Anton Rogachevski

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Everything posted by Anton Rogachevski

  1. Hi everyone! The question is: Can spirituality have a price? Can you sell spiritual wisdom and turn it into a buisness? Isn't it better to try and give it for free? This question has bothered me for very long, and I can't seem to reach any conclusion. Dear friends, please share your insights! Long time no see. I've really missed the discussions here.
  2. Also a good point and really a big part of the dilema. As the old Zen masters would say: "There's nothing to teach, nothing to know."
  3. @Jkris Thank you, good thoughts.
  4. @ajasatya Some very good points. I give as much as I can for free. My ability to give is diminished thogh, because a lot of energy goes towards making a living in a completely unrelated domain, which is very unfortunate in my opinion. So the real question is whether to make my living separate from, or a part of my spirituality.
  5. @DrewNows I shall check it. @Jkris Thank you dearly for your input. Donations are a good idea, perhaps even of spiritual meaning.
  6. Hello dear Nahm, good to hear from ya! I would love to hear more about your proccess of reaching this conclusion. Aren't you already treating "yourself" well when you treat "others" well? @Aakash Hey man! Please no derailing and unrelated chatter.
  7. @hamedsf @Keyhole @tsuki @Knock Thank you dearly for your input fellow travelers. There's much truth in what you say. Allow me to share my current view about it: A zen master would say that he has no value to offer, he can't teach you anything you don't know. I think it's up to the system we inhabit, right now we live in a world of money, and so it has to be kept in motion. In that kind of system one has almost no choice but to recieve payment for most services in order to live. On the other hand you can have a secondary mutual arrangement of exchange with no goals of profit, but a sharing and receiving of energy which forms a self sustaining circle, where money isn't necessary. So in short the answer is: It's relative to the current state of affairs. Also, in order to be able to learn and teach full time one must recieve support from sponsors. The confusion could all be rooted in deep unconscious low self esteem issues where one believes he doesn't have enough to offer in order to charge for it.
  8. I believe it's a masterpiece, an instant classic, and an unforgettable piece of art. The fact that it's mainstream doesn't bother me much. It all depends what you are looking for in a show. There are deep big picture lessons to learn from it that Martin is concerned with: 1. The horrible nature of war. 2. The corrupting effect of power and authority on a person. (Ex. Putin) 3. That heroes can end up being villans. Enjoy and keep you judgment to yourself please. Cheers.
  9. @legendary Thank you very much for sharing, Keep at it! This is very good. Wish I did more of this. Cheers!
  10. I've had this question for quite a while, and I couldn't find a definite answer. What should a man who leans more feminine do? Is it better to seek a woman who is in touch with her masculine, and take the role of the feminine, or should he work hard and try to Increase his masculine. So the real question is: Would it even possible for a man who is naturally feminine to change and become masculine? It seems as if that wouldn't be authentic, but I want to hear your experience. By the way, I'm all for embracing and growing both as they naturally arise upon awakening, as it is essential for a full awakening.
  11. @Shadowraix Very interesting insight, and it's quite different than many sources I know. @Shin That would be a good experiment.
  12. @Emerald Thank you for your reply. It's not so much about desire, but rather a practical need to understand how to form healthy relationships. All the advice I see is guiding masculine man to be with a feminine woman. But what if one's balance is differently set? Then what advice should he seek? So the underlying question is: Can a masculine woman be comfortable being the masculine, while the man being comfortable being his authentic feminine self. Can such a relationship work?
  13. I'd say that it entirely depends on what you call intelligent. Is wrecking earth with pollution intelligent? If not I guess the donkey is a step ahead in having virtue.
  14. In the last couple of months I went deeper into that concept and tried to see if it's of any use, and what I see now, is that it's a narrow and negative narrative based thinking that leads to frustration and a general lack of muse. I say that only because prior to thinking whether I was enslaved or not I was free. It's only the thought of being "enslaved" that can enslave you. If you think in terms of what you can't do, you will always see limitations, but should you really? Should you actively try and prove to yourself that you are not free? I say no, you really shouldn't! If you feel free right now, and you stumble upon such notions as "wage slavery", it's better to avoid it. That's negative motivation, and it won't help you go deeper on your journey towards life purpose. In fact I'm so uninspired right now that I temporarily paused the work on Leo's course.
  15. @VictorB02 It's ok, no need to get defensive, I only shared my view. Perspective about perspectives is not what I seek. May I only add that you divide Absolute Truth and put it in a limited category of it's own, and so you miss the whole point of it being "absolute". If it's not going to be embodied in every aspect of life it's a waste of time. Another thing is a sort of perfectionism on your part, a sort of all or nothing binary definition. "If I'm not self employed I'm a slave, if I'm an entrepreneur I'm free."
  16. Does the obligation of a hunter to hunt for food enslave him? He needs to eat doesn't he? You are viewing the world through a perspective and you are failing to see that it's only a perspective and not the truth. You could say: "The hunter is a slave to his hunger and so he is forced to go and hunt." Or: "The hunter loves delicious food, and so he goes to get it."
  17. @Moreira I think of it this way: Is there work to do? Yes. Who is supposed to do it? Someone. It can't be neglected. The people who work are the heroes that build our world, without them you would live in a hole in a ground.
  18. That's not true. I don't know how you reached that conclusion. It's all a matter of perspective. Chose the one that makes you feel inspired and go on with the work of liberation. Thank you for you reply dear friend, I've missed this forum.
  19. You can't brute force Life Purpose, without inspiration it just won't work.
  20. That's negative motivation. Look for what you do want, and take the necessary steps. Unfortunately that's a self-centered view on freedom that's based on the value of "comfort", which is not a high value to pursue. Yes, he does get more, because he contributes, and he's also working much harder than you imagine. There's no free anything, there's a price to everything. It might be sad from your interpretation, but are they actually sad? How can you know for sure?
  21. Wow thank you for reminding me this. This is the forgotten truth I used to know and be free. Thank you dearly for you reply. @tsuki As all perspectives, it's partial. Some truth, mixed with opinion. It's difficult to fathom, and it gets you through a grief process, but it is how our society is currently structured. It take much time and systematic understanding to turn this around, but until then we have to survive somehow.
  22. 1. Keep looking deeper until you reveal the game-like nature of reality. 2. Play the game, knowing it's a game, while not taking yourself too seriously. 3. Become a strong, flexible courageous player. 4. Surrender your will entirely, dissolve into nothing. 5. Realize there's no other place to be, and return to the game, free of attachment.
  23. Strong and independent. Unconditional self-compassion, deeply integrated, self-transcended, high self esteem, authentic, independent from results or thoughts of others. Values his own opinion of himself above all else – That is confidence. It protects without effort, anger, or getting over protective, transparent and bulletproof. A flexible mask that easily changes to fit any situation. True authenticity is pure infinite flexibility of endless potential.
  24. Different people perceive and memorize differently. So for one it can be the best, for another the worst. Also depends on the type of book and in what setting you listen to it. If you are in a meditation like state, fully aware, and alert, I find it extremely efficient.