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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Nice!!! Cheetah for the win!!!! Maybe go be a Yogi. You know how you think Sadhguru is a fraud.....lol go test out what a Yogi like him had to do with snakes.
  2. I haven't slept in 4 days. Yogananda said Spirituality can get rid of your need for sleep. We'll see as it is now day 4 of me not needing sleep. I already confirmed and this will blow your mind....you don't need food either. I survived for several days perfectly fine without food, now with that said....it was detrimental to my body. Your body needs that....but as you know...you aren't your body. Think of your body like a vehicle. With that said, I would still recommend eating sleeping to keep the body healthy.
  3. The purpose of psychedelics is to awaken you to your true nature. If you use it over and over it can get rid of the fear, but it could also create a new fear. Some are not ready to accept their true nature and what it means. Awakening to your true nature is DEATH. It is the death of the fantasy of what you thought was true. So be careful with this unless you are ready to accept your nature.
  4. I already had awakenings into my true nature but sometimes because of the doubts from it being too good to be true cause some more awakenings to happen soberly. For me personally the use of drugs in Spirituality was for me to unlock higher levels of consciousness in my lived baseline experience. So I closed my eyes just now and realized I had no identity and then smiled and realized that I awoke that the ABSOLUTE is looking through my eyes. Sure I already knew it, but the reconfirmation is fun to experience. Sometimes you like to reconfirm what you already know to be true. It is a privilege to awaken that the ABSOLUTE TRUTH is looking through your eyes, its beautiful because it proves you are ABSOLUTE INNOCENCE!!! You have never been guilty, guilt is a concept that can only exist in an unawakened mind. The Absolute is always pure perfection, and all actions and consequences are pure perfection manifesting at all times. There are no mistakes, only experiences to go through, it is both preordained and not at the same time. The preordained= Each action is part of a sequence you have constructed to experience some aspect of your character expression. The lack of preordination which leaves room for things such as doubt, hesitation, and fear to modulate your experience and cause you to run or resist your said manifestation is also part of your masterful design. Like a hero on the run from his mission that he believes is too much for him to bear, you allow ignorance and mass confusion on what you should be doing in the moment to take effect so you can experience true authenticity. This is why life is truth, you aren't faking your expression, you are AUTHENTICALLY YOU. If you understood how much work goes into constructing the particular character expression that is you through all your adversities and triumphs you express perfect honesty of who you are in each moment at all times. You don't understand how masterful it is. An actor would struggle to imitate you with the same perfect authenticity that you portray yourself with each day. This is why you are a walking masterful miracle. All of creation expresses authentically at all times, this is why it is all ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!! Oneness= TRUTH. Because it is all that is, it cannot lie to itself, every experience is actually true, even lies. So this is why you are the ABSOLUTE and will always be ABSOLUTELY TRUE, you actually cannot be untrue, you need to fool yourself to believe yourself to be untrue. Its so beautiful!!!
  5. 1. God has no limit, so other and individual are ONE. This means that we are both individual and NOT individual at the same time. It's a paradox but I became directly conscious that I am both the only thing that has ever existed, and also an individual that has lived for the first time. The teachings of absolute solipsism are just geared for you to find/awaken to the aspect of reality where you alone are God. My recent journey awoke me to the aspect of my individuality on a deeper more divine level. You know how much flack I was getting for my posts? Also my recent awakenings humbled me. That fiery insight driven version of me has cooled off. It's sad because I got some crazy cool insights which would have been a blast to share, but I've since thrown them away after certain awakenings basically destroyed all models.
  6. Your main issue is Holykael...you contradict yourself alot, you lack experience that will teach you that majority of what you are saying you don't actually believe. I've been where you are before and was shown I was full of it. Again I have told you before, if you have experienced something before then you can get bored of it. Boredom's purpose is to drive you to experiment with new experiences.. Also feeling good has levels. Feeling bad is actually a form of goodness you just haven't had the awakening where feeling bad feels good yet. Thats what I am saying, you lack the experience and knowledge and speak from a place of ignorance. It's not your fault, but know this....EVERY SINGLE word, thought, will be accounted for. You will face everything you put out, so be careful what you put out.
  7. I challenge you to listen to this Holykael. You don't understand that getting your way all the time = boring. You want some improbability. Go watch movies and T.V. Shows and go play some video games you have played before. Comedy= problems/complaining. The better you complain, the funnier you are.
  8. The key part is here you are communicating that the high of 5 MEO transcends the sober orgasm. Makes sense obviously but it is rather funny to me. 5 MEO is so pleasurable it make jerking off feel robotic in comparison. This is what death does, it makes the high so high that everything else is underwhelming.
  9. I've gone 3 days without sleeping recently. As you go through awakenings they can cause changes in you. Don't let your bias mess you up. If you don't have to sleep as long count it as a blessing.
  10. I've gone 3 days without sleeping. As you go through awakenings they can cause changes in you. Don't let your bias mess you up. If you don't have to sleep as long count it as a blessing.
  11. Cool I had the same experience. Glad you are enjoying it!
  12. This person wrote an article on how Phil Jackson talked about how he became a great leader in the NBA as a Head Coach and how he used concepts from Zen, Buddhism, Christianity and his own perspective to lead. It's a good article. I always wondered if I should get the book because I did admire Phil's ability to lead but I've read so many leadership books before. Anyway here you go let me know what you think. I think they did a good job of breaking it down. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/integrated-approach-leadership-from-phil-jackson-charles-moore/
  13. Apparently I am very sensitive, more sensitive to drugs than anyone I have ever heard. I took a edible brownie that a friend sold me and I tripped on that brownie for a month. I need you to understand I literally tripped for a month non stop. I deconstructed reality so much I entered a reality I call unreality. In this reality events and timelines of my normal life were rewritten, I was shown different facets of God such as God is unlimited infinite beauty, Infinite Authority, God spoke to me and referred to itself several times as a totality. I suffered demon possession, I walked the streets and was homeless for awhile and eventually committed myself to psychiatric care. I faced every single judgment and statement I ever uttered and thought. I was shown that nobody has the clear understanding to judge another without living and perceiving life through that person's eyes. All of our judgments are full of ignorance of the lived experience of another. I call this ultimate humbling. I went through many other harrowing ordeals and made many important insights but all insights eventually fell away as I realized the unlimited, totality, and impermanence permanence of reality which makes every model, every statement obsolete. The personality structure that I know myself as is not God, it is a part of God. But God is the totality of all of my lived experience and beyond. I was shown that to claim there is nothing outside of my direct experience is itself a limitation. There is no limitation, because even direct experience can be co-opted by reality and made obsolete. Reality does not operate on self-deception, reality operates freely however it wants. It can deceive and it can also operate without deception as well. The Absolute Truth can and cannot be spoken. Reality is paradoxical and is also not paradoxical. Reality does not need to be understood but can choose to be understood and then go beyond all understanding.
  14. When you are ignored by others and experience the emotion of loneliness, when you are abused and left half-alive, then you will understand why you would ever think that your perspective is the only true perspective. When you block your ability to perceive the perspectives of others, only your perspective will feel real/valid. It's the whole point of the Tree of Knowledge of Good/Evil. Everyone from their perspective is doing good surrounded by those who resist them from their perspective with evil.
  15. Lol and this is why I realize Spirituality is the most dangerous pursuit/practice. It probably needs a more formalized/structured approach to it. Because when you wing it, it can have some pretty crazy results.
  16. Haven't been connected to the miracle that is Apple products. One day I'll dabble with them.
  17. Spirituality is an embrace and a sharing of life, of lived experience. I'd like to share this video I found, hopefully it blesses you, as it has blessed me. Share your opinion if you are open to it.
  18. There is no now, now is memory, you can only recognize a now through memory. If you forget the now, then you won't even know there was a now. What was the now exactly 5 hours and 26 minutes ago? Give me a reference of that experience? You cannot. What was the now of your entire childhood. Right NOW you can only read and respond because you have the ability to REMEMBER what you just read in the now and reply. Without MEMORY there is no NOW. NOW is itself reliant on memory. Memory is imagination. So you can have your NOW rewritten IN THE NOW and then have no clue what was prior to your NOW. You could have NOW of being a cockroach and never remember you were ever breakingthewall writing posts on Actualized.Org. Don't pretend to not understand what I am saying, you know full well what I am saying. It's just too scary to accept and THAT is the POWER of REALITY. It's not bound by anything, so it doesn't even have to follow its own memories it can wipe them and replace them, BECAUSE IT IS STORY IT IS THE AUTHOR AND THE CREATOR AND MEMORIES ARE JUST A SCRIPT IT CONJURES UP.
  19. The Devil and God are one and the same, that's the crazy part. Love includes brutality, pain, torture, I was shown that torture is love, and that social conditioning is a form of torture and that parents torture their children through insults, and shame to condition them into model citizens. So part of the reason so many people suffer from emotional issues is they are survivors of torture, for some it was psychological, and emotional, some it even included the physical. Yeah curiosity will do that to you....if you love yourself, and can accept yourself then even Spirituality cannot keep you down, but understand Spirituality is the path of facing your own inner judgment. There is nothing more scary then a mind unhinged. If you open your mind completely you will discover what you call breath is mind, color is mind, people is mind, memories is mind. You are literally everything you perceive and also not it at the same time. The not it is the barrier you erect to live a singular life within the infinite totality of what you are. You are Love, You are infinite beauty, but the scope and totality of what you are at your human level is too incomprehensible, it literally CANNOT be comprehended from the human perspective. Your human perspective MUST DIE to truly connect, and when I realized that after several smaller deaths, I decided to pull the plug and come back to normal human life.
  20. Sounds brutal, a woman taking a beating is stronger than a man taking a beating for obvious reasons in general. Sorry she went through that.
  21. Well I learned that there is a veil that prevents you from perceiving the masterpiece. The whole point of awakening is to penetrate that veil and to experience that life is a masterpiece beyond comparison. Life is such a masterpiece that God/Reality doesn't even need a comparison because its beyond such a notion. But what I noticed is if that veil was not put in place...you literally couldn't live a normal life. You would be so awestruck that you would drown in your tears and hyperventilate and just die in ectasy. It's funny. Life can only truly be appreciated at death.