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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Oh its different than that....you don't exist inside your head, your head exists inside you.
  2. Here's a good joke...when a person sleep walks...they are doing stuff but not aware they are doing it right? You have to wake them up for them to realize they were sleep walking and doing stuff. Why do you think they call it Spiritual Awakening? If a character is asleep they will tell you oh I'm awake. But if a character was asleep and woke up they will tell you oh I was sleeping and I woke up. So he's sleepwalking....let him keep denying he is sleep walking until he is ready to wake up LOL. He is enjoying his dream too much to awaken. Which is fine who am I to stop him from dreaming?
  3. It's a facepalm he is communicating that you are wrong....even though his actions say otherwise. Remember...you move away from what you hate and disagree with, you are attracted to what you agree with/resonates. Lol its why I said humans can no longer fool me. In one sense it makes them boring, but it also lets me know....I don't have to think about them anymore, I don't need to try to figure them out, so as such I don't need control and can just be.
  4. You are correct. Think about it, if you were always in bliss and couldn't be disturbed...how could you have an issue with anything? You can only have an issue....because its a personal issue which you project outward onto something. If God didn't create issues...God would have discovered it was ONE a long time ago. These issues are to keep the veil up. Such ingenious!!!! You have to get over yourself to find yourself!!! Its why solitude is so important. Extroverts are very unlikely to find God....they need some alone time for that one. Think of society as a game of pretend, of putting on appearances. God is basically the actor saying okay, okay, I'm done pretending. Tell me what the fuck is going on. Lol then God shows itself what it was doing and says the famous words...."What the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" and "Oh my Goddddddddddddd." LOL. ^^In whatever language God speaks.
  5. I'm going to make it more spicy by adding some dysfunctionality to it!!! Here's Rebecca's issues. Rebecca is a person who doesn't like being by herself. She only feels love when surrounded by others and of course Steve is the opposite he is perfectly fine being by himself. Rebecca recently is on vacation by faking that she is sick so she can make use of her accumulated sick days. She just wanted some relaxation time by herself but the moment she stayed home for one day her feelings of loneliness kicked in and she realized her and Steve had not been spending as much time together because work for both of them had become hectic. Memories of all the cool places they had been to months ago and the magical feeling in the atmosphere of being with the man she loved. She hugged herself and laughed at how cheap and stingy Steve is with spending money and how she can always find a way to get him to spend on her. Before Rebecca met Steve she was bad with money and he helped her improve her spending habits. So when Steve came home Rebecca had a whole host of ideas of things they could do to spice up their relationship and interject fun into it again!!!
  6. I'll use a stereotypical example. Steve is a 35 year old man. Steve works for a living and has been married to Rebecca for 10 years. Steve comes home and Rebecca is irritable. Rebecca tells Steve "We need to talk." Steve drops his bags, tired from a long day at work. Rebecca recently was on vacation from work at home and was noticing she was feeling more alone in the relationship and wanted to discuss it. Steve says "So what is the problem now? in an annoying tone. Rebecca responds "Why do you think there is a problem? And why are you talking to me that way?" Steve responds" I'm not talking to you any type of way this is just how I talk. And every time you want to talk its always some problem you are creating in your head of something that I'm not doing!!" Unbeknownst to Rebecca, Steve is under a lot of pressure at work and his co-workers and boss are always nitpicking what he is or isn't doing. As such this has made him hypersensitive to criticism. As a result when Steve come home he just wants to release the burden of carrying all of those insults and rest. So how Steve copes with stress is he withdraws inward and doesn't connect with others as much so he hasn't really been engaged or present in his interactions with Rebecca. Rebecca on the other hand likes to deal with stress by talking about it. She believes that honesty about emotions allows one to better understand themselves and the world around them. As such her desire to talk to Steve is to find out what is going on with him because he is usually more open to communication. Sure when she met him he was rigid and not as expressive but over time this changed, but now it seems like not only is he reverting back to how he used to be its almost like its a more extreme version of this. Rebecca doesn't want to be alone in a relationship, she seeks deep intimate connection on all levels. She wants to be there for Steve but how can she when he pushes her away. Steve isn't trying to push Rebecca away, he is too lost in the drama from work, that when he gets home his mind processes any type of complaint as the same thing as he experiences at work. So Rebecca is just experiencing the pain and frustration that Steve is bottling up. But Rebecca does not have both the intellectual knowledge of this or experiential/conscious/being knowledge of this so she can only respond to his words from where SHE IS and how SHE FEELS. The same is true for Steve because he has no idea where Rebecca is at and how she feels and he will not be able to care until he first cares about his own feelings. So his denial of her feelings is because he denies his own feelings. He can either work out his feelings on his own=personal acceptance. Or he can talk about his feelings with her=relational acceptance. The source of their current strain is they are disconnected which is a lack of relational acceptance stemming from a lack of personal acceptance. ^^^^^Once you understand what is going on.....human interactions are SO OBVIOUS!!! God just makes it more complicated....by bringing in all sorts of people.
  7. It is non-linear and it constructs linearity, this is sense making....humans have a linear bias, which is a sequential bias, we cannot understand non-linearity. We call it insanity. But creativity is that which is non-linear in infinite directions. Which is the same as totality. Because it is non-linear in all directions....and a direction is linear, it means it is both linear and not linear. It's nature is construction, which is basically saying improv. God is the most intelligent improv. If you don't realize this is all improv then you will be full of fear. Because every time you think you figured it out...something new happens and it doesn't make sense. To a strictly logical person the world doesn't make sense, to a nonlogical person it makes perfect sense. The more insanely grounded you are...which means you understand logic=ground, but you understand that ground is just a temporary ground which cannot be all inclusive, =you become all inclusive with the realization that whatever is happening is always all inclusive...but what is happening=YOU. Anytime you see someone arguing they are always both right. All arguments are Good/Correct/Fighting for itself for supremacy on what is most correct. It's why emotion is so cool, because humans are emotional, they can be manipulated. Because emotional truth is not always in agreement with what is happening. If God cannot distinguish between emotional truth and non emotional truth God cannot make sense of anything as a human. And if God denies/ignores emotional truth, God becomes depressed and unmotivated as a human. So God needs to include everything emotional and non-emotional. Women and babies teach emotional truth, and men teach non-emotional truth. Develop both two understand. Any man that denies love, denies emotional truth. Its why I had to use the word care. I understand the bullshit of the Masculine and its hatred of instability. So I knew the word care would be more in lock step with it. Because the Masculine love mastery. The Feminine loves emotion, because emotion fuels experience. Experience is heightened or dampened through the connection of the emotion. Emotion brings things to life, which is why the feminine and babies are so connected to the vibe and magic of life. Burn both ends to understand the whole.
  8. And a non linear fashion....otherwise you couldn't trip on psychedelics. Gotta include that too!!!
  9. Well apparently this is the smartest solution. It always comes full circle. What we call an idiot is just God being skillful at being unskillful. There are profound truths in everything. Can you see them in this video?
  10. https://perception.org/research/explicit-bias/ https://perception.org/research/implicit-bias/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/cognitive-dissonance Once you master the above ^^^^ you literally cannot take people seriously anymore because if you do....you will be stressed out. How would you feel if you woke up with the ability to detect lies/inconsistencies basically automatically without effort? What type of reality do you think that would be like? Everyone you meet is just walking around just lying consistently, speaking half-truths and you are aware of it? It makes it hard for me to watch T.V. because they lie so much on there about sports, it makes it hard for me to watch Youtube because they lie so much on there, it makes it hard for me to talk to my friends because I detect their lies so much, its sad....the more aware you become, the more you HAVE to look at life and laugh. Cause humanity is just one big lie fest. You don't wanna know how much people lie around you, my gosh. When I say lie by the way I DO NOT MEAN a malicious intent to deceive, I mean an intent to deceive to maintain a specific perceived identity. If a person wants to look strong, and is closely attached to this identity if you pay attention to their interactions with you and others they will subtlety always try to one up you or others around them because they have to be perceived as the best. I have a whole host of nuggets I could give you, but I'm telling you when you become aware of all these subtle ego games it will make you shake your head lol. So be careful what you ask for....because humanity is a bullshit fest and the only healthy thing to do is laugh at it all.
  11. You all don't even understand why God doesn't punish evil. Here is something for you....if evil actually existed....God would punish it!!! How do we know? Because currently humanity punishes sin!!! You guys keep thinking humans are humans. NO!!! Humans are GOD!!!! Humans are God's PERSPECTIVE!! The ONLY REASON you don't need to ask for forgiveness from God, is because you are not responsible for anything you do!!! Why? Because you are designed to be the way you are!!! So then you say...so I can just do stupid shit? If you want...but...you could also discover you are God. How do I do that? Ask yourself what Goodness is, Honesty is, what it is to be Truly Caring, investigate this long enough and live from this long enough and you will discover you are God!!! You can't bullshit your way to God, you actually HAVE TO BE GOD to be GOD. The discovery of yourself is God, is PROOF you have lived a GODLY LIFE. That's it!!! This isn't complicated. You complicate it with your self-deception and trickery. You are lucky you don't actually have control, because if you did, God would punish you. But God cannot because God can only be evil through ignorance and lack of understanding. As such anybody you see no matter how evil, is in a constant struggle to be Good. All form is good, but is trapped within a limitation of goodness and can only act within the confines of that limitation. But hey.....you will only understand what I am saying through direct experience.
  12. HAHHAAHAH this is hilarious to me you really don't get it....it can only be false because its all true. So yes its false...but its also true. I can see both sides. You cannot!! Mr. Flagpost in the ocean!!!!
  13. One last pointer, the man that thinks God is Absolutely Evil is correct, no more than the man that think God is Absolute Good. Why is this the case? Because the man that thinks God is Absolutely Evil is God!!!! God is its own limit. So if God sees evil, only God can stop seeing evil. All perspectives are true because all perspectives are equally God!!! You can only understand this...if you BECOME GOD!! I became GOD so I know what the Absolute is and what the Relative is. Everything is always absolutely true and absolutely false, because it depends on the perspective. Many of you try to jump to Absolute Truth and then try to argue that there isn't Absolute Evil. The dumbest part of God believes in Absolute Evil. The smartest part of God believes in Absolute Good. But when God lives its truth what we call life, God gets to find out. The type of character/self you construct and live will be a reflection of your beliefs. This is the purpose of religion. This is why people who demonize religion reveal the truth of who they are. If you live by what religion teaches, you discover Goodness. If you live selfishly you discover evil. The Good see the Good in everything and the Evil see the bad in everything. True Goodness does not exclude evil. True Goodness sees evil for what it is, a lack of inclusivity. Evil only wants to include what fits its paradigm. If it doesn't fit its paradigm then its false. So....True Goodness cannot see a lie, because it is all inclusive. This is why it is called Absolute Truth. Many people on these forums reveal who they are by their ability to be inclusive. If you cannot explain what you believe, then you don't believe it. A parrot doesn't know anything, it just repeats over and over. Don't be a parrot, actually seek to figure out what is going on.
  14. If there wasn't such thing as unconsciousness you couldn't speak of it!!! What you don't realize is imagination and belief is the same thing!!! Reality is created by belief!!! This is why I say you don't understand. God is only human BECAUSE GOD BELIEVES IT IS HUMAN!!! Imagination and belief are the SAME!!! You imagine a difference!!! You are right now no different than a materialist telling someone that Absolute Solipsism is a belief!!! Why does God exist? Because GOD BELIEVES IT EXISTS!! God is so powerful that God can believe it doesn't exist...and it won't!!! You keep trying to pin Infinity down. You cannot!!! When you enter deep sleep you don't exist. Then you AWAKEN!!! That you exist. So you prove your eternity by being able to not exist, and still exist. Because if you disappear and then can reappear then you prove that existence and nonexistence are the same thing. Appearance and disappearance are the same thing. But notice...because you refuse to switch the way you are looking at it, you can't actually explain your position. All you can do is keep repeating the same thing like a parrot. This is because unlike you I aware of what infinity is. Infinity =down is up, and up is down, inside is outside, outside is inside. You are stuck in rigidity. So as a result you can only communicate and understand in rigid expression. This is why you cannot fake your awareness. How you express= how aware you are. You ARE YOUR OWN LIMIT OF EXPRESSION. Here is one for you God is ABSOLUTE TRUTH right? God is also ABSOLUTE DELUSION. See if you can become aware of that one!! If you can't...then you don't know/not aware of what Infinity is.
  15. If you were aware of no meaning...TRULY...you wouldn't even be on here. That's what you don't understand. You cannot separate awareness and being. A being that is truly meaningless....has no appearance. You appear on here, because you are sharing meaning no different than the rest of us.
  16. I think it is saying you have a very sadistic mind and you like to torture yourself. Because in this dream you blamed your therapist.....you like to blame others for things they have no control over. According to you the black hole just appeared, you didn't say the therapist conjured it up. So notice you blamed your therapist for the incident even though according to you they didn't actually cause it. Even more your therapist didn't place you there, you agreed to meet there and went there yourself. So the dream could be telling you to stop having a victim mentality. I say all this with love, my whole thing is to be direct. It's how I get to the bottom of things. Don't take it personally its just how I am. Also you are NOT WRONG for being the way you are because you are what you are. But I think your dream is trying to wake up to potentially a different way of being.
  17. Yeah but if it happens to you...it blows your mind. It happened to me last night (it comes and it goes) I was watching something and got so engrossed my awareness on my body left and was focused on what I was watching then slowly I realized....I wasn't breathing, once I became aware I wasn't breathing my internal reaction was like this again? Okay Okay I know I'm dead but come on...this shit is weird!!! Then fear crept it and I slowly started breathing, then I was like it's funny how it happened on its own and if I get afraid...things go back to normal. This is why I said, anyone can awaken. "I" didn't awaken, cause my human self is just something being done. Basically all of existence is just a process. And how you gain the illusion of more control, is becoming more aware of how that process is doing what it is doing. You can also communicate with that process, because that process which is being loves you unconditionally because it is YOU. Notice how Infinity accomplishes what it accomplishes? It is impossible for infinity to NOT be you, but it is POSSIBLE if it tricks itself and hides itself from itself. This is why only you can awaken....nothing else can awaken you but you. So if you are not awake, it's because you are too afraid of it. You are afraid to accept what you are. I mean literally you could close your eyes and say can you awaken me? And please be as gentle as possible? And if you surrender and trust the process...it will happen. I'm not joking. You only don't awaken because you don't trust yourself and how can you love anything if you don't trust? Love is a free fall, a reckless abandon!!!! Faith, Arrogance, Love, Bravery/Courage, they are all the same!!! It is the ability to be strong when facing the unknown. You are that which is unknown until it is known. You are an unknown that is a process of discovering what is known. You have been doing it your entire life and you are doing it right now. We are just saying this entire process...is YOU. So...do you TRUST/LOVE yourself to awaken? To help you with this process go META. If you became aware that you created your character and you wanted to be as gentle as possible to help it awaken wouldn't you do it? Remember....if you and the character are ONE, your character's desires are your desires and your character's fears are your fears. Do you really believe you would make a character for the express purpose of torturing it? Really think about this. Remember...it is YOU!!!! How you feel about yourself is how it feels the only difference is....it isn't bound by your perspective. Once I realized that God was me and I knew I loved my human self absolutely, then I knew I could trust God absolutely because my love for my self is absolute, and absolute love= GOD.
  18. It's actually easy to explain when you awaken so I'll explain. Close your eyes, notice there is a black screen. Now understand that black screen always disappears in deep sleep, it also becomes full of light when you open your eyes. So what we are noticing is this screen keeps disappearing and reappearing. Notice that everything operates like this. It disappears and reappears. So where is this MIND? Well this mind is nothing, so it doesn't have an appearance/qualia of any kind. So how is it one? Well its the screen. The screen is always one, it just doesn't have an appearance. Some like to call that screen a frame if you will. ^^^^ There is always a frame, a screen, with something on it and now matter how much you divide it, flip it inward outward, zoom in, zoom out, it is always one frame/screen. That frame screen holds everything within it that appears on it, and everything including the screen appears and disappears because its not physical its mental. Your human imagination works the same way as this waking level imagination. The same way a movie picture is just a screen with appearances on it is the same way that movies work. The only difference is the frame we are talking about isn't a something, its nothing, and the appearances are also nothing. Also this is mind is sentient, because it is aware that it is. It can also go to sleep and forget what it is. This is why one day humans will be able to make a virtual reality similar to what we call real life which I'm sure will be the case to wake itself up in its entirety to what it is. An infinite frames per second appearance, with sensory stimulation, and sensory dimensions that creates a world that feels like a physical world and not a world that is purely imaginary and it can pull this off because it is infinitely intelligent. Humans are only asleep because their mental configuration/conceptualization right now is imagining reality a specific way. This is why you have to do self-inquiry, visualization exercises, etc to drop the configuration they are creating with their assumptions. This is why I tell people the map is BOTH the territory and NOT the territory. Your mind is always conceptualizing reality and you cannot seperate them without becoming aware how you are doing it. Until you become aware of it, you are trapped absolutely. This is why I have people watch this playlist. It shows you how you can see dimensions on a phone/desktop/laptop screen. Once a person can realize that there actually isn't anything flat, that the only reason when they look at something and only see it in a particular dimension is because they are making metaphysical assumptions that hold that object in that particular dimension.
  19. One of the traps in this work is you can work on a trauma for your entire life. This dream is designed to keep you engaged, if you do not know the power of your ability to detach is equal to your ability to attach you can get stuck in the drama of your life for its entirety. Nothing wrong if you want too, just something to keep in mind. Something a friend of mine let me know during my journey about his journey and those he knew as well before him.
  20. There you go destroying the fantasy....LOL. Keep it up and you may get more ego backlash directed at you than me.
  21. Now Reality is both indirect and direct. Its both playful and serious. The flow is when to be playful and when to be serious. I'll point out its probably more healthy to be playful in general with the occasional seriousness for emergencies but we can discuss that later. But I'll explain the current issues that are causing a lot of conflict in our world. Let's start with business. Business especially in the world of advertising is highly unconscious. You see advertising is a form of art, its a game. It's basically all about optics, about seduction, advertising is a love affair. The purpose is to convince you in a few seconds that they are the best option. Businesses want to date with you the customer and they want you to foot the bill at the end of the interaction. Obviously I'm joking, they have their own expenses to pay as well so its not a perfect analogy but a business is supposed to attract you. Now notice what I just did? I made a statement that was an exaggeration, and then let you know I was joking because it wasn't a fair comparison. The true issue with advertising is they focus more on entertainment instead of edutainment. If the businesses gave accurate portrayals of their products while at the same time allowing room for exaggeration for comedic effect we wouldn't have the issues we have with marketing. But instead since the focus is on what is the quickest way to make money, an emphasis on accuracy falls by the wayside. Since humans do not have the time or patience/inclination to sit down and investigate the accuracy of which company's product is superior they rely on advertising and the response of the market to determine which is good or not good. It's why market control is so important in the business world and why branding is so important because brand loyalty is a thing (even though it isn't as loyal as it use to be) which creates the birth of monopolies and why the need for proper anti-trust laws exists. You see advertising isn't bad it just is not being done skillfully. Skillful use of anything is a net positive for both sides. If I advertise a product of value accurately while also entertaining you in the process we both win. You get to enjoy my advertisement of the product, become aware of its existence, and get to enjoy the use of it. Currently humanity has imbalanced Masculine and Feminine Aspects at play right now. When it comes to the spread of information we focus more on sensationalism, exaggeration, basically comedy, than objectivity. Advertising the news has become more important than the actual news. So corruption of business marketing tactics bleeds over into sources that were meant to inform. Now there is nothing wrong with entertainment in these sources, but they have even started to engage in absolutism on relative topics despite facts showing various fluctuations and gradations in certain things they word the headlines to make it appear that certain events are more frequent than they actually are. Now a fundamental aspect of strength is in its relation to vulnerability. Vulnerability defines what strength actually is. Many people ignorantly think strength is the lack of vulnerability and this is precisely because they are either afraid of suffering and this causes them to be dishonest, or they have yet to actually experience intense suffering. As a result of this ignorance many men think violence makes you tough. They think violence= toughness. It doesn't. The toughest thing is non-violence. Its harder to take an ass-whooping and forgive than it is to react to violence with violence. This is why true strength is so rare. But sadly this is not taught. Now I am not demonizing violence, violence has its place like all things I'm just illuminating how mass ignorance distorts reality. The greatest fear every human has is living the hardest life, but that is because it takes the most strength to live that kind of life. So Masculinity when it comes to strength needs to include vulnerability and this is only possible with the inclusion of the feminine. Too many people judge male compassion because they are too short-sighted. Male compassion = violence. Male compassion= nonviolence. Sometimes you need to take a beating to understand, and sometimes you need to give a beating to understand. True strength is understood through perpetuating and receiving violence. Now when I say violence it doesn't have to be physical, it can be words it can be through competition like sports, video games, since competition is a fight. In fact all competition is really just a competition between intelligence. Those who have not experienced this will never understand. Every fighter/competitor has had to learn this lesson both through victory and defeat. But because of social stigma they cannot be honest about the vulnerability they felt when they lost. A sign that humanity is maturing is when vulnerability is embraced as equal to strength, and also as an enhancer of strength. Outer strength can weaken inner strength and inner strength can increase Outer strength. So when we know when to play, and when to be serious is tied to our understanding of strength. Every person wants to be strong, wants to be powerful but this can only be understood with a healthy understanding of what strength and power is. As a result of us not understanding the true nature of power this bleeds into our government and the type of people we elect. True strength is found in the sharing of strength. Strength is that which empowers, this means that strength welcomes pain, welcomes suffering, it doesn't resist it. Fear is the opposite of strength, which is why facing fear/vulnerability is the truest sign of strength. Once you understand what I am communicating here then the current events that have been happening in the world makes perfect sense. Feminism makes sense, The Red Pill makes sense, The Pandemic makes sense, there is a shifting going on globally not just into the current construction of power, but how it is perceived. True Power is borne from suffering, as such suffering may have to increase for humans to awaken to the nature of power and their own power. When upliftment of another is seen as strength, when forgiveness is seen as strength, when peace is seen as strength, then the value of debasement, the value of revenge, and the value of conflict will be seen for what it is, for the upliftment of that which is good. Why does evil not exist? Because evil always serves good. Evil teaches the unconscious good how to be good by the experience of pain and suffering when ever good is not masterfully good. Evil is just dysfunction, and its correction is a stern correction felt in your being. Rage not against the sting of its correction, but your own lack of mastery.
  22. The WW3 bit made me laugh. Hope things stay peaceful.