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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. You do realize you are not saying anything Leo. Not giving any methodology or deep explanations. It's like me running around telling everyone that they are blind without actually seeking to give anything to help alleviate that. Outside of this being marketing for your new course it comes across boasting. Also if they were truly close-minded...they wouldn't even be here or responding to you. You know that open-mindedness has variability. There is the person who tells you that you are wrong, yet keeps showing up. =This person doesn't believe you are completely wrong, a part of them is open but majority of them is still to afraid to listen. There is the person who tells you that you are wrong and leaves. =This person has completely closed off their mind. There is the person who debates you and questions you but still says you are wrong.= This person is actually more open-minded but think your stance is too radical but is interested in trying to make sense of it which is why they question you. You could go deeper that they could also debate you out of an inferiority complex with a dishonest show of superiority but it still remains that interest is there because they wouldn't entertain a debate at all if they felt it was a waste of time. There is the person who questions you but brings up no counter-arguments. =This person just wants clarification of your message. There is the person who defends you from detractors even though they have no clue what you are saying. =This person trusts your intelligence and authenticity so even without knowing what you are saying, they believe you have something of value to share and trust your gut. Now everyone except the person who left believes you have value but how much of it is valuable is still something they are struggling with to decipher whereas the last person trusts you implicitly.
  2. In one sense what I bolded is true, in that if you live a life of honesty you will have a proper general understanding of your character, but the path will reveal unconscious layers of bullshit that you aren't even aware that is hidden. For example you don't just have to deal with your own personal inner demons, you have to deal with the inner demons of the universe! Let that part sink in....this work is not as easy as some would have it. Those bad trips that don't make any sense that people have? Think of that as universal demons. Basically...can you let go of your judgment of some of the most decrepit things imaginable and accept them too? The further you travel in your mind....the crazier its going to get. For example...I've recently reached a point where I think I'm going to take a break for now or at least slow down my pace.
  3. There goes that ego again...thinking that it knows....you don't know because you haven't traveled far enough. The path is long though, if you stay on it eventually you will come back to this comment and laugh at your ignorance.
  4. 1. Nobody is going to master Consciousness, it's infinite. 2. Consciousness has many tricks up its sleeve, Leo...how do you know you aren't the one self-deluded? 3. What I have learned recently is at the highest levels of Consciousness, each perspective will appear deluded from the other perspective Example: Different high conscious individuals will experience consciousness differently and from their perspective the other perspectives are deluded. The only way to even have different perspectives in the first place is self-delusion. Also Leo...how is what you are doing any different than what societies or culture does? You guide those who look up to you....into forming their dream in your image.... that is no different than teaching someone a language, or teaching them cultural norms. Because once someone deconstructs their mind and constructs it to see things the way you do, you basically turn them into another Leo....this is no different than what societies do. With all that said....I ain't mad at you because you created a new adventure to pursue and I will definitely pursue it...if it isn't too outside what I am interested in.
  5. If you are getting mystical experiences then you are already there!! Congratz!! Just keep seeking to be shown more. So what I realized is you can request to be shown different things, as long as your mind and focus does not waver to other things it will eventually be shown to you. One of the things I was shown is one of the reasons we don't get what we want in life is because we change our mind so frequently, very rarely do we ever focus on one thing for any significant period of time. This is because of our greed which is just our desire to be infinite versus finite. So focus on one thing at a time and be amazed at what you are shown!!! When you discover that life happens FOR YOU NOT TO YOU like truly discover this....you will see the beauty!!
  6. The division game is what humans play. Seek to play the game of unity, that is how you raise your baseline. The more you open your heart chakra the higher your baseline consciousness will become. Seek to become ONE with all. The only one that stops you from doing it...is YOU! Your ego won't make it easy, but always remember no matter what trips you go through...it's your mind. Always hold onto the fact that it's you and you will make it through cause I had some bad trips in the past and it is the only thing that got me through them.
  7. It depends....it's a good question. Some say awakening is glimpses, realizations, whereas Enlightenment is supposed to be a permanent state where in your direct experience consistently...you are aware that everything is YOU. I can speak from my own personal experience I have reached that state and it revealed to me how this separation game has been set up. Social Conditioning is a mental framework, that if taken as true, constructs a 3-D material reality. If from early childhood you were taught Non-Duality you wouldn't live in your current reality. So enlightened people have neural pathways that are constructed to render a Non-Dual experience as their reality. That is the only difference between an enlightened person and a person who has experienced awakening.
  8. If you help with the desire to not be given a reward, yes....that is when you tap into your divine power. Your self love for yourself is grown in two ways, through maximum effort, and selfless service. Why is this important? If you are on the path of Awakening, what will give you the strength to surrender to truth will be the self-love you cultivated through selfless service and and maximum effort. To give maximum effort is to be true to the task at hand, to surrender your entire self to the task at hand, and self-less service is to do so without a guarantee of a reward. These elements will give you the ability to become awakened permanently baseline. Consistency, Integrity, Maximum Effort, Lack of Judgment. Now the two parameters most people struggle with is integrity and lack of judgment. Many people are consistent in what they do, and some even give maximum effort but they lack integrity in some part of their character and also they judge. In fact these two barriers alone will take a miracle for majority of human kind to resolve. The tip I can give you to solve this goes against everything you have ever been told. Willingly do what Jesus said when he stated "If someone slaps you turn the other cheek and if someone sues you for your cloak give him your coat also." If you can allow someone to take advantage of you and not resist, and leave their prescience with no hatred or animosity....you are literally right there....all you would need is to be someone whose integrity can never be bought and truthfully someone who can do what I said above...would have an integrity that cannot be bought. It is stated you will be rewarded in secret and this is true....the secret is you will eventually realize you are God....just like Jesus did. How do I know? Because it worked for me that's how. The story of Jesus is the direct path to God-Realization. Emulate Jesus and you will get there. It took me 35 years though, and it took Jesus 32 I believe when he started his ministry.
  9. Your wasting your time on this user. Maybe when they come back in 5-10 years they will be open to this message. They came on these forums as if they are an expert and I can tell from their answers they are probably in their 20's at least I hope so.
  10. Knowledge isn't conceptual. You know language....why? They are just noises and symbols. Why is your brain able to decipher those sounds and make sense of that. What gives it the ability to understand the model? That's what he is saying. The answer is...self-recognition. Because you cannot be separated you can intuit something because it's you. After you intuit it, then you form a logical model to explain what you have intuited. Do you need conception to know what smell is? NO!!! Do you need conception to know what BITTER IS? NO!! Notice you cannot convey to someone who has not experienced BITTER and something smelly what they are. Because concept is not actually knowledge. To know something is to experience it and you can only experience it because YOU ARE IT! So being, what you are, comes prior to concept. You create concept to explain being. You need to stop attaching yourself to logic. Logic stops your ability to be creative and to think outside the box. Logic is past information, if you want to be an explorer, a trail blazer you need to develop the ability to drop logical thinking. Seek to transcend logic. Try watching this and meditating on it. It might help loosed that rigid mind of yours.
  11. It's alone because it cannot be separated. Alone=AllOne
  12. Yeah first time I listened to him he wasn't for me, same with Mooji then like one day after doing some meditations my mind opened up and I just got them. Really showed me the power of bias. If we don't actively work to open up our mind misunderstanding will be apparent. For example....there is a certain forum user on here trying to dabble with analyzing people's motivations but they don't realize that they are too full of personal bias to do it accurately. We only misunderstand someone because we have a closed mind.
  13. If you took MDMA before that happened when it happened you would love those red hot irons on your balls. If you took enough 5 MEO you would enjoy it as well.
  14. Only God has free will. God gave up its free will to the manifestation of love. So you are the finite expression of love configured a certain way and that is how you act. Every moment you act from either love or fear and that runs your life. You have belief systems that are programmed into you and this impacts how you interpret/experience reality. Your belief systems only change either due to suffering or inspiration. You have the ability to choose, and exert effort but it is limited by your imagination, which is limited by your current capacity to love, So the more loving you are, the more free you are, the less loving you are the more in bondage you are.
  15. There is no cause and effect, only the appearance of it. If cause and effect existed, the same result would always happen. But the same conditions can exist and change can happen out of nowhere. This is why all statistics have variability, and logic has limits. Cause and effect is finite, reality is not bound by cause and effect because it is infinite so cause and effect....don't exist.
  16. Glad it helped you in some way. Lol but not talking about retiring your human character, unless you got some money stashed away to pull that off.
  17. You are wasting your time arguing with him. Most of his arguments are moot points. A.I. exists because it is more cost efficient, as such it will replace majority of human labor. Until the rich start caring more about human lives, cost efficiency is going to take a front seat over worker's need for a job. If you read his arguments against your point of view they are so full of bias you are wasting your time. I mean his starting point in one of his comments reeked of hatred of A.I. that told you all you needed to know. He will get left behind as anyone who tries to take a stance against technology does. That gamble...doesn't pay off.
  18. If this were true, you wouldn't be on here. Lack of attachment is lack of activity. Activity is attachment. You are attached to these forums. Also look at your response, you said "you don't know what is going on inside of me." That is a defensive response, which is an expression of attachment. There is no deeper level, your attachment is very surface level. In fact you dropping the traditional spiritual path to become a Christian is actually an expression of fear which is again.....attachment.
  19. There are many people I see on here who are getting lost in this work, this path. I get it, life can be tough and there are so many people out here professing to have truth. I welcome you to listen to this excerpt from Leo's interview with Curt. It has one of the most beautiful, most passionate answers and poetic descriptions of what God is. It's a masterpiece, it brought tears to me how beautiful it is. When I watched it a year ago I didn't understand the depth of these words but now I do. I hope it can bring about the same level of appreciation that you are living life.
  20. LOL I know right? But I get it, he had a profound experience into the nature of an interdimensional Alien Mouse and that level of Infinite Intelligent Expression would and could make a human identity turn their nose down at humans. I would suggest Leo maybe change his perspective and look at the miracle and goodness of humans. I've had awakenings into the innate genius of humanity and how precious each of their lives are. It has shown me that each individual's awakening is just a reflection of their egoic world view. So Leo on a subconscious level wanted to experience the deepest most complex form that Infinite Intelligence could show him and that manifested into him awakening to Alien Intelligence and experiencing being that mouse. Pretty interesting.
  21. Ram Dass liked to call it a trip. But yeah...I suggest use it more. Let everyone know they are out here tripping!! Maybe one of your mods, wink, wink, will stop saying you cheated for taking a psychedelic. LOL. How do you cheat in a hallucination, by taking something that causes a hallucination within a hallucination? LOL.
  22. I bite my teeth all the time, its called smiling!
  23. Can You Fall In Love With Those You Once Despised? If you can authentically fall in love with your enemies, your detractors, when you truly understand where they are coming from is when you are making true progress. If your life were to end with you holding the same opinion of denial of those who you disagree with, your life is a life not fully lived. Everyday pick someone you disagree with and seek to understand their perspective. If you can accomplish this, you will grow in knowledge and understanding. Always remember....all bias= stupidity. It's needed to hold an individual perspective, but it can become a prison. Ever wonder when you watch a movie sometimes why the main character acts stupid from your perspective when the author of the story makes you privy to information that the main character doesn't have? As a kid I would get mad when the main character has a love interest but believes she doesn't like him, and acts in ways that stops him from getting what he wants. But notice he has a bias, a belief that she doesn't love him and thus even though its not true that is the lens that he views reality from and cannot get what he desires which is to connect with her. Understand that when you hold biases, your life is operating exactly the same. All bias distorts the reality of what is true. So learning to love those who mistreat you actually makes you see life clearer. It's sad that I'm cheating and giving you practical reasons to be more loving....but Love is practical, its pragmatic, its TRUE PRAGMATISM.
  24. The ability to drop what we conceptually "know" allows us to experience the magic all around us. The deeper I go in this work the more I realize more and more how my bias holds back my ability to experience the fullness of what I am.