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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. This is what causes people to struggle to heal. There are no bad energies, only uncomfortable situations. All energies you come into contact with you can release or hold onto. When you create or believe ideology that says there bad energies to avoid you trick yourself into believing that if you come across uncomfortable vibes that you are stuck with them. I've recently come into the understanding that if you are not careful with the words and belief systems you have that you can actually create ways to personally traumatize yourself. There are no energies, beings, or deities, or any type of power that has absolute power over you. We have the ability to receive and release anything we experience.
  2. I've recently gone through a healing process when did I say it needed to be all positive? Notice I said he should have gone through a healing process BEFORE he took 5 MEO. Please learn to properly understand what is being said instead of assuming. Healing work is not as tough as people make it. It's about facing what is there and learning to accept what happened to you. It's not easy, but not as hard as people make it out to be, but I would NEVER take 5 MEO DMT based on the trip reports until I have done sufficient healing of my personal trauma. 5 MEO uncovers EVERYTHING, so if you haven't done it....then it will bring everything up for you. Besides, I have the ability to feel the pain of others at a deep level, when I watched this video I felt ALL of it from him and became increasingly anoyyed. The person in this video is full of negative self-talk which is fueling his negative emotions due to him not dealing with his personal issues before taking 5 MEO. I both know how to heal from personal issues, but the problem I have had with those around me is they love and identify with their pain and the story that is connected to it that they cannot let the hurt go. When it comes to healing I don't expect him to heal all of it perfectly as there are layers to it, but I can tell before he took that substance that he was looking for the substance itself to heal him. If you look to 5 MEO to heal you, expect to lose complete control just like this guy. Thank Goodness he had a trip sitter.
  3. The Ego is not evil, the ego just starts out dysfunctional. So what is the purpose of the ego? The Purpose of the Ego is to capture some personal individuated definition of what it knows from personal lived experience to be the highest expression of God and seek to express that in the most expansive way possible. For me, the aspect of God that I believe to be the highest is Beauty. I believe the highest expression of Love is to see its beauty, and that life is a game where God plays hide and seek with itself in showcasing its beauty to itself. It took many years for me to come to this insight, I now know what my mission, my purpose in life is. My purpose my mission is to share the beauty of God with all, illuminate the personal individuated beauty that all of creation has to the best of my ability. You are all beautiful, all of your expressions are Perfect Beauty being expressed and the only confusion comes from preference/bias. The Ego's job is to capture/snapshot a portion of Infinity and take it for itself. Leo demonized permanence, demonized the ego's desire to freeze Infinity, but it must be this way. Why? Because the individuated self is not large enough to fully express the Absolute so it must capture a part for itself and express it. As all the parts collectively catch and express their portion the Absolute's Will is then fully expressed through all of its SELF/selfs.
  4. Try listening to this young lady. Maybe she can unlock those blockages. https://www.youtube.com/@AnimaUraeus/videos
  5. This Youtuber gave a great definition for Integrity and I completely agree that the Universe rewards integrity. She defined integrity as congruence (alignment/agreement) with your words, actions, and feelings match up with each other. I will add thoughts to that as well. You want to turn your thoughts into a focal point that frequently repeat the mantras, opinions, and perspectives which will most drive the actions that you desire the most. So thought, word, action, emotions, put them all in alignment with each other and watch a miracle occur. Integrity is the MASTER KEY.
  6. It depends....the ego can be harmed until it accepts its connection with the Absolute. When it can fully accept its connection then it can be fully healed. So that cycle can end, until the ego is unified/integrated as an expression of the ABSOLUTE it will be stuck in karma.
  7. I don't have an individual pulse anymore, my pulse has become Universal.
  8. The only part I disagree with is the part you say because you're already living it....most on the forums are not living from a non-dual state of consciousness. They are living from what you stated at the "truth of plurality." They already feel like an individual consciousness within a world of many individual consciousness, they have yet to experience a natural state of ONE consciousness APPEARING to be MANY individual consciousness. The other issue is when they first break through because of how we speak about awakening on these forums they start to think that ONE consciousness means they are the only thing that exists as the human perspective/ego not realizing that is only true of the ABSOLUTE not the relative. Absolute=One. Truth of non-duality Relative= Infinity. Truth of Plurality.
  9. Yeah you are a magical shape shifter, notice how when you don't look at a mirror you don't have a face. Know why? Because everything you look at IS YOUR FACE. You are always looking at your face, because everything you perceive is your reflection. When you enter a high enough conscious state you can feel what is supposed to be your face, SHAPE SHIFT into whatever you are looking at. And you don't need DMT, meditation is sufficient. I have baseline unified, Christ Consciousness. Or what they call ONENESS. To accomplish this you need to be able to accept that everything is YOU, Reality is both YOU and NOT YOU. It is you, in that the same feeling of I AM ALIVE is the same I AM that all of life feels. This is what is meant. That I AM alive, I AM EXISTING, is the same as I AM EXISTENCE. So LIFE is = to I AM ALIVE. EXISTENCE is = to I AM EXISTING. Once you cross over to this you will have an existential crisis initially. Don't worry it will pass, then you can awaken back to the fact that everyone is also not you because they have their own opinions, perspectives, and self-expressions. So we are both ONE, and are BOTH DIFFERENT. Different in expression, but the same in essence. So same essence, different expression. Now because it is a mind....you can break the difference if you want....and make it all ONE, or you can turn it into a duality and make it a shared ONENESS experience. I've played around with it and saw it is based on how I want to perceive it.
  10. You could call that hunger. When your dog gets hungry it has the feeling of this is not good enough for me so I need to eat. If your dog feels afraid again your dog will have the feeling that what is happening is not good enough and it will run. The issue is you are comparing the human ego to the dog ego and those are two different egos. Ego's are finite expressions of the absolute that reside in the realm of duality and thus must learn to survive with the other egos. This is why I am saying your ego is your desire to survive. This is why the ego is seen as the enemy to awakening because with humans the ego's desire to survive is attached to the human's identity and waking up involves shedding that identity. But to prove within your direct experience that this is true, you have to face DEATH and the ego represents your desire to avoid DEATH at all costs. This is why the ego acts the way it does because it is DESIGNED to survive and avoid all threats to its survival. Jokingly this is how your EGO feels when you go through your awakening, and then come back to it.
  11. There is nothing wrong with arrogance, if you do not understand arrogance then you lack wisdom. Arrogance is a defense mechanism against bullshit, and arrogance CAN SEE TRUTH, the only issue with arrogance is it is excess confidence that can eventually create distortions of the truth over time. But arrogance has its place. Humbleness is NOT superior to arrogance, blind humbleness turns you into a blind follower who gives up their autonomy and goes with the flow. Going with the flow is a situational action, there are times when resistance is necessary. This is why the duality of resistance and passivity exists. Cling to either one and you exit a state of balance.
  12. Why are you making this complicated. You actually think the person doesn't have the I behind its eyes. LISTEN UP!! YOU ARE THE I!!!! THE I IS SINGULAR!!!! Other people aren't actors....other people are YOU!!!!! ITS YOU!!!! So the question is.... ARE YOU CONSCIOUS? Are you alive? If the answer is YES!!!! Then the same is true of them!!! Okay? That's it!!!! It's not complicated!!!! You can make them APPEAR to be robots because you are a MIND that can shapeshift!!! YOU ARE NOT HUMAN!!!! You can SHAPESHIFT INTO A HUMAN but that is only a temporary identity you have constructed!!! Get it? Stop interpreting people as bots and then whining and complaining and blaming depersonalization disorder....you are DREAMING this disorder....you have the ability to STOP dreaming it.
  13. The looking within part might need to be clarified because I had some recent awakenings that showed me that "looking within" practices were not being properly emphasized. For example, I recently was able to connect my heart with my mind. So now I have a deeper connection than I had before. My heart communicates with feeling, so it takes awhile for me to translate/decipher it but it makes insights more direct and quick. I noticed that when people talk about the heart they don't really emphasize it enough. It really feels like my heart has its own intelligence like the brain that interprets and comes to its own conclusions. This along with the Chakra centers all work in tandem to purify the vessel more and more so I AM can move more freely.
  14. I think you need to follow your own advice. Your comments have a certain terseness, a certain shaming to them. Do you wake up every morning to come onto Actualized.Org to shame people to be BETTER? Is this how you want to live? Telling people to grow up? You say nothing in life can be taught to you by gurus? Are you not trying to be a guru when you tell someone to grow up? You say you don't need to hang on to everything Leo says....but why should someone hang on to what you say? Maybe they should follow your own advice when it comes to you and ignore you....after all instead of seeking to encourage and empower them...you insensitively tell them to grow up.
  15. Only possible with weakness. God is so powerful that unless God takes form and place itself under pressure it would never be able to realize it is not God as a limited form. Only through its connection as form to the formless can it awaken to itself as God. Without a conscious connection it cannot be God as we know it.
  16. 1. From one perspective it is predetermined from another perspective it isn't. I already explained that reality is both one way and another way. First there is something called karma, the predetermination of your life is based on patterns/habits which we call karma. For example, some people eat the same thing, think the same thing, and do the same things. Like freaking robots. In this way there life is predetermined because how they choose to respond to events is the SAME. The only way to escape predetermination is to escape the cycle of karma which you do by TRYING NEW THINGS. Yes you create everything and nothing is outside of you, but within the first person perspective you have the ability to RESPOND to an event of your creation. Your ability to RESPOND is your FREE WILL. On the HIGHEST LEVEL you still have FREE WILL because EVERYTHING you ever experience is your FREE WILL. Now STOP misunderstanding the things I say and CLAIM I said there is no free will. It is BOTH TRUE AND UNTRUE. If you fall asleep into your karmic patterns you give up your free will. But ultimately since you are the ABSOLUTE even that is an expression of your free will. Why is it free? Because what is binding you if there is ONLY YOU? ONLY YOU CAN BIND YOU so your will is ALWAYS FREE.
  17. Infinite power expressed as pain and suffering is what makes it real. I want you to imagine a world without pain and suffering and explain to me how quickly God would realize.....its own divinity. How can God hide its own divinity from itself without pain and suffering. That rock....if God couldn't experience pain from the strain of not being able to pick up that rock in your example would stop God from feeling WEAK. Pain and suffering create the feeling of WEAKNESS. God is not weak, God is ABSOLUTE STRENGTH. But God can use its infinite power and turn itself into a victim and thus must use its strength to overcome the feeling of being weak. Without this....God would automatically know it was God. No journey, no awakening, without pain and suffering.
  18. The ego is NOT an illusion and it is NOT a collection of thoughts. The EGO= LIFE. It is the drive to survive. It is a finite aspect in which houses all the authority, beauty, and innocence. This is why the ego cannot be killed, it can be purified of its distortions, but it cannot be killed. The ego is eternal, and will exist for all eternity because it is literally YOUR LIFE FORCE. Your drive to survive is ONE with your LIFE FORCE and your LIFE FORCE is ETERNAL. What I have realized is current Spirituality DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THE EGO IS!!! You think the ego is some bundle of thoughts and perceptions, it is NOT it is the absolute. The phrase ocean in a drop poetically describes very nicely what it is. If the OCEAN is the ABSOLUTE the ego is the drop in which the ABSOLUTE puts all of itself. That drop....is eternal.
  19. Sigh.........you don't get it lol.....
  20. If Pain and suffering didn't exist, there would be a difference. Without Pain....you have nothing to ground you in what we call real. For example....the phrase "Shit just got real" is used when PAIN enters the building. Notice Leo's apology followed his own personal pain, same with me being humbled. Suffering/Pain= Is one of the strongest attachments, and grounding mechanisms in Reality. Without it....it wouldn't be real.
  21. Evolution is survival, Evolution deals with adapting and changing to suit the needed environment= Survival. Stop trying to find ways to disagree I'm starting to get annoyed at you all trying to find ways to disagree. You can contribute to a conversation without trying to find ways to disagree. The whole study on evolution FALLS UNDER SURVIVAL. The EGO is based on survival, that is what it is. Survival IS COMPLEX!!! Your understanding about survival is too limited. Survival is all encompassing it involves psychology, biology, sociology, history, the desire for a legacy is the desire to survive, procreation is about survival, culture is about survival, cooperation is about survival. You don't get it because you don't understand what survival entails. Please educate yourself on a topic before you go around disagreeing all the time.
  22. Lol that's the hard mode. For some reason we make it that the other characters become depressed, and are scared to realize that all of existence is just God living a story through its creations. That's what I don't understand, why am I, as the I AM so ready to punish myself if I keep calling it an illusion. The feminine/romantic aspect of myself, punishes me when I call it an illusion, and then it challenged me over and over until I admitted that the illusion...is also REAL. It used pain, and suffering until I admitted that the dream is also real because of pain and suffering.
  23. *SIGH.....this is both true and untrue and true at the same time. Once you awaken....there is nobody else to awaken. But in another sense there is, because you can create a story using the full powers of your REALNESS to concoct a BELIEVABLE story that there are others to awaken. Since there is only you, and your power creates what we call REAL, this story...is REAL if you say it is. Also....if you rebel against this realness and claim otherwise....let's just say you can teach yourself that when you say something is REAL, it's REAL LOL.
  24. Its not an illusion that's the point I am making. If the ego was an illusion....we wouldn't waste our time talking about it. I just told you the EGO IS YOUR DRIVE TO SURVIVE. Would you call your drive to survive an illusion? If I came at you with a knife, would you defend yourself or let me take you out? If the first then that desire to PROTECT yourself is your ego!!! Is that an illusion? It's not!!! This is why I said, you all need to take back your authority and discover stuff for yourself instead of parroting old teachings. My contribution to Spirituality is that the EGO is your desire to survive. This desire to survive is also one with your creative spark. So your ego desires to survive and will use the full power of your creativity to pull this off. This is why it can be tricky/devilish/creative because it will do whatever it has to, to survive. This means it will conform to its environment and go with the flow or rebel to protect its formed identity. This is NOT an illusion. Your desire to adhere to a teaching, and to defend that teaching is EGO!!! All meaning and intepretation falls under ego. Your authority comes from ego!!! Which again is your desire to protect your boundaries. Please explain again....how this is an illusion? You see how silly you sound!!! Don't believe anything anyone tells you, test it out for yourself.
  25. THIS^^^....my loved ones....started to look unreal....I died inside when I saw it. For awhile I became so indifferent to it all, then I learned to love it. Then Reality informed me that Solipsism is only one way to perceive Reality and that my previous way of looking at reality was just as valid as the waking up to it being purely imaginary. Then Reality showed me it could put everything back to how it looked before with me still able to break out and return it to unreality as well. Basically once you wake up, you can put yourself asleep again but do it consciously, and you can wake back up fully as well. So basically there is NOTHING TO FEAR. Once you fully awaken, you are awakened permanently.