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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. If you have ever competed at a high level in anything then you will understand. If you care about being humble and polite, that gets you killed on the battlefield of competition. Aggression and assertiveness are important in elite competition. And arrogance is rewarded when it is backed by a humble application to attention to details.
  2. It freaks me out too, so I get it, but we are more than just our feelings, we are the awareness from which they spring forth. So its fine. See yourself as an imaginary book that writes infinite storylines...its not the best metaphor but I'm going more vague so people stop getting so triggered LOL. I've done enough direct pointing for a lifetime.
  3. If you want to use psychedelics to help you invest better you have to first lay the ground work of foundation. Study everything you think is connected to what you want to invest in. Once you feel sufficiently full of information, put an intention to see things in a wider scope of interconnectivity. What will happen is you will be able to access hyperthinking. From this state of consciousness record your insights down, but DO NOT ACT ON THEM. After you come back down and see if you wrote anything meaningful or was it gibberish. If it was gibberish keep doing this and over time you should be able to stabilize your thinking in those expanded states. Psychedelics and high conscious states aren't going to just hand you the answers, what they will do is expand your ability to make connections between all of the information you have consumed and to look at them from divergent angles you normally would never consider. THIS is how you access translogical thinking. So your desire and idea isn't crazy, but don't think you are going to get this over night. Prepare for many long days of trial and error, of devastation, but if you stick with it you will surprise yourself. You were born a genius, high states just allow you to access it.
  4. Yeah, the point is to not consciously look for it. I had never even heard the name angel numbers until this started happening. I was just living my life unbeknownst to me those chain of events would lead me to awakening. So all in all it ended up being accurate in that regard.
  5. As humanity has developed over time, humanity has become aware that their emotions make them act foolishly. Why? Because humans are selfish, their ability to make impartial decisions is limited and thus to protect themselves from their own corrupt nature they created Conflict of Interests. Conflict of Interests says I have a personal stake in this (I stand to gain either through protecting/maintaining things I identify with or increasing/empowering something I identify with) and thus I am more likely to make the decision that will benefit me even if it harms another. So what's the problem? Humans do not use conflict of interest in their own personal life properly. I have said in the past that Feeling is Truth. But what does that mean. Feelings reveal how you define yourself in relation to something. If it is feelings of fear, then you view that thing as greater more powerful than yourself. This can be expressed as either admiration, or repulsion as both are expressions of fear/lack/unworthiness/not good enough. If it comes from Love then it means you view that as yourself/mine/equal too/good enough for . Now the only feeling that is accurate obviously is the latter but because of the strength of the human identity you will cycle through the expressions of fear and there is nothing wrong with that. So what should you do? Whenever feelings of fear arise either in pedestalizing something or demonizing something just remind yourself that you have a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. This will allow you to wake up to the fact that your feelings about something are not the reality of the thing itself. Through this process, you can then SEE CLEARLY!! This is how you achieve CLARITY!!! If you do ANYTHING outside of what is being described you will fall into delusion, you will be biased, hateful, close-minded, etc. etc. etc. Use Conflict of Interest on yourself to CATCH YOUR BULLSHIT!!! It's SIMPLE REALLY! Your feelings are just your own self-definition!!! In relation to what you are currently focusing on/experiencing.
  6. This I agree with, but I honestly believe that when you say Leo cheated I don't think he did. Psychedelics just reveal the veil that is there, but I recognized from direct experience that the ability to penetrate that veil doesn't come from the psychedelic but the type of mind that has been constructed throughout one's life. I've said it before. If you design your life based on the truth, then that is what you will find, if you design your life on lies, manipulation, and control then that is what you will find. I mean when I realized you could awaken to God on freaking alcohol it was THEN that I realized that if someone is not awakened they don't want it.
  7. I've invested tons of times. In fact I know the key to investing which many of you do not. I knew about Bitcoin and its explosion before it exploded. Investing just bores me so I don't focus on it. Investing is both easy and hard, simple and complex but like all things you do it long enough and it gets easy. I could write a whole book on investing if I wanted too. Rule number 1: Study the greats. Understand why they invest why they do. Investing is about understanding the fundamentals of how money works. Rule number 2: Understand the Zeitgeist. You need to understand generational spending habits, and what is trending and be able to predict based on a wealth of understanding what the next big thing is. You need to be a visionary from that perspective. Rule number 3: And this is HUGE!!! You need to study the financials of a company. A company is required to list their financials publicly but most do not look at it. Just because a company is priced low and has potential does not mean that company will succeed. Majority of people do not spend time looking at the spreadsheets to see how financially fiscal they are, many good companies with good products are BADLY MANAGED financially and that is why they fall. Rule number 4: Don't spread your money out you get smaller gains, you need to go all in on a few to really hit it big. Rule number 5: Don't forget that some companies pay dividends, dividends add up over time. Rule number 6: Be patient, investing is about patience. The longer you invest the greater the potential return. Rule number 7: Pay attention to governments and what laws they pass and what bills are in the works. Different legal changes can impact your investments and you need to know when to stay and went to pull out. Rule number 8: Become your own expert, you need to be able to see bullshit because like any endeavor there is going to be false information everywhere and you will be a sucker if you don't see it. ^^^^So yeah I know what the hell I am talking about. I don't speak unless I know something.
  8. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/287386019960230360/#:~:text=When asked which one wins I answer%2C the one I feed the most.&text=Native American Quotes Wisdom%2C American Indian Quotes%2C Native Quotes%2C Native
  9. A man walks into his village....its currently on fire. He runs up to the nearest person and asks "What happened here?" The person is crying and screams out "It was a dragon!!! We are all doomed!!" The man looks at him and smirks "Don't worry I'll handle it." The person replies "You and what army?" The man replies "I AM THE ARMY!" The person shakes his head and thinks "This arrogant asshole is going to get himself killed. He has no idea how powerful this dragon is, he is not aware of his own limits." Another man walks into his village....its currently on fire. He runs up to the nearest person and asks "What happened here?" The person is crying and screams out "It was a dragon!!! We are all doomed!!" The man looks at him and bows and says "Don't worry I will pray to God and he will give me the power to handle this." The person replies "You and what army?" The man replies "God is the army!" The person shakes his head and thinks "This arrogant asshole is going to get himself killed. He has no idea how powerful this dragon is, he is not aware of his own limits." Both men meet each other enroute to the Dragon. When they meet the first beats his chest and says I am the God of my destiny, the other man bows and says God is in control of all destiny. Together they face the Dragon and defeat it and return to their village each with a symbol of their victory. The man that beat his chest returns with the head because of course he must be on top, and the other man returns with the tail because of course he must be lower than the all. The first man is seen as arrogant in expression, cocky, but because his words matched his mettle he is perceived as confidence bordering on arrogance. The second man is seen as but a brave humble servant who risked his life for the all. He is praised as a virtuous man who all should aim to be like. ^^^This is the silly game of difference that humans love to play, and if you get trapped in seeing a difference you will get lost and confused and completely miss the point of the play. As long as you think the first man was not humble, and the second man was not arrogant, then you are lost in paradigm and separation. For every human cycles through the various emotions of the human expression, but we all like to attach to certain ones as our favorite form of expression. Whichever you believe is the ideal expressions is the ones you will aim to express. Both men performed the same task, both men risked their life in the service of others, both men fought something greater than their individual self, but based on the prejudices of others in how they expressed this same act one can be perceived as lower and one greater. All of life is here to teach you that none of this is true, but you can also convince yourself that it is or isn't true. You can see the same or difference, because it doesn't matter, but because this is the case it also actually matters. Life is just a fluid perspective but to you it is solid and rigid and every now and then that rigidity gets challenged and whenever it gets challenged in rapid succession you think you are going crazy. Is it that life is crazy? Or is it that you are crazy? Or do you need to update your definition of what crazy is? A man that does not know his limits is arrogant and a fool. A man that thinks he knows his limits is arrogant and a fool. A man that knows he does not know his present limit, and only knows his past limit, is wise. A man that knows his weakness and his fragility is shared with all is humble. A man that knows all of this is confidence, because confidence is where arrogance and humbleness meet. But a man who ties himself to confidence cannot act without surety, he must investigate and plan until he feels comfortable. Confidence rests in the knowledge of past performance, which is knowledge of limit. Confidence is a protected faith in oneself, it is false faith because how can it be faith if it is known? Anyone can be confident, because it is based on what is known....but arrogance? Arrogance is belief without evidence. What is faith? Faith is belief without evidence. What is true strength? To face the unknown which is vulnerability/insecurity/instability with no plan. So thus we see the man of faith is arrogant, no matter how much he bows, and says pleasant things. And the man of arrogance is humble, no matter how much he beats his chest and says unpleasant things. This is why if a man curses you, but provides and protects you he loves you despite his chatter. This is why if a man compliments you and steals and attacks you he loves himself more. Only a mature understanding can really see how majority of society will die without seeing through this thin veneer. ^^^^They call one man humble and one man arrogant HAHHAHAH they are the same!!! Every story writer will realize this but they dare not reveal this connection, because the enjoyment of the movie is in this discovery. Each character can shine if they seem distinct, but if they are one they lose that individuality. This is why the spiritual path is the way it is....I won't explain the subtle message here...maybe you can discover it.
  10. This is so funny to me...I found this video...and listen to the lyrics.
  11. My 3 year old niece awakened me to that when I kept putting her to bed and she kept coming downstairs. She refused to go to sleep if I wasn't around. So I had to submit and let her fall asleep in my arms. Toddlers are little tyrants running around. And they always win...because they are so small. Their vulnerability is their strength. So funny how paradoxical life is. Adults get the opposite treatment. We are like...okay you are an adult "kid gloves off!!!"
  12. Negative thoughts tend to be very stupid in general. The only form of negative thought you should engage in is constructive. It's one of the reasons when I was small I avoided engaging in comedy. Why? Cause that same comedic mind can turn around on you if you are not careful. How you talk to others is an expression of how you talk to yourself. If you are really bad at being fair and reasonable with others it means you are bad at doing that with yourself. You need to be fair and reasonable with yourself and you also need to be okay with failure and being powerless. Humans have two big weaknesses they overestimate their strength and they underestimate their weakness. You cannot have success in life without others. Because the world runs on nepotism= The world promotes people they like (like-minded people) and relatives. This means that likability is promoted over responsibility, over competence. You need to be okay with the fact that you will discriminated against unfairly in both directions. People will give you favors cause they like you, and they will refuse you favors because they don't like you. The biggest delusion the world sells is that you earn opportunities, you don't you are given opportunities. Doesn't matter how good your product is, if your brand looks bad most won't risk ever trying it. This is why personal appearance is so important, the people you are surrounded with are so important, networking, mentorship with the right influencers is so important. Your power or lack of power is a reflection of who you know and don't know....a better way to put it is who knows you. Because if someone powerful knows you but doesn't claim to know you publicly, then it means they are ashamed of their association with you. Power brokers, world's most influential people all hang out and are usually on each other board of directors...and the only way to pull all of this off is positive self-talk. ^^^^^^Don't let your negative mind tell you that you have no value. There are enough fools spreading that stupidity you don't need to help them.
  13. You project everything...even this right here right now. Crazy huh? No mirror, no reflection, which means no projection. Other is projection, which is why there is no other, and paradoxically there is. But you can only keep up the charade through disagreement. Too much agreement and the charade will drop. Self creation= creation of other Deconstruction= disassembly of self/other. https://www.actualized.org/insights/dpt-the-other-god-molecule
  14. Humble cannot exist without arrogance. Remove all arrogance....and you remove a perspective. Perspective= Disagreement. You literally couldn't disagree with me if you weren't arrogant. You would just be like, "Who am I to disagree? What do I know? I know nothing!!!! I should just be silent. Never think again, never speak again, never do again!!! ^^^Good luck with that one. The moment you take any perspective= The birth of arrogance, and its why every self is arrogant by nature and resists control if it thinks it will be lead to its demise. And this is by design, its called pain, suffering, and death.
  15. What if I told you...the belief that tablet and phone addictions exist= the addiction and there isn't actually an addiction? There are some outliers obviously but in general its more accurate to call it a compulsion. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/addiction
  16. Yeah but they= Disagreement. Then you said they came together as one. Where in what I communicated....disagreed with this or tried to avoid or mislead or stray from this point?
  17. Look at what I bolded....you already did it and are doing it right now. The purpose of your trips is to show you that the duality of tripping and not tripping doesn't exist. You are tripping equally to your mushroom trip now. Wanna trip for free? Dissolve the boundary between sober and not sober. You are God hiding from yourself and talking about wanting to be conscious....when all there is...is consciousness. Next time you trip, right before you do....set an intention that you are READY to see that you and God are one. If this intention is authentic....it will happen. If it is not...it won't. Also...you have no choice in how your body/ego is going to respond as well. All you can do is surrender and accept which is secretly what you been doing your entire life.
  18. https://youtu.be/MEatCKgB6Qc?si=jZ_qJWClsHCxDOMy ^^^^Some things to add. The character/human never chose their species, their time period, their parents, what part of the world they are in, what talents they have, what weaknesses they have, what fears they have, I could go on and on....if a human being was born a slave, how much freedom did they have in that? Does an aborted fetus have free will? Does a flower have free will? The human identity is not going to like all this evidence pointing....it's just an appearance.
  19. Interesting prediction, some circles definitely push that perspective. I foresee the opposite, a fusion of both worlds. Look into an increase of spiritual awakenings happening in America. What if I told you that technology and spirituality are not mutually exclusive? What if I told you the screen of a tablet, cell phone, laptop, desktop, and t.v., is a more direct pointer to God than any of these mystical traditions? People who believe that we need some anti-technology/anti-AI movement don't understand that technology and AI actually push humanity to awakening to God faster. Even the financial problems help because it causes more suffering which pushes humans to look inward for answers, it also causes some to attempt suicide and have NDE's. ^^^And yes what I just wrote sounds evil but hey it is what it is.
  20. ^^^^Thank you for being a true seeker, one of the few on here. Thank you for your bravery and commitment to truth.