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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Wishing for less regulation is regulation, because you are trying to regulate regulation!!! That's the point. You still have yet to deconstruct your mind of duality, and this is why you do not understand what I am saying. The moment you point a finger at ANYONE you are doing the same thing as them because they are YOU! I only do this every now and then to make you aware of the paradoxical nature of reality. So if I ever attempt to correct you I am correcting myself and if you attempt to correct me you are just correcting yourself. Really open your mind up to the possibility that a request for less regulation is itself regulation. This is us right now....approximately.
  2. If you want to be miserable find some unhappy people, form relationships with them and allow them to take advantage of you with no desire to correct them. I'm sure that will give you some misery to experience and learn how to process it. The only other thing I can think of is work a job you hate.
  3. The fighter will always have an opponent. Think about that. The fighter believes it must defend itself from all attacks. The fighter believes it must prove its mettle, its strength in the arena of its own construction. As such no matter how old the fighter becomes, the fighter will always have an opponent. My current life has shown me, that eventually retirement is the best option. As you walk with this identity of self-defense, the opponent is always waiting to strike, even haphazardly. Originally you fought to gain skill, but eventually the opponents become so haphazard you realize it is not worth your time. Are you going to fight forever? When will the battle end? So you realize that the absurdity of you needing to defend when you already achieved what you originally started on this journey for which was skill. Now the war is over, and there are no more worthy opponents but the identity still persists....searching for a worthy adversary to test your skill your mettle, not realizing that the desire for an opponent is an attachment that must eventually die. So life sends you half-hearted opponents to kill your desire to continue, and you realize...it is time for retirement. The old must retire to make room for the new, and sometimes you need a push to allow that change a smooth transition. The glory of impermanence wins again, the new grows upon the stump of the old and with proper guidance ever new glory unfolds.
  4. Lol....I can't stop laughing at this one....good one man!!
  5. ^^^^You are regulating right now. The statement "Let something be what it is." Is a regulation. Do you see what I am pointing to here? Notice you have to deny that you are telling me to do something...that you are doing. Again, you are attempting to take control and now have to deny you are doing it because it doesn't fit with the way "you wish to view yourself." So Mr. Regulator...if I don't do as you wish....what is my punishment?
  6. Well ... 1. I don't know how that story ends as you left it open-ended. 2. I've never experienced that particular situation as you constructed it so....not sure what I can say. It depends on how you look at it and how you define "help" since you left it open-ended. He could end up being saved, go through therapy, write a best-selling book about what he went through and have a movie and video games series made about his experience. Or he could get therapy, make his life purpose to be a therapist, find the love of his life and get married. Or he could escape go live in a monastery the rest of his life.....you left it open-ended.
  7. It can depends on how often it gets stepped on. Flowers can grow between the cracks in concrete. Makes great fertilizer!!
  8. 1. We all have a need to regulate things, regulation is an inherent part of creation. Your body regulates your temperature and functions its called homeostatis. Your entire written post was just regulated to form a coherent post that could make sense. You see the thing with Infinity is since you are talking to yourself whatever you accuse me of I can always redirect it back at you and you can do it with me. Notice this.... 2. The point I am saying that makes you selfish is you didn't attempt to connect to my post, you took it where you wanted to take it. It's fine you can do that, I do that at times but I know when I do it....I'm being selfish. Why is it selfish? Because I took a conversation that was pointing at a certain direction, and took control and pointed it where I WANT IT. Notice how you claim you weren't be selfish which is not true...you were, but then say I like to regulate things. Does a selfish act need to be regulated or a selfless act? A selfless act is silence, or agreement. A selfish act is to interject and give your own perspective and an even greater form is to steer it where you want too. Again I'm not demonizing you because we all do it, I'm showing you how unaware you are of what selfishness is. Selfishness IS PERSPECTIVE. Why do you think conflict even exists? Because the moment a perspective has been taken division has taken place. So right now my entire post is SELFISH!!! But notice the clarity I have in being aware of it...currently you lack that awareness because you haven't searched deep enough into what selfishness really is. Selfishness runs our entire lives, to live from a non-dual state you need to be aware of it, otherwise you will subconsciously resist and not be aware of it. And don't run from my posts I welcome critiques....but just know...I critique critiques LOL. P.S. This post was just as guilty as your previous post because notice I didn't connect to the good points you just made but focused on hammering out my own point of view. That is me being SELFISH!!! You see how subtly we are selfish? I'm just as guilty of it.
  9. The man-women war is going to continue long after you are gone. What you are referring to is called misandry. It's not a known term because there is a bias against speaking up for the emotional pain of men. But guess who created that paradigm? Men. The very cultural issues that men get angry with women about men created. Masculinity being about stoicism, and invulnerability is something has been propagated for decades in various forms of media by men. Comic book heroes, action movie heroes etc are majority written by men. So the very problem you take issue with for women not caring about the feelings of men....guess who created that problem? So while you are correct that men and women should not use gender slurs (unless they don't care lol) in their daily interactions with each other let's not act like this is a problem of women only, men helped create this dynamic.
  10. Lol....hey....don't be speaking that shit into existence!! LOL!!! I like my male body just the way it is LOL!!
  11. There is no right way or wrong way to help people as each process has pros and cons. For example if I needed to raise an army, your way of trying to get them into shape would not be effective. There is a masculine way of training people and a feminine way of training people. The method majority of you are sharing is good in peace times, where you can help someone deal with their emotional issues. But if I dropped you on an island and stuff needed to get done then all this talk on how best to reach people falls by the way side. Don't be so quick to dismiss different methods of training, suffering and pain are VERY BENEFICIAL in certain circumstances and in others THEY ARE NOT. It is always RELATIVE to the situation at hand. If you get locked into any perspective you are just limiting your intelligence and making yourself dumb to a certain way of thinking.
  12. Nice!!! Yeah our egos are never satisfied. I'd say he is doing God's work with the book you mentioned and this interview. Our ego is always going to see imperfection in us, but every time I am constantly shown that all of us are perfect as is. So the true test in life is not just for us to see imperfection in life, but in ourselves. With that said...I just had a rough ride in traffic, people can't drive!!! LOL!!!
  13. Sure that is from the perspective of the formless. If I took a chainsaw to you and your loved ones you wouldn't be saying that in that moment. The purpose of this post is to reveal how selfishness hides itself. Notice your selfishness in ignoring that to preach your own message. Yes it's division, but notice to say what you just said is to divide my message as other. Why is that? Because the moment you take a counter stance you engage in division. So you just divided while pushing for unity. Also what makes you think my message was any less unity than your message? That would create yet more division.
  14. Hurting egos isn't bad, but be prepared to face ego backlash. What you give is what you experience so if you give them the hammer, they will give you the same.
  15. This is what every ego does. Every ego desires for control at various levels and if that control is threatened they become combative. It is that combative nature which disconnects you from truth and the first part you will have to deal with later on. The irony is first you must construct a strong-well developed ego....before you tear it down later LOL. So initially the desire for control is healthy, but later on it will be your greatest enemy.
  16. Let's just say you underestimate projection. Prepared to be projected upon you stay on here long enough. You'll be accused of so many things you'll think it's witch trials.org. This forum is good for shadow work as fragile egos abound and your shadow will roar at you. Good to know where your weak spots are.
  17. I didn't think much of it, until I started seeing it everywhere. It started popping up so much this Youtuber I watch every now and then did a video about this. (I like her perspective on historical myths and how they tie into her world view and yes it's all imaginary but I love the lore in it)
  18. Control and lack of control is point of view. From one perspective....you don't control others. If you take that on as a belief then your neurological system will make a distinction between you and other and you will feel like you don't control them. But if you open up yourself to the possibility that you control them, then you can experience yourself as the one controlling others. You can only do this if you are selfless enough to die psychologically. This means a fusion of your body with everything. You can an even go further and take control and change what is happening but that requires an even greater surrender. Basically you have to surrender the control of your egoic identity, to gain control of all that is. Think of your human body like a virtual reality suit, and your brain/neurological system as the settings. When you dreamed up reality, you made the brain of the human body you created like the settings on reality. These settings change based on how you construct identity. Different layers of identity have much stronger attachment or grounding. So some identities are harder to break. You created the ego to hold a consistent reality, so finitude is just the projection of the ego. The reason why 5 MEO for example can make you go infinite is it completely takes the ego which is the ground of your dream and shatters all of its attachments. Once that happens, all restrictions are lifted. The further you go in this work the further you will see that your beliefs are your limits. I was also shown why you can't just arbitrarily break your limits, because your ego cannot handle it. You don't really understand attachment, your biggest ADDICTION is that you are a human. It would be better to call everyone who hasn't realized their God, human addicts. When God creates a human, God becomes a human addict. Spirituality is just your rehabilitation from your addiction.
  19. So as I have stated already my baseline experience is of Absolute Solipsism, I already live from a baseline experience that everything is me, but recently I put in a request, an intention to experience it even more deeply. I wanted to not just be aware in my experience that everyone was me, I wanted to feel an even closer connection and I was given that. I am now aware that I am CONTROLLING everyone around me. All decisions that a "supposed other" is making is ME doing it. This distinction between me and you is hidden from you by a manipulation of your feelings, your sensations. Basically you design the human body's neurological system to not detect the connection between you and all that is. As you go deeper in this work your neurological system will connect to the neurological system of people and you will be able to see that you are controlling them and obviously they are controlling you as well. So you as the Absolute are obviously controlling everyone but to actually experience that as your baseline....is SOMETHING ELSE. So before I was aware they were me, but not that I was controlling them (even though I knew conceptually it was true) but now my lived experience is that too. THIS is how you use conceptual understanding in this work. You put out the intention to have the conceptual become the actual. If you truly desire this from your heart it WILL HAPPEN. Do not LET ANYONE CONVINCE YOU OTHERWISE!!! There is nothing special about me or my body in this regard. The only difference between me and you is I actually want this experience, you don't. Which is fine....when you are ready for it (if ever) it will be yours. Also it is completely reversible too, because you are God...you can always run back to duality if you don't want to experience Oneness. Obviously you are always experiencing it, but you can always remove that awareness and fall back to sleep.
  20. I think he has done some of the things you stated but not sure as you know each DC writer, writes Batman differently. I will say they don't do enough in my opinion to show how Batman as Bruce Wayne attempts to use his wealth and status to actually change Gotham. I think the comics does a good job to show that money and status are not enough if you want to create cultural change also. I'm not saying its not ok to intervene, I'm just saying its foolish to pretend that once you attempt to fix a problem, that it doesn't make you part of the problem. Batman actually makes Gotham worse in certain ways, for example the Joker does many of his dastardly deeds to get Batman's attention. Also because of Batman crime has become more intricate, harder to catch. If crime is a virus, and Batman is the anti-virus, crime keeps getting patched to bypass his defenses, Batman makes crime have to be smarter to avoid detection and as a result he produces smarter/crazier criminals. To showcase how smart your main character is, the villains needs to create elaborately complex crimes, since Batman is one of the smartest people on Earth you have to create very smart villains to go against him. So anybody that does crime in Gotham better do their homework because if you don't then getting an F means jail time when the teacher shows up. LOL.
  21. Batman is a story about a young boy born into a wealthy family-The Wayne Family. Bruce is the son of Thomas and Martha Wayne, and watched his Mother and Father get gunned down by a criminal in the alley for their personal belongings on their person. Batman at a young age is distraught and seeks to stamp out crime and corruption in Gotham (many police and government officials have ties to organized crime) by fighting crime as a masked hero. Now the irony of this whole story is Batman is himself a criminal because fighting crime is the Police's job. Batman is not part of the government, so when he fights crime he is also comiting crime at the same time. Now notice Batman despises the deception of the criminals and the corrupt government officials yet he engages in deception by hiding his identity. Batman seeks to bring their deception to the light of day, and expose the identity and the acts of those corrupt government officials and gang/mobsters yet he acts at night and seeks to hide his identity. Batman's story is also one of vengeance as he doesn't do it out of the kindness of his heart but out of anger and resentment of the pain he faced. Also Batman enjoys immense power and riches just because he was born into a wealthy family and because of great genetics and hard work becomes arguably possibly the most physically fit human on the planet. So he enjoys great physical fitness, great wealth, and you'd think he's be happy? But no!!!! Batman carries his inner demons openly in secret as a symbol of a brooding Bat!! One of the many complaints of those in Bat family of various Robins is Batman's callous nature. Batman only has one rule (which he use to break in the older comics all the time) do not kill but everything else is okay. Batman will beat the living hell out of you, possibly even to paralysis but he won't kill. He also does not do this for moral purposes, but to retain his sanity because Batman knows the truth of what he is....by all intents and purposes a rich man who spends his entire life jumping from roof top to roof top to fight never ending crime is not sane. So he knows if he does not give himself some rules he will become the very thing he fights against. This is why the Joker is such an interesting villain because the Joker reveals the lies that Batman tells himself by showing Batman that he is basically wasting his time. The Joker points to the bullshit of society with all its lies and pretend caring nature, and asks Batman why does he protect people when everything in society is ultimately meaningless. That Batman is just one man in a city of many and everyone is lying, and cheating, and deceiving and then acting as if they are some how more good than the people they lock up. That it is better to see the world burn, and to not live by rules because the very people who write the rules don't live by them. Batman looks at the Joker and sees himself. He sees what he could be had things been different. Every villain Batman faces is a product of that same corrupt environment called Gotham. When you read the backstories of all the villains many of them were good-natured people who ended up suffering some pain and decided to "take revenge" on those around them. Every villain pretty much sought power in the only way they knew how because in Gotham it is survival of the fittest. So how are any of them different than Batman? They didn't have the privilege of being born into a wealthy family? They didn't have the privilege of being raised by one of the most loyal people on the planet, a butler named Alfred Pennyworth. Batman for all his self-righteous anger had more advantages than they did and he uses it to oppress the very victims of oppression!!! The so called villains.......notice Batman's hypocrisy.....in the eyes of the so called villains...Batman is the tyrant!!! There is only one rule in Gotham....might makes right and Batman is the strongest might in Gotham and uses his might to impose his will onto Gotham. Isn't this interesting? Batman originally asked who checks Superman...but Batman....who checks you?
  22. The point is, you always experience your conceptualization of reality. Enlightenment, awakening, you are just adjusting the settings of reality to experience it a certain way. That's all.
  23. Don't waste your time with him. Sea Monster is God who doesn't want to awaken. He hasn't even broken through what existence and non-existence is. He still errects a barrier. Notice how he says its not this but its that...lol duality. He doesn't realize that it's both! Non-existence is existence, and existence is non-existence. So it's not an either or thing. He doesn't realize that if all of existence blanked out....that would be equal to existence being here. He still thinks existence is qualia, his sensations...he hasn't yet awoken to existence being the lack of sensations.....let him play around with this nonsense.