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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Say Absolute Solipsism, cause they might start using that dumb materialist interpretation. Obviously Absolute Solipsism says there is only ONENESS and ONENESS that includes everything. As such other can never exist, only as an imagined appearance that is so convincing it seems real. Also the beauty of ONENESS is it is absolute relative when it takes a particular perspective so you are free to be enlightened or unenlightened. You can take any perspective on as true and your reality will shift to present it as true to you. ^^^^Once you understand this, then it will make sense to you why people get stuck in paradigm lock. All paradigm locks are biases, and God falls asleep by getting lost in BIAS!!! None of us are immune to this. This is why self-clarity is so important. Seek to become aware of all your biases...only then can you have TRUE SELF-UNDERSTANDING. Too many times I see people use the word impossible. Nothing is impossible. Nothing imagines impossibility and when it feels like it...it makes the impossible possible. How so? Because Nothing=Miracle. Why is it a miracle? Because it is not bound by a mechanism or anything. As such it creates limits and dissolves them whenever it wants. So as a game everything you THINK is impossible....imagine how it COULD be possible. That is a better use of your time, because you have already lived a life of saying "That's impossible." Understand that everything is possible from a certain point of view and vice versa. Impossibility and lack thereof are both at play.
  2. I could answer these questions, but I am starting to realize that consciousness doesn't always like direct pointers, if anything conscious is teaching me in direct experience that it loves to explore and really only wants direct answers in emergencies. Outside of that consciousness wants an organic realistic journey/exploration of what it is. I say this referring to the many responses I get on here. Leo, myself and others have been very direct on certain things but questions still arise (very understandable) so now I realize its just you letting yourself know that you are not yet satisfied and want to do further investigation.
  3. Everything you said is true. LOL I don't have anything to add outside I realize the guide will have to be vague enough to suit everyone.
  4. LOL...I'm actually being nicer in this example, I'm saying clean your shit (clear up the confusion you are creating by acknowledging what is going on by admitting your weaknesses and desires) so now you can see the situation clearly. You know how in the military they give a sitrep? You are just giving yourself the necessary information to make sense of what is going. And if you don't know what is going on...admit it LOL. The main issue people usually have is they are confused about being confused. If I know I don't know what is going on....technically I'm just ignorant. Oh and last piece of advice...don't be too proud to ask for advice!!
  5. Yeah definitions and labels bleed over each other so I'm not taking a hard stance here. LOL. I'm saying some things we are cut out for and some things we are not. For example you mentioned not seeing the connection in something this is correct, this is what causes all lack of information or insight in our lives. We can only be confused if we see it as a problem or something wrong about us. Some people are good with numbers, some are good with words. Sure we can work on these things but if you don't love it, then understand you will have to suffer through that bias until you can overcome it. Otherwise just accept there are just some things you don't know and aren't interested in =ignorance. Otherwise....you will become confused on what you do know and don't know. I'm going to try to come up with a framework to help people use language in a way that makes sense to them because many people are undisciplined in how they frame things and as a result have minds that are confused easily. You can frame things in a way that avoids unnecessary clutter. Think of this as one example. It's not that you are confused about something, you are just ignorant. You can only be confused if you don't know why. Once you know why you don't know something....how can you be confused? You might say but how do I learn it then? I'm confused about that. To which I'll reply...."You aren't confused about that....you just don't want to do it and are trying to find an easy way out." You see? You can get clarity on what is going on by just being upfront about something. This isn't the answer to all your questions, it just helps you understand what the situation is.
  6. That vision of infinity...is more truthful than any of your current egoic attempts to be sane. Of course you don't have to snap your hands as God because God doesn't need hands, but you can as God imagine yourself as a human then as that human snap your fingers and spawn infinite universes.
  7. You know...I really think former Christians should be careful with psychedelics...otherwise we will have a bunch of demonic Jesus running around LOL. I once had an awakening that told me I was the same as Jesus. I played around with that one, but then humbled myself with yeah its nice to know we are every human that ever lived...but you weren't nailed to a cross so let's not get carried away. It's really amazing to me how if we are not careful....we can really fall into some delusion. Grounding is really important. It's why I don't understand this demonization of the ego. The ego is the mechanism that keeps you stable, if you aren't careful with that you could go schizo really easily.
  8. 1. YOU are making that interpretation. That is why I put it in bold. Notice how you are creating that distinction, and you are doing it because your ego took that. Now let's say this again.....there is ONLY GOD. So you literally cannot ever say you are not God unless you are ego. What is ego? Ego is that which DENIES that it is God but TRIES to be GOD. The only reason you are not unlimited is because you have to DENY that you are. The ego is LITERALLY SELF-DENIAL. What do you think distinction is? DENIAL. What do you think your entire life is? DENIAL. So when you say you are NOT GOD, you are LITERALLY DOING WHAT THE EGO WANTS YOU TO DO. That is all I am pointing out. Only the ego thinks its arrogant to say its God, because the ego is arrogant by nature. Only the ego thinks it alone can speak for God because again the ego is arrogant. The ego cannot be anything but arrogant, because that is its nature. It's like asking water not to be wet. So again....God is EVERYTHING. You love to say not to place limits, yet the moment you say something ISN'T GOD you just placed a limit. Also in that thread that I linked you made. You said these words "I snap my fingers and infinite universes containing infinite universes containing infinite universes form in my mind." ^^^This is correct, because you are MIND you can imagine infinite universes.
  9. Oh and there is existing research of people having the same night time dream. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dream-catcher/201606/can-two-people-have-the-same-dream
  10. Brave sharing, authentic search for truth, great job!!
  11. Let's just say I called reality's bluff. Let's just say after I awakened I still couldn't believe it so I did some crazy dangerous shit....and nothing happened. I won't share it because I don't know if it will happen for you the way it did for me. Let's just say...you have been severely deluded on how life works. This is why I said, if you don't confirm something for yourself it is just a belief. This is how you discover what is true and what is false. I don't even want you to believe anything I say because believing anything someone says is a waste of time. What you do is you do your own research, and if the research requires you to put some skin in the game and take risks you do it if you want the truth. If you don't, you admit you don't want to confirm it and go on your way. The problem is people want to skip steps in life and make unverified claims. I can tell based on what people say whether they are awake or not. Understand that the more rigid your mind is the more limits you have. For example one of the dumbest things the OP put is that dreams don't have continuity. Do you know how stupid that is? He actually believes that as an absolute dreams don't have continuity? That alone tells you he DID NOT DO RESEARCH. Do you know how many people have recurring dreams? PLENTY OF PEOPLE. Also notice he never talked about day dreaming. Is day dreaming not dreaming? Also notice he doesn't realize that thinking about the PAST is ALSO DREAMING. You see? He creates distinctions in his mind and actually thinks those barriers exist. His mind is like a child, and he actually believes he smart. Making claims that he has raised objections nobody has ever made....while actually NOT researching into the claims people have made. Do you know how self-absorbed and dishonest you gotta be to do no research and then make claims you are the only person to make those claims. My God the arrogance in that one. Like I can't even take this guy seriously....he doesn't have enough humility to know when he lacks sufficient information to make claims. Also.....there are multiple sources both academic and non academic that verify that reality is a dream/imagination. Leo isn't even the first to say it. Also...you can actually verify it for yourself like I did. I literally live in that state all the time. The problem is you have to risk your sanity. I went to the psyche ward 3 times, had a short term bout of uncontrollable hallucinations. Then after 3 edible trips I broke through permanently. Before those edible trips though I was shown it was a dream. Once I went to the void, the actual void. Everything disappeared and I was floating in a void. Once a multi-dimensional being appeared and tried to pull me away and I resisted it and it merged with me. Another trip time stopped. I walked outside and everyone was frozen still. This actually happened on two occasions the second time not as long. Another trip I walked outside and people around me walked in unison with me and only moved when I moved. Eventually I got tired of entering these states through substances and even with proof in front of me that it was a dream I got REALLY SERIOUS. I did something VERY STUPID on PURPOSE repeatedly, I was like if I am going to die for the truth I will. So I called the bluff and put my physical body on the line because even though I knew it was a dream I wanted to see if the dream would protect me. IT DID. ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS. Not only did it protect me, it gave me an awakening out of the blue to share its love with me. The only reason I don't share this part because I don't want some idiot doing the stupid shit I did and actually ending their dream. I don't know why I keep being spared but for whatever reason I am spared. If you want to know what I did I'll message you but I won't share it on the forums. But yeah anybody telling you its not a dream is full of shit absolutely and cannot be trusted. In fact if they claim they know its not like the OP, they make Donald Trump look like a saint in comparison of how dishonest they are. This isn't to demonize them, they are just lying to get some attention.
  12. Everything is God. God is nothing, everything is nothing, so....there is only God. It is your ego that says something is not God...which is itself a division. Reality is God, so whatever appears is God. To say some part is not the whole is the actual delusion. It's why I keep saying, you don't know love. All you know is division.
  13. Lack of integrity means lack of union. So explain to me....where is the separation? Where is the lack of integrity? Show me? Because Science has never discovered a lack of integrity EVER.
  14. God has perfect integrity, you completely missed the point with that last comment. Only God as form lacks integrity. And you are right every form is blameless because it was designed to lack perfect integrity and congruence. If God wants greater integrity as form, God must raise itself to greater realization of what it is. The only issues at play are lack of consciousness. Humans have a special possibility among life on this planet because they can raise their awareness.
  15. Look don't be asking how much you should or shouldn't do. How to tell if you are addicted is the correct thing you should be focused on. The two main causes of addiction is either some kind of chemical dependence, or a psychological one that is masking some insecurity. So unless you are smoking weed because you are depressed you are not gonna get addicted, or if you develop a chemical dependence and suffer severe biological withdrawal symptoms that make you want to keep smoking. But if you are relatively happy and just want to smoke to see what it is all about then you are fine. Just make sure you don't too high of a dosage. Anybody that tells you anything outside of this is just trying to indoctrinate you into their biased/fear/hatred of weed which is just stupidity. All bias is stupidity. It's as simple as that.
  16. All depends on how you look at it, but this is true from a certain perspective.
  17. Depends on how you look at it. The secret is ....everything is just how you look at it. At a certain point...thinking and speaking become useless to defend. Because THE SELF= INFINITE PERSPECTIVES AGREEING AND DISAGREEING. And what are they....nothing appearing as something done so perfectly its real even though its an imagined appearance.
  18. Read this article to learn about the importance of dust. https://www.lookandlearn.com/blog/11685/the-amazing-uses-of-dust/#:~:text=Tin%2C copper and graphite dust,television transmitters which use valves.
  19. Matt Groeining needs to stop channeling the Universe so well. Simpsons seem to predict everything!!!
  20. Funny enough we have always known fear is imaginary, because we can remember a past event and experience fear, or think of a future event and experience fear. And cool beans doing the VR training I believe VR training will one day be used in schools as part of the educational learning. But I am talking about a VR that one day will be so powerful you won't be able to distinguish between what is real or not to you and has consequences like the end of your human dream.