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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Have you ever taken 5 MEO?
  2. God is so single....God does not exist according to human standards. Humans define existence as something physical, not realizing that everything is physical is actually equivalent as nothing. Notice how you keep asking about my experience....there is only experience. A human is an experience. Silence is an experience. Sound is an experience. All your sensations are just experience. Can you actually divide experience? Close your eyes right now and try to divide it....notice...you can't. You cannot divide experience because whatever you try to divide it with...is itself experience. You ARE experience. What is experience....it is the appearance of a lack of experience....appearing. What is deep sleep? The annihilation of all experience. So the lack of experience...is what you would call nonexistence. This nonexistence..is MIND. This MIND is so powerful it can be infinitely aware...or completely UNAWARE. Even when its not aware...it still exists. Because nonexistence and existence are the same thing. How can that be? Because God is a MIRACLE. LIFE IS A MIRACLE, DEATH IS A MIRACLE, EVERYTHING IS A MIRACLE.
  3. Sigh....go search for the answers. I've already explained it a million times and most open-minded scientists don't even subscribe to materialism. You have never even seen your brain, you were just told you had one. So notice you were just told things and accepted them as true. You haven't actually investigated for yourself what is true. Even now you ask me for an explanation. This is counter to what this thread is about but I'll make an exception. I'm going to give you links that will show scientific evidence that questions what you think about reality. The rest is UP TO YOU. It's not anybody's job to prove anything to you because you have always believed what you WANTED to believe. Humans are not designed to accept anything they don't want too and you are no different. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/ https://www.larrygottlieb.com/blog/the-observer-effect#:~:text=The observer effect enters into,trajectory through space and time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6172100/ And lastly....when you go into DEEP SLEEP...nothing is there. And when you dream everything disappears of your current world and you enter that dream. If your body was you, it would always be there but it disappears and reappears when you go to sleep. Hell you can watch a movie and get so engrossed in the movie...you can lost awareness of your body. So notice your ability to FALL ASLEEP and LOSE YOURSELF as you call it, your ability to fall into a trance. This is because how you operate is based on what you focus on, that becomes your identity. Your body is IN YOUR MIND, no different than how a video game character is in your TV. You are a UNIVERSAL MIND, that is a transparent invisible screen absent of all qualia/qualities. Then through your power of imagination you make things appear on that screen. You can expand the screen, zoom in, zoom out, twist and turn, you can do anything to that screen, but that screen is ALWAYS ONE!!!! So the ONENESS is that screen is SINGULAR, but what happens on that screen THAT IS INFINITE!!!
  4. You'll know when you know. The same way you know right now....is the same knowing that is universal.
  5. It's more intelligent than you think
  6. The cool thing about life is everyone who has experienced pain understands pain. You are not going to make it through life without experiencing pain. If you want the answers gotta raise your consciousness.
  7. Nice brainstorming thread....I've notice some of you post contradictory threads like this....because you are indirectly letting us know you wish to stop posting on here and go out and live it. Well you have our blessing, but ummm maybe my being it...is sharing it. Ever think of that one? Maybe God created everything....because it wants to share? Hmmmm...
  8. We're all fools, its by design, nothing to explore if you ain't a fool.
  9. You have heard all value is relative but I'll give you an exercise to understand things better. Close your eyes. Now for the purposes of this exercise go along with what I am saying. When you close your eyes all you see is darkness, now imagine you are whoever you most admire in life that isn't the human person you usually think of as you. Now...that imagination that you are doing is literally equal to that person right now. Think of it like this....imagine each human body is like a vehicle, and this vehicle once you inhabit it, it has its own personality, its own memories, its own psychological profile etc....so the same driver of that vehicle is driving everything, but the experiencer of that vehicle is the same in all vehicles. So think about this!!! As a result...how can anyone actually be less than or greater than...when it is the same driver? It's like playing a fighting game against a bunch of players...but its the same player. Why is this important? It's important because it means....you as God are your own limit. You can NEVER EXCEED YOURSELF. Nobody in life can actually achieve more than you or less than you....because its the same player playing everything. This is also why Reality/Life as a whole cannot be improved...because its all YOU. YOU are your own limit. The development of human kind, is YOUR development level. No difference!! This is why you cannot stay in ego forever. Because the ego always thinks something is wrong with it....how can there be anything wrong...when there is ONE PLAYER, playing everything? You see how silly that is? Now with that said....don't take this on as a belief. That won't work! You need to give full effort everyday, maximum effort. Go at life hard!!! Until you burn through your karma, your attachments and then only then...can you truly do this work. You WILL NOT awaken sooner or later than you are supposed too. Why? Because you are LOVE. You will ask...what does that mean. Easy!!! Love is that which is an ever expanding mystery unto itself. Love acts for its own sake, and not for an other. Love is the highest authority and the greatest servant. Love is the most rebellious submissive, and that is why it is true. Love discovers what it is, when it is faced with pain and misery, because since Love is all there is, Love is its own friend and enemy, its own limit. So look at all of life and realize....everything you ever experience is YOU. It cannot be any other way just like YOU cannot be any other way and that is just the way it is. Look at this beautiful woman, many that knew her said they thought she was living the DREAM LIFE. ^^^^^ God gave itself everything....but because God did not know LOVE in that dream....God could not feel whole. This is why SELF-LOVE is the highest teaching. But you MUST first start with your human avatar. Unconditionally love the avatar, then expand that love outward. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Check out this next video. I look at this woman and believe she is beautiful. But she looks at herself without makeup and believes she looks like shit! Do you see? Wake up!!! Why do I see beauty where she does not? Self-Love!!! This is why you cannot fake love, you cannot fake acceptance. If you have to plaster something on to feel beautiful, that is conditional beauty, conditional acceptance, conditional love. So you have asked....why does God allow quote on quote bad things to happen? To break you out of your conditional love for yourself. Now notice the traditional marriage vows that people take in a partner: "The vows: "In the name of God, I, ___, take you, ___, to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Do you take your human avatar to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death? Would you marry the human you have created? Do you love what you see daily? Notice....your whole life you have been TOLD what to love, TOLD what to value. According to world wide tracking of suicides: An estimated 1 million people worldwide die by suicide every year. Globally, suicide ranks among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15 to 44 years. Attempted suicides are up to 20 times more frequent than completed ones. So why listen to a world that tries to force its version of love onto you? Why listen to a world that is built on conditional love? When you were a baby you had no shame....shame is TAUGHT, conditioned into you!!! Anytime you feel shame as an adult realize...that is just conditioning. Why do you think some groups do PRIDE demonstrations? They are trying to free themselves from their conditioned shame!!! From the conditions that were imposed upon them!! All conditions are relative, amorphous, inconsistent, subject to change, what is absolutely true is there is only YOU, always teaching you what love is. So Love is the only thing that is TRUE, because it shows that no matter the conditions Love is what survives all conditions. Live a life of acceptance, and you live a life of truth.
  10. God can do whatever the hell it wants. What can limit God? Look God is that which can create impossibility, then do the impossible. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD BECAUSE GOD IS PURE IMAGINATION? GOD IS A DREAM ITSELF. What can limit a dream? What can limit a MIND? What can limit NOTHING? Only itself. All form is just APPEARANCE!!! How do you limit appearance? Close your eyes right now and imagine something....notice the only limit you can have....is what you imagine....the same is true for God. So the answer is always YES AND NO depending on what you are asking. If God is dreaming the universe and its not within the universal rules and God is dreaming itself as something bound by the rules then the answer is no, if God wakes up to itself as God and decides to have no rules again then yes. So the answer is always....if God wills it. But you only ask this, because your ego always wants other. Only an ego has a problem with no other. You have never had other, hell you have never had the individual self. When you go in deep sleep everything is gone. You literally blank out. The evidence is right there. Always have...you just like to be in denial and come up with suppositions. What about this? What about this? I only hammer people here to show you that those questions have nothing to do with truth, they have everything to do with not wanting to be alone, and wanting to explore and discover something. The ego loves delusion, delusion is playfulness, and the ego wants to play around.
  11. The wonderful part of this work, is the ones who have not awakened eventually get tired of pretending that they have. You can only pretend for so long to be what you are not. Eventually God gets tired of acting and trying to be a specific identity in the appearance of existence.
  12. ^^^^ This is actually the secret answer to majority of problems. Obviously you do have to speak up and intervene sometimes but majority of time you can just let the world do what it does. The only source of conflict we have...is our perspective. Our perspective is an agenda, a condition, and all conditions create conflict. The less we impose our conditions, the less conflict we will have in life. But life has to teach us this through the reflection of OTHER. You could say life is just a lesson in RELATING to our self in all of its various forms.
  13. And boy does the ego hate that shit!!!
  14. Yeah I've watched his stuff, he's also a member on these forums also I think he lives in London.
  15. Think of this.....confidence is birthed where the edge of arrogance and humbleness meet. So you need both.
  16. Selfishness cannot defeat selflessness...why? Because selflessness is nothing. How do you defeat something that is invulnerable? When you want to be God...you will be God and not a moment sooner.
  17. I've already given you ways, so many ways you just refuse to accept Absolute Solipsism and deconstruct other, so as result you are just going to jump back and forth. I've said it before you don't want the state. You afraid to realize that everything is imaginary. Alter your consciousness, strip away everything until you are left in a solipsistic void. ^^^^This video can literally awaken you on auto pilot. Watch it and either do the process yourself or let the video run and just sit in meditation. Eventually it will just happen. So meditate and focus on what is true. Release all of your attachments. If you want the truth for its own sake, you won't care if reality is imaginary. As long as you fight this....your life will continue the way it is.
  18. This entire post is arrogance. To correct anyone or to disagree with everyone is to be arrogance. You cannot escape what you are. ANY PERSPECTIVE is arrogance, because you think something can be improved. So what you just tried to do was not be arrogant by being arrogant. All division is arrogance, all conflict, all disagreement is arrogance and since every perspective is inherently different by virtue each perspective is arrogant by default. If you want to figure out this thing called life....COMBINE IT!!! Be compassionate and arrogant at the same time. Bow your head either physically or internally in respect for all that you see because all that you see is YOU. But never give away your authority to any part of you so you cannot be swayed to act in a way outside of the path that you choose. Through this process you can be true to yourself both individually and collectively.
  19. You only experience your mind...and if you take that on as a belief that you cannot grasp the story that will become true for you.
  20. Here is something for you....if you imagine that as a possibility it will become true for you. Maybe you should be careful how you are constructing your dream....
  21. Good video that showcases how your upbringing influences what you are attracted too. Don't assume any toxicity you experienced while young isn't impacting you.
  22. Because you imagine Other, that is what you experience, but its just an appearance. If other existed you would have other when you go into deep sleep, not only do you not have other, you don't even have the human body. If the human body is not truly you, what makes you think the other is? It's a temporary illusion, a story, that is very convincing but like all illusions it is TEMPORARY. So yes its God. Also I don't have a nondual teacher to convince because I live in a non-dual state, something you as God currently are too afraid to live from because you are not ready to let go of other because you love other too dearly to let it go. Also the materialist scientists can't run from this either. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/