Anton Rogachevski

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Everything posted by Anton Rogachevski

  1. Totally! Nothing like a walk in the mountains alone. Taking in nature and even doing some chanting or singing.
  2. @AlphaAbundance It wakes up through you. That's your purpose: being a vassel for god to know himself. Othewise he wouldn't be able to do so.
  3. @Joseph Maynor Intresting way to put it. Do you actually experience the two? In other words, how is it manifesting in your direct experience?
  4. Giving the brain a spiritual practice, is like giving a baby a chew toy. As long as there's tooth ache the toy is a useful instrument, but as soon as the desire to seek externally is quenched, the brain drops it. In reality, the baby as it's becoming an adult, still needs to take care of its teeth, and the person needs to keep developing and integrating spiritual insights. So to keep developing, develop the tools as you go.
  5. "The which than which there is no whicher.”
  6. @Seiden I wish you well dear friend, Thank you for sharing! Cheers
  7. The ego is like a crutch of a man with a broken leg, it needs to be strong to allow him to heal, but when the leg is fully healed, he let's go of the crutch and walks freely. A weak ego is a bigger trouble, because it inflates and gets over protective. Like a physical crutch, it's an object without will or life of it's own. It's an inanimate puppet-scapegoat of the devil, used to draw your attention from his actions. "My ego did this, my ego did that." - c'mon, face it, it was you, don't blame poor little ego.
  8. “If you see the Buddha or a Buddha, kill him”
  9. @Shin Keep going and it will be obvious. You can't force this. Imagining it is not helping.
  10. Systems are self balancing entities: There are reactions upon reactions as in a pendulum. At first women were discriminated, later feminism swingned the arrow towards emasculation, and so the reaction is what you see. Also spirial dynamics alone tells you that 70% of the population is blue, so what do you expect? Don't judge the whole by the majority. Many red pillers I've read are stage yellow sages that practice pure self actualization. You see what you wanna see. To learn more watch "The red pill" movie, a documentary by a feminist which is trying to explain this situation.
  11. @Joseph Maynor Thank you dear friend, Good luck on your journey, It seems you are very serious at this work, it's inspiring.
  12. @Gabriel Antonio Definitely. Would you care to help? What did I misspell?
  13. Now you may practice surrender and dissolve into the silence you speak of. Let go of any desire for "deeper" truth, there's none.
  14. You can't. There's no one to accomplish the task. This need is the very unnecessary tension in the forehead one must let go of.
  15. @ShugendoRa You could say that you can't in fact, since thoughts are an automatic phenomenon which isn't under your conscious cotrol. You can however, have pseudo-control through letting go and helping god to help you. Judging is your way to not look at your own shadow. (Denial) You don't see that you have a potential for darkness which is a part of you. Love yourself completely. Also curative awareness and prayer might help. Try to practice the Hoʻoponopono method for relieving hatred and freeing the flow of unconditional love.
  16. @ivankiss Thank you dear friend. It came at right time.
  17. Before looking for god directly, one looks in many places. There are hints of divinity all around, it's god's foreplay.
  18. Thank you for sharing unique and diffrent material I'd otherwise miss. I like to think of fear as the calling of god to hear him, through prayer and meditation. Cheers!
  19. Nothing you experience is real. Normal or psychedelic. Nothing is real, and nothing is unreal, these are binary categories of the mind. If you hit my toe, I would feel pain, but what does it prove? In a dream, if one hits his toe he also feels pain.
  20. Enlightenment sure is cool, yet there are things more important in this work: Shadow work Spiritual purification Quiet mind/Concentration Epistemology Emotional intelligence Cleaning your life Relationships Fixing Unhealthy Habits and Behaviour Enlightenment works well with all those, but it's not all those. It's the crown of all development. But put a crown on a crook and you get zen devil. It's absolutely worthwhile in healing suffering and living authentically. When it's right for you, you won't have doubts about trying it. Don't push yourself if you don't need it right now. First develop basic survival skills. If you do chose to seek truth, research deep and extensively to understand intellectually what "enlightenment" really means, it's very easy to get it wrong, since it's so ineffable and mysterious. There are a lot hearsay out there, and you need to separate wheat from chaff.
  21. Seems like empathy. But I guess "empathy" is not as simple as I might think. I believe it has something to do with our inherent unity, so the moment of feeling what "others" feel is a realization of this very unity. Reminded me of this gorgeous song:
  22. Hello again dear Ivan, I really enjoyed reading! Your imagination abilities are indeed incredible. Can you explain more what are different versions of earth? Where are they located, and how were they formed? So you really couldn't agree at all with the low-consciousness people? How come they got stuck and stopped developing?