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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Tao....it is 12 lines. I literally got my point across in 12 lines and you still think it was too long? Again what I am trying to show you and you are resisting is that this is your subjective opinion. For reference I pulled A's with ease in on my writing classes and my Professors raved about my writing. Writing is subjective!! Highly subjective. You say I write too long, other people rave about my writing. I have enough self-awareness to realize that my writing style is sufficient to get the job done. And again...IT IS 12 lines!!! If you cannot understand how silly you sound for complaining about 12 lines!!! I don't know what to do with you LOL.
  2. Driving cars is one of the most dangerous things to do. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), motor vehicle collisions are the 8th leading cause of death in the United States. The average chance of dying in a car accident is 1 in 101. Not sure what it is in the rest of the world but driving cars is VERY dangerous. What is dangerous and what isn't is open to interpretation. People ride motorcycles. Riding motorcycles is dangerous. Motorcyclists account for 14% of all crash-related fatalities in the U.S., even though they are only 3.5% of the vehicles on the road. Motorcyclists are 24 times more likely than passenger-vehicle occupants to die in a car crash and 40 times more likely than light-truck occupants. I can keep this up.... everyone chooses from their own point of view what risks are worth it and what risks aren't and then justify them as FACTS lol. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/analysisparalysis.asp#:~:text=Analysis paralysis is an inability,an inability to pick one.
  3. Tao...please notice your contradiction. If you ask for someone to be more open...that expresses every detail. Concise is the opposite of open, concise=brevity which means to be more closed. Notice how you said be more open and be more concise. Also my post has 12 lines. If you think 12 lines is too much detail....I believe the problem is your attention span.
  4. Make a video describing someone as a Cult Leader. Here is something...why would a Cult leader make a whole video describing what a Cult is? Why would a Cult leader teach about how to avoid scams or how to avoid being gaslighted? Also don't believe you won't show up on a Youtube video some day. The internet is always watching. P.S.: Even though the title says a cult, he backtracks it at the end of the video. LOL. But his video is interesting to say the least.
  5. Women are actual tolerated more than men. Women being less tolerated is a false feminist talking point. According to data from US federal court cases, men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women. Women are also twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted. Societies actually tolerate men less. But people will live in their own false bubbles. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/welfare-revisited-young-men-need-incentives/#:~:text=Men generally do not qualify for cash,from child support and%2C for many%2C incarceration. The most popular T.V. shows are led by women. https://collider.com/most-popular-tv-shows-women-led-report/#:~:text=This year%2C numbers were up,show increase from last year. But yeah...people apparently don't respect women huh?
  6. Your question isn't even coherent enough for a sufficient answer but I'll unpack it anyway. 1. Spiritual knowledge deals with getting to the core of everything. As such Spiritual knowledge taps into all available knowledge systems. Psychology is just one form of knowledge system. Psychology does not take into account biology, psychics, etc. 2. Your point about judging psychology based on one person is YOUR interpretation. Can I sit here and post every single psychology professor's talking points? There isn't room enough for that and that is inefficient. What is more efficient is look at the field of psychology as a whole and discover its biases. 3. Spiritual knowledge is universal knowledge so I'm not making distinctions between anything, YOU are making those distinctions and projecting it onto me. Spiritual knowledge deals with being which is the source of all knowledge. The only reason you are able to use your hand is because you are conscious of your hand. So being aware of your hand is BEING. What you say about the hand is open to your interpretation, but without even being aware of the hand itself you can't even think or extrapolate a perspective about it. This is why it is better to focus on raising your awareness of being. Why? Because you can't even expand your thinking if you aren't aware of the ways to expand it. You have to first be aware of expansion, to actually expand.
  7. That is just one perspective. It's everything so the opposite is true as well. Your perspective is deconstruction. The opposite is construction.
  8. That's not a materialistic rendition, infinite points to EVERYTHING!!! Right now you are in a finite expression of everything. So you are experiencing infinity but from a finite perspective. I'm saying...you are NOT experiencing ABSOLUTE INFINITY in its totality right now because you are in a limited state of consciousness right now. Also there is NO FUTURE. Every possibility that could ever be....has already happened!!! It's done, it is finished!!! You are just experiencing what has already happened. How is it possible? Because nothing has ever happened.
  9. I love how your forum name syncs perfectly with this post. You could have said after all that...."its a distraction."
  10. If ONLY that were absolutely true. If 10 doctors tell you, that you have cancer....will you agree with them?
  11. It doesn't dilute the meaning at all, that is just a justification to not search or open your mind to see the genius. If you want to see his genius, search for it. If you search long and hard enough it will reveal itself. That's the point of the message. Search for it!!! It's there, only your bias gets in the way. But I'll do you a solid and show you how he is a genius. These are notes I took from the first 4 minutes of his video. Emergence: Means something new arises that wasn't here before. 1. Asks questions of a deep nature and investigates it. 2. Recognizes that science observes emergence and realizes that emergences operates like magic but the term magic isn't considered a scientific admissible term. (Reveals a bias in Science) 3. He said how do you have a cell that respirates made up of molecules that don't respirate. He also mentioned how different parts had properties that other parts did not. He explains that synergy is about whole systems that have properties not found in the whole systems where emergence is about where everything comes from. He mentions that because the parts do not share the properties of the whole system that the emergence becomes unpredictable. His genius is being able to accurately describe the current limits of human science. He basically is describing the current gaps in Science's ability to measure accurately the variability that exists between individual systems but even with those gaps in variabilities there is enough synergy that they are able to discover consistent laws. He mentions Bucky Fuller called Love Metaphysical Gravity. He then uses the term allurement to describe quantum foam and says you cannot get to subatomic forces without allurement which is another way to say the attractive forces/love/metaphysical gravity. (In his own words) He uses this to show how you can state that attraction is driving the whole story of the universe ^^^GENIUS^^^ And that was just the first 4 minutes. Majority of humanity does not have this knowledge that he is causally sharing in this 25 minute video. Einstein did not have this knowledge, other respected current intellectuals do not have this knowledge. Because he has this knowledge he will be able to do physics at a level higher than his colleagues because he won't have the issue they will have which is bias skewing the results away from the existence of God.
  12. Yep. To put more understanding of this. You can read about this guy who climbed Mount Everest. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edmund-Hillary From a survival standpoint climbing Mount Everest is one of the stupidest things you can ever do. It's like why the hell would you do something so dangerous? The answer? Because you want to take on the challenge. Pure exploration. If we are just living to survive...can we really call that life? But if we approach life as an exploration and go as deep as we can....then we can die knowing we made the best use of our time. In one sense we cannot waste time, but in another sense....we can. How? By not pursuing what we really want....out of fear of failure or death. If you are too logical, you will miss the point!!
  13. Yep, well his reward is Infinite Love.
  14. A man who played a real life vigilante. Good Intentions.
  15. I see an author in you. That part I bolded was beautiful man!! Beautiful!!! Your writings exude a deep maturity.
  16. Visual perception isn't actually infinite, infinite is unlimited expression. Are you seeing and experiencing right now...every possibility that exists right now? NO!!! We only say its infinite because you can unlock the finite perceptual limits to experience infinity. But the normal visual perception...is experienced as finite. Also mental labels...ARE VISUAL PERCEPTION. A blind person can SEE there mental labels since they lack visual perception that becomes their visual their finite human imagination. But if you study how language is learned it is learned primarily through visualization. You only know what a chair is as a visual person based on how it looks. For a blind person it would be based on how it feels. If I told you what is the word "silla" if you don't know Spanish you wouldn't know. But if I showed you a picture of a chair and said its this in spanish your mind would make a connection VISUALLY that the word "silla"= chair. Why am I doing this? To show you that all disagreements...is just how you are choosing to construct your world view. You have to deny that mental labels are =to images you form in your mind. To a blind person...the letter A will never be seen. But don't doubt for a minute their mind isn't constructing some image of what the sound "A" means. For them "A" would be a specific feeling of BRAILE.
  17. Watch this video and realize...when you create a system that is open to everyone, has a clear path of development, and fair opportunity to advance in a way that you can make money from it..... If you ever want to create a league the key is to focus on inclusivity so you can draw a massive audience, a fair way to discern skill level so you can properly discern/discriminate based on performance and not on some arbitrary metric that does not matter, also with an opportunity for those who may be late bloomers. The harder it is to enter your league the harder it will be to sustain interest in the viewing public. Now I am not saying this as an absolute, but I predict that more technology/virtual reality becomes a thing the more viewing sports will take a hit. Baseball has already taken a hit, mostly because the youth don't play it as much. People have no idea how important elementary, middle school, and high school sports feed the popularity of the Leagues. If you banned basketball in elementary, middle, and high schools the NBA would cease to exist after a couple of years. Crazy huh? This also goes to show you that our money making system is not perfect. Think about what I just said....every school in America actually drives business to the NBA and they do it for free. The NBA recruits the youth that plays in these schools, and this drives interest between their friends and family to watch and support the league. So compensation is not evenly distributed in a way that fits contribution. Think about that for a minute. Think how much bigger the NBA could get if schools were compensated by the NBA for the interest they bring to their sport? Anyway the point of me sharing this is to show that when you focus on expanding opportunities with a system created to push development and focus on performance and not other arbitrary differences you can really create something massive. Now how easy it is to construct and implement something like that....well the devil is in the details.
  18. Nothing wrong with wanting world peace. Therapy wouldn't exist if the desire for peace wasn't there. Depression is a lack of peace. Fighting is a lack of peace. The desire to connect with others is a desire to share one's peace with another, (or pain/misery if you have that instead) but notice a desire for peace in the world is not an individual desire but a collective desire. Even those that fight want peace. What is peace? The world in your own image, your own reflection. The reason we create movies, video games, plays, etc is to explore conflict and experience conflict without the consequences that come with it. We love conflict, we love creating a mess, we just don't like the pain and devastation that comes with it. One day humanity will create a world with little conflict on the surface, and will create tons of conflict to explore a different way. This is why I think Virtual Simulation will become one of the greatest technological achievements. It will allow humans to get out their desire to destroy, lie and manipulate, (burn through karma), and then cooperate in the world of survival more peacefully. This is the route I think humanity is headed towards.
  19. ^^^A lot of wisdom here. Also notice the theme of your response matches your signature. You just turned this into a high level discourse. So the question would be....is total acceptance of something...the eradication of the emotion of feeling sorry for something. Some say yes, some say no. On one level you can argue that true acceptance would be that everything is fine the way it is. But wouldn't that imply the lack of change? So is the acceptance coming from an understanding that it cannot be any other way than what it is....because then that is an acceptance that it can evolve into something more peaceful. So one acceptance of the present moment can acknowledge that there will be change that will create more unity, whereas another acceptance can ignore the appearance of change entirely and just say there is no difference between anything. Me personally I believe you should acknowledge the lack of difference while also acknowledging difference. Because taking an either or approach is a form of dishonesty. It's like looking at an ocean. The ocean can't be more one than it is, but it could have less waves (waves we could say symbolize conflict and instability) and be more stable. It's harder to see the reflection of the moon when there are too many waves and ripples, only a calm ocean can the reflection be seen clearer. But the truth is both are beautiful expressions, but only one can be seen clearer.
  20. ^^^ I'm glad you get it. Now I'll go for a deeper mind fuck which includes some mind fuckery you also stated. When people here we are one they really don't get it. I've given examples here in the past but I will reiterate it again. So if I strip you of your memories, your physical body, basically everything that makes you a human...you would just be awareness. A blank slate. So basically everybody is just you with layers/constructions added onto them. So this means...that if I took away your layers gave you your Dad's point of view....you would treat your son (which is currently whose POV you are living from) exactly the same way. Because your DAD is YOU!!! When you allow yourself to realize this....it can kind of make you laugh!!! Now let's get to the part that I bolded. You are correct in that you could be more advanced in certain ways than your Dad because maybe he is too close-minded which restricts his ability to grow in awareness. But don't forget that your DAD is you....so he definitely can teach you some things still. But yes its funny when your child can be more mature than you....that is a total mindfuck....talk about role reversal!!
  21. The word bias can be used to mean to reject, or to limit one's perspective. Well I will present another way to look at bias. Our cells have an innate intelligence to them which allowed them to form the different parts of our body. For example you only have legs because the intelligence of your cells didn't have a BIAS against constructing legs! Expand your thinking to see bias like this!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmIVOts37DI Seek to create a fluid mind, which can expand and interconnect labels more freely. Now why is this example important? Because it teaches how the less biased you are the more you are able to see things from a different perspective. Now you might ask...what is the point of God creating a person with no legs? To show off how amazing God is!!! A guy like this ^^^ is a living inspiration!! His life can also be a catalyst for you to change your own perspective on what is possible. Because this young man didn't allow his physical limits to limit his mindset he has accomplished what some people who have limbs couldn't accomplish!! I don't say this to tear you down obviously, but it can be interpreted that way if you have a negative mindset. I say this to you so you can see that the only things you cannot do are in your mind, and that is true for all of us according to our own bias. Maybe one day...you'll realize that you are a living miracle and get to witness some miracles.
  22. So my Non-Dual State is fluid, as such I have been able to test and see what impacts how deeply felt it is. I have tested this for the past year and I realize what allows someone to feel the Non-Dual state. It's not enough to just be conscious that you are one, but to also be aware that you are love. So I have tested it and came to certain observations and I will share with them. 1. Why karma is important. Every adversity you give yourself in your life is an opportunity to either bring you closer or further from your true nature. I aware of my karma. I can taste it, its like a unique soup of ingredients. It has its own flavor. Its also constantly being acted upon the more I move through various experiences. The most influential part of my karma has been a desire to be true to what I set out to do. What I have learned is the more you have committed to something, the more you have been true to what you aspire to do, the closer you get to what you are. So if you have lived a life of going through the motions, not showing up authentically to do whatever you are tasked with, then this is going to keep you from your true nature. You see, you cannot live from a state that is NOT true of what you are. If you only do things for personal gain, then you cannot live in a Non-Dual state. The Non-Dual state is a state of a deep surrender and appreciation of all, a state of service, and a state of authentic expression. You cannot truly appreciate something you judge, and you cannot be authentic yourself if you judge. Overcoming your judgments can only be accomplished through commitment. Seeing through the fallacy of your judgments can only be accomplished through surrendering your desire for something in the form of possessing it, and instead having a desire to authentically express it. So when you turn from the desire to control, to possess, to express....that is when you know you are on the right path. Now as they say good works won't get you there, in one sense they are right in another sense they are wrong. Good works help you create the consciousness state. Then when you entire Spirituality everything you experienced prior you must face, which is your karma. Depending on how inauthentic you were prior to Spiritual work the harder your journey will be. Why? Because inauthenticity is just a lack of acceptance. So if you have been very unappreciative and judgmental, then that is what you will face. This is why the Spiritual Path is just you facing yourself. THIS is why you live authentically and truthful. Why? Because you are always watching yourself!! Think about it.....it is said God is always watching you in religious circles....lol who knew that the God watching you was YOU!!! LOL!!!! You know when you give your best. You know when you were sincere. Every single thing you complain about others, you have done. When you say...I wish the world was like this...but yourself don't act in the way you wish the world to be...there is a cost. This is what it meant in scripture you would be rewarded in secret. The secret is Self-Acceptance and Self Love. I've even recently come into awareness of what is going on as well. Every event in your life is God giving you something new to love. To appreciate. You are here to appreciate duality. To experience it. Every time I reach a new level of love, I'm bombarded with things I don't love so much. LOL. Stops me from becoming overly confident. I'm also becoming more aware how strategy pulls you away from your true nature. Your true nature is heart centered, (which is why I recently changed my profile picture the other reason is job-related lol) which is a nature of giving with no expectation of return. So based on what was written above if you cultivate these traits it can help you get closer to your true nature. 1. Be as honest as you can, and seek to transcend your comfort level a little more each day. Be completely naked with yourself (psychologically), don't allow the clothes/lies to cover you. 2. When you pick a goal be consistent with it. Focus on every moment of that activity, and do not worry to much about the end results. Instead of trying to control it, seek to explore it and experience it and remove all judgment. 3. Seek to understand the perspective of others. If you think someone is crazy, realize that the one that is crazy is YOU. Why? Because....that person is YOU. So why is it that you think you are CRAZY? Seek to discover why the dissociated part of yourself thinks and feels the way they do. This doesn't mean you have to agree with them, or hang around them, but it does mean that if you can understand them you just made your life that much easier. The ease of your life is determined by how unlimited you are and all limitation is bias. Bias is fear. Only your fear holds you back from your truest expression which is what all life seeks to be, the truest expression. 4. You have two minds within the human body, unfortunately this has not been taught as a result of ignorance. What are these two minds? One is your intellectual mind which is run by your brain and is survival oriented. The other is your heart. For years I always thought it was some airy fairy nonsense when people talked about the heart. But once you fully open your heart chakra, you will truly realize what was being pointed to all along. Your heart chakra is anti survival. The heart is self-sacrificial. It does not fear death. It does not fear pain. It only desires to connect with pure nakedness, pure vulnerability and transparency. The brain is self-protecting, it fears death. It fears pain. It only desires to connect with layers of protection, security, and lack of transparency. So your job in life is to develop both. If you become too logical, you will never know love. And if you become too heart centered you will be terrible at survival. The goal should be to focus on developing both which is what every human is trying to do but there is a secret. Leo pointed to it in one of his videos and people don't get it so I'll help. Leo mentioned that God surrendered all of its intelligence to love. Leo has also stated you CHOSE to be love. So what does this mean? Well notice the traits I associated with the heart? It doesn't seek to hide anything, it doesn't fear pain, or death. It seeks to connect with fully. Now picture if you approached every activity in your life...from the heart? What do you think that would do? If you pay attention to people who are great at something, they tell you stuff like "I can tell who is fake or phoney. It's obvious to me who really loves this and who really doesn't." So this means you as God made the defining factor to how great you become at anything, is based on how much love it. So notice what I said....you can only know love through commitment. If you never commit to anything and give it your all in life, then you will never KNOW LIFE. If you never KNOW LIFE, then you will never KNOW that it was LOVE....until your DEATH. What a terrible waste to die, and discover INFINITE LOVE, and to realize that the point of life was to LOVE it.
  23. Everyone is a genius. But it takes a genius to see the genius.