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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. We'll see how long you dabble with Christianity before you get bored with it.
  2. 1. Language is inherently dualistic. 2. You said we are different....that is splitting into two parts..... When we communicate, paradox is going to be inherent, and contradiction is going to be inherent because we are One Being talking to itself. It's like looking in the bathroom mirror and arguing with your reflection.....
  3. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/democrats-and-republicans-have-different-views-on-nato-and-ukraine/#:~:text=But by a margin of,%2C with just 19% opposed.
  4. I'm really seeing more and more why teenagers and 20 year olds without a proper epistemological foundation and sufficient ego development are not suited for this work. It really seems dogma will always end up being a part of all pursuits to create a mass sharing of understanding. If only humans could be as selfless as the cells in their body when it comes to sharing intelligence.
  5. Notice how art mimics life....all the best movies and t.v. shows mimic life and entertain... why wouldn't the purpose of us being here....to have fun and entertain ourselves. I'm glad entertainment exists.....
  6. God is selfless, so God doesn't even know what loneliness is until it takes form. God loves itself so completely...loneliness cannot even be experienced unless it limits its love as a form and creates threats as a form of survival. Without survival....what is loneliness?
  7. There is wisdom in your post. I would say it also depends on your culture. For example India has a culture that allows for Spiritual Development whereas in the U.S. it can be a little harder as many Spiritual States are tied to things like psychosis or Depersonalization Disorder, or Persistent Hallucinogenic Experiences etc. Also 40 is kind of too old, I think 30 to mid- 30's is just right but obviously it can differ depending on the developmental level of the person. Also you need to stop limiting yourself as some average person. The only reason the quote, on quote average person is not intelligent enough for Spirituality and Philosophy is because their culture does not produce a survival oriented reason to be. For example the Spartans were great warriors partly because of their genetics, but mainly because of their culture. If you were able to design a culture where your status and survival were dependent on how Spiritually advanced you were you would be way more Spiritually and Philosophically advanced than you are now. You are a product of your environment. Leo isn't who he is just because of the decisions that he made, he also needed an environment that was conducive in his formative years to allow him to take the path that he took. If you could go in the past and mess around with his personal experiences you could turn him into someone who never created Actualized.Org. So cut yourself some slack, you are where you are.
  8. Every ego thinks it's perspective is higher or more correct. What do you think a disagreement is? I don't play this game, all of life plays this game. Like I said, you have much to learn. I said the same silly stuff you are saying now a month ago so I hope you continue on this path of thinking you know enough. You know when your job of learning is done? When your life as that human is done. Until that happens you haven't learned everything you need to learn even if you delude yourself into thinking you have. Again I have been in your mindset thinking I got it all figured out....lol and I was shown how little I actually knew. Majority of humans will only know love at death. It is what it is. And lastly...YOU created this design. There isn't anyone else here but YOU. I'm YOU telling myself there is more to go.
  9. Holykael is the most honest ego and simultaneously the most dishonest ego. Every ego wants to be God. Currently the number one thing egos chase is money due to survival purposes and after that relationships and sex. If you notice those three are usually the most complained about with physical health taking up the 4th place spot. The reason there are so many complaints is because they do not know love. All of this conflict is inner turmoil that has not been resolved. All egos on this planet will be faced with suffering of some kind and unless you work to overcome your judgments you will suffer your entire life. Anyone who has done extensive study on the rich and the affluent will discover they are not immune to this suffering. Before I entered spirituality I noticed this. So the biggest lie that everyone believes is that your happiness or lack thereof is based on how well your survival is going. This is the first lie that literally runs majority of people's lives so they chase physical comfort. It's sad that this lie has been able to be pushed so effectively. But think about this....America's wealth collectively has increased. But according to opinion polls and mental hospital reports the population suffers from more depression, and suicide attempts than earlier in their history when poverty was more widespread. In fact it seems the middle class enjoys more healthy levels of satisfaction than the poor or the very rich. The poor mainly suffer due to poor physical health and the rich suffer with the fear of losing what they have built, and boredom with the riches. At a certain point some start to feel empty inside due to not being able to quench their excessive greed. https://youtu.be/ALJkVgmW4jg?si=7CUqb6U98jooFuhH
  10. You as God created Jesus for a reason. Jesus is a safe haven for those on the spiritual path who get lost and need something to hang onto. If using Jesus gives you some comfort then all is well. But God doesn't need an intermediary to commune with itself.
  11. You are NOT able to empathize, to empathize is to SHARE the emotional experience of a person. Your understanding of empathy is NOT TRUE EMPATHY. You think empathy is to understand the suffering of a person, that is some petty Westernized notion of empathy. This is what I mean!!! God is infinitely empathetic. Why? Because God has experienced EVERYTHING!!! Who do you think understands what its like to be crippled from birth? You? A person who takes for granted the many things you have and focused on what you don't have? You have no clue because of ignorance how much you are not aware of. I don't have to know you personally as an individual to know this. Why? Because as you go deeper in this work you get to experience the experience of what you call others DIRECTLY!!! As a result you feel the conscious experience of being crippled, the conscious experience of being suicidal, the conscious experience of a whole HOST of things and THEN you know how they feel!!! You are acting like watching someone on fire and feeling sorry for him is equivalent of actually feeling the fire. It's not the same. Like I said, you are referring to conceptual. Conceptual is sympathy. Experiential is empathy. It's not your fault you don't get it, because you haven't broken through the barrier of self and other. Everybody you see is you so much, that YOU are the only one that suffers. But right now because your metaphysical selfishness (your human identity) your ability to experience the depths of their suffering is kept at bay. You can't even really even understand someone truly, as long as you are in the realm of concept. When you can access the conscious state of an other is when you TRULY become them at the highest level. You GET THEM so deeply you ARE THEM. THIS is true empathy. True empathy is the ABSENCE of barriers. That is why you have complete empathy for your current human avatar....because you have lived your own life. P.S. There is ONLY ONE EXPERIENCE, when you realize truly hopefully one day what that means...then you will realize that it is actually impossible for me to invalidate your experience at a certain state of consciousness because at that level...I am you. For many of you this is just a word game, a concept, you have no clue that you are ALL ALONE.
  12. Dude it's easy. 1. Tell yourself I want to lower my consciousness. 2. Get off this forum and stop consuming Spirituality and topics like that. 3. Go hang out with people who are not into Spirituality and engage in their petty personal dramas and it will happen on its own. 4. Lowering your consciousness is easy as its the ego's design to resist the raising of your consciousness.
  13. The part I bolded, it says what it says. The only reason you think you live in a 3-D reality is because your neurological system is wired specifically to show you reality like that. If your system were to get rewired...that would change your experience of reality. When I awoke to a direct consciousness baseline what happened was my brain was jailbroken and rewired to reflect that the true nature of reality was Absolute Solipsism. This is why I said, you can only live from this state if you are willing to accept your true nature, without boundaries. Also...it happens on its own, all I need is the desire to see or experience reality a certain way and put that intention out and it on its own gives me what I ask. Sometimes there is some pain involved because the body has to change certain things, and some fear as well as literally my experience is changing and I need to get use to this new experience. This is why I said...if they tell you there is no change in experience they are lying to you. Also you don't have to meditate in silence, you can meditate anywhere and anytime, you can also meditate while lying down. Some more secrets, thinking is a form of meditation, deep concentration is a form of meditation, and sleeping actually helps you on the path as well. So in truth....you are on the path without even realizing it your entire life. But eventually you will need to retreat to solitude to commit to meditating for hours.
  14. Life is just a journey of Self-Love. Many fall into the trap of chasing money and fame as the key to self-love. Self-Love cannot be bought, it's a daily investment that will eventually culminate into an EXPLOSION! For many that explosion will be what they call physical death. Anyway here is Taylor Swift, on top of the world when it comes to material success talk about how she struggles with feelings of self-worth. https://www.nylon.com/taylor-swift-mental-health-struggle You can obviously choose whatever path you want...but no matter where you go there you are. You cannot drug your way, isolate your way, control your way, fight your way, buy your way to self-acceptance. All you can do is surrender, and accept, and appreciate. Consider that maybe all your self-hatred was conditioned....consider maybe that is why you cannot buy it or escape it. The barrier of Self-Love hides behind all of your conditioned beliefs, and a life-time of distractions won't solve it. What worked for me was to cultivate first acceptance of my avatar, the character I invested so much in. After that was acceptance of life, and ultimately the true nature of life as well. This path is not easy...but it's the only path to experience yourself at the deepest levels. The more you expand your love, the more of yourself you experience.
  15. You don't know the path of self-love that is why you speak the ignorance you speak. You only seek to jump on threads and disagree because there is much hatred within you. If you have something to actually share, make a thread and share. But jumping on posts with the purpose just to disagree is just an egoic activity. What you talk about is the path of emptiness which is the Buddhist path. That path does not generate Self-Love. That path provides the awakening of No-Self and Emptiness. To generate the Love Awakening one must cultivate it. You don't know this because you don't know Love.
  16. They are Holykael #3 every now and then we get new users who enter to tell you that what you post is wrong and that life is terrible. It is what it is.
  17. Lol debate? You are not going to get through to someone who is a fundamentalist Christian. They believe in blind faith in a book because somebody told them so.....really think about that? Think about how much dishonesty to claim you know the truth and it was just some religious doctrine that you barely know much less even attempted to confirm.
  18. ^^^^ He's also called himself an alien saint too. Don't forget that one.
  19. Dang how I become an edible? *Ahem* This pic is the heart chakra sign....think of it as a subliminal message to all who see to remember their heart chakra.
  20. I say this with the utmost sincerity.....all complaints we have are just self-serving, they are just our selfishness. Not saying you aren't allowed to complain, based on what you have posted I am sorry that you are going through what you are going through. Sure you can observe, but observation is not the same as feeling those emotions. Empathy is not sympathy!!! You cannot understand someone unless you walk a mile in their shoes. All those supposed experts learn that they don't know shit. Why? Because it's one thing to observe something, it's another to be in it. Additionally many of those people you mentioned, kill themselves!!! https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/psymon-says/202302/why-are-psychologists-at-greater-risk-of-suicide What usually has to happen is people in these occupations have to actually DETACH themselves, because the emotional toil to connect with someone in their emotional despair is taxing!! This is why it is tough to actually find people that empathize with you. It's really easy to sit here in the comfort of our home, and type "Oh I understand..." I am not arrogant enough to think I understand the pain of someone with great physical suffering. Why? Because I went through my own suffering early in my life and I know that suffering can only be understood if you go through it. Only an arrogant ego thinks it can understand something without actually experiencing it, which means you still have much to learn. Don't worry, life will certainly humble that know it all mindset that our egos have....empathy is earned, sympathy is conceptual, empathy is experiential. Leo didn't apologize by accident, we often forget what it feels like to experience pain until we get a HEALTHY reminder. You cannot know LOVE without suffering, you cannot know empathy without suffering. Also I say this with an understanding that you are going through something tough right now. I apologize if I come across offensive as that is not my intention. But empathy is not some trifling thing, empathy is a rare emotional trait that majority of people you meet do not have. Majority of people with empathy are the old, as the young are too arrogant often to know real struggle.
  21. You have a very unique way of thinking....look the purpose of the ego is to hide the fact that you are God. As such confusion, and conflict exists to keep you immersed. Also if I tell yo that reality is INFINITE it means that conflict and ignorance must be a part of the expression of life because it is infinite. If God is infinite, it must create an advanced system to keep itself from figuring out what is going on. Notice how what you said...has nothing to do with what I said? Your ego is playing distraction, I tell you your entire life is imaginary, you respond with....why did you change your profile picture? LOL.
  22. Well Aaron Rodgers did it, we'll see if Tom Brady follows suit.
  23. https://www.ajc.com/life/health/jaden-smith-discusses-using-psychedelics-as-mental-health-treatment/RFBTPBDLDZAINKCG4PQZFW3KQ4/