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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. We've explained it ad nauseum at this point. You don't want to accept it. This is not something that can be logically understood. Seek to raise your awareness of what is going on. You are in India, one of the most Spiritually Deep Countries in the World. You have plenty of opportunities.
  2. Your perspective is to limited. What makes you think he was taken advantage of because he made less money? What is I were to tell you there are some people who don't really care how much they make as long as their bills are paid? Also you never said if the guy hated his job. Did he seem really stressed? Did he complain often? Or did he work those hours because he really loved what he was doing? You left out a lot of details.
  3. I'm glad you get it. Absolute= No Limits and the Inclusion of Limits. The reason why there is so much misunderstanding is because all perspectives are true. Until you understand this you are just confusing yourself. Every person I have ever argued with on the forums is absolutely correct/true within their paradigm. This means I have never actually argued with anyone here once I became aware of this. But when you are stuck in your perspective you will think I am arguing with you even when I say I am not because you want agreement. God is never wrong, since you are God if you never question if you are wrong then by default you are not wrong. How can God be wrong? By creating an Other God to it that perceives things differently. You all do not understand why God created the illusion of other. Really investigate it.
  4. Your kind of late to the party. This was already discussed. I would offer you the opposite perspective, how would you know you are right in what you say? Do you understand why others would disagree with you? It's easy to take a stance without understanding its opposite, can you say you truly understand the opposite? If you don't then you are actually doing the opposite of what Leo posted. There is a reason Leo apologized, when you get to high, life will bring you low because there is no difference between high and low. Be careful of your biases, that is where delusion resides.
  5. Many people because they don't understand what the absolute is, and what the relative is in their limited ability to make connections will think certain statements are conflations of the absolute and the relative because they lack creativity which is the ability to make connections outside of their normal paradigm. So I'll give an example with this. First you have the Absolute, which is DEEP SLEEP. This is the state of nothing/nonsense that =No experience. Without this impermanence couldn't be a thing because impermanence is just the change in appearance which is just...deep sleep. Consider when you move your hand from left to right...it is falling into deep sleep when it disappears. You could if you wanted call motion falling asleep and waking up= disappearing and reappearing. Now with this understanding, the relative is appearance. So you have the Absolute= which isn't there, and you have the Relative which is there. What human call there is appearance, and what they call isn't there is lack of appearance (cannot be detected through the senses). So the Absolute is the lack of appearance that RELATES TO an appearance. This is what it means by RELATIVE. This relate=Relationship, Union, Connection, Love, Care. Are you getting it now? This is how the game of Absolute and Relative works. Now...PLAY AROUND WITH THIS. This is how you understand the Absolute and the Relative. Now I will give a cool real world example of the Absolute and the Relative at play. Usain Bolt holds the world record for the 100 meter dash. Usain Bolt's body as a physical body is ABSOLUTE. It is complete and whole as a physical body. It's shape and form is its limitation. So the entirety of the form is absolute and its absolution is related to its shape and form. Usain Bolt's time in the 100 meter dash is the Absolute Speed his body can produce over 100 meters. How do we know? Because there is no record of Bolt running faster. So you have Usain Bolt which is an absolute individual human body which produces and absolute record of 9.58 seconds over 100 meters. Visual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiQ-4TFeeO8&ab_channel=NBCSports Usain Bolt's body is a relative distinction within the ABSOLUTE TOTALITY of EVERYTHING, but Usain Bolt's body as an identity is ABSOLUTE as what it is. This is how you understand what the absolute and the relative is. Relativity is the creation of change, it is the creation of impermanence, it is the creation of duality. Once you understand that reality is ABSOLUTELY RELATIVE then you understand that all perspectives are equally true, and are not equally true, and that conflation of the relative and the absolute is not possible but is possible and both are true. Many of you like to say you conflating the absolute and the relative not realizing the opposite is also true!!! If you can only see one perspective you don't actually know what you are talking about. The next time you think someone is wrong, here is way to be smarter...figure out how they are right!!! For an exercise I might start arguing in favor of all your perspectives to show you that I know more than you and this isn't because I am better its because I am more inclusive. I could argue all of your perspectives and logically make the case for why it is true. It's actually very easy because I am less selfish than you. I can jump around perspectives for fun because I understand the TRUTH. You need to be able to IMAGINE the relative and the absolute because your ability to understand something is ONLY LIMITED BY YOUR IMAGINATION. If you can't imagine it, you can't make sense of it. Understand that all form is SYMBOLS!!! The universe communicates to itself through the use of SYMBOLS!!! All appearance is a form of symbols, even subtle things like emotions are symbols because if they weren't we couldn't label them with symbols, in fact sometimes you can know something without the use of labels because you feel it, intuit it, which is a form of symbols without the appearance of traditional symbols. It's actually hard for me to explain this any better lol cause its super advanced. Anyway what holds true is all of you are geniuses that were given the gift of a unique perspective that nobody else can see. Harness it and improve it by mastering being able to visually understand what Absolute and Relative is. Because in truth...the Absolute and Relative has NEVER been different, the biggest delusion has always been that relativity was ever a thing.....which is why you hate releasing the attachment to other. Because OTHER= RELATIVITY. ^^^^ Think of your perspective as a tiny neuron in a Universal Brain, the neuron that can connect to the most perspectives understands the most of what is going on. Don't be so quick to think you see the whole picture. Explore you might be surprised.
  6. This path if you are ready for it strap yourself in. From the ego's perspective....you are walking the path of insanity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_madness https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2016/10/praise-divine-madness-christopher-morrissey.html ^^^Good luck. If you keep your eyes open, everything points to the one truth that is you. The true you =lack of appearance, indivisible, it exists...without existing. LOL.
  7. One day you can reach a state of consciousness where you realize you don't even need to breathe to exist in a human body. Shit is funny as fuck, You are like I know I'm God...but isn't that against the rules? LOL.
  8. Sounds like a legit awakening. Congrats!!
  9. This video is just replacing one map for another. What is he telling you to strip away? Your current map. At a high enough conscious state if you watch this video you will feel your beliefs as tangible things. You feel like there is some tangled web of things holding reality together. This is your ego which is just a collection of all the memory/information you currently have. You can totally unattach it all and replace it with the Non-Dual perspective. This opens up your body to a union with everything, while allowing you to keep your survival beliefs. But you have to be brave enough to take this plunge into madness. If you do, you also open up your ability to think more creatively. Currently you all are stuck in rigid, A to B thinking and you limit your understanding of reality to this rigid paradigm lock. It is what it is. You are your own limit, you are the prisoner and the jailkeeper. https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=7 https://www.actualized.org/insights/actualized-quotes-037 https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=15 https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=17 https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=20 https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=22 https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=23 https://www.actualized.org/insights?p=26 https://www.actualized.org/insights/you-are-proof-of-god
  10. Oh really so let's do an experiment right now. Are you in a human perspective? Please get out of your human perspective right now and enter another perspective. Also I don't give a care what Leo says. And second Leo actually agrees with me because both me and Leo understand that a belief has metaphysical power. If you believe your world is dualistic then your world is dualistic. What is identity? Identity is a belief!!! What is a belief? Belief is an attachment? What is an attachment? Desire. What is Desire? Love. What is Love? Love is Consciousness. So what does this mean? Because humanity BELIEVES they live in a dualistic world, they live in a dualistic world. Again you won't understand this until you become conscious that RIGHT NOW you are literally constructing your reality RIGHT NOW. Until you let go of the deep seeded BELIEF that you are a human then you live in a human reality. Human is an identity, human is a belief, human is a concept, it is just a DEEPER version. ^^^^^This is why I said, you guys OUTS YOURSELVES. I can tell who is actually awake and who isn't. The map is BOTH AND ISN'T THE TERRITORY. To make it simple...the territory is a blank canvas, the map is the painting, a self is an identity, and concepts, but there are levels within that territory of that self. Also here is Leo basically saying the same thing I am saying. Become conscious that right now your beliefs are literally constructing everything. It will blow you away.
  11. And this is where your ignorance is. Perception IS REALITY. As long as relative truth is true for them IT IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE!! The reason why the present moment is absolutely true, is because right now it is true!!! So the reason why there is no distinction between the relative and the absolute is because the relative is a CREATION OF A PERSPECTIVE. In fact the reason you cannot understand what I am saying..is because right now you are ABSOLUTELY STUCK in a perspective. You have to get OUTSIDE the perspective, what Leo likes to call META. Until you go META you are trapped ABSOLUTELY. YOU ARE ABSOLUTE, which means you ARE YOUR OWN LIMIT. SO IF YOU CREATE A LIMIT, IT IS ABSOLUTE BECAUSE YOU ARE ABSOLUTE. It's simple, but yall love to get trapped.
  12. HAhhahahhaa and there it goes. Relative doesn't exist, but it also exists. I'm not conflating, you are just biased!!! And I can prove you wrong with ease. Go prove to a person who is living a dualistic reality that he is not living in a dualistic reality. Prove it to them. Explain why you cannot prove it to them. Explain why they have to realize it!! Go ahead!!
  13. You guys don't even realize the camps you create. You have those who demonize all concepts, you have those who demonize Absolute Solipsism, You have those who demonize Infinity of Gods, You have those who demonize thinking at all, and I'm sitting here laughing because you guys says Infinity has no limits, then construct limits and say you figure it out, when I challenge those limits you get scared and tell me I'm wrong, then when I say it has limits, those who believe it doesn't have limits tell me I'm wrong. Yet the irony is....I see and understand all of yall perspectives, but yall are totally confused. Stop trying to prove a perspective wrong, seek to understand ALL PERSPECTIVES. God= ALL PERSPECTIVES. If you seek to expand, seek to understand. All I do is push you to expand, and instead you fight me. LOL. Yall love planting flagposts in an ocean. Infinity of Gods is true, Infinity of God is not true, Absolute Solipsism is true, Absolute Solipsism is not true, Duality is true, Duality is not true, how do we know? Because if you are locked into ANY of these paradigms IT FEELS REAL AND TRUE. You have to ACTUALLY REALIZE that it isn't true, for it to NOT be true. Until you realize it, YOU KNOW NOTHING and are just making claims of what you THINK you know. This is why HONESTY is the only way to find truth. Stop predicting, stop guessing. Open up yourself to the possibility and you can discover what is true.
  14. You experience concept and belief how can you KNOW concept and belief unless you experience. Right now you experiencing your DENIAL of concept and belief as separate from experience and thus you trap yourself in more delusion because you believe in logic. Reality is TRANSLOGICAL!! You admit everything, all biases, biases are concepts if you deny biases are real then you deny reality!!!! I'm not overthinking it, you DEMONIZE THINKING. Reality is a dream, is a dream separate from a thought? Saying its a dream is the SAME as saying its all thought!!! Honesty, Honesty, you guys are so paradigm locked. I can jump between any perspective, you guys hold onto perspectives and then accuse me of doing what you are doing. HAHHA yall are funny. I know what you you think, but you don't know what I think...so who is the one confused? Stop creating grounds, there are NO GROUNDS. It can be however it wants to be!!!
  15. What he doesn't realize is duality isn't a concept for him, duality is his lived experience. This is why you cannot use the conceptualization argument. Go tell the world that duality is a concept and they will laugh. Because duality is true for them in their experience. You cannot separate concept and experience, because concept is the filter of experience. You also can separate it, but first you must separate what is concept to remove the filter and THEN the realization will happen. This is why the moment someone uses the concept argument, by default they reveal themselves.
  16. God designed reality that you can only gain understanding if you are truthful. This means Jesus, Mooji, Eckhart Tolle, Leo, Me, You, All Life, is unable to defeat it. Now Reality is an Infinite Perspective, which means any perspective is valid, but reality is constructed in a way that some perspectives are MORE INCLUSIVE. The most TRUE perspective, is the inclusion of ALL PERSPECTIVES, which is equivalent to NO PERSPECTIVE. Understand what I am saying here. God designed life in such a way that the MORE BIAS you are, the more DELUDED YOU WILL BE. If someone tells you that Life is NEUTRAL, they are a liar. Reality isn't neutral, reality isn't bound by logic, or the lack of logic, reality is bound by the lack of bias. Bias =Fear. Bias equals a desire to control, to manipulate, for YOUR OWN PURPOSES. As such there are no schemes you can partake to be more truthful. You can't train yourself, you can't discipline yourself, you have to BE IT. If you do not make your IDENTITY TRUTH ITSELF, which is YOUR TRUE NATURE, then you will be confused, and ignorant by default. This is why I am so hard on you all. Yall think I don't see through your bullshit schemes? It's hilarious. You cannot trick yourself to be Good, your NATURE IS GOODNESS!! You don't need laws, you only need laws because you refuse to be your true nature. You are literally goodness. All you have to be is honest at all times about what you know, what you don't know, and what you actually want. What you don't know and what you do know= truth. What you want=desire/love. So life is designed for you to KNOW WHAT YOU LOVE, and be TRUTHFUL ABOUT IT. But you can only know what you love if you are truthful because YOU ARE LOVE AND TRUTH. As such if you are dishonest, you won't know that you are love, and as a result you will lack love in your life, but God in its infinite wisdom set life up in such a way that if you never discover love in life....you will discover it in the end. And that is all that is going on here folks!!! That's it!! Anything else you are doing....is just avoiding the truth of what you are.
  17. Well from one perspective the ego is evil, from another perspective it isn't. But its all by design. So yes we are quote on quote evil because we are selfish. But selfish is a much bigger notion than you realize. You are selfish for taking up space. But it doesn't stop there, you are selfish for needing anything to survive. Now the form that you are didn't choose to be what it is, and it cannot be any other way that it is....so how can something be evil, or guilty if it didn't choose to be what it is. So you see? Your judgment is just delusion and what you spoke was just a partial truth, a corrupted truth, a truth borne from a hatred of suffering but I understand. Suffering is needed for growth and understanding, so ironically you need more suffering before you can understand.
  18. Ever hear the phrase "Own your own shit?" Humans demonize shit and it comes from them.
  19. You are creating more distinction again. This is a game of subtlety you both need concepts and don't need concepts. Remember I said, you need HONESTY to understand this. Before a person awakens is there an experience of separation or not separation? Seperation/Duality. And did this duality not feel real? Yes. Okay and upon removing that veil and experiencing Oneness what remained? Both the experience of Oneness and the conceptual experience of duality. What was the conceptual experience of duality? The understand of conception remained, but the experience of the conception stayed. And also the world and all of its creatures treat me like an other, but I am aware that I am ONE with them. You see? This is why I said, YOU HAVE TO BE HONEST!!! Honesty, Honesty, Honesty!!! Stop trying to say how things SHOULD BE according to your calculations. What is it actually in your experience.
  20. Its why we need to be knocked down....and we do it to ourselves.
  21. There is a certain user who has a quote as their signature which I really like. It says God dreams that it is a human and a human dreams that it is God and there is no difference. This is true. Now I'm going to mind fuck you using this example because WHY NOT? Now you have heard from Leo that you are not awake nonsense game that he likes to play and from a certain perspective he is correct. But Leo is also aware of these two things. That the Mind is an infinite echo chamber, and the mind is an infinite perspective. What does this mean? Anytime you change perspective you can become asleep to another perspective. I'll give an example. A man was born poor, worked his behind off and became rich. He now walks and talks and lives in this rich environment. As a result he has become asleep to what it means to be poor. Because he no longer lives in that particular reality. Think of being sleep as being NUMB, not sensitive to a particular type of experience. This is why experience is the best teacher because instead of numbness you get the full throttle of the experience and now you can no longer be NUMB or insensitive because you experience it through your senses. So now you are sensitive to it, you have a reference, a connection to it that was experienced vividly. So notice this game you can play? Go to far in one direction you can FORGET!!!! And what do we call awakening? We call it a remembrance in some circles. So this is just an invitation to humbleness, he didn't apologize by accident, one aspect of the human lived struggle is sometimes you get so high, you forget what it was to be low. So you can be highly unconscious, you get it? You became so HIGH you became unconscious of the unconscious. Since you consider unconsciousness as lower, when you become HIGH, you become unconscious. That which you fear or separate yourself from, you end up expressing. You are what you fear the most as they say. I've noticed you literally can't outrun this. It's very funny how when you fear something, you always end up expressing it.