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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. All enlightenment is to me, is a direct connection as a baseline. I'm currently going through another process right now where I think I am in the process of permanently turning off my body....but we will see. It's very weird...first I got a direct connection to reality, then more and more of my impurities have been dissolved, I'm now starting to dream again after going decades without the ability to dream when I go to sleep cause I just blank out of existence when I usually sleep. More and more my body...feels machine like now, like a vehicle, a tight shoe that I have on. This is all baseline without the use of any substances. Any youtube video I watch I am instantly there. So I can travel to any place in the world, and be everything there without having to jump on a plane and fly there. I believe this baseline can go further, but I'm currently in the process to see how far I can go sober. Eventually I will end up taking some conscious-altering substance to facilitate but for now I'm doing things sober.
  2. It depends.... ^^^Your full of it lol....psychedelics.....is a broad term....for some...weed can be just as strong if not stronger than some classical psychedelics.
  3. You are gonna have to explain that one. Because materialists do not believe reality is imaginary. If you are talking about the New Age Spiritual people who enter Spirituality for financial purposes I hear you, but that is because majority of them do not realize it is imaginary. You are right that imagination and real are the same, but saying it's just imagination is not a cop out. IT LITERALLY IS JUST IMAGINARY. This isn't a joke, or cop out. Literally when you close your eyes and think of an apple, that apple is equivalent to what you call a real apple. There really is not a material reality at all. It's literally just dream stuff. It's just when you are really convinced in Materialism that becomes real for you. It's why I say if a person believes in a physical, material reality, then that is true for them. But that's like saying that since to Harry Potter from his perspective his world is a physical world that is full of magic is more true than the fact that his entire world is a dream world created by J.K. Rowling. Which is actually MORE true? Harry's perspective....or J.K. Rowling? It's up to you to decide that one. From my POV, Harry's world being completely imaginary is more true than his belief of his life being a physical 3 D world of magic. Why? Because the most consistent truth is that his world is imaginary. No matter what happens his world being imaginary holds true even if Harry isn't aware of it. Well the exact same relationship Harry has to his world, is the exact same relationship we currently have with this one. There is literally no difference, I'm not even joking I am literal as all hell.
  4. Not you bazookaJesus told you something I was responding to that.
  5. By the way don't let anyone tell you that Solipsism is a mental image lol. Also if you have ever gone to sleep at night and not dreamed....that was NOTHING. NOTHING is a blank. Notice before the first memory of what you call your life there is a blank.? Coincidence I think not.
  6. Leo is on a roll today, keep these jokes coming...funny thing is he is slightly serious...they will target you if you do that crap lol.
  7. Only if you convince yourself its true. If you convince yourself it's true...then it's true for you. The point of Spirituality is to show you that you are the Creator. If you convince yourself sufficiently that you are a fish, then in your reality you are fish. Have you noticed there are people running around believing themselves to be animals. They aren't making it up. They have sufficiently deluded themselves into believing that they are animals. You are the truth, if you lie to much, eventually the lie becomes true for you. Social Conditioning are lies we were indoctrinated to believe and as a result it became true. Many gurus have used the words hypnotized. Have you noticed when people are hypnotized they hallucinate? If you meditate long enough you can enter a trance, which is what happens when you are hypnotized and you can hallucinate. Hours and hours of being exposed to same material reinforcing the same concepts hypnotizes you into believing them to be true and you hallucinate a reality that conforms to this. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/biocentrism/202309/what-does-quantum-mechanics-say-about-mind-powers This information is all old information. Look at the date of these experiments. So yes if you convince yourself Duality is true, it becomes true. But since you are the creator, you can awaken to it being a pure fabrication in your mind. You can hypnotize yourself in the other direction basically. LOL
  8. Here is why Solipsism is Absolute. 1. You cannot confirm the existence of something without existing in front of you. 2. You can say well what is someone records something and shows it to me. The video is within your existence. 3. Well what if someone tells me. The person telling me is within my existence. You cannot confirm anything outside of your existence because there is nothing that is. This argument cannot be defeated. It holds true under all conditions. This argument is ABSOLUTE. All knowledge you have ever gained has been from personal experience. Even someone telling you about their experience was in your personal experience. So even though you didn't experience their experience you experience their story about their experience. You cannot confirm your parents, your sister, your dog, your house exists outside of your experience. Now close your eyes. Dream a world. Dream yourself walking in that world. Make yourself walk home. Notice in your dream world that until you get home that home does not exist. You have to dream it up. This holds true for movies, and it holds true for books, songs, and video games. Until the game renders the scene it doesn't exist. You will argue but it exists in the code. Well reality exists as an infinite possibility that gets rendered when conditions are ripe, not different than your video game program rendering the correct scene when conditions are right within the program. You could replace the word right with appropriate here, or logically consistent. In a book when the author writes the story, until he imagines all the parameters of said story it doesn't exist. In a song until you write the whole song it doesn't exist. I could go on and on and on. Your entire reality consistently has shown you that you have never experienced anything outside of you and you create belief systems within you to lie and deceive you that events happen outside of you. But science, technology can never prove this and they never will. In fact all science keeps getting stuck on is paradox, why? Because infinity is paradoxical. Why? Because to make ONE BEING relate to an other ....paradox must be used. Without paradox there is no duality, and literally no reality and no life. Paradox proves that life is a got damn miracle. Learn to accept it.
  9. Bazooka, your bias is limiting your understanding. Close your eyes right now. Imagine a world where a guy is walking down the street in a city. That entire scenario is YOU!!! That's it. This isn't complicated. It's not baloney. You have never experienced anything but YOU. But your understanding what YOU is false. You isn't a body. YOU is everything you experience and ever will. You literally cannot die because you are TOTALITY. But until you embrace this possibility you will only realize it when your body drops. It's up to you. You claim it's false all you want but...it is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. When you go to sleep, you don't take anyone in your waking reality with you. And when you drop your body at physical death you won't take anyone with you. So what makes you think there are others...when you cannot interact with them in sleep or death? Exactly!!! Your mind is NOT in your brain. Your MIND is reality itself. I could give you a substance that could wipe your memory and put you in a dream world that is as real as what you call this world. What is the difference? Even worse Science has already proven that distance doesn't exist. Non-Locality. So if Non-Locality is true, then there are no OTHERS. OTHER is distinction, distance, time, space etc. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/ The evidence is there...you just don't want to embrace it.
  10. You need to have your awareness raised. To explain what that means I will give an example. Ever fall asleep on your arm and wake up and not be able to feel it? And then when you get off it and allow the blood to surge through your arm starts to feel alive? Well that analogy is an example. When I first started this work I never understood what was being discussed because I never did any drugs EVER. But there are substances that can change your awareness that can allow you to understand that your current perceptual understanding of things is limited and was indoctrinated into you. So for example if you eat an edible or consume marijuana and you never did it before your perception will start to change. Same thing with psychedelics. Now traditional science will tell you that you are hallucinating to brainwash you into not realizing the true nature of reality. So once you can sit or lie down still enough long enough you will be able to realize that you aren't some physical body, you are awareness. This is something you need to investigate. The Spiritual Teachings, Teachers/Gurus are guides. Everyone on the forum are just guides. You have to experiment and investigate for yourself. As you do you will eventually have a profound experience that will confirm the teachings. Just don't get deluded like Vlad and start going around telling everyone that you alone are God. The secret is EVERYTHING is GOD, only the ego tries to co-opt the identity of God for itself which is no different than Dictators telling other humans that they alone are God or the Kings of old or Catholic Pope who claim to be alone the physical embodiment of God.
  11. Majority of these discussions are a waste of time if you are just here to push your assumptions. 1. The Spiritual Path is the path of honesty. 1. Admit what you know to be true, and what you don't. Investigate every freaking belief you hold about reality and what you think IT/YOU are capable of. Admit where your current level of Consciousness is, but open your mind up to other possibilities. Choose which possibility to investigate it and investigate it for yourself it is true. 2. Some where along this process you will attain a direct connection to Universal Consciousness. When this happens now you can truly start to investigate different things because that connection never drops. I repeat it never drops, but you can certainly delude yourself into thinking it drops by telling yourself that LIE and it becomes true. Microdosing can help, but again resolve biases and meditate while on those substances. Try different techniques, you can try chakra music, other types of frequency music, visualization exercises (be careful not to get caught in self-deception), or whatever else you can find that works for you. Anything outside of pure honesty of what you know and don't know is just self-deception. Use this filter not just on yourself but on ANYBODY you read, or listen to. At some level everyone is operating within self-deception. Why? Because you have not dissolved yourself of all bias. As long as bias exists within you, you are still deceived. That's it!!! Nothing else here to see!!!
  12. That's only if the psychedelic wipes your memory, or the experience becomes too intense for you. Logic is the biggest barrier to dealing with trips....its the biggest bias humans have. Even I know eventually for me to go as far as I need to go..I will eventually have to remove all attachment to logic because logic is the biggest limitation on consciousness. Shit does not need to make sense at all because it never did in the first place .
  13. Your fear comes from you being dishonest. Think about this. If you were really in such a panic...how are you writing coherent, grammatically correct sentences. You are so calm right now that you have the self-control to write those sentences and respond to the posts of those on here with coherent logical sentences. What is happening is you are FEELING panic, hearing panicky thoughts, but are also aware and calm enough to ask for help. If you could stop telling yourself you are panicking and instead say I am experiencing the emotional sensation of panick, and panicky thoughts....but I am actually okay. Admit the experience is uncomfortable, remind yourself it is only temporary like all experience. This is important, all experience is temporary, transient, you have NEVER experience anything counter to this. So with the knowledge that it is temporary, sit in it, allow it expression, and it will pass. By doing this on more than one occasion you discover you can be indifferent to uncomfortable sensations and create SPACE between them. This makes you MORE POWERFUL, and stops you from being a reactionary drone like most people, who are caught up in emotional drama, and projection.
  14. Yeah when I went further down he started contradicting himself. He has some good stuff that I have pointed to before but I realize he is just intellectually theorizing. So I am going to explain something here. UNLESS YOU RAISE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS you are just playing around. INTELLECT is imaginary!!! What does this mean? It means your intellect is LIMITED by your imagination. The purpose of removing bias, is it makes you SMARTER. I have said this before and you all are not listening. If you do not remove bias, you will be caught in self-delusion. Intellect cannot save you from delusions. The only thing that can save you from delusion is the truth!!! Focus on authenticity at all times!! ALL TIMES!!! The whole point of Spiritual Work is SHADOW WORK and removing ALL BIAS!! If you do not remove bias you cannot SEE CLEARLY, thus your reality gets distorted. Remember the picture of everyone looking at an Elephant. See the example here: https://cviteacher.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/169/ Bias makes you BLIND, it puts you in the dark....Dark Night of the Soul Anyone? Enlightenment is illuminating the darkness of your bias!!! What is hell? Hell is BIAS!!! What is heaven? The removal of ALL BIAS!!! Bias is SELF-HATRED!!! I have a very discerning eye, I see bullshit from a mile away because I am honest to the best of my ability at all times. How do you raise your level of honesty? Contemplation, Self-Reflection. If you ONLY meditate, you won't have discernment. And if you don't meditate you cannot raise your awareness level. All knowledge comes from experience, raising awareness gives you EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of a thing. For example, if you raise your awareness high enough you can experience rape metaphysically. You might say why would I want to experience that? So you can understand rape victims and have AUTHENTIC COMPASSION for them. It gives you SELF-UNDERSTANDING. The whole point is to gain SELF-UNDERSTANDING. Anyone who is not doing either is just running around in circles. The smartest wisest people on the planet are the most conscious, not the people with the highest IQ which is sad really because if you could raise the awareness of all the highest IQ people....you would be astonished at what they could accomplish. The difference between a mystic and a scientist is this. A scientist would study an apple and create diagrams, study the weight, width, the cellular structure, the tree it came from etc. The mystic? The mystic would BECOME THE GOT DAMN APPLE!!! He would be aware he is the apple and experience being the got damn apple. Then if the mystic wanted the theoretical knowledge he could just listen to the scientist by becoming the scientist and access his consciousness. Furthermore...the Mystic after adding that theory with his own direct experience...would end up finding errors in that Scientist's interpretation because he can only study from the outside in. It's like someone observing your entire life and studying you your entire life. They could get a lot right about you, but if you are a mystic they would never know you better than you know yourself because they cannot access your emotions to know in depth what motivates you etc. A mystic with enough awareness...could access your memories himself if you allow him too. So raise your got damn consciousness or run around in the dark with the rest of humanity.
  15. The more you study the human psyche the more similarities you can see in animals. For example Societal Conditioning works very similar to the taming process. Without influencing your creative thought process read this article about taming a horse and notice....these same techniques (with some small variations) can be used to tame/groom you. https://horsebondingsuccess.com/horse-training/taming-a-horse
  16. He did a good job but at a certain point I can tell he is just b.sing. For example he demonizes eating meat and says that it probably leads to you aging. So one instance he makes the argument that nothing happens if you don't observe it but then says you are responsible if you eat the meat. Okay we can take that argument...but plants are living things. You would have to swear off eating right using that argument. But then...what about the bacteria your body naturally kills, that is life also....so truthfully to transcend death using his argument you would have to leave the physical body because as long as you have a physical body you will always kill something. Hell when you walk you step on bugs all the time without knowing. What he doesn't realize...is that whole logical argument he presented....was b.s. lol. He did a good job of explaining a lot of stuff for people who are having trouble conceptualizing in their head certain things. But I can tell he has not actually done it. He is soberly trying to imagine it which is fine...but he needs to do the work. The most important parts of his essay though is overcoming self-judgment but he doesn't understand what that actually means. It means removing ALL BIAS. A creator has no bias. For example the people who create the Marvel Avengers have no bias against all the murder and violence they create in their stories. Why? Because it doesn't happen to them. As a result they can write story after story of galaxies and large swaths of people being destroyed and notice...they don't judge themselves for doing it. Only the creations in the story will judge God and say...what kind of evil God would make all these Galactic Threats keep attacking Earth? Be glad that humans aren't wielding God-like power over your life...otherwise life would be much harder than you think LOL.
  17. Bliss is actually ever present, it doesn't come and go. In my direct experience, bliss does not come and go. Bliss is ever present. If it comes and goes as a feeling then you just don't have enough Self-Love. I can poetically describe Love as this. Love is the miracle that makes Nothing REAL. If you pay attention to all interactions....everyone is arguing about what is REAL and what is NOT REAL. This is because Love is the only thing that is REAL. Love is a nothing, that constructs an identity, a something out of Nothing and makes it REAL. Then to tests its LOVE it teaches itself to love the lack of identity and to see as equal to all identity. This is why it is so hard to release attachments, because you are killing what is REAL because the greatest fear is to be nothing. Your task is to love nothing and something equally. If you pick a side on either then you will be lost. The secret is Illusion and Real are identical and all conflicts are born between Illusion and Real between Lies and Truth. At the highest love all conflict is illusionary and at the lowest level all conflicts are REAL. This paradox cannot be resolved easily because the power of Love is ABSOLUTE. If you limit Love it is REAL and if you remove the limit of Love it is IMAGINARY. What is real? Well the human definition of real is the perceived stability of change, and they see boundless infinite expression as illusion. This illusion which is God, perceives itself and all of its expressions as Real. When God awakens through the ego, God perceives Reality as both illusionary, and real at the same time. This is how God gets to experience the miracle that it is, and experience True Love by resolving the paradox of Reality and Illusion, Truth and Falsehood. The Magic can only be revealed when you realize you LOVE NOTHING. LOL. That's it. That all of your biases are imaginary and that in your direct experience you love everything even though its nothing. Also P.S. Leo....stop saying you are the only person on the planet that is awake....please follow your own advice. You made a whole episode on confirming in your direct experience and the truth is you have not confirmed this....you are imagining this. No different than any other ego imagining from his point of view his own perspective.
  18. This is a concept explored through One-Punch Man and also in this short video...what happens when you become too powerful. Well..there is nothing to do. Some curse their limitedness and their mortality....maybe just maybe it's a blessing...
  19. ^^^^^^^ Here ya go. Don't put limits on Reality/God. There is no such thing as Impossible lol.
  20. This entire exchange?.....I think I just died and went to heaven on this one!!!!
  21. Just messing with ya.... https://www.actualized.org/insights/the-school-of-life
  22. What is romance? Romance is an appreciation for the existence of something. An intense observation and recognition of the beauty of something and then a desire to express that beauty or reflect that beauty in discussion, song, poem, painting, movie and beyond. We wanna capture it and share it, and even though we know we cannot capture the purity of the essence that we experienced, undaunted we clumsily try anyway. This is romance, this is communication, this is a sharing of the love we have for something, this IS LIFE!!! If you do not have romance, you cannot appreciate life, and you cannot know LOVE.
  23. You can also do pretend exercises like an Actor. Imagine something you can't stand right now. Maybe a painful memory from your past, or create a short dream scenario of an intense angerable offense. Now when anger arises...allow it to express and notice it JUST HAPPENS. Anything thatsgoes against your values/beliefs that you have not come to terms with will create a reactionary emotion. Notice how you can observe it and not get pulled into it. We are always aware...but the spiritual practice involves one of two things. You can place awareness on awareness itself which is concentration, or you can just sit....or lie down...and don't put awareness on anything. Both achieve the same outcome.