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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. While what you say is true, her problem runs even deeper. Let's just say Ebony would need to take femininity classes or learn to accept a feminine man for her to have a successful relationship with a Masculine Man. Her issue would be she doesn't know how to turn off that competitive "I'm my own boss" energy and as a result would be tough to be with. I'm not surprised, she has Omarosa vibes.
  2. ^^^^ And that is how you have chosen to interpret it. Because H20 is water. The call the gas form water vapor and the solid form ice. But its still water. You are just being rigid with the label because in the article they refer to it as a VAST RESERVOIR OF WATER. So notice you act like I am the only one labeling it water. So according to you unless h20 is in a liquid state then it is not water. What you don't realize that is how YOU CHOOSE to define the use of the term. Physics does not have a more accurate use of language because how language is used is context related, your argument is like saying slang is not the proper use of language. That is the funniest thing ever because language is COMPLETELY MADE UP!!! Language is a mental game where people just make up terms on the spot, provide explanations and people just go along with it!!! And with a straight face you argue on the proper use of language? Go ask English people in Britain and they will tell you Americans don't even speak REAL ENGLISH!!! Objective= agreed upon. Subjective= Individual choice. You are pushing agreement as an absolute which is intellectually dishonest. It is only objective if the two people conversing AGREE UPON the use of the terms. And that has its own host of problems you are not even aware of. Because when you pay CLOSE ATTENTION to how two people even expand and contract how far they take a definitional use of a word it varies so much that most people do not even communicate equally objectively in how wide or narrow they use the definition of words. Once you realize this...you realize that majority of communication= a shitshow that pretends to be consistent.
  3. Yeah its not her fault, I have met women like her. She is one of the career women focused on making her money, and wants a man who makes as much as her but she doesn't understand why she has not been able to get a man like that. Before the Red Pill went mainstream back in December 2020-January 2021 there were women on panels on small black red pill channels making the same complaints. This problem is a multi-generational social conditioning issue which has its roots all the way from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Trauma and resentment that got deeply rooted in the family structure and tied into white supremacy issues. She is a product of her environment just like everybody else.
  4. When I read that I was like wow...a fourth state I wanna see how they define it.
  5. You can scientists just discovered a new type of water. Came across this from an article recently...this is a copy paste. " Scientists have discovered a vast underground reservoir of water that is three times the volume of all the oceans combined. The water is locked in a mineral called ringwoodite and located in a layer of hot rock 400 miles beneath the Earth's surface. The water is stored in a sponge-like state, which isn't a liquid, solid or a gas, but instead a fourth state. Research has found that ringwoodite can contain up to 1.5 percent water. If the ringwoodite under the surface has just 1 percent water in its molecular build-up, it would mean that it holds three times more water than all of the oceans on the Earth's surface. The reservoir is contained within highly-pressurized rock known as ringwoodite."
  6. I would say Spiral Dynamics leans more towards sociology with an infusion of psychological concepts. But if you look at it, it focuses more on how societies express themselves both from the individual to the collective level. If it was more focused on psychology it would go more in depth into how the human brain operates. But it does do a good job of marrying many psychological concepts. For example the memes they bring up is very closely rooted in how symbolic and archetypal our minds are in taking information and generating classifications. Our whole theme of labels is very archetypal.
  7. Genius can be interpretation. He has a unique way of simplifying things. He can say a lot in very little words.
  8. I apologize I was not in a good mood when I originally read this. You wrote a lot when I get some time I'll address your points...but ummmm its going to take some time....cause you made a lot of points.
  9. Let's see if we can make him arrogant by letting him know how much of a genius he is....cause I love what he posts.
  10. It all depends on how you look at it. It's absolutely relative.
  11. You slipping Osho got a ridiculous amount.
  12. Oh yeah I get you I figured out how intelligent stupid was earlier this year when I got in a discussion with a guy and was trying to help him awaken and he questioned whether he existed at all. I responded if you didn't exist we wouldn't be having this conversation and he responded "well how do I know that is true?" I told him...you know its not true...because you are able to ask that question. He was like....but how do you know? I was like...wow stupidity is undefeated....you cannot communicate with someone when they play that card. It was there when I realized...you cannot awaken God against its will. No amount of logic can defeat stupidity. Stupidity has more options....and that is why it is genius!
  13. It's not complicated. I've already explained it on this forum how it works. 1. Since the universe is one, any perspective the universe takes becomes the ABSOLUTE!!! The universe is a mind a dream, notice that when you go to sleep your body disappears. This means your body is INSIDE you not the other way around. Close your eyes, notice there is a black screen, open it notice there is a screen with light and objects. So your body is just part of the scenery, no different than anything else. Now close your eyes again and imagine walking down the street, notice it can appear like you are your body....now also notice that in this dream your point of view is ABSOLUTE. Nothing can happen outside of you...because...you are all there is. 2. Now here is for the mind fuck. That same imagination you just used to imagine all that is the same power that spawned and is running everything. At a certain level of consciousness if you did imagined that same scenario I just told you to do for an example...it would spawn that and it would be REAL!!! Your human level imagination is equal to reality level imagination you just powered down the appearance so it cannot fool you. 3. Now this same level of imagination at its highest level of awareness is INFINITELY intelligent and it creates a dream with societies, governments, police, laws, diseases, wars, etc. It powers your thoughts and perspective and creates the realistic life story you call your current life. 4. Then you say...but what about Leo's Infinity of Gods video? That's true too. But how? Because Leo imagined that. So here is the kicker. You as an ego, whatever you decide to imagine will become true for you in your experience. Why? Because reality is INFINITE. Your ability to experience Infinity is dictated by bias. If you close your mind off to a possibility then you decrease your chances of experiencing it. This is really the only reason some people awaken and some don't. That which makes you uncomfortable and triggers you is your bias. Now what Leo says about the ego not getting what it wants, is both true and false. If you pay attention to your life you do get what you want, it just doesn't always fall in order with the timing or quantity that you desire. Life operates like an investment bank account, whatever you put your attention on and focus on will eventually be given to you according to your ability and the timing and structure of the time period/environment you operate in. But you will only be able to perceive that at the right level of Consciousness. I became aware that the Universe is absolutely fair at all times. It is just our ego masks our ability to understand this. You only complain because God is doing to you what Stephen King does in his award-winning stories. In his own words "Put interesting characters in difficult situations and write to find out what happens.” So you are God putting the interesting character that is you in difficult situations and in God's case for the purpose of experiencing what happens. This is why I say if you are not aware of how life is a miracle with a perfect design then you are not awake. To awaken is to exit the character perspective and to take on the creator perspective. God is a perfect creator, because only God is smart enough to make its imagination...REAL. REAL is immersion, look how hard it is for you to break the immersion!! Life is the greatest movie because you as God struggle to break out of character!!! LOL.
  14. You really shouldn't be dabbling in spirituality until you go through the proper developmental cycles. Spirituality deals with paradox and the transrational. Until you master rationality you are not gonna understand the transrational. Transrational, non-linear thinking, is based on a proper understanding of 1=2. Reality is One with the illusion of duality. So master understanding rationality first. Practice analysis and critical thinking and after you get through all that then you can start dabbling with paradoxes.
  15. If you were infinitely conscious...you would be formless and the universe would end. My gosh your level of self-deception.
  16. If you ever catch yourself saying it's impossible....just know...that is a limit being created by your mind. A mind knows no limits, outside of what it creates for itself. Can you realize that all is mind? Can you realize that your body is IN your mind. Can you realize that your arms, your hands, your feet, are all equally part of the scenery you are viewing? Notice that the closer you get to deconstruction....the resistance that pops up....realize that fear is you losing your humanity. Realize that you could deconstruct yourself out of existence....realize you could deconstruct your entire human story, you could deconstruct every single thing away....and be left with Nothing. You could collapse your dream......realize that possibility exists. Realize that deconstruction....could be equal to physical death...... and realize that when you do this....you just might realize.....you want it all back and that you actually love being a human. https://www.actualized.org/insights/poor-leonard-suskind You could also realize like the guy in this blog post....you just like to trick yourself into your silly paradigms of what is possible and what isn't. If you still believe that....you don't know reality...
  17. Unless your environment includes genetics its not complete.
  18. Ignorance is a display of genius. Self-Deception is literally genius. If it wasn't it would be easy to overcome. The same self-deception that runs those who deem ignorant, is the same that runs your life. Do you know how much intelligence is required to bullshit yourself so thoroughly to make you a fool? Try using logic to free someone of ignorance and you will realize all they have to do is NOT use logic. They can also demonize you, and find some way to derail the conversation in the hopes that you bite and fall for it. Ignorant people are VERY smart and have more tools at their disposal because you can create infinite lies, but the truth is the truth. Your definition of genius is too conventional which will make you underestimate the power of stupidity. Stupidity is so powerful, it literally creates WORLD WAR. Stupidity is a form of genius.
  19. Your arguments are just becoming fluff arguments at this point. You are just arguing for the sake of arguing. You literally said how do I know you aren't in an infinite state of consciousness? Because you wouldn't be responding to me that's how I know. Sigh...some of you on this forum....
  20. That dude mixed some stuff and almost killed his physical body LOL.
  21. I found this guy recently. I like his mindset. What he says has definitely been my experience. The further I've gone on this path the further more distant my relationships have been. What do I mean? Well I cannot be my full self anymore like I once could because my friends cannot understand Spiritual concepts. So I realize I will have to be okay with the reality that I will only be able to share parts of myself with my friends and family. Truth is not all rainbows and sunshine. P.S. : If you reply is that why you are so active on here...yep lol. My friends don't really like to talk about how to be more honest and loving....until they have a survival problem they want help with. Anyway the point is solitude is a possible result that can be created within your life as you go through certain changes. You can outgrow relationships, hell you can outgrow the content your society creates (movies, t.v. shows etc) which will probably spark a desire for you to create your own content to fill that void. Here he talks about his spiritual journey. I can answer his questions in this video by the way. 1. There isn't a 100 percent enlightenment, because there are always more levels to explore. But in another sense there is. So what does that other sense mean...it means you are AWARE of the miracle. That's it. It's that simple. Notice how I always search for simplicity? Complexity will get you lost. Don't stop until you are AWARE of the miracle of life all the time. A good tool to remember is this. The ego is that which blocks you from the miracle of life. So the barometer of how awake you are is how aware you are that this is a miracle. Our bias...veils the miracle.
  22. https://www.actualized.org/insights/solo-retreat-notes-feb-2019 Read these and decide for yourself. ^^^^