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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Morality is just the rules of engagement humans come up with for the benefit of their species. Majority of humans do not think you are evil for stepping on an ant or spider. But if you cut off its legs for fun and torture it some might. But if you kill a human outside of self defense majority of humanity would think you are evil. So morality is just a human construct that can be deconstructed. God equally cares for lint on my jacket as it cares for all of humanity. Humanity in the grand scheme of things is smaller than the smallest atom in relation to earth. God is both infinitely impersonal and infinitely personal, the personal(ego) thinks too highly of itself to think its little human morality actually matters.
  2. God is the highest expression of Conscious Creating. To gain a proper understanding of God you need to be a creator. The only way to truly understand life is to look at it from a creator's point of view. If you keep looking at life from the human perspective you will never understand God in this lifetime. Life was designed a particular way and life has a certain mystery to it that you can investigate it. The price of that investigation is calling the bluff on what is considered dangerous. If you want to live a safe life you will never unearth the deepest mysteries for yourself. Life is about self-sacrifice, you really thought the story of Jesus was an accident? The reason that story is so popular, and the reason he became such a symbol is because his story was a story of sacrifice. It's why Marvel and DC Comics make so much money, story of self-sacrifice. It's why the symbol of a mother's love and the symbol of a warrior dying for his people is so beloved....self-sacrifice. So become a Creator, overcome your fear of self-sacrifice, and you will understand God deeper and deeper daily. This understanding will be intuitively felt, it will be your reward you give yourself.
  3. ....ummmm the problem is you compared coffee to psychedelics.
  4. Looking at the beauty of the drawings not being itself a story is just another distinction your ego imagines. There isn't a difference. We can never escape what we are....doing and being is the same thing. We just imagine distinction just for exploration of experience.
  5. It's human nature to be a follower. Certain events/karma need to be in place to make it not so. Something I have realized, it's funny majority are followers but love to claim originality but upon questioning...they go mute or respond "I don't know." Don't wanna know how many times I get that in my life. I'm like wow...so contemplation and self-reflection is rare? Sadly it is. Only contemplation most people are doing is how to get X, and get away with it.
  6. Well the first question is where are you developmentally? And the second question is how much do you value truth? Do you value truth over money, food, and sex? Until that question is yes...go pursue that. Religion is good at teaching core principles about how to embody love and unraveling some aspects of what God is. The problem with religion is it is full of symbolism that is taken too literally, and various other inconsistencies, and also corrupted by egoic beliefs. But without religion a person can miss the value of being honest and loving and fall into the trap of valuing results over integrity. This is the trap most men fall into, what is called the facts over feelings trap. The truth is both matter, facts and feelings. If you separate between either you are deluded. Anyway...what is better is cultivating an individual spiritual practice, and learning to remove all biases. In this process the first target should be your avatar/human persona. But personally you should not even engage in this process in my opinion until around your 30's. Before that go get some education, learn some job skills, and have relationships and then after you have built all that up then you can start doing Spirituality seriously. An underdeveloped ego will not respond well from Spirituality. There need to be proper grounding/understanding/healthy mentality/ before one can really go deep. So while a deep individual spiritual practice is paramount, proper developmental milestones need to be reached.
  7. While I did say this guy gets it...he ummmm in the last video displayed a little unconsciousness but hey it is what it is.
  8. You aren't going to be manifesting bird wings onto your human body unless you are in a God Consciousness state. LOA has a particular ideology there is some nuance to it. It's not exactly the same thing. For example.... the ego is not going to get whatever it desires. Go do LOA on a billion dollars then and see what happens. Now am I saying I am correct? Truthfully I don't know because I haven't investigated LOA fully, all I can say is from my perspective all reality wants to do is to teach the ego the value of selflessness. Everything points to that. All conflict, war, suffering, pain is just selfishness. Life is only hard, because humans refuse to respect the sovereignty of each other. From my perspective life is just a story of what love is, which is selflessness and it is taught by learning to let go of control. To accept whatever arises. No matter how difficult, how brutal, how insensitive, and the irony is....you are always doing it....you just forgot what you actually are.
  9. The same lack of discernment between not knowing that Tate and the rest of those guys are scammers is the same lack of discernment that pervades both of the sexes when dealing with each other. A mind full of selfishness and greed will have a corrupted form of discernment. Hard to see things clearly when it is inundated with so many desires overriding the objectivity. Even worse majority don't have the wherewithal to understand the rules of engagement. Dating is a game just like any other endeavor and if you don't want to play by the rules don't play it. Life is just a mind game. Figure out how all the players operate and either play by the rules or don't play at all.
  10. Because you are in a human state of consciousness and a human state of consciousness is a dualistic state of consciousness that believes in others and constructs stories about their suffering. Also all of your life is the ripping away of attachments. If you get old enough, you will lose your youthful appearance, and all the benefits of being in your physical prime. Can't have a story without conflict and drama. Notice that no matter how much you try to avoid conflict it finds you. You could be a kid in school who keeps to himself and bullies can find you. You can be the perfect law abiding driver and someone can hit you or pull out in front of you in the last second. I had a friend whose car was parked in his driveway and a drunk driver hit it. Conflict/drama is going to find you. Doesn't matter how polite, how kind, how honest you are. This is the brutal nature of love and all of us will have to face it to varying degrees. The flip side is true as well, you will also experience kindness, and sweetness and loving support as well. Love is multifaceted, only the ego wants it to remain the same, that's why the most intelligent thing is to just aim to be as selfless as possible, then you will finally succeed in life. But don't think that selflessness won't be tested. Other egos WILL get jealous of your peace sometimes and will seek to add drama and confusion because it's not fair that you are so peaceful.
  11. ^^^Sorry if I come across as "mean" this is just how I developed my mind, I constructed a mind from small that doesn't allow excuses so when my mind constructs arguments that I think are weak I directly attack them. Also the competition remark in my comment is just saying that people who have not competed at a high level do not understand certain things. When I say compete it doesn't have to be sports either, psychological warfare is in chess, video games, even personal relationships LOL. It's a deep topic if you are ever interested in it. Now regarding LOA, for some reason I have a bias against doing any of the LOA practices. So I cannot speak if it is valid, but because I know reality is a dream, and whatever your ego focuses on and bullshits its way into can actually become true for it. This is why a lie and the truth are the same thing. For example....majority of humans believe the Materialist Paradigm so for them in their reality this is true. So you could say...if you wanted that humankind....manifested the material lens through which they experience reality. When I awoke out of this dream, I had to learn all the spiritual doctrines, make sense of it, and then convince myself it was true and that awakening was possible. I then meditated and surrendered to that possibility becoming actuality and it did. You could argue that this was LOA. So again...I can't dismiss LOA because it is so closely tied to everything I accomplished in my life. It's just....well...as you said it's marketed that you will always get what you go after and I don't believe that. In fact not a single LOA person will ever tell you that, when you don't get it they will say it wasn't for you. LOL. So trust me I get your resistance I have it too, but recognize that resistance...is just bias and bias is a lack of truth and bias is what causes all of us to be stupid. Stupidity is just bias. So I am aware that I am too stupid to investigate LOA, because it is uncomfortable for me to take it seriously because it feels like bullshit to me. But I know it has validity to it, but because I am not desirous of material gain I don't have the desire to investigate it and seek its limits.
  12. Meditation is a beautiful thing. And so are you.
  13. Right on cue!!! There we go.....now we have some drama!!! Umm you are the absolute...just zoomed into a particular perspective. And solipsism never says you as the personal self are the only thing...you are bringing in something that has never been said, not by me, or Leo, or anyone else that understands it. So notice...you are creating a conflict in your own mind, so that you can wage a war that was never presented. Solipsism says...YOU ARE EXPERIENCE. There is only one experience. When you go into deep sleep...notice your personal self isn't there and all experience is gone. So since you ARE EXPERIENCE, YOU ARE LIFE, that means YOU ARE DEATH, which means YOU ARE REALITY, which means YOU ARE ABSOLUTE. You always had to be aware...to experience something. If you are not aware of experience...then there is no experience. So....that means...you are SINGULAR!!!! You can just manifest/appear infinite expressions. That is all. Try to escape this...you cannot. All you can do is say how do you know? And I will say you only KNOW EXPERIENCE and the lack thereof through deep sleep.
  14. Both of you are correct, and what you both said compliment each other....but notice....how boring this would be to a mind that loves chaos and drama and confusion. Can't have an engaging story with all this civility and sense making....gotta add some ignorance to the mix!!
  15. There is no Jewish DNA. This is a myth. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2014.00462/full If you don't want to read that whole link here is the summary from it. " Jews were recognized over the ages as a People of a distinct religion, or as a People with unique socio-cultural bonds, in various contexts and at different times. But it was claimed that what ultimately maintained the Jews identity were their genealogical linkage: Jews were perceived as the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the three patriarchs, not only spiritually but primarily biologically. Obviously, what kept Jews identity were their language, culture, tradition and religion. Thus, whatever their biological hereditary kinships, both the trans-generational vertical, and intra-generation horizontal relationships are secondary consequences. However, the increasing reliance on scientific reductionism in biological thinking of the last two centuries eventually culminated in turning the evidence of DNA sequences into the essence of the characterization of Jewishness rather than its consequence. Still, in spite of repeated efforts, there is no agreed upon criterion to identify Jews, and samples examined for the distribution of biological or molecular markers all depend on the preconceived biases of the investigators. Races, it is assumed, may differ in inherent properties that are evaluated differentially. But races are not biological-meaningful classification entities. And if so, why is racism a bad property? The answer must be: Because it provides socio-cultural justifications for discrimination on the basis of presumed and irrelevant biological properties." ^^^^Basically....humans are fighting a war on made up divisions....that don't actually exist. Its a war of bullshit. Like all conflicts.
  16. I've experienced more suffering than you can imagine, it's why I know suffering is love. Suffering is beautiful, because suffering is the creation of maturity, compassion, empathy, relatability, and wisdom. Without suffering...you have none of those things. Again, only a young person who has not suffered deeply and come out of the other side and seen how the suffering grew them, speaks the way you do. I love suffering, its a beautiful thing. Where do you think my insights come? I can only give, what I have experienced. Fakery always reveals itself in the end. Suffering is beautiful, I am beautiful because I suffered.
  17. Exactly fake real is all a word game. If everything is God...then it's real, it's just a temporary real, which makes it a lie because it's not absolute. We have always known all human life has a beginning and an end. What do we call that...a story? What is a story? Fiction. So why does it seem real? Pain and suffering. Which is why we need it, we need pain and suffering for limitation to be experienced as real. Without pain and suffering...limitation will be seen for the illusion that it is. So everyone is real or fake depending on how you look at it. We emphasize the word illusion, to break you out of the materialist paradigm. Then you can see imagination for what it really is....an imagined reality. The fusion of imagination and real. If humans can ever make a virtual reality that has pain and suffering and if you die in that reality your physical body perishes....then they will have accomplished a similar feat....I doubt they want too.
  18. There is no problem with solipsism, you create the problem with solipsism. You are experience. Nothing can appear without you being there. That's all to it. No matter what happens if you aren't there it doesn't happen. That's all it says. There are no problems, how can there be a problem with that? Easy, you create a problem and say it exists. Which is just more proof...there is only your perspective. If you fell into deep sleep....you wouldn't have anything to experience. Solipsism just confirms the obvious, which confirms that before your first memory....there was nothing. Again...all of this is obvious and completely ABSOLUTE.
  19. You can reach a state of consciousness where you can feel all the pain of that Gaza footage. So you are definitely feeling pain...you just aren't aware of it.
  20. I have no doubt that this man's experience that he talks about is in his direct experience. Your imagination is so powerful it can dream anything, so if you watch this video with this understanding then he makes perfect sense from his perspective.
  21. It's everything mentioned in this thread. Also consider this....he can't turn it off, nor would he want too. https://www.actualized.org/insights/ego-collapse-awakening
  22. I Love you!!! Finally another true seeker!!! Thank you for the post....you got it!!! Such wonderfulness to see another true seeker....