Anton Rogachevski

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Everything posted by Anton Rogachevski

  1. Different people perceive and memorize differently. So for one it can be the best, for another the worst. Also depends on the type of book and in what setting you listen to it. If you are in a meditation like state, fully aware, and alert, I find it extremely efficient.
  2. Patience and presence is gold. The tricky part is that there's no time, and there are no answers. Have faith that you already have all the answers you need, you just don't see them, or rather you don't know where and how to look, and you have no way to recognize what has no opposite. You can see black, because there's white, but what you look for has no properties at all, it is invisible yet it's all there is. Just stop right now, and open your eyes. See where are these "awareness", "concentration" and "relax" you speak of?
  3. Hello again dear friend, you always ask the best questions. In order to fly a bird must first flap its wings and later to glide. So you need both, and then according to where you are, apply the right tool. Godspeed
  4. Yep, and I prefer this perspective, rather than the radical non dual one. It's best to not disqualify that which is out of reach, but to keep it as a basic assumption, just for the sake of integration. When communicating with rational people it's better to start slow. This makes pefect sense and explains why spirituality works, and how useful it is. Godspeed.
  5. @Truth Addict Thank you for your support dear friend.
  6. Hello, and thank you for the great question, To surrender your vision doesn't mean to give it up. You can both strive for things, and surrender your will, there's no contradiction. This is not physical surrender, or the idea of "surrender" we usually think about, it's the let go of the imaginary controller - as simple and basic as that sounds, it may take you years to understand experientially through awakening, and even then you will realise that you can't surrender, there's nothing and no-one to surrender. It's not up to you, and you can't force it. It's done for you in the right place and time according to god's will. Godspeed
  7. @Mafortu Divine love is much diffrent than what we imagine it to be, it's more neutral as you said. Perfect detachment. It includes and transcends notions of love and hate. Bliss is not the ultimate state, deep serenity is what beneath it all - Perfect emptiness, so empty it's full.
  8. Hello and welcome, Just keep at it, and gradually increase the duration of practice. Expect long plateaus and feeling like you are totally wasting your time. It's the thoughts that try to convince you to quit. Don't believe thoughts and emotions, they are not yours, nor do they want what's best for you. Meditation is just a pure and simple self dicipline method. Let go of all expectations, progress, and purposes you hold about meditation. You will feel progress retrospectively after months of practice. It's so gradual you won't feel any change on the day to day. A modern zen master said: "Meditation is good for nothing." And it's true.
  9. Is that always the case? How about JFK, Gandhi, Martin Luther King?
  10. If your desire isn't pure, it just won't work, and will lead you into deeper suffering, so I guess it's a fail proof mechanism. See what takes suffering away, and you will know what to do.
  11. It may very well be the case, and that's why you should always stay open to the possibility of there being a deeper insight. The masters of this are the most humble.
  12. That would totally explain it! After all infinity does contain pre-determinism.
  13. That's a delusional thought, that is based on a fundamentally false application of non-dual wisdom. The reasons: Free will, pre-determination, no free will - are groundless concepts. Please stop posting the same topic over and over again.
  14. Dear mods, please pin a Mega Thread about free will, so that we stop getting a post asking the same question every couple of days. Thank you in advance, Cheers.
  15. @Shir Thank you for sharing dear Shir, You raise a lot of good questions and you go deep, it's very good! Keep at it and you'll be amazed at how much is there to discover. I would say that this feeling of nothing is not god's void. A feeling is not it. Void is the ground of experience, what's prior to that feeling. It allows for all to exist, but it stays invisible in the background. Depression is the loss of connection to god. It's your soul awakening and yearning to seek it's source. I wish you health and goodluck fellow traveler! Godspeed.
  16. Isn't something that causes intense pleasure addictive? Like heroin for example. Is awakening addictive?
  17. I second that. Very good and sober insight as usual! Thank you dear friend, Cheers
  18. Amazing! Thank you for sharing dear friend.
  19. How dare you come here and have fun! We only suffer here, seriously and systematically.
  20. Clean your schedule as much as you can before and after. Start meditating as much as you can days before. (Obviously don't push yourself or it'll backfire on you.)
  21. Why on earth would you want these?
  22. @Wisebaxter It's not your choice. You may decide you are ready to receive anything that comes your way, and allow god's will, but the rest is up to god, and the depth of your surrender.
  23. @FredFred Hello and thank you for the great question, When any sensation or emotion comes up you should welcome it with an open heart, let the love within you heal and transmute any negativity that arises - that's precisely what Spiritual Purification is. Yes go as deep as possible and don't try to seek a rational explanation for the emotion, most of the time there's no reason for it, other than the fact that it seeks your attention in an attempt to achieve resolution, and ultimately integration. That anxiety is in fact you! Your missing part which you repressed, divided from yourself, and judged as "Bad". Your subconscious mind is a miraculous mechanism that sees exactly when is the right time for you, and you are ready to receive the repressed shadow. I hope it helps you dear friend, Good luck!
  24. Playing is its' own purpose, if its' purpose is other than itself, it's not it. You only play for yourself with yourself, by yourself.