Anton Rogachevski

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Everything posted by Anton Rogachevski

  1. Mind you I did take LSD before and I think in higher doses but it was my recrational past, and it was nothing, not even close to what it's like right now. It all started this morning, saturday. I've rested well for two days and perpared since yesterday. Yesterday took a microdose of about 20 ug, and there was no notable difference from the regular midnfulness I practice for years. This morning I took about 130 ug. I've always heard about psychedelic experiences and wanted to get an idea of what it's like. It's nothing like described. It's amazing to see how different actual reality is from ideas about it. It's not so obvious from a perspective of never having experienced it before. The first two hours were a gradual climb and enhancement of the perceptual field and on about the two hour mark it started! First ever enlightenment experience! I just sat there perparing for the trip, streching, having a quality breakfast and coffee to get the body started. And I was very mindful of the experience, at the first two hours it seemed regular and then I just looked in the mirror and had a deep inquiry about the source of all this experience. I asked "is this body the source of experince?" and from then on the light of god strated pouring at me like a watefall. 3 hour mark: All the questions I've had were just washed away and disappeared. It was so obvious and so simple. The next instant I saw that I'm an angel of god looking in the mirror and asking who god is. And the duality between me and god finally united into a unified and infinite field of wonder. Take the regular everyday experiemce and multiply its intensity and magnification by 10,000 and you might get an idea of what it's like. Of course reality and self still in tact in such dosage, but for a first deep trip I found it useful enough for insights and seeing self deception around me. It becomes so obvious! It's like: "How did I not see it?!" I decided it's time for a deeper contamplation and further trying to interpret what is before me. Since I started writing I notice that as I write and understand deeper, the quality of the experience is deepening to infinity probably. As I write and for an idea it becomes my experience instantly. The notion of angels started to be very accurate in describing just the "usual" things we normally see. The first scribbles were just like mythical angels and god metaphores I tried to communicate as a message of god. Oh well at least I did my best. At this point (5 hour mark) I think i will dediacte an hour of just walking my dog and keep integrating what is happening more spontaneously. Experince is returning to usual gradually. Still many insights into my life, self deception, relatioships, and overall expension of the big picture understanding of life.
  2. @pluto Indeed. Particularly in inspiring me to work on increasing consciousness, and cleaning up my way of life. Now I see the light at the end of the tunnel. @Serotoninluv Very good question! It's easier to doubt the short weird experience, rather than the long stable shared one.
  3. @Leo Gura What worries me is the validity of the data collected. While I was in the trip it seemed undoubtedly true, yet upon leaving doubt returned and I can't yet escape the material paradigm in realizing it wasn't just hallucination. If one person becomes enlightened, or has an experience, how come all other people aren't at the same time. How is this seperation of experiences occurring? How to realize it's not just in my head?
  4. The first raw insights: I've been on this path of personal development for about 5 years and have heared so much about mystical experiences, but never had a very deep non dual states, so I became very interested in having such an experience first hand. This legendery truth is much closer to everyday experience than I imagined it to be. I will attempt to put it into words as best as I can given the limitation of ideas and thoughts in describing pure reality. Be mindful of the stream of consciousness currently in your experience, that is what we usually call "regular" experience, now multiply it's intensity and magnification by 10,000, and all of the sudden alot of things become very "bright" and cristal clear, alot of the doubt about yourself and your choises just lifts and you see everything as so obvious and easy. At this point I see god looking in the mirror and asking himself: "what is the source of experience?" And instantly the duality evaporates and I see an angel looking at himself fully realizes he's an angel of god, and sees that there is no source other than experience, experience is it's own source. God created us angels to walk and explore it's infinte set of possibilty, to look at itself consciously and realize what a miracle it is to exist. Every point in this ever flowing experience is infinte, and is streaming towards the source and feeds back into itself. Every angel is god and is a channel for this infinte flow. Now look in the mirror and see how you have welcomed this angel that is you, did you treat him with respect, did he feel welcome in your world? Is your house clean to recieve god? How did you treat this angel or other angels of god? To feel complete a man must recognize and respect the divinty that is before him. We can look at this example as if the body is the house of god, but it's more than that, because the life you live and all that surrounds you is also your body, and ultimatly the body of god. That must be the meaning of building god a temple. Low consciousness is a shadow in which demons thrive and can act covertly. High consciousness is a bright light that burns the demons alive, and all that's left is to enjoy the cleanliness. Remember, the angel of god is always here, and when you take responsibility for your life you immediately win for the same amount you have put in. The same thing goes for all other messangers of god: your friends, your relatives, and all angels. How would you treat them if you knew god send them? God is not an idea, or far out there, he is right in front of you, if you don't see him you are blinded by low consciousness. Even a blind person sees god because all other senses are god too. The cleaner the angels' body is the easier it is for him to recieve the flow of god's consciousness. It's so simple. Be an angel and act like an angel that is the essence. So who are "people"? Angels who forget their godhood and forgot all other angels are god, and so they fight with each other about comfort. An angel who forgot who he is becomes a demon. All these terms are obviously metaphorical, they come up to mind when you see these such an experience and you are it.
  5. @How to be wise Obviously I don't seek shortcuts nor expected to give me free spiritual growth. I used it to have a deep meaningful look onto my life. See where I'm deceiving myself to learn new insights about things I must change. @Serotoninluv Yes a good trip indeed! Now the only question is, do I need to go any deeper?
  6. @Leo Gura I believe you and most of society were programmed to believe that hard jobs are for bitches. Please hear this man which puts it much more eloquently .
  7. If you had all the money and time in the world. What would you do?
  8. Hello everyone, Please share your insights about asking for favors and doing favors. Have you had deep spiritual insights that changed the way you look at helping someone?
  9. Amazing video Leo! It really covers the topic. Thank you for your continuing contribution.
  10. Try a little thought experiment with me; what if one day we reach a state of total equality. No status, no poor countries to take advantage off, no way to import imigrants to do the lousey jobs. Now who will do what needs to be done?
  11. @Leo Gura Isn't there nobilty and humbleness in doing the work that obviously needs to be done so your fellow men won't have to? For some reason I don't want to be on top and to have slaves. Something in your idea isn't to my liking I'm afraid. Life can't be all flashy and cool like in the movies all the time. "Before enlightenment chop woods, carry water, after enlightenment chop woods, carry water." Also to work for a boss one needs to let go of pride which is good I believe.
  12. @RichardY ?
  13. @Arkandeus Thank you man! your message is truly inspiring.
  14. What happens to green's will to abolish material belongings in seeking of a higher satisfaction? Could he be back to buying nice things for himself once he reaches yellow? Could that desire to be a sort of nihilst about materialist possession a part of going through green? It strated to happen to me and I was at first worried that this is regression back to orange. What do you think?
  15. Thank you for your replies! So one could easily say that hippies that dress like homeless people are not green but more like blue. Reminds me of christian monks who dress with a bag and a rope.
  16. Hello everyone, Please share your insights about this topic.
  17. @Nahm Will this help to not get attached to people all the time? I realized that the real problem in relationships is being too emotionally invested.
  18. While personal development is talking about results, spirituality is the let go of results in favour of letting reality be just as it is. It's all about working on bad personality traits as: impatience and perfectionism which led to all the problems in the first place. Are you truly ready to let go of results completely?
  19. A good ego is a balance and full acceptance of evil. An ego like that makes less harm. Being selfish and fully aware will go full circle into being selfless. There's no You and an ego, the ego is you, and you are helpless against it. There's no one to fight against, and no one to fight. It's fighting windmills until you give up.
  20. Is it possible that the answer to all metaphysical questions is I don't know ?(but truly don't as Leo says)
  21. Does the fact that there's no awareness of a controller necessarily mean there is no control?
  22. @Nahm The ability to decide if there is such. For example the fact that I chose to post this instead of contemplating it further in solitude.
  23. @Leo Gura How do I even know what "experience" even is without having non-experience as an opposite? I really don't know what is it that is manifasting.