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The only thing that causes relationships to fail is lack of self-love. It's simple. Nothing more nothing less. Without self-clarity you will always be confused.
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You got it!!!! And that siren killed those poor sailors. The shame!!!! -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are connections and stories, if they weren't there it couldn't be done. What you just said...was itself a connection and story...and if what you said wasn't true...it couldn't be done. ^^^^^Its both. If it wasn't so...we couldn't see different things and argue and fight. Always understand that any dualistic position you take is NEVER ABSOLUTELY TRUE....but even that...isn't true because it can be ABSOLUTELY TRUE FOR A SINGLE MOMENT...then it can change LOL. But basically no position stays the same, things are always changing. -
Razard86 replied to UnlovingGod's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Lol you reveal yourself to all. You say its stupid but you couldn't refute what was said. If your knowledge is limited, this means any decision you make always has assumption built into it. You never have absolute knowledge, that is why every decision has inherent risk, that risk is due to limitation and so assumption must be accepted. But according to YOU its a stupid reply? LOL. It's only because of your arrogance. But you cannot debate this point. All humans assume, its a function of limitation. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You got it. The reason Consciousness is so confusing is because it can conjure up infinite models to explain itself to itself. But all models will always fall short. I think the closest models are its a dream, and its a mind. Why? Because when you close your eyes and think of an apple...that is exactly how Consciousness creates everything around us. The only difference is its much more powerful in God Consciousness state and much more limited in Human Consciousness. But that is the only difference. God tricks itself by putting a mind within a mind. First it dreams its human, then within that dream, it creates a limited mind called the human mind that sits right on top of the God mind. So when you look at an apple that apple is the God mind. Now when you look at that apple and imagine that apple looks nasty, that is the human mind imagining/projecting on the God mind that something is nasty. This is why the only way to go meta, to reach God is to escape the human mind with all of its beliefs/opinions/assumptions about things and what it is. The human mind is a prison until you use the key, then it becomes a room you can walk in and out of. -
Razard86 replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are always meditating...you just aren't aware you are. Many of you turn meditation into some type of struggle. Meditation is just existence. At a certain point in your meditation practice you will breakthrough and realize you were always meditating. Things that can help you is extreme long hours of concentration, or just sitting and observing without focusing on something in particular. Both work and are effective and give different results. -
Totally understandable...I even discovered something about that if you are interested.
Razard86 replied to TheWind's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Liberation is just you releasing yourself from layers and layers of ignorance that create psychological suffering in your life. Pursue that which is true for its own sake and for no other reason and you will get what you desire. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well for example let's say you decided to create fantasy video game. Creating a world will show you through your direct experience why life operates the way it does. Let's say you decide to write a story, same thing. Let's say you decide to create a type of robot, this will teach you why form has limitation, and the complexity of getting parts to work in synch. It will teach you things like balance, synchronization, and how opposing forces can be both complimentary and oppositional. It will also show you how maps influence your reality. If you work in the field of robotics your mind will start seeing everything in relation to that, the same will happen if you are a story writer etc. If you play sports you will learn the power of self-sacrificial, the value of arrogance, pride, and why it exists. You will learn that every emotion has a purpose and that there are NO BAD EMOTIONS. Negative emotions don't exist, only THE LACK OF BALANCE EXISTS. If you couldn't get angry, then someone could come with a weapon and attack all your loved ones and you wouldn't be moved to act. Anger gives you the energy to take action. You might ask me how can playing sports be creation. Easy because you can construct a model on how best to optimize your own performance and those around you. That is a form of creation. This will teach you about group dynamics and will bring you into the realm of systems thinking. So basically the more involved you get into life/engagement the more you can understand the intelligence at play. Humans are both genius and retards at the same time, sages and babies at the same time and its designed that way for a reason. See if you can discover the reason, not just conceptually but experientially. Emotion/Intuitiveness is a beautiful thing. I really hope many of you men can escape the confines of your logical mind and really integrate the feminine. You have no idea how much the feminine can supercharge your logical mind and give you a deeper connection and understanding of things. This is will be the birth of romance. You cannot see everything is love, until you know what romance is. War is romance, discrimination is romance, betrayal is romance, defeat is romance, depression is romance, can you see the love in it? A great creator can craft a compelling story with all these elements and SUCK YOU IN. It can IMMERSE YOU. Why? Because of love. Love is the greatest form of hypnotism, and the more you can see it the more you can see the beautiful art that it is. So create, with the understanding that the greatest creative work of art...is your human avatar and the story it lives. -
Razard86 replied to Anon212's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Me and you both know God enjoys taking the roundabout way to awakening...rarely does God take the narrow tried and true path....in fact God enjoys failing to reach the end, and sometimes conceptualizing instead and never taking the actual journey at all. -
Razard86 replied to Anon212's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Your mind is spinning webs to confuse yourself so you have some deeper meaning to explore. The ego's main drive is to survive, why? Because how can the ego know itself if it doesn't survive? Let me explain. God cannot know strength without vulnerability. Vulnerability and strength are one and the same. This is why God designed it that to be strong you have to face pain. What is pain? Pain is WEAKNESS. Pain is the expression that something has been damaged or is in danger of annihilation. You get a sharp sensation that you can barely stand. It takes strength to face pain, if you get in enough pain you WILL KILL YOURSELF to escape it. This is why majority of us look for shortcuts or easier ways to do things because facing adversity takes GRIT, DETERMINATION. If working out was easy, we wouldn't admire people who work out hard. So through the creation of pain and suffering, and scarcity God creates VALUE, GOD creates STRENGTH, and through the fear of annihilation (DEATH) God makes Life REAL. Without any of those things, your life cannot be real. Thus you cannot TEST YOURSELF to see if you are strong. This is why life is LOVE. Because you will NEVER PUT UP WITH SOMETHING THAT CAUSES PAIN AND SUFFERING UNLESS YOU LOVE IT!!! As such if you see someone who is in great physical shape, they are because they love it. Maybe they love the results it gives them (looking good and feeling good) as a result their love is conditional and limited. Why? Because if you took away the benefits that it gives them, they will stop doing it. But if someone loves exercise just for the act itself, they will work out regardless if it gives them benefits or not. God designed life to learn what its true nature is. God's true nature is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, which is the same as saying ETERNAL UNWAVERING TRUTH. God is the most loyal because God is unconditional, God is the most powerful, because God is unconditional, God is the most pure, because God is unconditional, and God is THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH because God is unconditional. God set life up for you to see the value of selflessness. Life is set up that you must give EVERYTHING, YOU MUST SACRIFICE to be the fullest expression of what you are. Wanna be smart? Self Sacrifice. Wanna be wise? Self Sacrifice. Wanna be rich? Self Sacrifice. Wanna be healthy? Self Sacrifice. Life is always asking....what are you willing to sacrifice to express that particular identity to its fullest? Survival=Sacrifice=Value=The creation of lies, and truth, hate, and love, and this is how God discovers what it is....through the life it chooses to live. -
Razard86 replied to Anon212's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Tis true, but hey...marketing does work for a reason. LOL maybe who knows? Notice you are asking us to give you advice about your authority...which is the same thing as following some teacher. Look its fine, the whole point of what he said is to realize that in your life you have ALWAYS been the ultimate authority in your life. No person who has ever existed or will ever exist could force you to believe what you do not want to believe. It doesn't matter how persuasive, or cunning they are. Whatever you believe is what resonates with you, whatever FEELS RIGHT TO YOU. So when you think someone is credible that is YOU giving them that credibility, their credibility isn't inherent, if it was they wouldn't have to convince you otherwise. Notice everybody argues about who is right and who is wrong, because each person is using their own individual authority from their world view to determine that. In truth how this game of life works, is authority is usually based on popularity, and that has to do with a term called the zeitgeist, which just means the commonly held beliefs of a specific time period and the dominant cultural, economic, and governmental systems. Anyway at the end of the day YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY IN YOUR LIFE. If someone is right or wrong FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE that is because you have determined it. Now with that said you are asking basically how do you know something is true....this has to do with Absolute Truth, and Relative Truth. Truth has two main components. Truth is what is.....all studies in human knowledge is based on observational research of what is. What is, is based on your perception. A blind man lives in a DIFFERENT TRUTH than you from a relative point of view (relative means in relation to you). A completely blind man does not perceive light, whereas if you can see you do. So his truth will be different than yours. The next component of truth is CONSISTENCY. Humanity learns what is true by looking for consistency. What we call consistency is truth, and this is a result of our bias towards survival. If something is consistent it can be used and manipulated to get things done. This means we as humans detest and hate inconsistency. We call inconsistency a LIE. We demonize it, because we cannot use it to help our survival. But notice...if you do not trust that your survival can be maintained you will LIE to that which is consistent to get something. Without the lack of consistency, change cannot occur, growth cannot occur, progress cannot occur, and diversity and exploration cannot occur. So life is just an endless flow of consistency and lack of consistency. But to really understand this you need to investigate into what the Absolute Truth is. The Absolute Truth never changes....it is the most consistent thing, as such all inconsistency must arise for the Absolute Truth to experience what it is. But all inconsistency is an illusion, an appearance, and it cannot hold as such. Inconsistency is a construction, and all constructions are limited and thus will have an end. But that which is eternal and unchanging has no end or beginning. So if you want to know the accuracy of something...it must burn from both ends. It must be consistently all inclusive. It must recognize both the value of consistency and the lack there of. It must be able to explain the value of each component and if it can then that is a proper authority figure. Why? Because the ultimate authority is GOD, since GOD is all there is. So which ever manifestation of GOD emulates or expresses God the most consistently will also be the highest authority. It's basically the same as saying, judge every teaching by how loving it is, since God is love. Love is all inclusive, all accepting, all knowing, all wise, and all understanding. Love is an infinite union. So whichever messages connect to everything the most is the highest authority. = SELF LOVE. -
How can you miss out...on what you are? If you are life....how can you miss out? If you aren't alive....then there is no life.
Razard86 replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What YOU is = a MIND. But a MIND...is BLANK. That blankness can CREATE WHATEVER IT IS. But that mind is UNIVERSAL. That means it is singular. What makes it infinite, is it's ability to construct/imagine is INFINITE= no limit. This is VERY SIMPLE. You just don't want to know this. You can never disprove what is presented here. Why? Because....it is the foundation of everything. -
Razard86 replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
All of these posts are just posts that construct complexity so you can get lost. Your mind is capable of infinite complexity. As yourself when you are in deep sleep...what is there? NOTHING. Deep sleep is the most simple of the simple...because it is blank. But notice...you are able to be AWARE OF BLANK!!!! So blankness...is the foundation of everything....because it is the ABSENCE of appearance. But notice....everything you perceive is HOUSED IN A LACK OF APPEARANCE. So you are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! If the truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. This is very simple....it's not complicated. You just use your INFINITE MIND to create INFINITE complexity. THE END. -
Unpack the part I bolded for me.
Razard86 replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Razard86 replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Deep Sleep reveals the obviousness of NO SELF. It also reveals that death is imaginary. That single aspect of direct experience. -
Razard86 replied to HMD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That shit will scare the shit out of you because it will prove you aren't human. If you meditate long enough it can happen. -
Razard86 replied to HMD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You can reach a state of consciousness where breath ceases and you are still there. Be careful...it can spoil the whole realness of life for you. -
Razard86 replied to Razard86's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The Ego didn't evolve this way, all form expresses itself in one of these characteristics, the human ego is just more complex. The human ego is a perfect reflection of God, if you truly understand what I presented above it literally answers every question on WHY humans do what they do. The ego is a finite expression of God that seeks to be God so everything it does is predicated on that. But since God is death, what the Ego most wants, it is afraid of. This is why the ego is insecure and dysfunctional by nature. Until the ego overcomes its fears it acts paradoxical, it goes toward what it wants and then runs away over and over and over again. -
Razard86 replied to Beeflamb's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes I have awakened through him, but also through Mooji, Babaji, Allan Watts, Tony Parsons and Ram Dass. Rupert Spira helped a little as well. All of them were important for my journey and surprisingly at certain points I didn't understand or resonate with them and then one day I just understood them deeply. It was really profound how it happened. -
Leo's mind works similar to Jordan Peterson in that his mind is like a courtroom. When he thinks about something he thinks deeply about it from as many angles as he can. His mind basically debates itself from multiple angles which allows him to see the thing from many varied viewpoints which allows him to talk about it from many perspectives. You can do it too if you contemplate your whole life on something, also Leo did some speech training too. And he made a bunch of videos and got better each time at explaining his view points. So the short answer is practice, practice, and more practice.
I find this video interesting so I thought I would share. As always do your own research take nobody's word as an ultimate authority.