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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. People are actually very simple. It's like this. People are simple, but how that simplicity is expressed is through a complex web of lies and denials. But once you understand the core similarities shared between all people then that complexity becomes easier to understand. The more you understand your individual self, the more you will understand the collective. At the core of humanity is a desire for mystery. I have recently become aware that a significant part of humanity ENJOYS being confused. People are very easy to understand because a person's actions reveal...how they really feel. Seek to understand what motivates you. Study human history. Study current events. Study yourself again. Eventually it just CLICKS. Then it will all make sense. The problem is...it can become boring. I now understand why in some cases ignorance is bliss. There is a child like wonder in ignorance.
  2. Go watch the documentary it shows her true colors. Teal Swan believes she is the most awakened person on the planet. That's fine that is actually quite normal. The problem is she believes she cannot be questioned, that she is infallible. That is dangerous. Teal Swan also struggles with empathy in relationships which can be seen in how she treats her closest friend. As you watch the documentary put yourself in the shoes of her friend and you will realize through those lens what it would be like to deal with her. Teal also puts business over everything, as such in her mind she makes a distinction between her business, and those her business interacts with. Basically when you watch her she has a well-developed Masculine but an underdeveloped feminine. Teal is ANTHING but nurturing. Now with that said she is very intuitive and she teaches some good stuff for people but there are gaps in her embodiment and some gaps in her teachings. Now I'm not trying to be too hard on her because it is actually VERY TOUGH to stay spiritual and run a highly successful business in the public eye. Why? Spirituality draws in depressed mentally ill people who will project onto you on autopilot. It will also draw in people who want the power you have and will attempt to try to co-opt it for their own. It will also draw criticism as most societies do not understand what you teach. So Teal is under a lot of pressure and if you watch the documentary you will see that she had a close friend who she could talk about these things with but eventually pushed them away. Also Teal is VERY judgmental, and full of bias without the accountability that comes with it. That accountability is acknowledging your own faults. After you watch the documentary notice you will never hear Teal talk about her role and failures to show up in the lives of the people she deals with. She always portrays it as a fault or weakness on their part. Everything is about maintaining and portraying an image both inside her head and the eyes of others as her being this unflawed mirror but instead there are cracks. In short Teal Swan is corrupted by her celebrity status which is an interesting thing to behold, it shows that without constant due diligence on your own part you will become corrupted. This is why personal accountability, self-honesty is at the core of Conscious living, as such Teal actually proves through her own documentary she is NOT the most awakened person on the planet. Why? Because she believes she is infallible which is no different than say someone like Donald Trump. If you ever elected someone like her in office, LOL.....she would behave in a similar manner when critics emerged. P.S. She also has unresolved trauma from her childhood in regards to men. As such she has a shadow that leaks out, a deep resentment for MEN that spills out every now and then. Unfortunately she passes this hatred/shadow onto her students. Her shadow shows up in her always assuming someone's issue with her is because she is a woman. That literally is her first assumption.
  3. I will admit I am not an expert on boxing (I'm an expert on NBA basketball but I know a little about boxing) but I used that example because its easier to understand. One of the hallmarks of competition is the discovery of the importance of mental strength, fortitude, heart. If you engage in competition long enough you will come across people who are more naturally talented than you. Some may even work as hard as you so naturally they are better. I'll give a story. I knew a guy who was faster than me in Track and Field because he ran Track longer than me. But he didn't have the same heart I did. I trained more than he did but because he had more accumulated experience (had been running longer) he beat me. Eventually one day I became good enough to give him a run for his money and eventually broke through and beat him. You know what happened? He quit running. I've engaged in competitions with people who were more naturally talented in other areas but I would beat them with strategy, you know what happened with every one of them? They quit. I've had people beat me who later on I rematched them and beat them and guess what? They never wanted a rematch. Through competition I learned that most people lack belief in themselves and cannot handle failure very well. So the most important trait to cultivate in life is confidence, and grit. Belief in what you can do, and the ability to deal with failure and keep going. You know what they call that? Heart!!! Which is...LOVE. Its why competition is ROMANCE!!! It's an expression of your love for yourself!!!
  4. Well while that is true, getting lost is part of the fun. That's the one of the reasons the ego doesn't want to find truth, its too much fun for it to get lost in its own mind.
  5. Absolute is a word, truth is a word. Notice you claim love as a word but deny that absolute is a word. Also why is love a human emotion but not truth? Why is it that we can detect the difference between a lie and a truth through emotions? Notice the little games you play. You are playing a game of denial. What is truth? What is present. What is unconditional love? What is present? How do we know? Because you only do what you WANT TO DO. What you WANT is what you DESIRE!! If I give you what you WANT you feel LOVED, and what you desire is WHAT YOU LOVE!!! So your whole life OPERATES on LOVE and yet you DENY this. When you want to discover what is TRUE you have to investigate your DESIRES!!! That is why in therapy the number one rule is HONESTY!!! So your entire life runs on desire which is what you love, and what you love is what is TRUE FOR YOU!!! So do you see why it is called love? Its elementary my Dear Watson!!
  6. Yep when self, and life are discovered to be equivalent to nothing....to nonsense (that which cannot be sensed), when sensory perception is revealed to be imaginary/dream/appearance/ with nothing behind it but more appearance, that there was never a physical world, that a stick figure is equally as imaginary and unreal as your human self, that a SELF=construction, a mental construction and that if can be deconstructed. People on these forums love to say I am nothing LOL they have no clue what that actually means. They are so attached to being something, that they reject nothing which is the truth of what they are. If God didn't make something temporary, God would never wake up LOL. That love for something...is something else!!! To tell a human identity that they are imaginary, a fictitious story out of no where, a mere appearance, is to throw the biggest salt on the wound of an ego you can ever imagine. Because to an ego, the lack of an appearance is nonexistence. It's good thing sleep was created, it gives you good practice at showing you that you are imaginary. Every time you go to sleep you are shown you are imaginary.
  7. It involves some thought, you got to deconstruct your attachments otherwise you will convince yourself that this work is false and go back to what you were doing before hand.
  8. No shame, you are where you want to be and that is all that matters. If you are happy I'm happy for you. You will eventually as you say marry meaning and being to the highest potential when you are ready....and then realize it goes on forever lol. With each new level feeling total and complete each time. We could call God a totality that gets deeper and deeper forever.
  9. The hatred for the word love is a masculine bias. The masculine hates to use the word love, but the feminine loves to use the word love. It's just petty bias on how to describe something and it comes from socialization. As a man if you cannot break out of this masculine paradigm you will never be able to have a deep emotional connection with ANYBODY. Good thing is it is starting to change. Can't be your fullest expression without sufficient love. Money can't buy love. You can pay someone millions of dollars and still not get love. Ask a professional player who gave his life to a sport and squeezed everything out of it. A professional player who did that knows what love is through their sport. This is why I stress part of the spiritual path is to give your all to something. That is the path of devotion.
  10. Lol well yeah...we get tired.....gotta go to sleep eventually.
  11. Conflict is a part of reality and there is nothing wrong with praying. You already talk to yourself throughout the day, so what's wrong with talking to yourself through prayer? So no there isn't an avoidance of truth here because you praying is part of truth. Just because you accept something doesn't mean you don't want it to change. Why? Because everything is subject to change. See how I got you out of that trap? Just pray that everything goes according to plan and that you are able to become aware of why everything has to be the way it is. You can also pray and ask to be shown how you can add some love to it all in whatever capacity you can. Its all good!
  12. Exactly but what is really surprising me is this....you really need to take back your Authority on life because what is true for one aspect of you is not true for another. For example there are some people immune to HIV, and there are some people immune to Malaria, etc. There are some people who can smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and never get cancer and some people who have never smoked get lung cancer from Car pollution. This means you need to study your body and how it works and hold your body as the number one authority of what is beneficial to you. For example some people will claim certain diets are optimal. How would you know unless you tried them? Majority of information we receive we take it as true based on faith. So from this perspective you could say SOCIETY IS A RELIGION THAT CLAIMS IT IS NOT A RELIGION. Now I am not saying don't listen to advice, I am saying cross-reference and test for yourself. We all have a responsibility to ourselves to be as knowledgeable as possible about what works for us. Anytime we take what another says on faith without testing it out, is an expression of our belief that we are not smart enough to figure it out. We are way smarter than we give ourselves credit for.
  13. I explained it all already. When they refer to your karma they are referring to 2 things. The intent behind every action you took from your first memory until this present moment. All that information is in your body. So the more pure your intent the easier it is going to be for you to overcome your karma. The second part is your interpretation of your karma. If you are stuck in a victim/demonization mode interpretation of your life it will be hard to overcome your own judgments. Now notice how the two overlap. If you judged the world as evil, and took the same path that the world took (lies and manipulation) it will be incredibly hard if not impossible for you to escape the confines of your karma. Why? Because your judgment of the world is equivalent of your judgment of yourself. The more you hate the world, the more you hate yourself and the more you will resist letting your karma (story narrative) go. I have already explained also how lies create more distortion in your ability to understand yourself and reality so notice how that neatly lines up with intent? If you intend to manipulate and control others, which is a form of trying to bend or bind others to your will, you end up binding yourself. Trying to undo that bind is damn near impossible if it becomes too complex because you will create a karma (story) that demonizes the world and makes you the good guy. Now every perspective does this on auto-pilot, but with a desire to be honest and true, awareness can grow and illuminate your own inconsistencies and allow you to decrease the mental differences you create in your mind between self and other. As this happens you end up constructing an identity based on truth, and as a result you will avoid falling into false information and will drawn towards whatever you believe is the highest truth. As such this will pull you towards philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, science, and religion. This is all because you cannot help but wonder, why is everything the way it is. So what I am saying, the more truthful and honest you have been before you started Spirituality, the easier it will be to rid yourself of the confines of karma. The less truthful, the harder it will be. Many of the issues others have that I hear about, I don't have because I dealt with many of that early on in my life. I'm not saying I am perfect. I am saying I have the balls to call myself out, and have spent years self-examining myself over and over and over. I also made the necessary changes, and I lived a life of forgiveness (I still had some deeper attachments/resentments I had to uncover through Spirituality but no where near as most people) by naturally crafting perspectives that unified versus dividing. I can go further but basically its like this. If a kid is raised with the message be truthful and honest regardless of the consequences. Seek to treat others as you would like to be treated. And the kid authentically lived from this place, with a desire to increase every day in honesty....this kid WILL awaken if he never abandons this path. But if the kid was too busy trying to fit in, get a job, a career, and have fun, and just mimicked everyone else's philosophy on life...that kid is going to have a HARD TIME!!!! If you notice life works investment style. Everything you do adds up in the end. Think of karma as your spiritual bank account. If it is fool of lies, then you will be in the negative and won't have enough Self-Love to fully awaken. If you notice a lot of people are having near death experiences.....God gotta wake itself up some how.
  14. Watch this. https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=58
  15. This is true. But if you don't die before you die, you only get one half of the experience of life. Life is designed to be both ONE and dualistic. You were born into ONE, and conditioned into dual. If you allow yourself to be unconditioned back into ONE you can see the magic. It is bittersweet from one perspective but absolutely ridiculously good from another perspective. Which is so weird as hell LOL. But yeah it just means you are currently content with the way things are. If that contentment ever disappears, you will see how quick it happens since you are literally in front of the door. I can tell.
  16. If everything is imaginary, and that imagination is YOU....how do you create a REAL world? God is so infinitely intelligent that only God could fool itself and create REAL. God has perfect self-knowledge. So God knows that something could never be REAL without pain, without suffering, without the fear of annihilation. This creates stakes, this creates meaning, this creates the ability for truth to be tested, this creates an avenue to see how truth plays itself out when it has been deceived. Think about it? Wipe your memory. Create a world in which you are told it is physical by everyone around you. You are taught this and everything seems to logically line up. You are taught early that humans are evil by many sources, and have to learn to be good. You are taught through various sources what is considered good and what is considered evil. But as you grow up you notice these terms or categories are inconsistent and are constantly being shuffled around. You start to realize that without a deep investigation into various aspects of your life, you will be lost. You realize you don't know your left from your right. You have been dropped into a world that is confused, but is pretending it knows what is going on so now you have to take back your authority and try to figure out what is what. You come across some teachings that challenge the notions of what is real but through your direct experience you feel everything is real. If someone takes a knife and stabs you that pain feels REAL, if someone you care about gets hurt that emotional pain feels REAL, if something you hate happens before you that emotional pain feels REAL, your biggest triumphs over adversity those triumphs feel REAL! Now think about this....the people that challenge that reality is REAL, you are like "Come on man you trying to say reality is like a cartoon?" They respond "It's pure imagination man, so yeah that's a cool analogy, it can defy any laws and do whatever it wants." You respond "No way man my whole life is REAL!!!" This is the beauty of God's design. What you call evil, is actually the mechanism that makes life REAL. If you remove evil....the jig is up. There won't be any meaning, any purpose, and you will destroy REAL, you also will have to destroy diversity as well because what you call evil is just INFINITE DIVERSITY. One day if you go far enough, deep enough into yourself, you will realize how much you love suffering. You have no idea how much you love pain and suffering until you live too long without it. This is why Reality is called perfect, because the POINT IS TO MAKE IT REAL!!!
  17. They are inching....if only they took psychedelics, it would fast track the process. I can tell they are just stuck in conceptual thinking.
  18. I was with you before this last part. You said ego death is terrifying for the ego when the ego is not ready. The truth is it is ALWAYS terrifying for the ego. It was designed this way on purpose. You have to surrender while still full of fear. Think if a 10 foot dragon dropped in your house and was going to attack your loved ones and a magic sword and shield capable of defeating that dragon appeared in your hands. Even if you got the courage to go fight that dragon, a ridiculous amount of fear is going to arise. So the point of the fear is to see if you have the courage to face yourself. So you can do it, because you are me. I am you and you are me. So it is literally impossible for me to be more courageous than you. The only thing that separates us is self-belief, but you are equally as strong and weak as me.
  19. That's by design. I wondered for awhile why God designed the ego to be arrogant and to complain and think everything is normal....I discovered it was so it could surprise itself. Every now and then God surprises me with really cool moments where my awareness spikes higher than it normally is and catches me off guard. It has happened so often randomly I realize I was being given my answer. Our only issue is bias, if every human could realize that all of their human knowledge is what separates them from God they would drop it in a heart beat. Oh and I know it wasn't random but I'm not smart enough to predict when it will happen so it feels random.
  20. Thank you for the clarifications. I'll sprinkle something for you. It can hold. You can live from that state. If you so choose. Any psychedelic state you take on, you can keep, if you so choose. The belief of a time limit in trips, is brainwashing nonsense, social conditioning. YOU limit how long your trips are as God. Now I am not saying the ego has control over it, I am saying that you as God will allow the ego to live in that state if it is capable of handling it. So understand you have only touched the tip, Reality is much more radical than you think.
  21. I'm glad you became aware of this LOL. Without feeling...there is nothing to experience.
  22. From the ego's perspective this is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. :"It is just as breathtakingly and unspeakably beautiful as it is horrifying and hideous. " The ego's version of Absolute truth is duality. The Absolute only sees beauty.
  23. The first rule of therapy is honesty. Here is something. Majority of Depression is caused by suppression. There is something you desire that is going unfulfilled and as a result your perspective on life being feasible has crumbled. This is normal. But you can only discover this if you sit, and ask yourself some questions. 1. What is it I really want? Not what other people tell me I should want, what is it I WANT? 2. Why do I want this? Is it sincere? Or is it again something that is an attempt to prove something to others around me? 3. How honest am I with myself? What do I like to lie about? How can I figure out better what I actually want? 4. Do I know how amazing I am? If not why not? Have I ever gave my best towards something long enough to discover my own genius? Do I even know what my talents are? 5. Have I cultivated any friendships? Do I even know what friendship is? If I have friends, have I been a good friend to them? 6. Do I take time to relax or am I always on the go? You can use this map I made that describes how the ego functions. One of these needs is not getting met.
  24. Many people demonize Leo, a woman made a video and said he was Satan if I remember correctly.