard than not trying
  14. daygame session. 2 indirect openings + 1 direct opening. in direct opening at first girl stopped and was listening but I saw how I was trying a little to hard and she lost interest and left. it a real challenge to push it and try hard without looking like you are trying hard but looking natural. it was first direct opening in the day so I think it's great to try hard in first couple of interactions until reaching flow.
  15. daygame session, 3 openings. one ask for coffee(girl showed interest) + 1 direct opening which I don't remember but I counted it as such + 1 direct opening a girl with the most beautiful ass I saw today could talk for 20 sec and girl left. I tried to do another direct opening but girl didn't even stop. I wanna fuck so hard, just realized at this stage of my life I gotta focus only on making money and getting sex. everything else is a distraction. in the morning my neighboor(a girl) was fucking and I could hear it, I loved it and made think how great it's gonna be when im in that position and how stupid I was for caring too much about neighbors while fucking, my new rule should be: while fucking fuck neighbors. sex is something beautiful and I shouldn't feel shame for fucking really hard and noisy, it's actually a good thing
  16. daygame session, bare minimum 3 indirect openings, asked for coffee 3 times and got quick responses. was a shitty training day but at least showed up.
  17. daygame session w 3 openings: 1 direct opening ended in insta date and kiss close! 1 direct opening 1 ask for a coffee. I almost quit today cause I was starting to doubt wether this works and bam! another kiss close. also yesterday went out for dinner w my friend and wing Zen and we did some short openings on the street, every time I do a little bit of nightgame my daygame improves the next day, so even if nothing happens at night I know I'm improving my daygame. at the end of the night we ended chatting w a venezuelan girl for like 30 mins. at the end of the convo I told her we should go for coffee another day and she said no in front of my friend! this is progression, in the past I couldn't face rejection in front of friends so I didn't even try to escalate w girls in front of them!
  18. and btw this shit is so fucking hard that no wonder how many guys become misogynist. feels like an entire feat to go through this without growing resentment
  19. @Leo Gura if I had 3 girlfriends I would be disinterested but I don't have so how can I possibly be something if it's not manifested in the world? is this really possible? feels like a kitchen and egg problem, I need girls to be disinterested but can't get girls because I'm not disinterested
  20. thanks for sharing! most of my man friends are tall and beautiful and i'm average looking slightly shorter than average. I face those things weekly. they barely make an effort and girls go to them because they are tall or pretty. not much we can do, if we keep gaming we are improving ourselves in way more dimensions than just the ability to get sex we are becoming tanks
  21. daygame session. 4 openings in total. 1 ask for coffee + 3 direct openings, all half assed and no girl hooked. i'm feeling brain fog during the interactions and don't try too hard, idk why. maybe Im not that attracted to the girls? or maybe its fear of approximation even after opening?ie: im sabotaging the interactions?
  22. daygame session. 4 openings in total. 1 ask for a cafe very short + 3 direct openings, couldn't even stop a girl to talk w me. very hard day, I feel like shit and im starting to doubt whether this will ever work. still I know I gotta continue to see what happens, if in the next week I have at least a very good combo then I know I gotta continue. I've had good convos in the past in daygame so why couldn't it keep happenning?. I've had sex before with girls from daygame so statistically I know that if I keep doing it, it will happen again
  23. daygame session. 4 direct openings. last girl was the hottest one I've seen in a long time, interaction lasted 2 min. I tried to phone close her and she said no.
  24. daygame session. 1 direct opening w phone close, girl is called flor, I almost don't close her since wasnt sure whether she was interested or wanted to get rid of me, let's see how she responds on whatsapp. 1 compliment I gave to a woman about her dog, she just laughed and didn't reply but felt nice. I wasn't sure wether to do a direct opening or not so did the compliment to see her face closer and how she reacts. I liked it because I felt like a highly confident and social individual whoo sees the world as his friend. 1 ask for a coffee 1 direct opening w instant rejection 1 direct opening walked a block and had a decent conversion w girl but we didn't hook and parted ways.
  25. daygame session, at least 6 openings. had a hard time all rejections. last one I had emphaty and realized girl was very tired and in a hurry and girl said thanks and she liked it. I realized emphaty is very important all those girls were in a hurry. also a street vendor came begging me to buy his shit and I laughed in his face, and realized how absurd it is for me to be laughing at a poor and desperate person's face which is begging me for money. I will try to have more empathy and not laugh at their faces again.