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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Psychedelics raise awareness which as a result raise sensitivity, obviously each body responds differently the key is finding what is the right dosage for you. Also not every trip is going to be the same either....one can be hell and the other can be heaven and the irony is you could do everything "right" and still get hell and you can not do any prepatory work to create a positive comfortable environment and it could still be heaven. Can't really control what happens...so take this stuff with this understanding. You are basically just jumping off a cliff with these things.
  2. Exactly, become aware there is no difference between flying and walking.
  3. Many disorders of the mind I discovered is caused by minds that are not yet fully developed accessing what I call collective human consciousness. I once reached a state of consciousness (still in human consciousness but a more expansive version) where my biases were lifted to such an extent where thoughts that I would consider morally reprehensible no longer felt bad. It felt absolutely and completely fine, and good. You see God is an infinite creator so it cannot have any restrictions on what is good. But if you give that consciousness to a human (character in a story) that human without proper maturity would think it was okay to go around killing people and doing a whole host of things. Now obviously from God's point of view....nothing to see here...but from the characters in the story that human has gone insane and is the devil etc. The irony is, anybody that starts writing movies, t.v. shows, video games, novels etc....would actually access this state if they want to write the most engrossing material. Many of these acclaimed creators if you knew them personally...and intimately their minds would probably terrify you if you are the average human (average human world view).
  4. Both....I do both. What I realized....is this is all a game that comes full circle. What does this mean? All this spiritual guru nonsense that people do where they tell you the sign of spiritual progress is humbleness I discovered to be total foolishness. Why? Because God is infinite...so the sign of spiritual progress would be your ability to express yourself/accept all expressions. Human spirituality= Trying to be the perfect human (human bias of what an idealized human is) True Spirituality= Whatever the creator/source is/ emulate that Problem.....True Spirituality reveals= You were already doing that, so there is actually nothing to do. You are whole and complete as you are...there really isn't anything to improve. Sure you can work on skills, and even gain emotional mastery....and sure it can help you in various ways but the only true way to really do spirituality....is to become unlimited.....but that includes limitation, and you are expressing one of an infinite amount of limitation with your current human character...so..um....whatever you do or don't do....is true spirituality and any idealized notions is just your human bias. How do I know its a human bias? Easy....are bad trips humble? Is getting old humble? Many people want a soft, nice, kind spirituality, because the human bias we have is for comfort. If Source ever gave us our way...we would all be fat and lazy, and depressed because we don't like for things to be difficult. Now there is nothing wrong with humbleness....but there is also nothing wrong with its opposite either. Every part of creation has a purpose and until you open your eyes to the functionality of each part....you will be ignorant. Suffering is a beautiful thing and until you can see the beauty in suffering...you will always suffer paradoxically. So this is why...I scream at the fish to stop drowning as you say, as I watch all the flags I plant....submerge fully aware that I can only plant flags but never too attached to any of them.
  5. Your perspective is a ground, a flag you plant to point towards a specific world view. What you don't realize...is you are planting a flag in an ocean....because there is no ground. Every label bleeds into another...there are no hard distinctions. Every time you try to make one you are just fooling yourself. Stop trying to plant a flag in an ocean.... stop trying to mark a territorial ground on the ocean...it won't work. That flag is just going to sink and you along with it.
  6. Measuring intelligence is easy actually, because you can always create some criteria for it, but getting exact perfect measurements for intelligence is hard because it is infinite in its scope and magnitude. For example we can easily say majority of humanity is not intelligent because humanity cares more about their individual survival than they do their collective survival. What they don't want to admit is focusing on collective survival is actually more important. We know this because CANCER CELLS care more about individual survival over collective survival. Why is this the case? Because cancer cells are NOT AWARE that they are part of a larger body. Your non cancer cells are all self-sacrificial. If they weren't your body could not survive collectively. Humans act like cancers cells within a body called EARTH. We know very well our actions are destroying the planet....and we don't care. Why? Because we are selfish. That is how we can track the general intelligence of all of humanity....how aware they are that their own actions are contradicting what they desire. Humanity desires to survive and live a healthy life, but majority of their actions conflict with that on a massive scale. Now on a small scale they engage in actions towards this goal, but the more you zoom out the more destructive they get. So how intelligent someone is, is based on how much they are geared toward the empowerment of not just their life but all life. How do we know this? Because all life seeks to express itself to the highest degree it can. Since this is the ultimate goal of all life, the more intelligent you are is based on how well you are in alignment with this, and how much you deviate from this. ^^^^This is Self-Clarity, Self-Love, Self-Intelligence.
  7. What a lot of people on the forums don't understand...is this= It IS and it IS NOT AT THE SAME TIME. Any perspective you take is inherently dualistic and as such is only a partial truth. Everything IS and ISN'T AT THE SAME TIME at various levels and combinations. Until you understand what I am pointing to....you don't understand ANYTHING. All God does is shuffle around what is and what is not at the same time in an infinite level of combinations. ^^^^See if you can figure out what I am saying.....
  8. Infinity....is the scariest shit ever from the ego's perspective.
  9. Did you realize there was no difference between life and death also?
  10. The Beginning Stage of Simplicity When you are first exposed to something that you wish to pursue it seems simple enough, sure you don't know what you don't know but you are excited. As you continue on the path you make certain realizations and start to build your mental map to make sense of the thing you are pursuing. In the beginning you think it is simple. After constructing the map you pursue higher challenges and consistently you advance until you hit limits some call them thresh hold guardians or the boss for that stage. To overcome this boss/limit you need to drop a limiting belief. There is some belief you have that is incorrect and is causing you to keep hitting your head against the wall. Eventually through some discomfort you figure it out and continue on. The Stage of Growth of Ever Increasing Complexity This keeps happening over and over and over and as you go up through the levels your map gets more and more complicated and sophisticated. Eventually you reach a point where you are able to see so many perspectives, so many possibilities. At this point you are confused because even though you can see everything you don't know which perspective to adopt. You rack your brain and at this point in your search for the truth you realize the infinite nature of the thing you have been pursuing. So what is the solution? The Stage of Unification/Simplicity Ultimately all maps are tailored for the individual so you realize that you must adopt a perspective that is tailored for you. So you access your strengths and weaknesses and take your broad perspectival view and fit it like a glove to a hand to your nature in that field. This is the highest stage of the pursuer/player/actor of that field/game. At this point the player is producing their own individual laws and theories of how to navigate this field. Their perspective while tailored to them is flexible to be applied to others who might differ due to their ability to see universally in that particular field. This is the Stage of the Master. Bonus Stage: The Stage of the GrandMaster/Sage This individual desires to teach their mastery to others and through implementation and training of students they learn the pitfalls and traps that others may fall into (that they themselves might have forgotten) while also being able to see their field from fresh eyes (the eyes of their students) thus bringing them closer to the beginner mindset, when they did not know. Through their students they relearn their field, and relive their journey anew through a different perspective and gain greater knowledge as the changing of the times will impact the field of study they are teaching in some way. Thus the Grandmaster/Sage must update their field to be applicable and relatable to current modern times that differ when they Sage was developing. This will continue further until the Sage dies or retires. If you notice the stages I listed are a cycle, all of life follows this pattern. From simple to complex, to simple to complex. 1. In the beginning one must learn through simplicity because they are not at a level yet to handle complexity 2. After sufficient experience and gradual increase in ability the complexity deepens and majority of growth. 3. Simplicity returns after much experience and integration 4. Complexity returns in attempting to translate and continually update for the times the teachings, but each attempts are in how to make teachings more simple so they are easier to learn and grasp. Such is life!!!
  11. It is....stop making a distinction between awareness and intellect. Then you can raise your awareness which will raise your intellect. Realize that you create a distinction between what is intellect and what isn't. Everything is an expression of an INFINITE INTELLECT, thus everything is intellect, thus awareness is INTELLECT. So raise your awareness to infinity, and you can have an infinite intellect and understand everything.
  12. The first thing that a human judges something is based on appearance. It's the first thing, so looks are important to you. You can engage in what is called body game. You can't completely change your appearance but you can do things like: Work out, buy clothes that are FORM FITTING, work on hygiene like keeping nails short and trimmed, clean teeth, shower consistently, and lastly creating a personality that you would like to be around. That last one is even more important than the previous things because women can sense lack of confidence in a man like a Police canine can sniff cocaine. Some traits that women love. Your passion, if you are passionate about something you will draw women towards you. Accountability, if you have the ability to accept responsibility for your actions women love this. Being able to understand your feelings and communicate them freely in a respectable manner and being able to receive her feelings in a calm way. That last bit is paramount, a lot of women are like a RAGING TSUNAMI, and if you cannot be a rock that can sustain the force of that TSUNAMI you are better off leaving most women alone. Women's emotional expression tends to be more dynamic because that is how their metabolism is. This allows them to connect and better understand infants on an emotional level. I have realized that women are not naturally designed to communicate with men but to communicate with other women and children. For a woman to truly communicate with a very masculine man she has to develop her own masculinity and vice versa for the man. The irony of all this...even with all this, the way you all have been socialized, and the relationships of other people outside of your relationship will impact your relationship as well. If you are not okay dealing with emotional pain, stay single LOL.
  13. Hmm well if you want we could sit here and create more....I got one....reality is like an infinite maze that every time you think you get to the end it flips inward, outward, or both ways at the same time. It's like being partially stuck in a time loop while simultaneously not being in one but you can only get glimpses of deja vu where you realize you have said, done or been here before in a similar way or exactly the same way but you can't put your finger on it.
  14. I'm glad you put that P.S. I thought I had to explain why I used that analogy. But understand this....the only limit the bioelectrical signal has is that it is imaginary. But outside of that....it has no limits. Within this human dream, the human body runs on this bioelectrical signal. This bioelectrical signal is responsible for everything your human body does....this is why electrolytes are important, this is why getting hit with a certain amount of electricity can stop your heart or start your heart, this is why certain prolonged drug use can change your baseline human experience, your consciousness within this dream reality is RUN ON your current bioelectric system. This is why certain spiritual practices deal directly with the neurological system for example the art of raising the kundalini from the base of the spine is a bioelectrical process which has certain ramifications. People who engage in this process report experiencing excessive heat, and visions. Some people have short circuited electronic appliances with physical touch while going through this process. So even though its all a dream, what is being communicated is EVERYTHING IS DREAM, EVERTHING IS IMAGINATION. Real is no more a concept than imaginary...they are really the same. The only reason the term dream and imaginary are emphasized is to get you to drop your concept of real as being distinct from imaginary. The only difference between an unenlightened human and one that is...is the unenlightened person sees the term real and imaginary as the same thing. The unenlightened person still thinks there is a distinction. So the only limit a materialist has....is they don't want to consider that physical is the same as mental. They say physical is real, but my image in my mind of something is different. They don't realize...that physical touch is a mental activity.....they still think the mind is in the head...lol....not realizing that the head is in the mind.....but because Reality is Infinite...it can construct a reality where it can trick itself into only seeing the mind as in the head and make it make sense!!! LOL. It makes sense...until you question it deeply and realize...you can flip it and turn it around. This is true with all perspectives...you can twist any perspective because from a certain vantage point every perspective is true. The human is not wrong for thinking his mind is in his head. Because a human feels like it is true. The brain has global impact on his experience of reality so from that point of view it makes sense. What doesn't make sense is to tell him he is in his own mind....he would have to really sit down and question that one to figure it out. So life is just an infinite maze of perspectives, but the catch is that maze is always moving.....every time you think you got to the end it flips again.
  15. Overestimation is part of the developmental process. Can't find a boundary until you overstep it sometimes.
  16. As Americans become more arrogant, their ability to see what is happening gets clouded. I've been saying for years that American basketball has been declining in certain aspects particularly fundamentals. European basketball focuses on the foundation of the game, rebounding, ball movement, and playing as a team. Whereas NBA basketball is becoming more ball centric, and more focused on flash, entertainment and self-aggrandizement. Now selfishness has its place in basketball, there are certain times where it is wiser to call your own number, but since its a team game EVERY MEMBER MATTERS. The ESPN focuses too much on Superstars and treats them with blanket immunity so much that it corrupts our game. Which is sad, because as much as Michael Jordan was selfish, he was selfless enough to invest in fundamentals and play within a team concept. Anyway watch this great critique about how the rest of the world is teaching America...they are not as good as they think they are.
  17. Second rule....stop making assumptions that you aren't making assumptions....there are only assumptions. Why? Because you never have absolute knowledge of anything. So whatever data you are missing....makes whatever conclusions you make assumptions. So why do you assume that you aren't assuming? How would you know? LOL. Stop these little games.
  18. We have a sport called Football where we wear helmets and ram into each other. Just give them protective gear like how amateur boxes have on their heads. But all violent sports are stupid that's the point. Having fun doesn't have to be an intellectual activity it can also be stupidity. Aim to just a little bit more respect the stupidity that you see...I'm certainly getting better at doing it.
  19. Sigh your not getting it. What they are saying is Alien Consciousness relative to the human Consciousness is so different of an experience that it can destroy the human experience. Only when someone stops being in human consciousness and takes on a radically different one can they understand. If you entered a state of consciousness where your thinking increased to super sonic speeds, there was a ridiculous constant flow of energy that felt like bombs going off, and you felt Self Love so powerful that you were creating and destroying things with mere thoughts...it would be very hard to go back to human consciousness and take all of this real. Consider if you ever reached these states and came back that humans would appear like Sim characters walking around to you. Many of you don't understand what "REAL" is. "REAL" is a relational concept that can easily be destroyed. You go far enough in this work and you won't see a difference between Mickey Mouse and a human...they will both be experienced as pure imagination.
  20. That's your subjective opinion because you don't know the value of suffering. You have a bias towards the lack of suffering and pain. A fighter cannot get strong without pain, a person cannot achieve emotional resilience without receiving emotional pain, there is not strength without facing pain. Pain is weakness. We discover our strength through the facing of our pain, and that is how we grow stronger. If a person fears physical pain they will never gain physical strength. If a person fears emotional pain they will never gain emotional strength. All weakness is just fear of being weak, fear of vulnerability. The fear of vulnerability is what makes you vulnerable. The embrace of vulnerability is what makes you strong. I only know this because I suffered deeply in life, and that is why my suffering was more valuable than all the good times I had, because it revealed to me a strength I didn't know I had.
  21. God is the ultimate narcissist. And the ultimate martyr. It falls in love with itself when it realizes itself and dies to its identity/appearance forever and ever.
  22. ^^^^^Yeah when I realized the silliness of how porn is demonized I bust out laughing. This is correct, reality is like a giant porn session for God. God is looking at itself and masturbating...or you can just call it a mind fuck or mental masturbation. Very funny indeed.