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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. My older sister use to do it. I use to talk in my sleep. I heard jokes of never let me become President because I'd give away the launch codes in my sleep.
  2. Damn!!! I was just trying to spread awareness of sleep disorders and appreciation of being able to sleep fine. But I get ya.
  3. Shhhh don't let humanity find out that sanity is an invention too!!! Shhhh!!!
  4. Yeah I saw nothing wrong with it. It was just a song about all the people he intellectually disagrees with and thinks are crazy from his perspective but done in a light-hearted way. He wasn't making death threats, or saying they were evil, just saying they are crazy. But hey when you make claims of others being crazy some people won't see a difference between you and the people you are pointing at.
  5. His argument is going to go full circle. When you corner them like this...he will just say why do you need a label. This allows him the freedom to believe in other because....why the need for labels? You aren't going to win. Language is the use of labels so when one cannot use reason, they will just demonize it. Say that its pointless...while using the very thing that is quote on quote pointless to make a point. Notice how he is saying that he tries to break a solipsist out of a story, when the solipsist is saying OTHER is a story. That's all the SOLOPIST says. So funny. When I say the individual self is a story...you don't have a problem....the moment I point to other...all of a sudden its a problem. It's so obvious the game they are playing. But play they must.
  6. Although we don't know him personally the part that he shares with himself is really cool. I love him to I'm glad he made the videos he did. I hope his legacy lives on forever and ever. If only his critics really understood the care he put in each of his videos. If they knew they would drown in infinite love because the Universe really spoke through him in a way few will ever know. I also think his greatest gift is this community. All things are temporary so this community may not last forever but I'll enjoy it while its here.
  7. Yes, this is why from God's perspective evil doesn't exist because God's consciousness is indiscriminate it is conscious of unconsciousness. LOL. So God no matter how high it goes can never be so high it isn't low. But us humans struggle with this. Its why Spirituality can actually increase your suffering. Its why I have stated that Maturity=Suffering. Its the intentional placement of suffering, you can call it conscious suffering. Through this...the suffering eventually loses its sting. If me and you walk into a boxing gym and never took a hit to the face before, that will be an awakening for us LOL. For someone who has done it for years its nothing to them. If they forgot what it felt like to them when they first started they are gonna berate us, etc. Then we can tell them they are egotistical, mean whatever and they will be confused because from their experience we are whining about nothing. You see? They are trapped in their perspective they might have forgotten how it felt and we pop up as a reminder of where they once were. So now they have to be patient with us, but from their perspective this patience doesn't make sense. It's very funny how subtle this game is. https://youtu.be/7eYW0d_rRXA?si=EXwKObAHqvHhnyQm The higher you rise, the MORE separate you can feel. He's a mind fuck for you. In your direct experience you can feel ONE, but the people you interact with you or they or both still engage in separation behavior. Think about how weird that is.
  8. Absolute Solipsism says the lack of appearance and appearance are one. So how can their be OTHER? Other is duality. But Absolute Solipsism does not deny that the experience can be felt like an other, but it also reveals that the experience can be felt like one which removes other. Its all inclusive. What cannot be argued against is when you go into DEEP SLEEP everything disappears. There isn't even silence, its so empty its blank. Its a blank out. A gap. Before your first memory of your life there is a blank. So where is the other? where is the individual self? They need each other. People don't even know what a self is. A self is not a person. It's an appearance. So if you enter a void with no body, an empty floating void....that void that you see is a SELF. All appearance is SELF because SELF is a constructed appearance. You don't even need visuals. Sound is self, silence is self, anything that is appearing...is SELF. You see? With this definition...there is NO ESCAPE!!! And thus...other disappears into the ALL INCLUSIVE SELF. This is why it cannot be falsified, hell it doesn't even need verification because it has been your entire experience. Psychedelics cannot negate this because anything you experience by definition is an appearance and thus SELF. You see? This is why ANYBODY that argues against this construction....is just being deluded and dishonest. Now notice...for any other issues they will use logic to tell you are wrong. But they cannot use logic to deny this. Why? Because....it cannot be disproven because it has always been true and will always be true. So this is why I love it, its the perfect lie detector. Anybody that argues against this basically lets me see into their being. All their reactions are just reactions against what is true. Now I understand its bitterness, for exploration purposes last night I considered taking on the perspective of it being bad just for its own sake and I felt the pain of that perspective. Then I dropped it because it is pure delusion. If something is true, its true. What is the point of denying it...there is no point. But that's why you can deny it, because there is no point to anything. LOL. But it does point to something beautiful.....it means since you are the Absolute...you ABSOLUTELY MATTER!!! LOL. If you are NOT HERE, nobody else can be here either. Think about what that actually means? When you die....we all go with you. LOL. And when I say death I just mean when your form dissolves....all form dissolves with it. You don't actually die but the form dissolves.
  9. I love his name!!! You know why? If someone ever gets angry at him he can say hey...why so serious? Read my name....I'm only a distraction. Calm down its not that serious. LOL. His name is plausible deniability.
  10. Lol never said it did. You were right on the money. I just like to give tips on how our mind works. Often when we get anoyyed by someone it is because its pointing to something within us. I've caught my self getting ready to tell someone off and in my own message to tell them off, I'm like wait a minute...I'm doing the same thing?
  11. An example of intelligence used in competition.
  12. I wound his ego a lot so he likes to describe how he feels about himself and project it onto me. A good rule of thumb with Breakingthewall is if you piss him off he will tell you how he feels about himself. Which in essence...we all do. Its part of the fun. Every now and then I ask them to prove their statements. Anybody can make claims about you....but can they actually prove it? If you can't make sense of it, it don't make sense....until it does. Many people like to claim they understand something but then when you put their feet to the fire it is revealed....they didn't actually understand.
  13. An enlightened master walks up to a construction site where they are tearing everything down. The worker sizes him up and says "Hey you don't look like you work here." The master replies what do you mean? The worker says "Well we are tearing down the construction." The master replies "We do the same thing."
  14. ^^^All you are complaining about is my delivery. My delivery style is intentional. I am direct on purpose because egos like to be comfortable in their bullshit. I am direct on PURPOSE. Of course you aren't supposed to like it!! If you don't like it, don't read it!!! Anybody that honestly reads what you write know you are full of it!!! I mean you actually convinced yourself that you came up with objections nobody else did? Do you know how deluded you have to be to think that? Go ask any enlightened master to listen to your objections that it is a dream and he will tell you he heard it all before. How do I know this? Because the objections you made I HEARD BEFORE!!! One of the most self-absorbed things you can do is to ASSUME you are the FIRST to ask particular questions. Do you know how many humans have existed before you? Do you know how long humanity has been in search for the answer to what is existence? Do you not think it funny that the problem was solved BEFORE you current life and people still don't know? The truth is you have done LITTLE WORK and are passing yourself off as if you know what you are talking about. You said you did lucid dream research yet the stuff you mentioned wasn't even the totality of lucid dream research. I very quickly found lucid dream research that contradicted what you claimed you realized and it was because I had already did research into lucid dreams. The truth is if you actually sat down and studied reality with a TRUE DESIRE you would realize that science, psychedelics, spiritual masters, and your own direct experience if you choose to investigate it POINT TO THE SAME THING!!! So by default anybody that makes claims like you on this website looks foolish because we have already discussed it ad naseum. It's like having a debate with 20,000 people and coming to a resolution and then YOU WALK IN talking about "Oh nobody has made these statements before look how smart I am I have figured it out." You are so full of crap you have no idea. It's why I can tell you are probably in your 20's A lot of you 20 year olds need to leave Spirituality alone.
  15. Favorite part is at the 58 minute mark.
  16. Master in a couple things, a complete novice in many others. I'd say what I bolded is true for all of us...well it depends on what you define success as. Because once you reach one mountain top you end up saying "time to find another mountain."
  17. You just did the same with that post you made. **I love this game of self-paradox!!!
  18. She is not the best explainer but she tried her best. But it is a complex web. One of the things that Leo mentioned that I noticed went over a lot of people's heads is how Consciousness gets tangled up in itself. This comes from the lack of awareness that the map and the territory are ONE. Your beliefs and your experience are ONE AND THE SAME. Your beliefs FILTER, MODULATE, SEPERATE, YOUR EXPERIENCE. But notice you can't seperate what filters from what it is filtering. For example, emotions modulate, or impact your experience of something. Is emotions separate from experience? NO!!! So notice how you would have people on the forums tell you or something is just a belief. The pain you feel from a chainsaw cutting your leg off is NO LESS A BELIEF than say a belief in NIHILISM. Now notice what I am communicating here cannot be understand unless you have become aware of this. The power of belief is ABSOLUTE!!! This is why you cannot separate the relative and the Absolute. No separation goes both ways!!! You can separate separation, and you cannot separate it because it never existed in the first place. How do we separate anything? We use words, we use the beliefs to discuss. Now notice you have people who demonize words and beliefs not realizing that words are no different than physical reality. Words are an appearance!! Even SILENCE is an appearance!! Notice how they don't demonize SILENCE. They praise it like its some how different than Sound!! So notice how she said when she clapped that was the past? She is correct in that she asked them what happened, well whatever they say is in the past. Their mind recorded what happened and they recalled it and said it. So whatever is present is present, and the past is a recall of the present that can only exist through memory, and then there is a future which is another form of memory it is a calculation and prediction of the present and the past to predict. So both past and future are imagined. Notice how nobody disputes this. But they want to dispute that the present is being imagined? Do you see these logical fallacies? It's why I keep saying you gotta be honest. Stop creating more stories. GOD CREATED LANGUAGE. Use language in a conscious way. When I talk about humanity I am talking about bias, and unconsciousness. God created language, but the unskillful method of language is NOT GOD. It's God in the human identity. Remember the only difference between God and a human is bias, is honesty, is clarity, is mastery. So language isn't bad, your demonization and bias of language is bad. This is why I say human spirituality is bullshit. Nothing God creates is bad, the only bad is our lack of skill/mastery. P.S. Sound is not a remembrance, its an appearance that happens directly. It's the discussion, the pondering about a sound, the thought about the sound that is a remembrance. Notice the slight corruption in her explanation. She tells you, that you can never see the phone...AS YOU ARE SEEING THE PHONE. And yes if I want I could even make sense out of her crazy conceptualization but it would only serve to confuse you more. You see you can be skillful or unskillful with logic. Her logic is unskillful. You might ask what the is purpose of biased flawed teachers? The purpose is to push you to become your own authority. If a teacher is too good you will get attached and never leave and become lazy and dependent on them. This is why some teachers play games intentionally and create errors intentionally to get you to leave. While some teachers LOVE being teachers so they aim to become so good that nobody leaves. So do you see how life is counter-intuitive? Sometimes you have to be bad on purpose to create good. This is why there is no bad, all things that are quote on quote bad actually serve good. All is in service to good especially when done consciously.
  19. ^^^^ It's not even that, forget all that, what you and many people don't understand is whenever you complain you are indirectly communicating with yourself. Notice the key things you said. You said it feels like an avoidance of personal responsibility? Why would it feel that way? Because this is how you currently feel in YOUR LIFE. The endless debates and conversations regarding hypotheticals are not as significant as shit hitting the fan. ^^^^ So from this we can ascertain that you feel like you are wasting too much time on the forums and are using it as an escape from real life. You mentioned something about doing some drug you are scared to do, afraid of madness, and using it as a way to prove you are brave...not sure about that one. But basically what you wrote above is an INDIRECT MESSAGE TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL SELF, that you are sharing with potential others who may resonate with this feeling. This means you currently feel like you are in a rut and are trying to figure out how to get out of it and a part of you feels like taking a break from the forums might be the answer. What do you think? Am I close?
  20. ^^^That's definitely the idea. Everything you said is basically what I am doing. Every single word, so much....I wrote this myself to myself. I'm open to suggestions. To the unknown I am am eternal beginner, making educated guesses. If anything I am unskilled in the department of uneducated guesses, going forth with reckless abandon.
  21. Yeah some want to keep the spiritual process mysterious, alluring, to allow the spiritual seeker to discover it on their own. I call this the indirect pointer and I realize its value. But I'm similar to Leo in that I believe if you want people to awaken easier stop making everything so complicated and simplify it. I even thought Leo wasn't direct enough so I aimed to come behind him and simplify it even more. But I won't lie his content does a good job, just like other Spiritual Teachers out there. I believe Ram Dass is very good at speaking about how to embody compassion, I think Mooji is really good at being a living example of compassion, I believe Eckhart Tolle gave a really good explanation for how Free Will works. It took me a long time in grasping that one and I believe his explanation does a better job than Leo's even though both his Free Will videos are great. Leo's contribution that the materialization of reality is equivalent to WILL is a nice way of grounding the phrase "Everything is God's Will." To me the most important message is the only difference between God and a human is humans have bias God has no bias. Now what I discovered is there are two types of biases which obviously are ONE but we will separate to distinguish them. There is what I call conceptual bias which is just a perspective bias, then there is what I call experiential bias. The biggest bias the ego has is experiential bias. It does not feel sane to remove the physical barrier of separation between you and the world. It will feel like a violation worse than rape if God were to ever force a human to undergo it. The contrast we experience when we get used to something is pretty interesting to me. If you live in a room that has its temperature at 90 degrees (32.2 celcius) and you walk outside and its 0 degrees (-17.78 celcius) that experience will be jarring. Its the same when you take a very close-minded selfish person full of trauma and try to wake them up. You can't beat them over the head with a direct message. Some need the slow and steady mysterious message that beats around the bush. The All works through all, giving its diverse message I even realized the confused people are here for a reason to. They are here to help you train your discernment. The people that flip flop serve as a mirror of your own tendency to flip flop as more evidence of the importance of truth. Since you are your own authority you cannot take anything on as a belief in this work. Eventually doubt WILL CREEP IN. I speak from experience, even when I proved everything both conceptually and experientially my ego still tried to create more doubt. So I went balls to the wall and created a test individually for me that ended all doubt. So it's over, I cannot have doubt if I wanted too. I say this to say, no teacher can remove all doubt about Spiritual concepts and their validity only YOU can do it. It's why this work is so powerful it really teaches you how authority works at the highest level.
  22. There are many more than these but that's a good start.
  23. They explain it, the Next Level Soul Podcast guy has many guests who speak about it. They are basically saying there is going to be an increase in Spiritual Awakenings among humanity for those who are open to the process. So they are basically saying we are headed to a major outbreak of awakenings. Now whether it is true or not remains to be seen but that is basically the summation of what they are pointing to.
  24. Truth doesn't imply anything but that it IS!!!! Truth doesn't need relative to IS, it needs relative to be a PARTICULAR IS!!!! That's all that's what you don't get. At this point you are lost in confusion. You keep saying stuff that is noncoherent. Truth implies NOTHING. Get it? It implies nothing, because it IS NOTHING.