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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Yes....by us both knowing this...it is God acknowledging it is God through us.
  2. Also one additional point....for Infinity to be infinity it must include limitation and limitation and bias are the same thing. So literally God cannot be God without bias. Consider that one!!!
  3. It's not tricky, trying to minimize your bias...is itself a bias against bias...why not maximize your bias? Your desire to minimize your bias is just an egoic strategy for survival. Basically you are so ONE, that being selfish and selfless is the same thing. The only reason Selflessness is superior...is because it is ALL INCLUSIVE. It includes everything. Whereas selfishness= division which is the root of all discrimination, which is the root of all corruption and conflict. But without bias....there is no you and me. There is no story, no journey. It would literally BE, NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS!!! LOL. So we need bias so we can have SOMETHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS.
  4. This is all true!!! But hey...the ego was created to make a life story. So the story...must go on to its end. All that happened is you are aware of what is going on.
  5. .....You cannot stop comparing...comparing will end when your human life ends. The only way for you to even disagree with me...is to compare. No comparison...=Absolute Agreement. God never has conflict, because God doesn't compare. To compare is to see difference. So the only way to eradicate it...is to be completely indifferent. To be completely indifferent is to not care if you are being strangled, starved, or tortured. Right now you are in fantasy land, but if I dropped you in a warzone all your ideastic thinking would crumble. In fact you are demonizing comparison by saying it needs to be eradicated which is literally =selfhatred. This means you hate the fact that you see difference. Ego= selfhatred, bias, be okay with the fact that you are going to carry some selfhatred.
  6. And I'm saying that is just some limited egoic strategy that will end in failure. Why? Because it has limits. Your mind going to make comparisons...the only way you were able to disagree with me just now...was because your mind compared what I wrote to what you wrote. This is the source of all conflict and you aren't turning it off. Without comparison...you literally cannot have your own perspective. There is no growth without comparison. For you to track your individual progress you have to compare it to your previous progress. So literally the only solution is to accept that your mind makes comparisons and just don't take them too seriously. That's all.
  7. The real question is....what is a Jew? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4301023/
  8. Well yeah an individual and a group is a bias. There is group bias and individual bias. We call individual bias your perspective, and we call group bias....things like race, gender, country, etc. For some reason...we never talk about Earth Bias. LOL.
  9. "Those who do not care about being liked....are an acquired taste, it takes time for them to be liked. People who try too hard to be liked are initially liked, but when they make a mistake and aren't liked for it, they become unliked. So it takes time for them to be unliked.
  10. Help me with the 2+2=5. I know its possible....but umm how? By refusing to follow the rules right?
  11. ^^^Only an option if you are still in the human reality. Your trip could take you to the void and this won't be an option.
  12. Lol you and Sadhguru should go on a comedy tour.
  13. Love= Intelligence. It's not bigger than it, it is it.
  14. The mind does this on autopilot. It's not about not making comparisons, it's about understanding that they don't even matter. If your mind didn't make comparisons, you wouldn't know where your body starts and where it ends. All finite strategies...ultimately fail, unless you can create an infinite strategy...its pretty much only as useful as the limit it can expand too.
  15. All suffering and evil serves good. So the suffering of others raises the collective empathy and inspires others to be more loving. If you didn't have people in other countries who suffered and a documentary made about them, you wouldn't be sharing this story with me. That documentary raised your awareness of how our actions can impact others, it also broadened your perspective to a global perspective. So let me broaden your perspective a little more...what if I told you your life is NOT about YOU? That the cause of that very situation you brought up is because humans are selfish? What if I told you that if everybody was willing to give up a lot of their physical comforts we could solve world hunger and a whole host of problems? What if I told you that the same mechanism that makes you block someone on social media is the same mechanism that causes wars? So how God wakes us up, is reveals how our selfishness causes misery and suffering for others? The purpose of pain is to reveal our limits remember I said that? So the people who are suffering in those examples you gave is the expression of the limits of humanity's love. Until humanity realizes that their life is NOT about THEM but about sharing and caring for others....then this will continue to happen. The moral of the story of life is don't put conditions on your love because whatever conditions you put on your love is not actually love...its BUSINESS!!! Business is about transactions and personal gain. Right now you are looking at a world built on profit and personal gain. Do you like what you see? What does a world built on the motto "If its good for me its good and fuck anybody else?" "Or what is in it for me?" Humanity is just taking a long time to realize that when you construct a world based on personal gain/profit...these are the results. Unconditional love DOES NOT make sense....unless everybody chips in. Even though its the highest form of intelligence, it can only be understood at the highest levels.
  16. The problem you have is your so biased you can't see your left from your right. How do I know this? Because you make arguments against yourself? How do I know this...because you argue against a stance I never took. When did I say your environment doesn't affect your growth? All I stated is pain makes you stronger. If you run from pain you get weaker, and if you embrace pain you get stronger. That's how life works. That's the only point I made. Any other arguments or stances you present to argue....I never took. So what does that mean? It means that whole paragraph you wrote? You were arguing with yourself. The purpose of pain is to teach you limitation, and also teach you that limitation can be expanded. A human is a limited being that can also expand its limits by constantly testing the edges of said limits. As it tests the edge of those same limits it is going to experience discomfort equal to how close to the edge of its limits it goes. Humans have the ability to heal and after the healing process their limits expand. A human has no clue what the limits of their expansion is unless they continually test it. But testing it is going to increase the pain/discomfort that they feel. That's it. It's that simple. Anything else you attach to any type of pain is just a story. The story that keeps you from facing pain is called a limiting belief. Why? Because you have adopted a belief that keeps you from expanding your limit and have thus limited yourself. I can tell from your posts you are very young and have not engaged in any type of competitive activity at the highest level. Only people who have done this sufficiently understand the nature of pain and why it exists.
  17. I hear ya, but for me I guard my mind from advice that tells me to change the way I word things. If something feels challenging admit its challenging. You can't bullshit your feelings. If you feel afraid, trying to talk yourself out of fear by denying it doesn't work. So that's what I was pointing too. The way reality works...is based on truth. So if you don't like something...admit it. If you lie to yourself you trap yourself in delusion. That's what I am talking about. All of humanity's issues stem from lying about your feelings. Why do you think the number one rule of therapy is ...TELL THE TRUTH!!! LOL. That's one of the issues with the manifestation group, they tell you to lie to yourself. If I came at you with a chainsaw...your lies would fold, when you do inner work part of it is accepting the brutality that comes with reality. Obviously everything at your own pace, but lying always comes back to bite you. What I love about emotions...is they always reveal where you are at. I'll use someone you like...Neville Goddard. Neville Goddard says feeling is the key. Why did he say that? Cause you can't bullshit your feelings. No amount of reframing something is going to change how you feel unless you ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT. Now if you can convince yourself...then you can change how you feel. But always remember this...you always know when you are lying....your feelings will let you know.
  18. I'm just happy your trip gave you a zest for life again. I'm also happy that you realize how powerful Consciousness is. The shit is INSANE ain't it? The most powerful thing ever, nuclear bombs are nothing compared to it.
  19. There will always be some bias as long as you exist as form. Form=bias.
  20. Bias=division. Without bias....there is no life. Form is bias....so we need bias otherwise we are just formless ONENESS.
  21. I generally avoid videos like this. If something feels challenging to you, say its challenging. You aren't going to bullshit your way around challenges. Self-Confidence comes from authenticity...not lies.