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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. God is an Absolutely TRUE ILLUSION, you haven't become aware of God because your ego keeps denying its existence. Also yes I have spoken to God, anyone can speak to God...if they are willing to lose their mind. You are God telling yourself you don't exist, and thus you block yourself from ever discovering it. Eventually you will when you die as a human.
  2. One of the scariest things for the ego is to realize they are not more Real than a cartoon character. All distinctions between Real and Unreal, Fiction and Non Fiction are created through Imagination. Can you look in the Mirror and realize you are just as alive or dead as Mario or Sonic, or Bugs Bunny? Spirituality is realizing that Reality is Mental, as such everything is equally alive and dead. Or you could just say everything is equally alive. When you discover that everything is Consciousness, you discover that Santa Claus actually exists. You'll say Santa Claus is imaginary, well so is your human life. It goes further...you know how you have a boundary called abstract and concrete? Well consider this....Reality, can break that boundary. You can reach a state of Consciousness where Santa Claus actually exists, and Rudolph does too.....lol. But you will feel like you are losing your mind. Also you could get trapped in that Santa Claus dream for years, only to awaken that 8 hours has passed. With that said tread carefully a mind that open and suggestive can dream up anything. Your ego maintains the solidity of your dream.
  3. Let's address each objective. I'll bold what you wrote. You can re-define the words all you want, but at the end of the day, the true absolute does not exclude what your "absolute" excludes. Because it's absolute. It does not exclude, does not contrast, does not divide itself into parts. When you divide, contrast and exclude, you are in the relative. What you don't understand is the moment you say there is a true absolute versus a nontrue absolute.....you fall into the trap of doing what you accuse me of doing. What I am telling you is....there is only the Absolute, and also the Relative IS THE ABSOLUTE. Until you understand that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the Relative and the Absolute you will never understand. Your true identity is the ABSOLUTE!!! You are the Absolute Truth FIRST, then you create relativity. You create through imagination. At a certain state of Consciousness your thoughts literally create Reality. So when you say there could be something behind the scenes, what you keep denying is that you are creating that. Because you are Infinity, you have no end. So you can hallucinate forever that there is always something behind the scenes. Likewise, there is nothing about the true absolute that suggests there is "nothing behind the scenes" in the sense that your homosapien perceptual dashboard is the only perceptual dashboard there is; that other homosapien apes are merely NPCs in your dashboard with no dashboards of their own. You are way into the relative when making those claims. What you don't understand is perception is not some biological feature. You do not need your body, or eyes to see anything. This is how it works. You are a mind first, then your mind dreams up your body and gives your body the ability to influence the experience all around them. But if you study NDE's you can discover people are able to exist in this world without a body and interestingly enough their ability to perceive actually expands. What you need to understand is human embodied is a State of Consciousness, if I kill your physical body you can still exist in your room. And I don't think this is a problem of not having enough awakening experiences. It's a problem of drawing conclusions and seeing the implications of your awakening experiences. Because that requires a rigorous understanding of the relative, things like metaphysics, science, cognition, evolution, biology, physiology, etc. If you don't have a rigorous understanding of the relative, then of course you will confuse it with the absolute. You need to be very adept at drawing distinctions to see how the absolute clearly lacks these distinctions. Its not hard at all actually. First you are the Absolute. This means you are the Source, and the Entirety. Since you are both the source and the entirety then nothing can exist without you. Its like in a video game. When you play the character the entirety of the frame is all that exists. Its perfectly logical. The truth is you do not want to understand because you don't like this information emotionally. I consider myself lucky in this respect as I had awakening experiences in my late teens and then had time to reconstruct a scientific worldview in university afterwards which forced me to reconcile my experiences and integrate them with the science, not sidestep it. And even then, it took a lot of deliberate work. If you are not in the same position, you have to work even harder. Conventional Science still thinks mental imagery exists in a brain and that Consciousness is housed in a brain. By the way your premise/perspective has holes in it, the perspective presented you still haven't presented a single hole. An example of someone not having to exist somewhere else to call you. You are too stuck in relativity. There is no difference between Infinity of Gods for example and Absolute Solipsism. They are exactly identical. Reality has no rules or boundaries, so the most logical design is the most simple, but the amazing thing is because it can be anyway, it can infinitely delude itself which is what you are doing right now.
  4. Ego has limited control that it is allowed or gifted which is the same as saying it doesn't have control because that control can be taken from it. We are just along for the ride in life.
  5. All models have limitations. People think dating standards are Absolute, but what they don't understand is life circumstances are often changing people, and what is more powerful than all that? Getting to know someone. You can absolutely take issue with a person's life decisions, and still make an exception for them. All humans will realize over time, that LOVE is VERY POWERFUL. Love gives you the ability to drop distinctions you form in your mind, LOVE is the destroyer of all ideology, all personal truths. This gives rise to hypocrisy. A man takes a stance and says he will never do something....then he falls in love and becomes a hypocrite. It is hilarious!!!! It always happens eventually.
  6. All that is limitation. God is both silence and sound, empty and full, not knowing, and knowing everything. Anything you know about God is also true. God is also genuine knowing. You can experience it...because you ARE experience. You can also talk about it as well. You are too traditional and thus have boxed yourself. The truth is....God has no limits, and God has all limits. God is both Non Dual, and also Dual. The key is to open your mind to experience every identity, and the absence of all identity.
  7. You are talking about love with lowercase l. Love with a Capitol L, does not judge anything. Also you are creating story lines in your mind to create conflict as I'm not doing anything you just wrote above. Rude....is egoic, if rude wasn't Love it wouldn't exist. Love is self-seeking, what do you think spiritual seekers are seeking? They are seeking collapse of the individual self, to merge with the COLLECTIVE SELF. And anger is an expression that exists for protection. Without anger a form cannot adequately protect itself from violence. Anger is an expression of Love, it exists to protect that which is loved. Your understanding of love is partial, All aspects of the emotional spectrum exist for a reason, and God created them to serve their function intelligently. Some Spiritual Seekers want to transcend emotions, but to do that you have to give any desire to exist as form. As long as you love life, and want to survive you will express aspects of the emotional spectrum. As long as you judge any part of Reality as not love, then you will never know TRUE LOVE. TRUE LOVE, is everything.
  8. Yeah the scary thing is God's power can make ANYTHING REAL. The traditional HELL doesn't exist....but you can reach a state of consciousness where you can imagine it into existence. God's power is beautiful, but it can actually be scary as hell because it is limitless and non judgmental. This is why it is important to train yourself to only entertain thoughts and content you can handle. Your human vessel would hate to access God's power and imagine a Hell Realm. That would be truly scary.
  9. God is a Good Neutrality. Because God is Neutral, Relative Evil is able to exist, because God is Good God cares. God can only care as one of its creations, because they are able to be hurt, but God as the formless does not care because it is invincible, cannot be harmed, and has no other. As such this Loving, Good, Formless Consciousness can only ever know Evil, through you. It can only ever know struggle, and fatigue, through you. So is there some balancing system? The only balance in the Universe is the collapsing/destruction/change/birth of all form. The old dies, and the new is born. The form creates karma, the formless does not.
  10. Reality is a True Illusion, A True Fantasy, a True Fiction, A True Deception, A True Lie. That's what I mean.
  11. I like calling it a contradiction cause it can be explained. The explanation is....its an NON APPEARING/INVISIBLE MIND, that imagines/hallucinates/dreams, everything into existence. It has no definitive identity, as a result it can create unlimited identities which it uses to communicate to itself. The moment it imagines, it creates a SELF, but its true nature....is it exists before it imagines itself as a SELF. Once it imagines itself as a SELF, it experiences itself as that SELF and then eventually it imagines another SELF.....and it does this for eternity. Its an eternal dreamer.
  12. The SELF being equal to NO SELF is impossible for Normal Human Logic. Until a human understands that Reality is a Contradiction then it will never be understood. Best I got for them is.... SELF= Every Something that can ever exist. NO SELF/SELFLESS= Nothing. SELF= APPEARANCE. NO SELF/SELFLESS= NON APPEARANCE. GOD is a non appearing Mind that is alive but invisible. Has existed forever. Does not need to appear to exist. Because.....it can exist, without knowing it exists. It doesn't need self-awareness. Self awareness= God awakening that it exists. God can DEEP SLEEP for millennia, and this is what humans call DEATH. But when your life ends.....you will be BOTH DEEP SLEEP, and EVERY LIFE, merged into ONE. You will be all form, and no form at the same time. It will be the end of all distinction.
  13. Bias is metaphysical, you literally have to change the structure of your consciousness to overcome bias. Some biases are merely intellectual, while others are literally biological. You can release attachment to all biases psychologically and give your mind freedom to experience Reality as it actually is, but good luck looking for it to be comfortable. You will literally have biological reactions the moment you expose yourself to biological biases in an attempt to unattach yourself psychologically.
  14. Relative= Comparison. Absolute= Acceptance without comparison. I'll give an example: A man gets hit in the head, he falls into deep sleep for 5 years. When he wakes up, he wakes up in a hallucination that tells him he has been asleep for 8 hours. He then proceeds to live out that life and dies. When he dies....he awakens from that hallucination into what we call real life and he discovers he was in a coma for 5 years. Now here is the question....which one was his REAL LIFE? Second...notice how he is always his own existence first. When he is hallucinating....that hallucination is Absolutely his Reality....until he exits. There isn't some other Reality, if there was he would be experiencing it. The search for truth always uses evidence, but the trick people fall into is they make claims of evidence that isn't there. They say....well didn't my parents exist outside my hallucination? Let's explain how that is not so. If he was born hallucinating, and never experienced anything but that hallucination....he wouldn't know anything outside of that hallucination. That would have been his life. Its only because he exits that hallucination and enters a NEW hallucination that he was ever able to realize he was hallucinating at all. And then notice when he lives that hallucination, it is Absolutely his reality until he enters another hallucination then THAT becomes his reality and then he calls one of his hallucinations MORE REAL, through relation/comparison. So he divides what is absolutely true, into two relative truth/relational truths. This is how you as God.....HIDE YOURSELF. This is why it is accurate to say....current reality....is a hallucination. Now when you are hallucinating....that hallucination is ABSOLUTELY TRUE, and this is why it is said....you are all alone. NOBODY can travel with you into your hallucination, unless you hallucinate that they travel with you. If not....you will hallucinate that you went somewhere else. We do this already its called....DREAMING. This is why it is said, there is nothing behind the scenes....but the funny part is? You can trick yourself if you want....and hallucinate that something is behind the scenes.....and be thoroughly tricked. Such is the nature of an INFINITE MIND.
  15. Me and you both know everything is God's will, nothing happens unless God wills it. The confusing thing is....God seems to give some more luck than others, and the only thing I can think is its because the Universe needs that event to happen so badly....that it makes some stories outrageous. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/trumps-91-criminal-charges-and-where-they-stand/ But I won't lie....God's Mind confuses me on this one.
  16. I'm not an expert on this topic, but I believe I have a reasonable opinion on this topic. Method Acting is basically a real life character transformation. You don't put the costume down and go back to normal life, you become the character and live life as them. The purpose is to transcend acting, and for it to be authentically "YOU." The cost can be to high as Heath Ledger for example is thought to have killed himself because of the psychological toll it took to become the Joker. With that said I think a better term to refer to Method Acting would be Authentic Acting. Also the person in the following video doesn't realize, that the best Natural Actors.....aren't acting. That is the power of Authenticity at work. When someone really places themselves in a role and BECOME IT, it's not fake. So to me these are just fake distinctions, the goal is Authenticity they just needed different approaches to reach the same result.
  17. Reality is both Non Dual and Dualistic. If it weren't so there wouldn't be any differences to explore. You can both raise and lower in Consciousness to explore both the Separation and the Oneness. At certain Consciousness levels that separation is experienced as Absolute. Without a state change that separation is NOT an illusion...its real. Until the illusion is dispelled...its not an illusion. This is why many people who attempt to teach Spirituality fail so miserably to get their message across. I would never tell someone that the ego is an illusion. I would tell them that the ego is Real....but is temporary and limited so it is not as Real as the Absolute in comparison. This is how you properly awake someone. Going around just telling people that its all an illusion just confuses them.
  18. You can't bullshit yourself. God is the truth, you cannot have a God realization through bullshit. Forgiveness means you accept it had to happen, and that circumstances had to be the way they were. It's a nice poem but I'm grounding my message in Realism. The biggest barrier to understanding Spirituality is Realism conflicts with Idealism. People are steeped in Survival have a perspective that is asleep as the Character so deeply that you can only reach them by speaking their language. That poem won't reach them, they will interpret it as some airy fairy idealism.
  19. https://www.actualized.org/insights/contemplate-a-hummingbird Check out Leo's Blog Post its a good read. But I disagree slightly. While the humming bird is a marvel, for me Spirituality has given me a greater appreciation and awe for the creation that is human. Human bullshit is immensely intelligent. The ability to spin tale after tale, is a true expression of a variable imagination. Every human you ever meet if you study them, would take eons to explain the entire complexity from their biological functions to their psyche. Humanity is an artistic masterpiece, I am constantly amazed at what humans can conjure up with their imaginations. So it's however you wanna look at it. I take Leo's opinion piece above as a satirical critique of the human condition, my response? That's the point....it was created to be made fun of!!! Humanity is a joke, the human story is supposed to be a comedy...that can be taken serious. Don't make the mistake of falling asleep too much into the seriousness that you forget its a comedy!!!
  20. This video may just awaken the God within you. Hopefully your ego doesn't block it.
  21. So what does this mean? It sounds paradoxical doesn't it? I will do my best to explain it. Picture your hand moving on its own. This hand it always grasps what is needed, and lets go of what is not needed. It has perfect timing, it never engages in excess unless excess is needed to be experienced. This hand always does the right thing given proper information at the time. It really puts the phrase given the right information "at hand" in full context. This is the hand of God. Perfectly circular. It creates and resolves all paradoxes by revealing the underlying contradictions. It constantly is engaged in secretly directing the flow of its entire life, directly in an indirect manner as to hide its apparent self-interest. Survival was created to explore self-interest, to explore self-autonomy, and to explore sacrifice, and dependence. To explore prime, and decline, to explore strength, and weakness. In one of my investigations into Spirituality I was shown how strength can be a curse. Strength is defined by weakness. If I give you unlimited strength it can only be known by unlimited weakness. If I make you ridiculously strong I can put you through nightmare after nightmare of lived experience because you are strong enough to handle it. It is an interesting curse, to become strong enough to handle any ordeal makes it perfectly fair to place the burden of that ordeal upon you because you are capable of dealing with it. Who knew weakness could actually be a boon? Could actually be sought after? So when you are told you are God, do not presume this means you have control, it actually means the opposite. The only control you have is the ability to interpret and respond, and even that is limited. All limitation is lack of control, you do not control your lack of limitation. It is more accurate to say that the part of you that is God, is your limitation. So when it is said you are God, what is being said is you are limitation. Then the part of you that has control, we can call that ego. So ego= control God= Lack of control. Now someone might say why does God have no control? The answer is simple. An all powerful, unlimited intelligence that is the fastest thing ever, can control absolutely without awareness of what it is, and what it is doing. God does not need knowledge, or awareness to act perfectly. God does not need identity to be self-aware. Because of this, God can be in perfect control, while being completely free of identity. Once you discover this, the next question is, so why did God create an ego, if God didn't need an ego to know what it is. The only answer is....as a gift. Life is a gift. Personal identity is a gift. God doesn't need anything, because it is whole, complete, and perfect. So all it can do is to create imperfection, to explore its perfection. Because its imperfection, is itself Perfection, God will only ever know Perfection, as its ego will experience Perfection as imperfection. This explains everything. Remember when you are told you are God, you are just being told you are limited by God/Infinite Intelligence. You are God's brand, God's trademark creation, but the power that created you as limitation, is identical to you. But you experience yourself as a control in a world of flux survival. The easiest way to investigate this is to remember that all control is the ability to predict outcome with perfect certainty. Without perfect certainty there is no control. This is why God is a mystery unto itself. Because God is beyond egoic limitation, God has perfect certainty without having to be certain. God doesn't need to check itself, or evaluate itself, God is perfect certainty without self-check. This is why God is without a self.
  22. A good video about Method Acting.
  23. Interesting take. I only disagree on the good and evil part. Good and evil are viscerally felt by the ego. Without comfort and constant safety we would no know goodness. And if all we knew was torture we would know evil. The only reason Evil isn't an Absolute is because it is not Infinitely Intelligent, because it is deluded. So Good and Evil do exist, as long as Pain is not transcended evil will be known. Suffering however, in most cases is a choice, unless you have some biological disorder.