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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. LOL insect life can definitely be rough. Hummingbird life doesn't look that much fun either,
  2. That Mantis was chocking that Hummingbird out!!! I could feel it dying. Nature at its rawest!!!
  3. I know and that whole statement literally sounds like a psychedelic trip. God's mind is funny as hell. It never wants to be stuck in any category. One minute God's mind is expressing the most serious, intellectual discussion, the next minute....fart jokes!!!! Only Infinity could create something as hypocritical as the human psyche.
  4. The often demonized emotion, foreign to those on the soft life path, The emotional strength that can call upon untapped reserves and reveal 100 percent physical force towards something, The possible unpredictable eruption, sometimes it catches you off guard, The emotion that stands ready to guard, to protect, and to erect a standard to bear, Can be misunderstood, can be feared, can create conflict, and can end it with a show of powerful force, The emotion that is the most passionate, but the most exhausting to maintain.
  5. Give me an example of something you really think is cool in life? You can come up with a list if you want. Now I challenge you to discover all the reasons you think its cool. Then I challenge you to contemplate it in an altered state and see if it triggers a COOL awakening. Cause it will blow your freaking mind. Imagine getting access to the deepest insights into detailed commentary into the artistic intricacies of a work of art that are beyond your natural baseline ability to imagine. It's so COOL!!!! I wish everyone would get this opportunity.
  6. One of the best awakenings is when you discover what Cool is. Cool is the perfectly placed note in a song, the perfect dance move, the perfect pause before a movie line is spoken. It is the intelligence to express and see perfection in an artistic work. Cool is not just the performance it is also the appreciation for a performative work. It's the understanding of the sophistication, the labor, the possibility of the opposite being available but instead it being triumphed against in favor for the superb option. There is Cool as natural, it just works. It fits in a way that is not out of place. It is at home, and is the home itself and is what it is without extra effort. Then there is Cool as Supernatural. It is awe inspiring, it is jaw dropping, like a big reveal in a locked door murder mystery it catches you off guard both in its presentation, but also in the story of how it was accomplished in the first place. Its rarity, its execution fleeting, the moment it captures draws you in, then vomits you out violently into a new moment of explosion. All of this can only be OH MY GOD!!!! God is the birth of cool!!!!
  7. This statement is very immature. It actually takes great courage to end your life. The most valuable possession you have is your life, a person has to really be pushed to the brink to end their life. You don't understand how much emotional pain, and physical pain it takes to drive someone to actually do it. Cowardice is actually a defense mechanism against suicide. Unless you can create a painless exit, a coward can't commit suicide.
  8. This is a common problem on here. People make claims but don't specifically point them out, it distracts from the discussion. Hopefully we can all do a better job of pushing conversations forward. Jav are you saying you are done with incarnation forever? You do realize....forever is a LONGGG TIME.....really think you can hold out incarnating forever? Or are you talking about Earth? Aiming for the astral realm or something?
  9. You got it, God is good at hiding its Oneness though. It's masterfully done. So well that it takes great effort to undo it. Unless you are fine with solitude, I wouldn't advise breaking it. And if you do break it, you can always put yourself to sleep if you want. But even if you do, you won't forget lol. It's an interesting paradigm. The scariest thing is when you realize that the ego doesn't have control, and any power it has is given to it by God and if God wanted to, it could sabotage your entire life. I recently went through a trip for 6 weeks where I was shown that everything is God's WILL. Nothing happens or doesn't happen unless it is God's will. All of our abilities, accomplishments, failures, all of it...is God's WILL. The ego is completely at God's mercy. This was really humbling for me.
  10. That's a vague statement. You are accusing me of not being clear, while being vague. If I am not being clear, point it out.
  11. I don't have that problem. I understand that reality has more than one Absolute. That's the point people don't get. First there is the first person absolute that is housed within a state of consciousness. Then there is a disembodied absolute that can zoom out. This gives an example. Then there is a split screen absolute that can show infinite lives all being lived. This is what is meant by experience being singular. This is what is meant by the ego is an illusion. Your ego...is my ego, all egos are my egos, which makes all egos completely identical. This is what is meant by God is all ALONE. Notice ALONE, is just ALL ONE with one less L......God is so ALL ONE that GOD IS alone. Many people that have had near death experiences have reported in their life review obtaining the thoughts and emotions of others. Also in my own direct experience, I have experienced inhabiting the bodies of those around me and tasting the food they are eating as if I was eating it. So...this proves there are no others and you as God have cordoned off experienced amongst all your selves to experience yourself as separate. The highest awakening can remove all that bit by bit.
  12. I tire of the many accusations if there is any sign of insincerity point it out. Where have I been insincere. And also...what does one gain for insincerity on here? A small ego boost on an internet forum? How desperate for attention would I have to be to sit on here and craft insincere narratives. I really think many on here suffer bouts of paranoia.
  13. One my name is NOT Donald Trump. So that snarkiness reeks of inherent bias. I literally have an old thread that answered all the questions regarding Absolute Solipsism. Two you have asked this question and I have answered it and Leo has answered it. The answer is simple....Consciousness, Awareness, is TOTAL. Whatever perceptions you are perceiving are the only perceptions available in the current state. You have to change your state to experience something else. Also to comment on one of your answers you claimed to have gone Infinite. If you have you will have noticed....only you were there. The same way only you dream at night is the same way your entire experience always is. All experience is singular, there are no plural experiences. Science is catching up to this understanding....https://www.essentiafoundation.org/all-matter-is-a-cognitive-hallucination-even-the-brain-itself/reading/#:~:text=Neuroscience has conceded that the,is modulated by external factors.
  14. What is evil? Well evil is a relative truth. It is something that is temporary, and limited in scope. All evil is of a transient nature, it comes and it goes. All evil is tied to survival. Survival is the constant seeking and gathering, building, and developing of that which is good, and evil is whatever counteracts that, or hinders that. The reason it is said in Spiritual Teachings that the highest Consciousness is Absolutely Good, is because the highest Consciousness does NOT KNOW LIMITATION, it cannot be hindered, and its will is ABSOLUTE, and its WILL IS ALWAYS BEING DONE. As such it can only know itself as GOOD. But every ego, which is its creation WILL KNOW EVIL in its experience. The paradox of life, is evil is God's gift, or you could say Satan if you want. The lower your Consciousness, the closer you are to the experience of evil. Because evil is relative, and limited it can only be partially true, and as such is always unsustainable. Evil is that which cannot acknowledge itself, and accept itself. God is defined through evil, since God is Absolutely GOOD. Now here is the paradox, the ego is pure innocence. Why? Because the ego has no control over evil. The manifestation of everything is God's WILL, as such no ego can perform evil without God's allowance of that action. But evil is pure ignorance, and lack of control expressed and experienced through an ego. Because of this you could say there is no evil, or evil does not exist because there is no intention of evil. But because Love has the ability to divide itself and absolutely delude itself into ignorance, it can be Absolutely Pure Evil in its relation to its own ignorance and enact that evil onto another ego. As such Reality, God is Pure Good and Pure Evil, but Good is always more persistent, more consistent, whereas evil is always more temporal, inconsistent, and less persistent. Constant Self Inquiry will lead to an eventually recognition of these truths, and the path to this Realization is Pure Honesty. Be purely honest about your biographical story, and of your own intentions and you will realize this. An even greater discovery is that everything is actually alive/sentient, this means even cartoons are equally alive as you and me. But that realization is much more dangerous because it can lead to a collapse to the functionality of your baseline Engine of Reality you use to interface in your daily life. So beware, you do have the ability to conjure up nightmares, and demons if you investigate deeply with a pure desire to know evil. One definition of God is God is that which gives you the product of what you truly desire to labor for. So be careful of what you truly desire to seek after, YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY GET IT. I call that the First 1# Rule of Spirituality.
  15. If you want the highest, deepest understandings, you'll have to drop it to embrace a foreign understanding. I've done it and it blows your mind!! For example I developed a taste for the Opera, and normally it was outside my taste.
  16. Awakenings are God's gift to an ego. It is the culmination of your intellectual endeavors. The rules are simple for having an awakening and they are as follows. 1. Authenticity. Are you here to learn? Are you here to connect? How deep is this? Does it come from the bottom of your heart? Are you willing to go through ANY HARDSHIP, ANY TORMENT, Are you willing to CEASE TO EXIST? All for this experience? You see the Masculine Nature of God does not allow the faint of heart to venture forth. The TOLL is heavy, it is pure MATURITY. Only Adults may enter. You must retain your Child Like Desire For Goodness to be Bestowed Upon All, But lose the Innocence of Ignorance of Relative Evil. You must be humble enough to be taught, but proud enough to remember and harness what you have gathered and offer it upon the altar of revelation. 2. Passion. Awakening is borne of passion. Of Pure Desire For Creative Expression. How much do you LOVE LIFE? How deep has your investment been in yourself personally? Each awakening will speak your own language, and it will relate itself to your past lived experiences. For example if you have toiled hard as a fervent worker, and have sacrificed immensely, that experience will be used as a gateway to speak to you of the hard work in other pursuits. Awakening is like your life investment finally reaching its full bloom. It will use the canvas of your life to communicate its deepest wisdom. The only barriers are grudges, jealousy, self-hatred, loathing, awakening does not give itself to evil, because evil does not want it. Evil believes itself too good already, it believes it has already arrived so it rejects any illumination in favor for its status quo ramblings of the daily coming and going of regular life. Psychedelics can foster an opportunity, for me edibles can trigger something, but a daily meditation practice also gives me sober awakenings sometimes just as deep. The price, the toll is always the same after all....you are just dealing with the mind you have developed.
  17. If that's your personal definition of cool, then that is what it is for you and that will be your life story.
  18. It sure is a wonderful thing. One of the highest endeavors would be to see how much Coolness you can perceive all around you. It would really take an undertaking of dropping a lot of judgment to see it.
  19. There is no convince of myself. I have literally become ONE with God. I've done it sober. Anyone can do it with a Pure Authentic Desire to make the Connection. Nothing special about me, only thing special is my desire to commune with God. Wasting time debating on here on whether what I say or anyone says is a waste of time and is just an egoic trap for intellectual stimulation.
  20. The first step to knowing yourself is Self-Observation. The second step to knowing yourself is solitude. The third step in knowing yourself is deep contemplation. What can really help you is to keep a Diary. Once you learn how you think and how you move you have a deep communion with yourself. And lastly be consistent.
  21. Authenticity!!!! Many on these forums struggle with this. What does it mean to be Authentic? Authenticity is perfect self-alignment, perfect desire, unwavering without distraction and detour, absence of distortion. It is TRUTH with a capitol T. The only way to make any headway is to be willing to be authentically humbled by the process. Allow it to beat upon you, and for you to return to be beat upon again. To be beat upon until your paradigms, shatter, then your bodily comforts shatter, then your individual experience ultimately shatters into an impersonal experience. Then you go full circle and merge the personal with the impersonal into Absolute experience. This can only happen with Pure Authenticity. You will have to risk insanity, you will have to experience psychosis, uncontrolled hallucinations, and potentially even vivid nightmares. What are you willing to give up, to experience yourself as the Absolute? You will have to surrender your individual personhood temporarily to fill it until it explodes into Infinity. Are you sure that's what you want?
  22. Absolute Solipsism makes no claim to my experience. Absolute Solipsism says....there is no ME, there is no my experience. What it says because there is no me, there is no other. Since there is no me or other, there is no experiencer, all there is....is experience. This experience...is Sentient. This Sentient/Alive experience is Absolute onto itself. It is both the Self and Selfless. It is a Self because it is all Form. It is Selfless, because it is nothing. Because it is selfless, it has the ability to Animate itself, because it is Self, it has the ability to be a form. Because it is Selfless first, it is an illusion, pure imagination, pure magic, because it is the Self, it is Real, personal. Many of you know what an individual self is, and have lived it as an Absolute always. Absolute Solipsism is more profound. It asks you to die to personhood, while also embracing it at the same time. It is a paradox, and it cannot be experienced through egoic control. It can only be experienced through an AUTHENTIC INQUIRY through the GRACE OF GOD. Only God will allow an ego to drop the illusion and realize the TRUTH. But the verification method is AUTHENTICITY ITSELF. TRUTH and LOVE is not forced, it can only be accepted.
  23. .....Do you know how many questions I have answered? I have answered so many questions its mind numbing. The truth is...it is YOU who have not answered your own question. I got a question for you....HAVE you gone INFINITE? Have you penetrated into the Absolute? If the answer is no, then you are wasting your time on speculation. God is the Absolute. The Absolute is TOTAL. Because it is TOTAL it is Absolute ONENESS. Absolute Solipsism is the MIND of GOD ABSENT any egoic identification. Whatever you experience, is all that there is. There is nothing outside of experience.
  24. Meant to say to interpret the United States Constitution. But their job is to also interpret past United State Supreme Courts as well.