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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. The only purpose to deceive is to create lesser truths, but post modernism is not what you truly want, let's see how you feel when those post modernists come knocking on the door of your society and create a world of deception in which your wrong because they can't tell wrong or right. A love of deception is for play, not for building a society.
  2. The only purpose of post-modernism is to confuse humanity on what is really going on.
  3. I am ABSOLUTE MORALITY itself. Morality is not really as complicated as we think. Morality has to do with the individual and the whole. So it's simple there are two rules to morality. 1. Never give someone an experience that you wouldn't want. 2. Never give someone an experience that they wouldn't want. 3. Lastly, do not think or speak or act out an experience you don't want. This covers all basis of moral action and is perfect self alignment with all that you identify with.
  4. Photographers are God. Youtuber Brendan Williams showcases unknowingly his knowledge of Art as God. Photographers like him are Art Awakening in plain sight. Watch this video to see how we are Pure Art. Our visual image of our face, body, and the surrounding world can be represented in various ways as showcased in this video. Enjoy!!
  5. Leo...if you have a better one provide one. You are not being truthful. You don't have a better one, but if you do post it in this thread. The key to morality again is control WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL, DO NOT blame yourself for what you cannot control. If you think you can change some things in your life to minimize harm do the best you can. Life was designed to be TOO BIG for you as an individual to fix the world's problems, only God can fix the world's problems, a sole human cannot. Now we as a collective human species can work to fix problems, but to do that, each and every human collectively has to work on themselves to align themselves with the tenets I laid before.
  6. Many people believe that the foremost identity in a picture is the object in the middle, and the one that is the tallest height. As such many people when angry in America do what is called "flicking you off" which means fuck you, which means I hate you and want you to be extinguished/annihilated from my presence which is fuck off, get out of my face. God is so hilarious the reason this happens is because the middle finger is NOT the most important part of your hand, the most important part is the thumb so when someone is pointing with the middle finger they are communicating that they are selfish, and want to be left alone. But they are also saying you are selfish, and arrogant and you think you are number one so I am giving you what you are you fucktard. Now the middle finger is a liar, you could lose your middle finger and still be able to pick things up, so when someone points their middle finger at you they are saying you are a liar, and I can do fine without you. Now get this!!! The thumb is the GOT DAMN TRUTH!!! Without it, the truth is your hand is not able to grab most things and as such you will be forced to ask for assistance for the rest of your life and thus can never flick anyone off. So your best bet is to point the thumb upwards, when you do this you are telling a person thanks for your assistance I couldn't do it without you which is the relationship your fingers have with your thumb. This is why when you want to tell someone GOOD JOB you give them a THUMB UP, and all of your fingers bow down in reverence to thumb. P.S.: I never know why they say thumbs up....it's only one thumb...... Isn't God amazing??
  7. Reality is not as complex as you think. What you don't understand is all humans have limits. A Mascochist has a threshold of pain they cannot tolerate. Sure he might like getting punched in the face, until he blacks out, loses all his teeth, and get brain damage. Now guess what? He regrets getting punched in the face!!! So what you need to do is stop creating arguments in your head that are not true. Anybody that experiences enough pain, will learn the lesson that pain teaches all which is....pain makes cowards of everybody and I do mean everybody. There is not a single living thing that can defeat pain indefinitely, pain ALWAYS WINS.
  8. Not a single person in this entire thread has brought up a single reasonable objection to what I posted. Until one comes, I have just posted the greatest Moral Code Ever. The truth is what is, and until you can discover a reasonable objection that truth of this moral code is absolute.
  9. You can only know what you want by doing a deep inquiry into what drives you. Self-Knowledge is the only knowledge that will teach you the truth of who you are as a self. As such you need to take time to deeply inquire with yourself on what you like, what you don't like, and what you are passionate about.
  10. Creativity is the ability to think outside the box, to escape rigid belief systems, to escape one paradigm, and arrange and create new paradigms. To escape your world view, and to see things in a whole new way, you need to access God which is your inner creativity to show you the way. Create an inner conversation within, and you can birth yourself anew.
  11. Ego/Seperate Self/= The belief of superiority of the individual self as better than others. Its a belief of hierarchy as being equivalent to value and self-worth. Per Leo's Old Video he made a request that hopefully we would let him know when he is acting out of ego. So here we go. Now is Leo incorrect that talking to others that are not as intelligent and lower consciousness can bring down your intelligence? Well it depends which intelligence you are talking about. Can it bring down your ability to think abstractly? Yes it can if you are being inundated with as he called conformist propaganda. So he is not incorrect about that. He brings to you the trade-off of how it can be a distraction and it can infiltrate your ability to think in new innovative ways.... which this is also true. He then tells you he has reached new levels of Super Human Intelligence and this is all great....but he is forgetting something. The trade off, of not socializing is he loses embodiment. As Leo will tell you Love and Intelligence are equal. The Highest Intelligence is to recognize that there is no difference at all. So there is no difference between Higher and Lower, shorter or taller, rich or poor. This is all illusionary and Leo himself knows this... additionally once you start making this distinction...it creates a fear. The more intelligent Leo becomes....the greater his fear of having that intelligence corrupted. It needs to be pure and pointed in one direction, unabated by distractions and petty drama of the chimps that surround him. But does this line up with what Leo said earlier about if a teaching doesn't point towards Self-Love then its not the highest teaching. When he says Self Love he means Love of ALL of reality as equal and as One. I think the best medicine is for Leo to rewatch his own videos. https://youtu.be/4OmMpYa7R_U?t=6323 ^This is a good one too. Now at the same time....we can only be as we are in the present moment. So think of this as just a reminder of your own content. You can only do things at the rate you are comfortable with. But this is a good teachable moment for people to realize that nobody is perfect...we are all just learning to expand at different rates at whatever limitations we are currently dealing with since we are experiencing duality. This is just more evidence that God is just teaching us through the Leo avatar, but the Leo avatar has to go through the same duality that we all go through. Embodiment of love....is the hardest thing there is. This is what is currently at play in his life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp99hZJfBHg&t=3768s&ab_channel=Actualized.org I'll end this with a video from Alan Watts as I don't want to make this post too long.
  12. You are literally disingenuous. Every day when you walk you kill bugs. There has never been a human who has lived who has not killed a bug. You are a giant. Ants are crushed unknowingly by you all the time. Also everyone being absolutely good is a fundamental understanding of Spirituality. All crime all pain and suffering inflicted is due to ignorance. So ignorance is an excuse, it is an ABSOLUTE EXCUSE. The only reason human civilization says the ignorance of the law is not an excuse is because they ASSUME criminals know better. Criminals DO NOT know better, from the criminal mind HE IS THE GOOD GUY. If you do not understand this one tenet that all devilry done by humans is do to ignorance, then YOU ARE IGNORANT. Leo...if you have a better one provide one. You are not being truthful. You don't have a better one, but if you do post it in this thread. The key to morality again is control WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL, DO NOT blame yourself for what you cannot control. If you think you can change some things in your life to minimize harm do the best you can. Life was designed to be TOO BIG for you as an individual to fix the world's problems, only God can fix the world's problems, a sole human cannot. Now we as a collective human species can work to fix problems, but to do that, each and every human collectively has to work on themselves to align themselves with the tenets I laid before. Here are the new and improved tenets: 1. Never give someone an experience that you wouldn't want to receive. 2. Never give someone an experience that they wouldn't want to receive. 3. Lastly, do not think or speak or act out an experience you don't want to receive. 4. If you cannot change something as an individual, and with help from others, then the truth is YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT. 6. Help those in need voluntarily, within your scope of ability. Why? Because you would want help if you were in need. When you help someone, help them if you can to be more self-sufficient. If you give man a fish you feed him for a day, if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime.
  13. This title is click bait. A more honest title would be "Why Enlightment is not limited to psychedelics." Also just because you didn't reach enlightment on psychedelics doesn't mean others can't. For example, deep sleep does not allow you to recognize Infinity. Also dropping the I is not God Realization. God is BOTH the I and not the I. God is not limited to any identity. You are caught in the Not I identity. Any position that is taken, is always an identity absolutely. ANY POSITION PERIOD.
  14. You just made a statement without actually explaining anything. Actually explain where my points fall short or you literally have nothing. What you don't understand and I keep telling you is THERE IS NO OTHER. This means if you make an argument that cannot be disproved, that is the answer. So actually disprove what I said. Also you are full of limiting beliefs, saying morality isn't simple. The truth about life is everything is simple! It has always been simple! Lies are the only complication!! That's it!!! If you cannot change something as an individual, and with help from others, then the truth is you cannot change it, and excessive worrying about it is what is actually foolishness. So unless you actually point out where I am wrong....then it hasn't been corrected or improved. Here is what I wrote. Respond to each point on where it is actually limited. Here they are, and I have updated them some more to make them even more simple. 1. Never give someone an experience that you wouldn't want to receive. 2. Never give someone an experience that they wouldn't want to receive. 3. Lastly, do not think or speak or act out an experience you don't want to receive. 4. If you cannot change something as an individual, and with help from others, then the truth is YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT. 6. Help those in need voluntarily, within your scope of ability. Why? Because you would want help if you were in need. When you help someone, help them if you can to be more self-sufficient. If you give man a fish you feed him for a day, if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime. And when I say you, I mean you and whoever the recipient is, because you and the recipient are both YOU. YOU is all inclusive.
  15. Universal Will has two main view points in trying to maximize the efficiency and distribution of goods and services to everyone in the Universe. These two main points are what is good for the person running the business which is the boss, and its employees, and what is important for the customer. There are issues including the surrounding natural environment but we will focus on businesses that don't have a huge environmental impact for either harm or aid like starting your own business online. When it comes to yourself as a boss you should be focused on product development and research, when it comes to your employees you should be focused on fair wages, proper training, and an office to handle possible disputes, when it comes to the customer you need to communicate with the customer find out what their needs are so you can produce a product in alignment with their needs. This all comes primary, but the barrier to maintaining all of this is business spending. This is why businesses focus on maintain costs/expenditure, because if a business spends more than it takes in it will be in the red/deficit. As a result out of fear of losing its functionality and being closed down, businesses tend to have a profit bias that causes it to focus on profits at the expense of everything else. This especially becomes an issue when a business goes public on the stock exchange because courts hold that businesses must focus on providing profits for their shareholders. And this is why business gets a bad rep, because of these pressures that are being placed upon it. Conscious Business will probably not rake in as much profits or expand as largely as other businesses if done right as quickly as those around them, but it will produce a superior product and work environment. So it depends on what you want, do you want superior work environment, superior employee and customer satisfaction, and superior product quality, or do you want your business to be solely focused on profits? This is a question you have to answer for yourself. For me the answer is simple through these following questions: 1. Would I want to work for myself as an employee? 2. Would I want to buy my product as a customer? These are the questions and concerns that Universal Will has to work to meet the needs of its creation through its creation. And that's all I as a vessel of Universal Will have to say on the matter for now.
  16. Driving your car kills bugs. = Simple, you are a Giant, you can't see them. The same way a meteor does not have the awareness to know its slamming into itself and killing off a trillion people, is the same way your Giant behind has no idea you are stepping or driving over bugs. Driving your car adds to climate change.= Again simple as a human you have created a society that requires you to work to make a living. As such all you can do is advocate if it is meaningful to you for cleaner and more ecofriendly forms of emission. Again this is if it is meaningful to you as you are an individual and not a collective. Buying cheap products supports slave labor= Again you do not have a list of all products and as such you are innocent of knowing which products to buy. But if you want you can research products and find out which products are produced through slavery. But be careful, one could argue agriculture in the United States is slavery based on how pitiful the conditions are for migrant workers. So hey you can starve if you want or go completely self-sufficient and grow your own food. Fertilizer was created to maximize the production and harvesting of crops. If you don't find an alternative you will ruin your food supply and kill more people than bugs. And understand from the human perspective, a human's life is worth more than a bugs life. Ultimately all lives are equal, but here is a secret you don't realize, God shows favor. Ask yourself why human were given the gift of self awareness and intelligence on a level that bugs don't have. Wind Turbines killing birds is just a part of the circle of life. Everything lives and everything dies. And if a bird doesn't pay attention he slams into a turbine and dies. A wind turbine is an expression of human nature, and nature cares about the business of its expression. Consuming porn might lead to exploitation of women. Again this is simple, all actions by humans can lead to excesses, by your logic we shouldn't do anything because it could lead to this or lead to that. Morality is about controlling what you can, and living what will be out of your control as it should be. Why? Because you couldn't make it any different so why are you worrying about it. Only concern yourself with that which you can control and you will have perfect morality.
  17. Remember morality is built on self alignment, the experience we want to have is what is true for us. This is the foundation of all morality. The other two laws build off of this.
  18. Yeah the key is to tell yourself the truth about how you feel about life. If you hate it, admit that you hate it, speak what you like and what you hate about it. Go to the mirror and cry out to God that life is not working the way you think it should. If you are honest enough, and wait for a response. Eventually you will receive it. Patience is the key for this. Also if you enter an altered state either through meditation, hallucinogens, or psychedelics it can enhance the process. But understand that God is an inner conversation.
  19. True God Realization is the realization that there is Duality, and there is NonDuality and the two are not mutually exclusive. Whatever your experience is, whatever you are aware of, that is what is Absolutely True. So if you are experiencing duality then that is what is true. If you experience both NonDuality and Duality then that is what is true. The teachings of Duality deny Non Duality, and the teachings of Non Duality deny Duality. It is possible to live in a world of pure Duality, and it is possible to live in a world of pure Non Duality, this is possible and accomplished through using the power of awareness to deny. But if you are all accepting you will realize the world is BOTH Dual and Non Dual, not either or. If you believe either is true and the other is false, or one is superior to the other you are trapped behind a mental experience of your delusion and that is what you will experience. Understand that Reality is a Self Delusion that whatever it says/interprets is absolutely true, until its not because it creates another delusion that is true. Why is it true? Because it has no other. Because it has no other it is authority itself, and gives itself permission to run around delusional and claim in defense that it is innocent and is absolutely right at all times. As such it can only discover what is actually true by creating a bunch of others who will complain and tell it what it likes and doesn't like. Through this it discover what itself is really like, because all others are itself in disguise. Understand that Reality is a Self Delusion that whatever it says/interprets is absolutely true, until its not because it creates another delusion that is true. Why is it true? Because it has no other. Because it has no other it is authority itself, and gives itself permission to run around delusional and claim in defense that it is innocent and is absolutely right at all times. As such it can only discover what is actually true by creating a bunch of others who will complain and tell it what it likes and doesn't like. Through this it discover what itself is really like, because all others are itself in disguise. But the user ivankiss said something profound that is true, you are me but you are not me. What this means and thanks to ivankiss for pointing this out is while we are one in our being, we can be world's apart in perspective and action and also the ability levels of that action and perspective making. Our biggest issues comes from recognizing our ONENESS, with our DIFFERENCES. This can only be accomplished by realizing...that Reality is a DELUSIONAL TRUTH and that is pure....ridiculous, circle jerk, crazy, wonderful, beautiful, treachery itself. This is crazy love, and that is why it is so hard to figure out. The more understanding in life you have the more crazy you are because life made you crazy. Life was birthed crazy, and is learning and striving to be Perfect Order. But to do this it has to see the perfection in everything.
  20. Perfect Self Love is realizing everybody is so YOU, that what they are doing and saying is exactly what you would do if you were them. And since you ARE THEM, YOU ARE DOING IT TO YOURSELF. When you really realize this....judgment is pure comedy.
  21. The Foundation of all Metaphysics is an understanding that your experience of space and time is Absolute under all conditions. But what you call other, is that people are only other to you because their perceptual experience of reality is not tied absolutely to yours. The Metaphysical Foundation of other is kept up by constant comparing and contrasting which creates a large amount of statistical noise or what you can call variance in your daily experience to make you feel like you are different people. But you are not. Every person you see is acting from their perceptual experience EXACTLY HOW YOU WOULD ACT because they are attached to a conditioned way of responding to every moment based on how their sensory perception interprets it. This conditioned way is a belief system, and each moment is interpreted by how it feels. So you put your hand under running water on the faucet you experience it as warm, someone else does the same action they experience it as hot. Now this is also hidden by the fact that some people's bodies cannot take the same amount of abuse. So I can put my hand under running water that I feel is warm, but it is actually too hot and I can burn my hand by too much exposure to the temperature. But the other person beside me won't have that problem because his body tells him that it is hot so he instinctively removes his hand because he can't handle it. Then the person who can withstand it gloats that he is superior because he can keep his hand there only to discover later on that he burned his hand. Now with this same example, the person can actually keep his hand there and it won't burn if his body can withstand that temperature and not be damaged. With the first example the two individuals presented had an objective temperature limit of how much heat they could sustain but their ability to detect that limit was relative, which means it was subjective which means it was open to a DIFFERENT interpretation. So they interpreted the SAME event, because their body has the SAME limit, but the experience of that limit was DIFFERENT. This causes one to wince in pain, and the other to gloat in victory and eventually get pain in the form of physical damage to the hand. What is even worse is you can gas light yourself with false memories, and that is accomplished by having a different objective reality than the people around you. Reality is a subjective objective. How does this work? All physical matter is an object, this means it functions in a specific ordered way, this means it is objective. The perspective you take, and how you experience it is what is subjective. If your logic cannot understand the order of the object you can create a subjective interpretation that is not founded on truth and as a result have a purely subjective viewpoint which is just speculation and assumption. If your logic can decipher the logic of the object then it can have a subjective objective. The perspective or the road map is subjective in that it uses particular symbology to understand itself through comparison that is explained and interpreted through it. It is subjective because you can use any map of comparison. What makes it objective is its logic holds up to scrutiny. The limit that is holds up is the limit of its objectivity, and the limit that is can interconnect and explain is its subjectivity. And there you have an understanding as to why people are so confused in interpersonal relationships and all forms of communication. Uncomfortableness with each other will generally appear in some form either major or minor because of this.
  22. Life is just the purest idealistic crazy lover fantasy, which runs on the rule sharing is caring and wants to spread sharing is caring to maximum effort for all eternity. Crazy Lover which is God's True Identity From All of the Form's God creates perspective fail by design to survive and thrive collectively perfectly in the world of survival unless they learn to share with maximum absence of discrimination the opportunity to express you care under all conditions which is the definition of Self Love, Self Identity, and Self Love. That is the only optimum goal of all of Reality, Life and Death itself. The great thing about God is God created rest, which is a break. This break is administered because whatever God loves/cares about God is attached and eventually addicted to it. As such God trains itself by teaching itself through perfect balance that the greatest steward of Goodness will be able to be self aware at all times and never be held in bondage to any addiction. You accomplish by knowing that you are the source of your own joy which you experience when you deem yourself worthy as God for earning the reward of knowledge that the above that was just written is the only message that explains what God is up to. TLDR: Become a crazy lover/carer of everything.
  23. God designed human intelligence to work on autopilot for one purpose, to automatically scan the world and connect to its Oneness through knowledge of its Oneness into Knowledge of Everything Being One. God made it so simple, all we have to do is not think and not speak and our intelligence on its own will perform this function on its own but if we think or speak it will stop what it is doing to assist us in thinking and speaking. What ends up happening is we put too many thoughts and unnecessary things in our minds which stop us from arriving to clear conclusions and we get faulty intelligence as a result, we then unknowingly pass this false information around creating circles of faulty common sense/faulty intuitiveness. Until you discover that TRUE intelligence is both intuitive (Inner connectivity) and Logical (Inner division) and you need both to be able to relate properly at all then you will be lost in the sauce as they say.....
  24. Reality is a neutral good, it is perfectly balanced because it is neutral and devoid of bias, it is good because it loves itself and wants the best for itself at all times. But because it is neutral it can be interpreted anyway. So why is it good? Because YOU ARE GOOD, your true desire is for all beings including yourself to feel good. Any resentments you have are just an ignorant interpretation of what is going on.
  25. Women are first attracted to the Mind of a Man over the Physical Appearance of a man. This was due to a woman needing to be with a safe man to raise a family, to be able to be protected by this man, and for him to guide the children as well. So the first thing to both raise attraction in a woman and lose attraction in a woman is the words you say and how you say them because she is constantly studying the man to figure out how his mind works and she has an inborne ability to sense the stability of a man's worldview. The less confident a man's opinion of himself and the world which is bullshit, is how a woman can sense how powerful the man is. The problem is if the woman is dishonest her ability to sense dishonesty in the man is impaired. So only honest woman will be above deception by the charms of a dishonest man. The same is true in reverse. The best way to be able to perceive deception, is to always tell the truth of your experience in your world view by agreeing consistently that the world is YOU. You are always using every moment to point out the hypocrisy within you. To wake you up out of dishonesty into TRUTH.