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Everything posted by Razard86

  1. Your thread is very vague, what exactly are you trying to communicate?
  2. High Consciousness is a recognition that everything is you. As such you would be unable to be a serial killer and be high conscious because if you killed someone you feel all of the pain of that person. This is how High Consciousness stops you from harming other, as you recognize other as self.
  3. Life is so perfect that whatever you say about it, you are just saying it about yourself. So if you say life is bad, you are saying you are bad. If you say Life is Perfect you are saying you are Perfect. Now Life is the greatest bullshit detector. Life will test you by putting you through hell to see if you can still love it. Life is like a Narcissistic Lover. Life Gaslights You, It Controls You, All For its own will and ends. If you can't love a narcissist then you cannot love life. It's so ingenius!!! God is a narcissist that loves its reflection, and all those who hate their reflection hate Narcissists. They have to reject their own Narcissism to hate Life. I love narcissists!!! LOL. Every Narcissist I have met I defeat them through passivity. You defeat them automatically through non-action. God is hilarious. You are like God!!! How do we resolve every conflict? God is like what conflict? Well people are yelling and screaming etc. God is like don't worry about that just observe them. It'll resolve itself on its own. You are like wait wait wait....are you telling me things resolve themselves? God is like what do you think? You think I'd actually make life hard? Things resolve themselves. Every selfish person I ever met, if I never tried to change them, if I accepted them with all their paranoia and projections....they became angels. It's the funniest thing. But a person can never do this, because a person takes things PERSONAL. You have to exit the persona, to actually be able to do this. So Life is perfect because it resolves itself. You don't actually have to interfere if you don't want to. You can just watch every conflict and resolution unfold...again and again and again, over and over and over again.
  4. How is it control? To control something is to have full control. If you tried to move your arms and legs and they didn't move exactly the way you want them to, then you would NOT FEEL like you are in control. All problems exist because there is a lack of control. If full control existed for you then you could never have problems. If your car started sometimes, and turned in the direction you steer it sometimes, would you call that control? Your ego is not comfortable with this message. But your human self does not have control. It runs on autopilot, you are just an awareness that can pay attention to it and influence it by learning about it. But make no mistake, your body is the boss. Your body determines when it is tired, it determines when it has allergies, it determines when it is sick, etc. You as God gave up full control to the body you constructed, and only allow yourself the ability to influence it, to control it indirectly. The sooner you realize this the better your life will be. That's why Leo used the bird in a hurricane analogy. Crashing into trees because of a greater force acting on you is not control LOL.
  5. The dichotomy of control and controller is not so simple. For example you say you can control the focus, do you know how difficult it is to control focus. It takes conscious effort. How about I have you required to sit in a 3 hour lecture of something you find boring, let's see how well you can stay focused? And how you feel? Your emotions are reactionary. Can you stop yourself from getting angry if you turned on the T.V. and the whole world was spreading lies about you? Could you not get angry if you woke up and someone stole all of your possessions and money? Control and Controller is a very tricky thing.
  6. Hey Butters that second quotation I didn't say. FourCrossedWinds said it.
  7. I wouldn't say burned out, I'd say....lack of inspiration. I am only motivated to share something if I have something to share.
  8. A secret way to motivate yourself is to make your own personal motivational videos and then watch them. Make them very personal and have them call you out on what you are doing and what you desire to do while uplifting yourself. You'll be surprised at how effective it is. Nobody can motivate you like yourself. NOBODY.
  9. Experience can't be prior to understanding because an Intelligence had to have understanding to create that experience, in fact it needs understanding to put itself to sleep into the experience. So understanding is fundamental and there is no prior to understanding. Please stop parroting what you have heard and question it. The key to the Spiritual Path is to question everything that is said and not to hold any authority figure as absolutely right. This is how you avoid falling into the trap of believing false ideology. Only for a human is experience prior to understanding.
  10. There is no lag you are constructing a lag and then telling yourself that. Thought and feeling are the same. You don't need to jump from thought to a feeling, they happen simultaneously. Everything happens all at once. If your awareness is jumping that is because you are creating a mental construct in your mind dividing thought from feeling.
  11. I personally proved Death is imaginary to me. All you have is speculation. Speculation is not truth. You have to have the courage to test the bluff of death. Also there is tons of evidence it is imaginary why do you think I upload NDE's? So yes Death is imaginary, but it is the greatest form of imaginary deception along with physical and emotional pain. Without these 3 things, you would know absolutely you are in a dream. I repeat speculation is a waste of time, you will never discover God/Truth/Love with just speculation. If you actually died you would know its just imagination and it would shock the hell out of you because it will contradict everything you ever thought was true.
  12. It depends on what you define as intellect. I don't use that word because in my vocabulary everything is intellect, I consider emotions intellect, and I consider intuition as intellect because for me intellect is shorthand for intelligence. I would use the word logic when you want to talk about the intellectual use of division through symbols.
  13. It's only deception when you are asleep. When you awaken the deception is seen for what it is, and now it becomes an exploration and investigation into how you have tricked yourself. You know I can see the pixels of reality, this imagination is something else LOL.
  14. For me I would say right and wrong is based on love and fear. Right is what is in alignment with love and truth, and wrong is in alignment with fear. And of course we have a bias, bias is created through pain. If we couldn't experience pain we could drop bias entirely. We have to create bias to experience an other which is all done so we can experience relationships. This is why life is about love. Everything is created in service to love, and to learn what Goodness is. Bias is the creation of other, and through that process you can learn to love.
  15. I say there is nothing wrong with story. For example...this entire forum is nothing but story. All relationships are nothing but story. So what's wrong with it? I'm not saying you have a problem with it, I just get annoyed by majority of Spiritual Seekers demonizing it because they are stuck in negative thought patterns that torment them. Just focus on accepting the truth of the present moment and negative thought patterns cease.
  16. That logic is faulty. If I punched you and knocked you out, and you awoke later on, you did experience unconsciousness. You were just conscious, while experiencing it. What humans consider consciousness is shapes, colors, sound, touch, smell. And awareness would be the ability to detect this. You would be aware that you are unconscious and were but since time does not exist in unconsciousness you wouldn't be able to know for how long. Your memory always takes footage of the present moment and stores it. All memory is the present moment, which is stored then retrieved and played in the present moment. So its not just some thought or belief or assumption this is not true. What is true is unconsciousness is just the absence of qualia in the human realm of how they define the word. But you are still aware that it happened. If you want you could call it a change of scenery but that change has no time.
  17. Try watching this while laying still.
  18. I don't suffer. Negative thought patterns (and the belief in something being negative creates suffering). Now when I discuss suffering I am talking about mental suffering, obviously physical pain is something else. But I don't suffer because my mind is positive. I see the good in everything and have healthy relationships that support this mindset. So transcendence of suffering from the mental emotional aspect is possible.
  19. List of things your human character did not control. What time period you were born in, what planet/solar system you were born on, the fact you were born human, how tall you eventually became (sure nutrition and rest played a role but that was determined by who raised you), what language you were taught, the quality of the level of your teachers, how much pollution you took into your body, the quality of the people you interacted with, what jobs are available in your environment, how much patience your mind has to tolerate things that annoy you, your ability to stay alert is also not determined by you but by your body. So look above....how much control do you actually think you have? https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/06/theres-no-such-thing-as-free-will/480750/ Humans don't have free will, their will is limited. Just like a video game character or a character in a movie doesn't have free will, their will is limited. God is free will, but the human construct is not free will. The human construct is given a portion of God's will and whatever lot it is given the smartest thing is to play that hand and accept it for what it is. This isn't the nicest message that most want to hear in Spirituality. But it is what it is.
  20. I was going to say you do gain control but you gain it by giving it away. I'll quote you in your Solipsism Video "There is no difference between everything because its all being done for you." So you gain control with acceptance, and that is the end of suffering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KodrbVtWEZM
  21. You are correct and that is because we are both God and the Devil and have the freedom to choose to be one or the other. The truth is we will be both, because the moment we disagree or contend with another to that person we are the Devil. When a parent punishes their kid for breaking the rules, the parent sees the kid as a devil and the kid if they don't understand why what they did was wrong will see their parent as a devil. Devilry is birthed from ignorance. Unless we understand we shall see evil in anything that goes against what we believe is right and that is what we will create. Let us not become masters of seeing evil in the world lest we construct Hell on Earth.
  22. I was chilling in my room and out of no where I got hit with an awakening. Through this process many things were revealed to me and I will do my best to explain what I was shown. A couple things though. Spirituality is inherently dangerous. Throughout this process extra normal reality shifting/unstabilizing events can happen and can dislodge your life's stability. This recent awakening happened out of nowhere and I have no clue why. A lot of questions I got answered but a lot of new questions also sprang forth as well. So what is reality/God/ up to? Here is the answer. First I will define what awareness and consciousness is since I noticed the two words get interchanged and used a lot. Awareness= The feminine aspect of all that is/existence. It is feeling is truth. It is pure self-recognition. Existence feels itself, and recognizes that IT IS!!! Consciousness= The masculine aspect of all that is/existence, it is the intelligent expression that is recognized by awareness. Awareness =Nonsensical power, unlimited in scope and breadth, it can be felt but it cannot be described until that awareness is filtered through consciousness. Consciousness expresses through symbolic means the order that is being recognized through awareness and describes what is happening. Awareness is ever changing, and is constantly paradigm shattering, whereas consciousness is continually constructing new paradigms to describe and express the awareness of self recognition. Now the purpose of life is Self-Mastery. Through Self-Mastery Perfect Beauty is realized. Through this realization an ever increasing love for one self is also realized. For one to achieve mastery at anything they must discover a romantic love for the task. Through this romance, daily dedication will become a natural occurrence, and a flowering of a deep depth of understanding will occur which will create a deeper understanding of not just the task but how it interconnects with life on a grander scale. This is the birth of wisdom as well, and a unique individualized expression will be borne also which will create an artistic style unique to the individual. So we have task, romance of task, dedication, mastery, wisdom, individual style, perfect beauty, greater love of oneself. ^^^This is why you are here. ^^^^ Nothing else here but to realize the genius you were borne with through self-mastery. You are constantly constructing a self, a persona, which you are constantly sharing this construction and reflecting back to yourself feedback to further refine and fine tune the different errors or charges of criticism you have received. If you want more talk about mastery you can read this older post I made. Aim to be a grandmaster. A grandmaster is either a master who has trained a student towards personal mastery, or has developed a new style that did not exist previously. We all naturally achieve mastery in something. Mastery happens on autopilot, but to choose where you focus this autopilot onto, that is taking conscious authority of the power you have been gifted and using it to become a conscious master of a particular endeavor. A love of life is romantically entwined with self-mastery. So develop your love for yourself through the forging of a heart to heart moment engrossed with a love affair towards your highest passion. There is nothing more enjoyable, such is the Perfect Beauty of Life!!!
  23. Insects do self-mastery, they just don't do it at the level of consciousness we do it because we have the ability to choose. For example in a Spiral Stage Red which is a lower Conscious level the ability to choose what you want to master is limited. An ant colony is like an extreme version of Spiral Stage Red. Its pure survival and once you are born a worker ant, then that is all you are. There is no promotion to King Ant, all must serve the Queen Ant. So as we increase in Consciousness we create a society that allows more freedom of expression. I hope this example makes sense. But yes the worker ant masters his tasks that he is given, or he dies. So he still practices Self-Mastery just not in the dynamic free way we humans get too.
  24. My Gosh everybody is all over the place. First you say there is enlightenment, but beware of those who say they are. Then you say Enlightenment doesn't exist. Then you say there is no "I." Yall are running around like chicken with your heads cut off. First there is an "I." Otherwise you wouldn't be speaking to anybody and replying to them. What there is no I refers to the individual I. But existence is "I AM." Existence is the SELF. It contains all the properties of a SELF. Next there is enlightenment. Enlightenment can only be verified personally. You cannot wait for someone to tell you that you are enlightened and you cannot wait for someone to tell you what it is to you personally. There are no enlightenment universities where you get an enlightenment degree nor should there be because knowledge is not enlightenment. Enlightenment is the ability to be conscious of the SELF, and being able to escape the limited mental confines of the individual personality and connect to the Unity of all there is. This is the only way true growth is even possible because the personality structure is stuck within accepted paradigm structures its environment co-created with it. So yes there is enlightenment, but what enlightenment is, is a personal construction. Differing enlightenment gurus would describe enlightenment differently because how it is expressed will particular to each individual personality. There is too much parroting and addiction to catch phrases going on here that people will get confused. Authority is about proper SELF-ORGANIZING, if you just arbitrarily put concepts together then you will be confused. Focus on clarity of information.